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Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (20th Nov)


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Whenever I read the title I always hear 'ULTRA FEAST' in my head in Kevin Malone's voice of the US Office. Really gives the game a different feel. I probably just watch that show too much.


I also look intently at new screenshots now in the hope I see another faceless Toad.

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I quite liked Mario Sports Mix actually. Ok, it's not going to win any awards for its gameplay depth (definately don't go in expecting the depth of Camelot's Mario sports games), but I had a decent time with it.


The gimmick courts are pretty fun and it has some neat ideas along with some great music!


I'd say it's worth picking up, but not before any of Camelot's work (or the Mario Strikers games).




Yeah, even though it's a real shame that it looks to be criminally lacking in content, the multiplayer will no doubt be fantastic.


I agree - I just wish we could play friends. We could have had some great n-europe multiplayer sessions :( Maybe they'll add it post launch....

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Dazzybee - I really hope this isn't true for the final release but I read the hands-on preview by Nintendo world report:


"That is fine, I thought to myself. There are always the online options that Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash offers. The moment I opened up that online tab, my jaw dropped to the floor. The game has no support for lobbies or communities, which pretty much means that you can't play with friends. The only options on entering are Singles and Doubles."


(I can't post links yet as I'm new to the forum)..

Edited by Andykara2003
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Dazzybee - I really hope this isn't true for the final release but I read the hands-on preview by Nintendo world report:


"That is fine, I thought to myself. There are always the online options that Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash offers. The moment I opened up that online tab, my jaw dropped to the floor. The game has no support for lobbies or communities, which pretty much means that you can't play with friends. The only options on entering are Singles and Doubles."


(I can't post links yet as I'm new to the forum)..


I read it too, but it's the only site saying it and it doesn't make any sense whatsoever!

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I'm playing quite a lot of iterations of Mario Tennis at the moment and it's a shame to hear how little content there is in Ultra Smash considering how much I've been enjoying the series.


A few games of Mario Power Tennis on GC this evening was fun but the special shots grew increasingly frustrating :hmm: The core game is great and I was enjoying some of the 'gimmick' courts but the defensive special shots needlessly prolong each point. You basically have to win each point twice due to the first would-be winner being rescued constantly. I still like the game, though :heh:


The giant mushrooms in this game look likely to frustrate in a similar way, though..

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I'm playing quite a lot of iterations of Mario Tennis at the moment and it's a shame to hear how little content there is in Ultra Smash considering how much I've been enjoying the series.


A few games of Mario Power Tennis on GC this evening was fun but the special shots grew increasingly frustrating :hmm: The core game is great and I was enjoying some of the 'gimmick' courts but the defensive special shots needlessly prolong each point. You basically have to win each point twice due to the first would-be winner being rescued constantly. I still like the game, though :heh:


The giant mushrooms in this game look likely to frustrate in a similar way, though..


At least in this you can turn everything off and just have pure tennis. I think it looks fantastic; bar the package as a whole. Just want confirmation that you can play with friends. Have nintendo ever done a game where you can't play with friends? Steel Diver did at first but patched in shortly after. Just can't see it.

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That's the one thing about Power tennis on 'cube - There was no tournament mode you could play without power shots and as you say, the mega mushrooms are very reminiscent of that. The (potential) beauty of this game though is that in my eyes, online mode basically replaces tournament mode as the main mode - so we finally have a pure game of tennis as the core of the game which is exactly what I want.


I'm not particularly bothered about ring shot or the other single player modes - or a wide court variation - just the core game of tennis against friends and varied real world opponents. Either way I have a strong feeling that DLC will be coming in various forms.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, despite the awful previews and what appears to be an extreme lack of content, I am still going to get this game for the local tennis multi-player, which I expect to be pretty good.


My question is: Is n-europe going to review the game and when would that review be scheduled to be 'up'?


Any other tennis based suckers out there? Not that we could play online if we did because you cannot find a friend. :heh:

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So, despite the awful previews and what appears to be an extreme lack of content, I am still going to get this game for the local tennis multi-player, which I expect to be pretty good.


My question is: Is n-europe going to review the game and when would that review be scheduled to be 'up'?


Any other tennis based suckers out there? Not that we could play online if we did because you cannot find a friend. :heh:


I'm still certain this is bullshit, spread by that Dan guy, who, though passionate and seems like a good guy, is a pretty awful reviewer/"journalist"


I refuse to believe this is the case. In 2015. Even nintendo would never do that. The only games I can think of in the past 10 years are Steel Diver, later patched in, and Wipeout Vita....

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That's just insane! How can it not have such a basic option!? That makes it only the second Nintendo game with online play to not have a friends matching option at all! (the only other one being Pokemon D/P/P)


The online is basically useless if I can't play with my friends!! This surely has to be coming in an update at least!?

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The online is basically useless if I can't play with my friends!! This surely has to be coming in an update at least!?


I'm kinda hoping that they didn't speak about any potential DLC or updates to Mario Tennis in the Nintendo Direct due to the fact that it isn't out yet.. but I'm not particularly optimistic about them improving the content to a satisfactory level :hmm:


It's almost embarrassing how bare bones the whole thing seems to be, particularly given the fact that the core gameplay is probably really solid!

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So I was looking through the Gaf thread and seen this...


In related news, the Eurogamer review just popped up on my RSS feed, and although it apparently didn't go live on their website yet (maybe it's under embargo) it pretty much confirms everything we already knew about it: tight gameplay, nice graphics and flawless framerate, but extremely barebones content-wise.


The reviewer also mentioned that most of the content can be unlocked in less than 3 hours... If Nintendo doesn't release some free DLC for the game (very unlikely at this point), paying full price seems like a big ripoff in my opinion, it would have made more sense to release it as an eShop-only game for 20$ or so.




I'm still baffled/shocked/disgusted just how little content seems to be in this game. It's not even a budget release. At least Splatoon was cheap and you knew there was a whole host of DLC planned for the thing.

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Yup, mental, still having sleepless nights about not being able to play online and/or only being able to play first 2 7 point matches (what the fuck are nintendo thinking). I can handle the lack of content... Game will play brilliantly I'm sure!


£30 isn't too bad though at least.

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Yup, mental, still having sleepless nights about not being able to play online and/or only being able to play first 2 7 point matches (what the fuck are nintendo thinking). I can handle the lack of content... Game will play brilliantly I'm sure!


£30 isn't too bad though at least.


Where from? My usual places ( Shopto, GAME, Simply Games, Nintendo UK ) are charging either £35-40 or not even stocking it.

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28.95 at thegamecollection




They don't always manage an early game, but they have always got games to me by Friday.


I don't like dealing with them. They have a habit of sending people some weird Euro versions of games. This means you can't trade them in as the barcodes are different than UK versions.

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Weird, did not realise that.

They also don't make it that easy to cancel.


Yeah, it was Gaf that pointed it out. Apparently they are pretty upfront about it and if you ask them they will tell you whether it's a Euro copy or not. I think it's why a lot of their games tend to be cheaper than other places.

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Aww man, my friend got his copy early and he's just telling me how incredibly crushed and disappointed he is :(


Apparently there isn't even any special music for a tiebreaker :shakehead


So sad. There's basically no single player whatsoever :(


I can't imagine that either Nintendo or Camelot are happy about the state of this game, it's blatently unfinished. But with Zelda and Starfox Zero delayed till next year, something has to release in November and Mario Tennis clearly drew the short straw :(


Still, the whole thing is just so miserable :cry:

Edited by Dcubed
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