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About those twilight missions: You only get a choice of two per day? And if you haven't finished the corresponding normal missions you can't access them anyways? Am I understand this correctly? If so then that's the biggest design flaw I've encountered so far...


I couldn't access any twilight mission in the past days...

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About those twilight missions: You only get a choice of two per day? And if you haven't finished the corresponding normal missions you can't access them anyways? Am I understand this correctly? If so then that's the biggest design flaw I've encountered so far...


I couldn't access any twilight mission in the past days...




I was able to access one but decided against it as my body was NOT ready

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This fucking boss. I co-oped him because that Thunder strike attack is ass. Easy to dodge but fucking painful.








I've just done the fifth boss, Umi-bozu. Still enjoying it loads. Starting to dip into more Ninjitsus and going to start messing with magic soon.




If anyone needs help and wants to co-op, let me know. Managed to do the Twilight level on Saturday with some beast co-op random. ( @Deathjam I'm remembering fun Destiny times)





Really now...co op wasn't even something I was considering but for twighlight it might be more fun to do it that way...


As for nue. I was still dying to him after learning his moves because of that lightning attack 1/8th of health to go and boom, lightning strikes when he recovers from ki drain grrr. Typical the run where I have the worst start is where I take him down. Was so in the zone I didn't even realise he was dead!


And I forgot to mention a few other useful bits of advice.


Gestures are very important - Nue (wall yokai) hides routes and treasures. Pay attention to the death piles around him as they give clues by colour of which gesture he responds to. His eyes glow he colour of gesture that he wants.


Mimics are similar in that they use a certain gesture and if you MIMIC their behaviour, they disappear and drop loot.


Kappa yokai are like crystal lizards and wandering masses. They will lead you into trouble so try to clear are before you engage. Also let them drain their stamina running. You are faster than them so you can catch them up and pounce when they are vulnerable.

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Tachibana...my god. This guy makes me feel like I have no skills.


Yeah that guy was a bastard for me as well. I ended up moving on to the next area to level up and grab better gear before returning to him, even then he still caused me a few issues.


I'm still currently in the third area as I've slowed my progress a little to offer myself up for summoning, although I should really think about moving on again. In that area, I've only done a couple of main missions (including a boss that caused quite a few problems) and a few side missions, one of which was a bastard until I lucked out. I can't say more than that for fear of spoilers. I've also opened up 'Clans' which is just something else to add to the online experience although I spent far too long just deciding which one to join, especially as benefits/gains are largely insignificant anyway.


As for co-op experiences, I'm mostly trying to help others with Umi-bozu as that boss seems to be a sticking point for a lot of others. That said, I've also got to the stage where it feels like a waste of time and just today alone I must have joined 15+ hosts and NOT ONE of them lasted long enough for us to beat him. However, due to the layout of that level I've also had a bloody good laugh at some of the misfortunes of others as well as the odd balls-up by myself.


Absolutely incredible game.

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As for co-op experiences, I'm mostly trying to help others with Umi-bozu as that boss seems to be a sticking point for a lot of others. That said, I've also got to the stage where it feels like a waste of time and just today alone I must have joined 15+ hosts and NOT ONE of them lasted long enough for us to beat him. However, due to the layout of that level I've also had a bloody good laugh at some of the misfortunes of others as well as the odd balls-up by myself.


Absolutely incredible game.


Yep, Umi-bozu. Every time I got summoned, bar once, was to that boss. And no one stayed alive long. Didn't beat him once. And by the end of it I was becoming guilty of dying to his cheap one-shot eye blast. Sloppy from me really.



I just killed the seventh boss, Joro-Gumo. She wasn't too hard in the end. I need to run that level again because I definitely missed some Kodama. Anyone know if you can pick up Kodama for yourself while helping other people in their level? I suspect you can't.

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Can't wait to be back home and play this again :D




I need to start dabbling with forging/soul matching/reforging weapons/armor. Could be great to create a certain build. I'd love a flame weapon.




Soul matching is really expensive but forging is the reverse and you can even forge higher level versions of the dlc armour. I think unless you have a stat you really really want you to keep they want you to dismantle your old lower level gear and move on.


I created some light armour evasive gear and it much better suits my playstyle that the medium armour dlc gear I was wearing.

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I guess everybody's too busy playing instead of writing here :D


Decided to finally do some co-op yesterday. Didn't know you could still join a mission that you hadn't done, yet. I had just unlocked region three and the co-op play was in the first mission there. ::shrug: It was good fun, but very easy.


Managed to beat my first Twilight Mission. Sadly it was 20 levels below mine so it wasn't particularly difficult, either...Two random Twilight Missions per day is crap. Should be changed.



Before I move on to the third region I need to complete one sub-mission in region 2.

This game just keeps on giving. :D


I still don't understand how a lot of the mechanics work, though. And I still need to dabble more with forging and the likes.

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Managed to beat my first Twilight Mission. Sadly it was 20 levels below mine so it wasn't particularly difficult, either...Two random Twilight Missions per day is crap. Should be changed.


I could be wrong but it's likely due to there being limited twilight missions. I noticed yesterday that one of the ones that cycled in had the check symbol showing that I'd already completed it, so I do wonder just how many/few there could be. It would be nicer to have more but it's not a huge issue for me, considering how much else there is to do in the game.


I made a start on the fifth region yesterday (although there is still a duel in region 4 that I need to go back to) and it was first time I've ran into a mission where I really didn't like the level design. Admittedly, it was nice what the team were aiming to do but it just didn't gel with me so I'm hoping that I don't have to revisit it for any sub-missions.


I'm not sure if it's because of familiarity with the game mechanics but the last few bosses have also been a little on the easy side so I'm hoping that things get ramped up again. That said, still an incredible game and despite it only being February, I'd be surprised if this isn't in my thoughts when it comes to deciding my Game of the Year in ten months time.

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Just noticed yesterday, pefect ki pulse during Living Weapon (yes it's possible!) extends living weapon time by restoring some of gauge. I don't know but if you are really good, you can potentially have it for whole boss fights? Managed to have it for a large duration of a sub mission mini boss battle where I was up against multiple foes. Kill them all and had time to spare.

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Game crashed on me and now my inventory is empty aside from my equipped weapons/armor/accessoires/magic and those unlimited use items...meaning all my consumables and forging materials are gone...thanks game. Really appreciate that. :blank:


I wasn't using the blacksmith that much anyway but I would've loved to have lots of materials for late/end game...well...

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Game crashed on me and now my inventory is empty aside from my equipped weapons/armor/accessoires/magic and those unlimited use items...meaning all my consumables and forging materials are gone...thanks game. Really appreciate that. :blank:


I wasn't using the blacksmith that much anyway but I would've loved to have lots of materials for late/end game...well...


Any chance you have Plus and an automated cloud save to go back to?

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Looks like I'm almost done with my first playthrough. I think it's just one main mission left unless they somehow throw in one more after that.


I have a lot of sub missions left to do so no final mission for me, yet :D


Really wish the game was more difficult...I mean, I died 41 times so far but easily more than half of that was caused by one-hit-kill attacks in boss battles. ::shrug:

I've also just reached level 100 so I'm not even over-levelled.



Some news:


Koei Tecmo shared details on the next couple free Nioh updates and the first downloadable content during a live stream today.


The next free updates are as follows:


  • Late March – High-difficulty missions added. There are 10 types of missions, including missions with the feel of boss rushes.
  • Late April – PvP implemented.

The first downloadable content, “Dragon of The North”, will launch in late April and add the following:


  • New weapon types
  • New scenarios
  • New characters
  • New guardian spirits
  • New yokai
  • New stages

The second downloadable content will be called “Japan’s Best Warrior” and the third “Peaceful and Tranquil”.




Really hoping for more enemy diversity. There really aren't a lot of different enemy types...

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