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The Super Smash Bros Series Daily Challenges Thread


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So, as mentioned on the main site, one of the features that we intend to run for our week long Smash Bros Anniversary celebrations involved a series of daily challenges that span across all five games.


These will generally be high score challenges or fastest time challenges across various parts of all five games. Starting from Monday, each day will bring forth a new challenge from one of the five different Smash games; with a new one each day from Monday to Friday.


Each challenge, and its corresponding rules, will be posted on the main site as well as in this thread. There's no signup process of any sort as we're doing this old school style!


Upon obtaining a high score or best time, simply post a screenshot or a picture from your phone (whatever you have at your disposal) and post it in this thread. You can post more than one attempt if you so wish, but when the next challenge is posted, the best score/time in this thread by that time will be taken as the winning attempt for that day.


There is no set time when the daily change ends and the next one begins, so you'll always be in with a chance, even when someone's score seems insurmountable (plus it means that I can get away with posting the next challenge at whatever time I can during a day ;) )


The best 5 scores/times will be posted on the main site, so even if you don't win; you'll still get some bragging rights to show off : peace:

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Ok! The first challenge is a simple one.




Post your screenshots/phone pictures here when you get a good score!


Feel free to post more than one picture if you end up doing better than your first attempt later on! : peace:


Just simply post a picture of the character select screen, showing your best time with your chosen character!

Edited by Dcubed
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Aw nuts! My 3DS version has a way better time than my WiiU version...


Why are you punishing me for playing the better game!?


Anyway, I'm right in thinking that the deadline for this is not tomorrow?

Because I can't get my WiiU online for reasons you know already.

EDIT: Oh wait, I can just do it from my phone! Duh! I'm dumb! It'll be up tomorrow then. Hopefully after I improve my time...

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Aaaaannnndddd we have a winner!


It's @Glen\-i with a quality time of 2:10.33! : peace:


Congratulations to @S\.C\.G, @Kaepora_Gaebora and @nekunando for their valiant efforts as well!


Your scores will be posted on the main page later on (the back-end seems to be down for me right now, so I can't update it right now), but now with the first challenge come and gone, it's time for your next task...


Presenting... Day 2!




It's Cruel Smash, but not as you know it!


Instead of this being a typical run of Cruel Smash where you attempt to KO as many opponents as you can, this challenge is all about surviving for as long as you can - the number of Miis defeated does not matter!


Stay alive for as long as possible by any means necessary!


Kirby, Jigglypuff, Pit, Villager, Metaknight, Dark Pit, Olimar and Duck Hunt Duo are banned from today's challenge because their insane jumps and recoveries make survival fairly trivial in comparison to everyone else (and that's just boring!)


When posting your best time, be sure to take your picture on the results screen, as pictured below...




Good luck and may the best staller/coward win! : peace:

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So that's the end of Day 2's challenge and once again it seems that @Glen\-i has emerged victorious!


Congrats to him again. That's not to say that @nekunando's time wasn't also very respectable, as the 5 minute mark is not an easy one to beat! : peace:


But now it's time to head way back into the past for the 3rd day's challenge ;)




Yup! It's back to the first Smash Bros game on the good ol' N64 for this one! Do you miss Break the Targets from Smash 4? Do you miss Board the Platforms from... well, every single Smash Bros game since the original? Well I do too! So here comes your next challenge!


While you are limited to Ness for Break the Targets, you may choose any character you like for Board the Platforms. It is up to you to find the Board the Platforms stage that you personally can complete the quickest as the overall winner will be the person with the fastest time when both times are aggregated together!


Please post your best times from the character select screen, with your chosen character/best time highlighted in the shot as shown below...




But wait, I hear some of you say. "What about those stinkin' cheats that are using the US/JPN NTSC versions? They're faster than my PAL version and there's nothing I can do about it!" Well, we have you covered there too, because we have two separate scoring categories in place!


If you only own the European (PAL) version, please set your game language to either French or German before posting your high score picture with your selected character


Naturally, the US NTSC version has no language select option in place and as such, is in English only; meaning that we can tell which version you are playing based on your screenshot.


This also means that all pictures posted for this challenge in English will be considered to be US NTSC times. If you are playing the EU version and forget to change the language before posting, you will be putting yourself at a disadvantage by doing so.


And if you do own the US NTSC version and feel that you'll end up being alone in posting your best time, don't be; because I will be taking part in this challenge myself and I happen to own the US NTSC version. Glen-i also only has access to the US NTSC version so you are guaranteed at least two other competitors in this category ;)


Let's get retro! : peace:

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Oh boy... I've been waiting for an excuse to dig out my original copy of Super Smash Bros ever since I started putting box protectors around my collection, time to dig it out! :D


I know what I'll be playing this evening then! : peace:

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The most interesting thing from this will be whether people opt for Pummeluff (French) or Rondoudou (German).


I'm totally Team Rondoudou, except I'm using the American version, so I'm stuck with boring old Jigglypuff.


EDIT: Right, I'm quite satisfied with these times! Like I said before, this is the American version of the game, so PAL owners don't need to concern themselves with trying to beat these times.

If you pull it off though, that would be really impressive!






That gives me a combined time of 43.50 seconds.

Wow, that's a really neat and tidy time! Lovely coincidence!

I hate tap jump... So glad Brawl gave the option to turn it off.

Edited by Glen-i
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23:97!? That's a hell of a time to beat for Break the Targets! :o


Oh man, you don't make it easy for me do you? :laughing:


Still, you're on the NTSC bracket, so most people here don't need to fear you this time ;)


The most interesting thing from this will be whether people opt for Pummeluff (French) or Rondoudou (German).


I'd go for Rondoudou, if only for the utterly hilarious German announcer (Just listen to the way he says "CAPTAIN FAHLCONN!!!!" and try not to burst out in tears of laughter!)

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I imagine I don't have much of a hope with this challenge as I was always terrible at 'Break the Targets' but I'll give my PAL N64 version a go :smile:


EDIT Here are my PAL scores :smile:






00:25.71 + 00:20.25 = 00:45.96


I'm quite proud of that, even if they don't quite surpass @Glen\-i :hehe:

Edited by nekunando
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