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What if things don't get better?

Guest Ray Falling

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By reading this topic, I think of this song.


Never seen a blue sky

Yeah I can feel it reaching out

And moving closer

There's something about blue

Asked myself what it's all for

You know the funny thing about it

I couldn't answer

No I couldn't answer


Things have turned a deeper shade of blue

And images that might be real

May be illusion

Keep flashing off and on


Wanna be free

Gonna be free

And move among the stars

You know they really aren't so far

Feels so free

Gotta know free


Don't wake me from the dream

It's really everything it seemed

I'm so free

No black and white in the blue


Everything is clearer now

Life is just a dream you know

That's never ending

I'm ascending

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Guest Ray Falling
Ray, your posts have been so vague, that i wasnt sure if you was particularly annoyed with Capitalism or something more personal.


I will try to make this short as i need to go to bed soon.


It sounds like you had some big plan to form a future together with your girlfriend and now its kinda broken down and you feel resentment towards society for the emphasis it places on money (which is so needed for long distance relationships). I have been in a long distance relationship for some time now and im currently having problems with it, my heart is all over the place.


I could tell you that life also has many great things and many wonderful people (you just dont see it on the news and with leaders like Bush you have little hope), however it doesnt seem that you really need an alround hope, your bad words seem more a side-affect of the fustration you're feeling for the plan not working out and fears of not having a future with the one you love.


If things are meant to be and you both really want it then it will happen someway in time. Life can throw you all over the place, but if both you and your partner want a future together, then it will happen in time, maybe just a bit longer than you expected.


It's not always easy, but try and keep your chin up, dont let depression walk into your life and make things much worse. What has happened is only a "set-back", it doesnt mean you now have no chance for what you want.


Okay, i've done my "Mary Poppin's" moment, who knows it might be the one writing depressing messages in a few weeks. PM me if you want to chat.



I realize I have been very vague yes, sorry. But no its not that per se. Actually the girl thing is not my main issue, in fact, its the one thing that keeps me going.

I now realize that I need to tell all there is to know about me to make people understand. But I cannot do that.


What I can tell you is that my main issue now is my school life, my life at home, life in a society that demands things of me I donot want, things that prevent me from being happy right now.


I'm seeing a professional soon btw, I hope it will help but I doubt it. Theres alot more going on really. I see that its all too vague ;_; For which I apoligize. But yeah. I have my life story on the net btw, I can link you to it. But I wouldnt want to put this burden on any of you. I'm not seeking for comfort or anything (though your care is much appreciated, all of you) I dont seek for pity and that was never my goal. There are just alot of things about me people should know. But that isnt my goal here. For thsoe interested just message or email me. But keep in mind, knowing my story would mean getting close, and this IS still a games site, where we discuss video games.

I cant and wont expect from people here to want to get close, or even care. I have alot of freinds whom I can talk to. New friends are welcome of course.

But I dont want to put this burden on any of you specially since you dont have to care,


So...thanks to all, lets keep this going.

For those who would like to get to know me better, my life story can be found on the net, messgae me and I'll link you to it. Though be warned, its about 18 pages in Word so you better know what you're getting yerself into.



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good and bad is all there is. there is no worst or better. things happen for a reason, people choose how to deal with their problems or, they are advised. seems like there is no one to advise you. well find someone. dont let crap take affect of your life. at least you know there is a problem, if you dont have a solution, find someone who you know has expirence and can relate to. trust me its hard and im not just telling you to "get over it" or "man-up". life is hard, but in the end its all a learning experience. :yes:

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Guest Ray Falling
good and bad is all there is. there is no worst or better. things happen for a reason, people choose how to deal with their problems or, they are advised. seems like there is no one to advise you. well find someone. dont let crap take affect of your life. at least you know there is a problem, if you dont have a solution, find someone who you know has expirence and can relate to. trust me its hard and im not just telling you to "get over it" or "man-up". life is hard, but in the end its all a learning experience. :yes:


Very true my friend, thanks for that. So far all my solutions failed. So now its time for professional help. I just hope it works.

But ya know, I'm preparing for the worst too. I mean, many people dont have a happy life, its not that unthinkable for me to have a bad life either.


But then again, I still have the strength to fight for my life now. I wont give up!


One bit of advice to all of you, and it may sound obvious but its not really:

Whenever you have a problem, big or small, always talk about it, no matter what! Don't keep it all in, talk to someone, a friend a teacher anyone you can trust, but please for me, don't ever shut and let it all escalate 0_0


You are in control still, now is your time to change things...



Damn I hate it when I do this, I give out advice and then it hits me; I should listen to it myself more T_T;;; curse me!


Aww well, its there, take it. n_n


Serious, thats what helped me make it this far: just always talking about whats bothering you. It helps.


Btw, for anyone who wants to talk about their problems, I'm here for you as well. I may seem down here now, but I'm always here for people who need someone to listen to them. Though I may seem in without hope, I have alot of advice in me, and many times stuff comes out that helps myself too. n_n


You know where to find me.



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The only way to deal with multiple issues is to deal with things one at a time. I know its a cliche but that really is the only way , otherwise the burden becomes to much. Believe it or not you will get through it (I did - I wont post my life history here , but I have had to deal with a hell of a lot , which may expalin some of my cynacism) , and you will be a better person for it.


You say your friends would leave you for expressing a differing viewpoint . If that is the case then maybe you do not need these sort of people in your life - friends are supposed to enhance your life , whatever your opinions or outlook.


Going back to religion , some while back I read 'The Satanic Bible' ( dont worry , I am not trying to convert you - it suits me though) , and it really taught me a lot about self-empowerment , moreso than any book on Christianity. The satanic faith is not about animal slaughter or devil worship (like some believe) , but reading this really opened my eyes to making myself the most important person in my world.


I honestly think if you start making decisions and choices (one at a time) and for YOUR benefit not any body elses you will come through it.

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I respect your religious viewpoint , but TBH I wouldn't put too mauch faith in that ,as the Christian faith with its contradictions is designed to belittle you and gives you guildlines for life that are cetainly not relevant today - and dont forget 90% of the worlds troubles are caused by religion (that tells you something).


some is true(wher did you get 90%? is that a fact?) but there are alot of good things contributed by religions. im not very religious but the fact that bad things are comming from a belief that is sopposed to be preaching good is very hypocritic. there is little difference from the world and how people behaved 2000 years ago and now. people were nasty, greedy, selfish, kind, loving, giving and it remains today.


Basically: Ying-yang

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Guest Ray Falling
The only way to deal with multiple issues is to deal with things one at a time. I know its a cliche but that really is the only way , otherwise the burden becomes to much. Believe it or not you will get through it (I did - I wont post my life history here , but I have had to deal with a hell of a lot , which may expalin some of my cynacism) , and you will be a better person for it.


You say your friends would leave you for expressing a differing viewpoint . If that is the case then maybe you do not need these sort of people in your life - friends are supposed to enhance your life , whatever your opinions or outlook.


Going back to religion , some while back I read 'The Satanic Bible' ( dont worry , I am not trying to convert you - it suits me though) , and it really taught me a lot about self-empowerment , moreso than any book on Christianity. The satanic faith is not about animal slaughter or devil worship (like some believe) , but reading this really opened my eyes to making myself the most important person in my world.


I honestly think if you start making decisions and choices (one at a time) and for YOUR benefit not any body elses you will come through it.



I must admit, reading that makes my mind tell me to get away as far as possible. But I will respect you for that anyway, if it helps you have a life you wanted to have then by all means do. Its just not for me. But then, I dont know what is for me...


Yes, some Christian friends would drop me for that, I know you may think: "they arent very good friends then" but thats the thing, they are my closest and I care for them so much, but yeah if they would leave me for that...they should support me anyway..


But I dunno, thats something to worry about later.


And yeah I agree with you, one problem at the time..right now, my first concern is to see a professional and prevent me from having a nervous breakdown which I can feel is getting closer every day. Then school/work/ then love. Once I fix my first issue, all the rest will resolve themselves.


BTW, about religion again. Anything can ring truth really, thats why I dont like religion, cause there is truth in anything, I was raised this way, and so I choose to only read the Bible, and it does ring truth, but then other religious Books contain truth too. Its jst a matter of perspective again. And religion is something very personal obviously.


I made it my religion to be strong on my own...but that didnt wokr out so much either...


Just being me, stuck in the middle of everything...


Just wanna be neutral..and live, love and die





sorry for being so random...but this is actually helping me too...

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but there are alot of good things contributed by religions


I suppose there is some truth in that - religion does offer comfort to many people and gives a sense of belief and belonging to them , but , I honestly feel that it is mostly used as an excuse for people not to accept responsibilty for their actions.


All this talk of 'god moves in mysterious ways' or 'its god's will' to me smacks of people making excuses for their own shortcomings.


That 90% isn't fact , but I believe if researched the figures would be close to this figure.


I certainly agree with you that people have not changed in 2000 odd years but somehow Chritianity's relevance has dimished.

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as for the planet we are just totally messing it up, its ok for us and a few more generations but in the future its just gonna be so messed up that a lot of places will be uninhabitable.


no one will listen tho, and to be honest it probably too late! countries like us (england) and america are now starting to realise and reducing pollution, recycling etc but countries such as india and china are just starting to boom in industrialisation and car production and we cant just tell them to reduce the pollution when we have been doing it for years and remember china has a very high population, so no matter what we do the planet has got no chance in a couple of centries time.


recycle kids.


as for religion, its the cause of the majority of the worlds problems! past present and future religion causes hate, hurt, war and death it should be done away with i tell you, the only religion is science! thats what created the earth and us none of that other bull doo doo.

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Guest Ray Falling
Dude, you guys should get into emo, you'd love it, it's all about how life and the world are shit. ;)


Seriously though, if you think life sucks that much, stop whinging about it and do something about it. You'll get much better results.


Though i value everyones opinion. That was a real shitty remark cause obviously you havent read it all, or maybe you have and just dont understand it all.


This has nothing to do with emo or whatever crap.


You think I havent tried? You think thats what I'm doing here, whine? If you were in my shoes or any of the other people who had it rough you'd be like this too.


Life sucks sometimes, most of the times, and I keep fighting to make it better, but I'm tired of it going good for a couple of days and then shit happens again and it goes bad, and argh having to fight again.


Dont say I never did anything about this, cause trust me I have tried almost EVERYTHING.


Sorry to sound harsh here but this just pissed me off.



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I have very strong views on life and religion but i will keep them short. First of all, Life isnt enjoyable. I dont know if it ever has been for past generations or for humanities first incarnations but I know that right now it isnt and probably wont be for our decendants. Life is a bitch slap, take it and punch back because knowing that youve managed to do something with a tonne of crap on your back is awesome.

Second, I believe that society is and always will be the most flawed of human conceptions. We have a society but nobody belongs anymore. The people that appear to are husks of human beings and lost themselves when trying to "fit in".(I'll leave it at that because explaining the whole thing with other "groups" would take too long. If you want to know more you can ask).

Thirdly, Religion is the cause of the greatest evils and spawned modern hate culture. How many times have evil people been let off because "they did it for religion"? The crusades, Al queda, george bush(with other reasons too), the list goes on as you look back through history. Religion has also made people ignorant. I respect those with religious views but not people who follow blindly without questioning obvious mistruths. This goes with all religions. I have the most contempt for the catholic religion. What started as "explanations for the unknown" or genuine spiritual belief has turned into a franchise. Also while I think about it, Religion made the capitalist culture aswell.

You cannot change any of these things but you dont have to accept them either. Unfortunately we cannot change our position as slaves to hierachy but you can ignore their morals and ethics. You are A Person, not defined by what place you have in their grouping system. Do what YOU want in life and not what has been predefined. Sorry if I have made you or anybody more negative but this is my view and wont change and neither should yours unless you want it to. Apologies for length and vagueness in areas also but it could have been a hell of a lot longer if I went into more detail.

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Guest Ray Falling
I have very strong views on life and religion but i will keep them short. First of all, Life isnt enjoyable. I dont know if it ever has been for past generations or for humanities first incarnations but I know that right now it isnt and probably wont be for our decendants. Life is a bitch slap, take it and punch back because knowing that youve managed to do something with a tonne of crap on your back is awesome.

Second, I believe that society is and always will be the most flawed of human conceptions. We have a society but nobody belongs anymore. The people that appear to are husks of human beings and lost themselves when trying to "fit in".(I'll leave it at that because explaining the whole thing with other "groups" would take too long. If you want to know more you can ask).

Thirdly, Religion is the cause of the greatest evils and spawned modern hate culture. How many times have evil people been let off because "they did it for religion"? The crusades, Al queda, george bush(with other reasons too), the list goes on as you look back through history. Religion has also made people ignorant. I respect those with religious views but not people who follow blindly without questioning obvious mistruths. This goes with all religions. I have the most contempt for the catholic religion. What started as "explanations for the unknown" or genuine spiritual belief has turned into a franchise. Also while I think about it, Religion made the capitalist culture aswell.

You cannot change any of these things but you dont have to accept them either. Unfortunately we cannot change our position as slaves to hierachy but you can ignore their morals and ethics. You are A Person, not defined by what place you have in their grouping system. Do what YOU want in life and not what has been predefined. Sorry if I have made you or anybody more negative but this is my view and wont change and neither should yours unless you want it to. Apologies for length and vagueness in areas also but it could have been a hell of a lot longer if I went into more detail.




Actually thats a very very good point. And I do agree. ;_; And I just started talking to a professional which helps...

I need some time to "disarm" the bomb that is myself. Then I'll start seeing whats left and what I can do.


Thanks for sharing your view (and its actually my old view on this too) And no need to explain the groups part cause I understand that very well T_T damn groups. eheh anyway. Thanks that helped!



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Guest Ray Falling
I would prescribe laughter!


n_n I laugh alot yes, but in the end of the day, jokes dont solve actual problems.


But it makes things easier yes.



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At the present moment I am truely happy.


Mainly because of friends, I have been hanging around with lots of friends lately and it makes me think that life is worth it all. Dunno why. Work and school, sure you have to do it, doesn't that make the good times seem really worth it all.


Religion is depressing. So I don't think about it. Easy! i have been very depressed about it before, but now I believe that it doesn't exist, and if it doesn't, I can't wait til I die and see that great look on my face!

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Guest Offerman

This is a rather heavy thread, but the best advice is probably what The3rdChild said - and thats go with the flow. Seriously if you do this you really cannot go wrong.


I used to worry that I'd never find a girl, and to be honest this was my only long term concern. I got invited to a party and thought well I am mobile, there will be weed there, and it was a Friday - so I knew I'd be in a happy mood. I went along, and low and behold I got with a girl. Now she might have been a lesbian, and it meant nothing to her but it was a huge learning curve for me, and showed me that I am indeed capable of pulling a girl. Next time I know it will be with a girl thats interested in making a serious go of it. That could be months away, infact it probably will be - but I don't care, because I know its possible.


I know almost anything is possible but you need to remember everybody has to start somewhere.

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Guest Ray Falling
Ray dude, don't worry. I was once in your position. My post wasn't a dig at you, it was me speaking from experience. Don't think about what's bad, think about what can be good, and what you have to do to achieve it.


And I was just joking about the emo you know ;)


I apoligize for my reaction. I overreacted and I could have handled that in a nicer way.


Thank you. And yes you are right, it's best to keep thinking about the nice things..there are alot. And soon I will decide to take a long leave of absence from school. I'll take a year or some to get rest, see a professional, and just find out what I want and how I'm gonna do that.


Again, I apoligze. Take care



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Guest Ray Falling
Don't worry about it. I myself could have been a bit more layed back about it, but the more direct and assertive you are, the more you will achieve your goal, I find. Apologies about that.


Apoligies accepted n_n

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Will things get better? Why should they? Why even care?


Don't hang onto myths and fairy tales, take what you can get and run. It's what I do, and I'm living life in the fast lane!


Just concentrate on giving yourself the greatest treatment possible, and let go of the world around you. Things will go the way they must, so make the most of it.


Basically what he said. This world has turned into an ugly, shit ass version of itself. Just make sure you enjoy your life, whatever the cost. You only get one shot at it, why make it depressing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

it'd pretty dark reading rays stuff


i'm not sure i read everything..it flew away


maybe boolean algebra is your thing? i don't know. typing random words on the internet seems good therapy. if only i ocudl get off the couch to type.

if you paint something with your mouth and it looks as good as something someone painted by hand, does it make a noise?

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Depressingly, I agree with most of that -- to the government we're just small cogs' in society, we must do what we can to break free from this, grab your dreams by the horns and don't let go.


I've had a relatively simple life so far: Go to work, Play videogames/ go out and skate and occasionally go to the pub afterwards, it's become a neverending cycle. I don't think I have a rough life like most people but am I truly happy?


Heck no!


How can we be truly happy?


The world is becoming a much more sinister place; Terrorists run rampant, People are being randomly murdered in the streets, not many people have respect for their fellow human being anymore. Society is breaking away at it's foundation and the "higher-ups" couldn't give a shit.


The only way I can think of being truly happy is fall in love and do what the fuck you want and let no one hold you back. We're only here for a short while so don't ponder about things like this and do everything you can to live the life you want, just don't give up whatever you do. I am going to do all I can to live life to the fullest and you should too.


Just try to forget about the pain the world is going through.


Bruce Lee -- "Don't think, feel". :heh:

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