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You know whats annoyed me more than anything in this thread. Finding out mods posts dont get automerged!


Haha, I just manual-merged it now ;) I had requested automerge off originally for the purpose of this thread as I wanted to make my own personal post seperate from the first/opening post - I decided against it this morning and I felt I didn't want to sway the starting discussion to my own issues rather than the community's.



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If this thread is encouraging honesty, then I think banning Serebii and Ronnie would make this place much nicer.


It's extreme, but for reasons stated by many members already I think it's necessary.

Banning the positive people because they're strongheaded in their defence of Nintendo? Please. When @Wii disappeared for two weeks, the place was better, just like when I went away.


If you get rid of me, this place would not become a positive place and it'd still be driving away people.

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If this was directed at me ( I think I was the first to reply to you ) then have a look again because I included Wii U games in the list of games that were coming this year. If this wasn't directed at me then simply ignore this post. :D


Here's my reply...


In fairness, I was discussing a couple of issues around that time and I'm not sure which was which. I was certainly bemoaning the fact that Nintendo is predominantly platformers and the PS4 was predominantly FPS, both of which I have enough of on the respective consoles and the list above only confirms that by and large. It may or may not have been you, but my recollection was that I got lambasted for daring to suggest PS4 was a COD machine (which was obviously a sweeping statement) but nobody batted an eyelid that I pidgeon holed Wii U as a platformer console.


Anyway, I think this thread is actually working wonders as a therapy session.

Edited by Clownferret
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I got lambasted for daring to suggest PS4 was a COD machine (which was obviously a sweeping statement) but nobody batted an eyelid that I pidgeon holed as a platformer console.


Yep, it's ok to say the Wii U has nothing but platformers (over and over again) but you'll be torn to pieces for suggesting that the other two consoles are shooter-focused.

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Banning the positive people because they're strongheaded in their defence of Nintendo? Please. When @Wii disappeared for two weeks, the place was better, just like when I went away.


You say this as if it's a good thing. It's why half the arguments happen. There is nothing wrong with being positive, I welcome it, but there comes a point where goalposts start getting moved during conversations and defending is longer about it being right but more because a there is a bias there.


There is a difference between being a fan of something and being a fanboy, something which I really despise. I think that distinction is lost to some people on here.

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Banning the positive people because they're strongheaded in their defence of Nintendo? Please. When @Wii disappeared for two weeks, the place was better, just like when I went away.


If you get rid of me, this place would not become a positive place and it'd still be driving away people.


Another time the board was a pleasure to be part of was last year after Nintendo had a brilliant E3

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Yep, it's ok to say the Wii U has nothing but platformers (over and over again) but you'll be torn to pieces for suggesting that the other two consoles are shooter-focused.


To be fair, it's usually you who brings that platformer thing up, at least in recent times, anyway.


Another time the board was a pleasure to be part of was last year after Nintendo had a brilliant E3




We can be positive when there is cause for celebration.

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You say this as if it's a good thing. It's why half the arguments happen. There is nothing wrong with being positive, I welcome it, but there comes a point where goalposts start getting moved during conversations and defending is longer about it being right but more because a there is a bias there.


There is a difference between being a fan of something and being a fanboy, something which I really despise. I think that distinction is lost to some people on here.


I was scathing in my opinions on Nintendo's E3, it was a disaster. Doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to defend them against unfair (and endless) criticism on other things.

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Yep, it's ok to say the Wii U has nothing but platformers (over and over again) but you'll be torn to pieces for suggesting that the other two consoles are shooter-focused.


Again, when the PS4/XBone becomes a focus of discussion within threads on the Nintendo board - yes it will cause issues. By all means go and criticise it - but do it in its relevant board.


This is almost like such a discussion itself -.-


(btw I'm not saying don't ever mention the competition and alternatives, the issue is when it becomes a focus of a topic, or putting it down doesn't add anything to the discussions about Nintendo)

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To be fair, it's usually you who brings that platformer thing up, at least in recent times, anyway.


Come on, it got brought up a hundred times before I decided to compare the consoles' libraries.






We can be positive when there is cause for celebration.


And when certain people don't troll the Nintendo boards looking to stir.

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You say this as if it's a good thing. It's why half the arguments happen. There is nothing wrong with being positive, I welcome it, but there comes a point where goalposts start getting moved during conversations and defending is longer about it being right but more because a there is a bias there.


There is a difference between being a fan of something and being a fanboy, something which I really despise. I think that distinction is lost to some people on here.

Perhaps it's a bit of an overzealous thing, but it's not just me and Ronnie seeing issues here with rampant negativity causing disruption. Getting rid of me would do nothing to help the tone of the forum which is what Rummy etc. want.

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I was scathing in my opinions on Nintendo's E3, it was a disaster. Doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to defend them against unfair (and endless) criticism on other things.


If its warranted, then sure, go ahead. But when defending becomes an agenda to simply one up someone else, which happens a lot in these threads, then nobody comes out a winner.


I don't understand the need for people to fight a point to the death, either. I simply agree with disagree with someone and then that's it. Conversation over and everyone moves on. Far too many on here want to have the last word during a conversation/argument/debate.

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Again, when the PS4/XBone becomes a focus of discussion within threads on the Nintendo board - yes it will cause issues. By all means go and criticise it - but do it in its relevant board.


This is almost like such a discussion itself -.-


(btw I'm not saying don't ever mention the competition and alternatives, the issue is when it becomes a focus of a topic, or putting it down doesn't add anything to the discussions about Nintendo)


So it's ok to make fun of the Wii U on other consoles threads but we're not allowed to bring up PS4 or XBO on a general Nintendo discussion thread ?


I wasn't focusing on the PS4 and criticising it. I was giving us an opportunity to compare. It really wasn't that big a deal.


Me bringing up the lack of variety on other consoles wasn't focusing the discussion on PS4 it was providing another view into the discussion about console libraries. It then struck a nerve and things kicked off.

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Perhaps it's a bit of an overzealous thing, but it's not just me and Ronnie seeing issues here with rampant negativity causing disruption.


Would you say that i'm overly negative, then? I will quite happily rant on about voice chat, shoddy online and sparse line up of games.


I honestly think I must be a Nintendo fanboys worst nightmare. I grew up with Nintendo systems, collect Nintendo goods, play Nintendo games, yet I love the other consoles as well and as such have a very unbiased point of very that is very hard to challenge. :heh:

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If its warranted, then sure, go ahead. But when defending becomes an agenda to simply one up someone else, which happens a lot in these threads, then nobody comes out a winner.


I don't understand the need for people to fight a point to the death, either. I simply agree with disagree with someone and then that's it. Conversation over and everyone moves on. Far too many on here want to have the last word during a conversation/argument/debate.


I don't care about one upping anyone, the Wii U gets criticised every day on here from all comers including people who have no interest in Nintendo. I'll discuss my views on the console and how it compares to the competition and don't feel I need to be called out for it.

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Would you say that i'm overly negative, then? I will quite happily rant on about voice chat, shoddy online and sparse line up of games.


I honestly think I must be a Nintendo fanboys worst nightmare. I grew up with Nintendo systems, collect Nintendo goods, play Nintendo games, yet I love the other consoles as well and as such have a very unbiased point of very that is very hard to challenge. :heh:

No. You're not. You've got the balance. However, when there are certain people who go into threads who obviously have no interest in the game and crap the thread up, or those who have no Wii U and constantly come in and attack those being positive, then there's an issue.


Getting rid of me would be like putting wallpaper over a cracked wall. You're not going to necessarily see the crack anymore, but it'll be there and it'll get worse.


Others in this thread have noticed what I said, not just me being oversensitive to this issue.

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I don't care about one upping anyone, the Wii U gets criticised every day on here from all comers including people who have no interest in Nintendo.I'll discuss my views on the console and how it compares to the competition and don't feel I need to be called out for it.


As I said earlier, these people you mention have Nintendo consoles, so they do have some interest in the company.


Happenstance even stated earlier how he follows the industry as a whole ( as do I ) and as such has an interest in that sense.

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I don't care about one upping anyone, the Wii U gets criticised every day on here from all comers including people who have no interest in Nintendo. I'll discuss my views on the console and how it compares to the competition and don't feel I need to be called out for it.


Out of interest, who are you referring to? I know @Goafer doesn't have much interest in Nintendo these days, but he doesn't bash them. @Daft rarely comes into the Nintendo boards. If you're talking about @Happenstance and @Sheikah, who can both be negative towards Nintendo, well they're both Wii U owners so I'd say they both "have interest in Nintendo" and their points are quite valid due to actually having the console.

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Where do we draw the line? Is it bad to call anything retarded? To swear at all? What about calling someone a moron, or an idiot, or a prat, or likening their behaviour to that of one? Is it the same as calling someone a cunt, a prick, a fucktard, or telling someone to fuck off?


Given you did ask my opinion @Ronnie - I wouldn't mind yours on the above about where to draw the lines. As Cube says it's difficult to know, especially given we know some of us and posting styles quite well etc.

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I'm somebody who likes to exchange opinions and some level of debate is also totally fine. What I really dislike is debates that get so overheated that people feel the need to offend others, or use bad language. Why in the world would you feel the need to do that? If you feel so heated in a debate, just get away from you keyboard and get some fresh air, smell a flower or anything that makes you calm again. Or use the ignore function if you really have no self control or had a little too much of that gamma radiation.


Basically: offending people and using bad language is NEVER effective (Pokemon pun not intended).

I really think that if we all agree on not using offensive or bad language that would change a lot overhere.


If we are not able to be a little more polite and less harsh in our language, we could alway cut every game thread into three variations: "Kid Icarus - positive thoughts thread", "Kid Icarus - negative thoughts thread" and "Kid Icarus - debate thread".

I really hope we are mature enough to not need something childish like that : peace:


Sorry missed this earlier. I have to admit, I'm quite the user and lover of foul language and it often ends up in my posts - I don't think I ever direct it AT anyone though because I find that much ruder. This may be one of the places where there's a difference of intention and perception ie. I might swear in a post just because I generally do, but someone might read that as me being more het up than I am.


However, as I did say, I'm not a fan of someone swearing so much at people, and it can get messy when the debates get heated and the words are thrown in(even not at someone). I think increasing censorship won't be beneficial, but I'm sure people wouldn't be against agreeing to try and not do it(I don't see it a whole lot, but then I don't notice it so much either).

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I have to disagree with this. I only questioned Daft's use of that word when he was attempting to belittle and condescend me. If someone acts that way with me, then I return in kind. I also don't ignore truths or evidence when I make an argument. I just don't jump on the hate train you guys have been running for years. That doesn't mean I ignore facts, it means shockingly that I have a different view to you.


Condescend is an intransitive verb.

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