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I was going to work (on my late shift) and was on the 507 bus and saw lots of people on Lambeth bridge and was like WTF is going on. I got off the bus and walked back to the bridge and just saw some water spray in the air! i was like what the hell is that ?? and some guy said "it's a whale man"


so i then txt everyone i knew and watched the poor thing for about 10 minutes before heading into work and then once in work watched it all afternoon on sky news.


It was all very exciting especially seeing it for real swim under lambeth bridge. Doesnt happen everyday.


I was only 8 or 9 when the Dolphins swam up the Thames and i cant really remember that to be honest.


Im watching the whale rescue mission right now, i hope they get him out ok.


Or simply go to channel 501 - Sky News who are showing the rescue operation live. They have some floating things underneath it and are gonna use a floating crane to lift the whale and take it back down the Thames.


Pfft... *runs downstairs to watch his Cable >_>*


They have found out that the Whale is young but not young enough to be dependant of it's mum. They still dont know what sex it is.


They are gonna lift it with a crane onto a barge which will take it back down to the Thames but depending on its health they may have to take it by lorry or even by air.




They have it on the barge now and it's moving pretty quickly down the thames but will take a few hours to get to the sea.


Also they have found another baby whale/dolphin washed up dead in putney. :(


Ok, TV is way coincidental now...

(Spoiler ahead, cant be bothered to spoiler code it)

Watching south park last night, featured the episode with the orca that gets kidnapped by kyle stan, cartman and kenny because the announcers use the megaphones to make the kids think the whale can talk and say he lives on the moon.

Later on, they take the whale to mexico space center, and launch it into space. The whale dies on the moon (Coincidence = Whale died)


Not only that, its happend before but on a different channel. The New orleans hurricane, the day that happend featured an episode of the simpsons on channel 4 and one sentance on it was the chant: "We hate those stupid new orlineans!".


Ah well, back ontopic:

I think they should of left it at the thames, it may of survived that way and could of found its own way out, even though it was a slight chance of happening.

We shouldnt of tried to control nature, its not our business. Even though I would of liked to help, we should of let nature take its toll, instead of putting the whale through alot of stress.


The Whale was already in a lot of stress. He wouldnt have been able to swim out on his own. They like to swim against the current and therefore he just kept going in circles getting more confused and stressed as the hours went on. He would have ended up dead in the Thames, beached on the side if we didnt do anything. At least what the guys did gave it a little bit of hope in surviving.

  Platty said:
The Whale was already in a lot of stress. He wouldnt have been able to swim out on his own. They like to swim against the current and therefore he just kept going in circles getting more confused and stressed as the hours went on. He would have ended up dead in the Thames, beached on the side if we didnt do anything. At least what the guys did gave it a little bit of hope in surviving.

Yeah, i guess i can agree with that. Its a shame it didnt make it though, apparently there was a whale near south end that was crying or what ever it does? I dunno, the news speaks alot of crap now days..


Yes there was another Whale at southend. Possibly its mum? but the sightings were few. There could easily have been a whole pod of them around there.

  Platty said:
Yes there was another Whale at southend. Possibly its mum? but the sightings were few. There could easily have been a whole pod of them around there.

A pod was confirmed to be sighted earlier this week, cant remember how close though. So the guess curently is that it was seperated from its pod, which is blatantly obvious, all they need to do is find out why the hell they are down there instead of being at the atlantic.


It's a real shame it didn't make it when it was so close, but this event offers some pretty facinating insights into how our technology affects whales sonar. The theory is that ships sonar mucks up whales sonar, and that something like that happend to this whale, causing it to lose it's way. This could be what happend here. Also, the shallow river banks can mess up a whales sonar too.

  gaggle64 said:
It's a real shame it didn't make it when it was so close, but this event offers some pretty facinating insights into how our technology affects whales sonar. The theory is that ships sonar mucks up whales sonar, and that something like that happend to this whale, causing it to lose it's way. This could be what happend here. Also, the shallow river banks can mess up a whales sonar too.

Yeah, but no one expected to have whales in the thames so we cant realy blame the ships.

Just found out the pod i was talking about earlier was in the thames estuary, which was were they we're going to release the whale.

:sad: total shame it didnt make it, although we were wrong to move it, it was the best hope for the whale, so i guess its kinda neutral.


What I mean is they think it's sonar got mucked up, and that's how it got lost and accidentally swam into the Thames in the first place. According to the Times this morning, the US Department of Defence Resousces reckon that 37 whales that beached on the shores of Carolina in in 2005, did so due to ships sonar.

  dabookerman said:
i bet the people who saw the whale were very egg-cited

Ha reminds me of southpark!

"So the whales been kidnapped and no one knows were it is! I dont know about you Tom, but down at the sea park, something very fishy is going on"


"Right you are Greg, here at the news center, things are un-BEARable!"


*Every one looks in confusion*


"You wouldnt get it!"


Heh, i love people that take puns too far!


Wow gaggle, i didnt realise that was the cause of the whales washing up on that beach. I thought the sonar on ships were different to the sonar whales used. Maybe research into a new form of ship safety instead of sonar, since its unfair to ruin animals lives for our own greed, sure i can understand hunting for food, but what gives us the right to tamper with their form of communication?

  Jordan said:
You fail too, the Whale is a bottle nosed one not an Orca!


Sir you fail. If you read whta I typed, I said the whale in the thames wasn't an orca. In the picture which was 'Jaws'.. the whale was an orca. Therefore I do not fail, and you join the fail list.


Good day



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