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Sea of Thieves (XBO/PC) - New Rare game


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9 hours ago, Cube said:

@Kaepora_Gaebora @S.C.G if either of you are free tomorrow, I'm free from around 9AM to 4PM if you want it join some sailing.


Gamer tag is Cube1701.

Got my boys this weekend, so I'm only likely to be on from around...9pm, about 12 hours too late 😂

Hope you get some decent sailing in, if you might be on tonight let me know and I should be able to jump on ☠️

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1 hour ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Got my boys this weekend, so I'm only likely to be on from around...9pm, about 12 hours too late 😂

Hope you get some decent sailing in, if you might be on tonight let me know and I should be able to jump on ☠️

The PC will be in use by someone else at that time. We need a second gaming PC!

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Had a bit of fun soloing. Went through a storm (an achievement popped up for making it through a storm at night with all lanterns off), got some treasure, dropped it off. Got killed.

I decided to take recycling out and make a cup of tea before respawning, as I figured it was long enough for my ship to be sunk and to respawn in a new location. Turns out they just sat waiting for me to return so they could sink my ship when I got back. After a few shots I scuttled my ship and drowned myself to deny them the satisfaction of doing it themselves.

Managed to get a bunch more chests, took ages to find an empty outpost to cash them in and decided to give my boat a viking funeral by cooking a banana before logging of.


I want to love the game, but I detest other people. I would absolutely adore a PvE version. I can tolerate enemy players when I'm part of a group, but there's not much you can do when you're on your own.

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2 hours ago, Cube said:

Had a bit of fun soloing. Went through a storm (an achievement popped up for making it through a storm at night with all lanterns off), got some treasure, dropped it off. Got killed.

I decided to take recycling out and make a cup of tea before respawning, as I figured it was long enough for my ship to be sunk and to respawn in a new location. Turns out they just sat waiting for me to return so they could sink my ship when I got back. After a few shots I scuttled my ship and drowned myself to deny them the satisfaction of doing it themselves.

Managed to get a bunch more chests, took ages to find an empty outpost to cash them in and decided to give my boat a viking funeral by cooking a banana before logging of.


I want to love the game, but I detest other people. I would absolutely adore a PvE version. I can tolerate enemy players when I'm part of a group, but there's not much you can do when you're on your own.

You sound just like the chap I play with on a regular basis, he's been known to switch his console off if we start going down after being under attack!

I've found I'm less bothered by it since hitting Pirate Legend level, although I've always felt it's just "part of the game", and adds to the sense of risk and reward, but I get where you're coming from.

I solo'd some Athena quests last Sunday night, trying to get my emissary up to five star to unlock the five star quests (which would get me big Athena specific rewards). After just over 3 hours I reached five star and unlocked the quests and, as I went back to my ship I got back just in time to see it sinking. Not a clue what happened! Checked Xbox for 'players recently met' and messaged a guy who I'd seen a few minutes back, turns out him and his mate are rubbish in PvP so decided they'd use a small row boat from another island, bring a gunpowder to my ship and blow it up 'just to give it a go' 🤦‍♂️ of all the times for someone to try that 😂 I told him I'd lost alot of loot as well as my quests...but said fair play, what can you do!

So yeah, it never stops being a thing, you'll get a few goes with a pretty much empty server, other times it's constant attacks and looking over your shoulder. Hopefully we'll be able to play together soon and give it a fair fight!

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13 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

You sound just like the chap I play with on a regular basis, he's been known to switch his console off if we start going down after being under attack!

I've found I'm less bothered by it since hitting Pirate Legend level, although I've always felt it's just "part of the game", and adds to the sense of risk and reward, but I get where you're coming from.


I wouldn't abandon other people in that way. If I did get really frustrated, I'd wait until we had all died and respawned or if we manage to cash in stuff.

I just seem unlucky enough to constantly encounter the worst people most of the time. Ones that don't care if they destroy their ship in the process of wreaking yours (i.e. their goal is just to smash everyone, they're not after treasure), or ones that don't sink your ship and just wait for you to respawn to kill you repeatedly.

I've had some fun battles out to sea, some exciting chases and stuff like that. It's more when it seems that there's nothing you can do, when you're on an island and such.

I don't mind the risks in terms of ghost pirates, monsters or storms. I wouldn't mind AI pirates.


The main issue is players who play just to ruin other people's fun. Like one time where me and some friends were just having a relaxing fishing session and got murdered. 

I just seems like an optional private mode would turn this in the perfect "relax and hang out with friends" game 

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Rumour abound they are working on a PvE server that wouldn't count towards your alliance rankings etc, so just a chance to play around and be abit more relaxed with things, but I don't know how concrete that is! 

I've seen some great quotes from people (even the guy who blew up my ship in the previous story) how no Pirate really starts like that, the problem comes from other people doing it to you. I've given so many other ships the benefit of the doubt and be burned that now if I'm not solo'ing it's engage at the first opportunity and do what it takes to win; I don't necessarily 'like' being that pirate, but it's almost become necessary 🤷‍♂️


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  • 1 month later...

Season 1 starts this week, on Thursday.

Hoping I'll be able to get on to see what it's all about on the day, if not likely the weekend. They've promised to make it more rewarding even for short play times, and there's a new Merchant Alliance quest which sounds fun too.

However, and obviously they're working from home which makes things a lot more difficult, but the waters have been abit choppy recently. Over Christmas the servers were so overloaded it stopped tracking people's progress, which happened to me one play session, and then the double XP weekend last week had a similar incident, which lost me alot of Pirate Legend progress. They compensate with in game currency, but when alot of the commendations and achievements come from grinding, and money becomes much easier to come by (I've got a cool 3.2 million of in game currency to spend on...🤷‍♂️) it's frustrating to say the least.

As much as I understand they've got to keep things exciting and fresh, I'd personally just prefer the core content and what's there now plays properly and without any issues. So hopefully the launch of seasons won't be similar to the original launch when there were a ton of issues.

I'll be sure to let you all know 😉

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The video explaining the new Seasons has been released, ready for the big update tomorrow! 

My main concern was the Plunder Pass being a "pay to win" option, but that doesn't seem to be the case, purely get better cosmetics for your troubles, so I'm pretty happy with that.

And I'll be interested to see how this renown works and feeling like you get something for every play session; it has been brutal at times, even the Saturday just gone my friend, girlfriend and myself spent the best part of two hours doing a good hoarders vault quest, did the puzzle to get the main chest from it...and another ship turned up as we were loading our loot on and blew us out of the water, we lost everything 🤦‍♂️ which never bothers me too much, it is part of the game! But my friend was absolutely livid, in his words "I'm shaking, I'm so angry" 😂 so yeah, looking forward to seeing how this compliments the existing experience! 

@Cube I'm working all day on Saturday 😢 might have Sunday evening free though (around 9pm til late) if that's any good, @S.C.G if you're up for it too could get in a Brig and take N-E to the seas?


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So it looks like it’ll work in the same way as Rocket League seasons, with some free stuff getting unlocked as you progress, but quicker progression and more rewards for those that purchase the pass.

I’m still only about halfway through the Tall Tales (and have been super distracted with DQXI :hehe:) but definitely want to try and get back into this a bit while I’m resubscribed to Game Pass.

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55 minutes ago, RedShell said:

So it looks like it’ll work in the same way as Rocket League seasons, with some free stuff getting unlocked as you progress, but quicker progression and more rewards for those that purchase the pass.

I’m still only about halfway through the Tall Tales (and have been super distracted with DQXI :hehe:) but definitely want to try and get back into this a bit while I’m resubscribed to Game Pass.

If the four of us play we could make it a Galleon which I've only done once...very tricky, but bound to be absolute chaos 😂

I completed the Tall Tales, the final cut scene type bit is amazing! Made such a difference having checkpoints, spare a thought for those of us who did some when there weren't 😢 

Just to say as well I don't think the pass makes ranking up quicker at all from what they've said, just gives you some better cosmetic rewards (like the Banjo wheel which I already bought 🤦‍♂️)

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Once again, a Sea of Thieves launch has turned into a you know what 🤦‍♂️

The new season progression system isn't working (you get "Renown" for things you do) it's obviously that bad that they've got an in-game text message permanently in the top left corner encouraging you to continue playing as it will come through soon...2 hours later and I haven't seen any Renown so far, what a disaster...again! 

Can't quite fathom it, if it isn't ready, wait until it is? It's just embarrassing, and it's effecting other parts of the game to, I didn't get any emmisary value for one of the factions I was working through. Add in the fact that other reports from players say the new Merchant Alliance quest is glitching and people are unable to complete it, despite the Insider program forum users stating this multiple times...🤦‍♂️

Anyway on that cheery note 😂 @Cube and @redshell are you about to play on Sunday night at all? ☠️

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4 hours ago, Cube said:

@Kaepora_Gaebora @RedShell @S.C.G is there any particular evening this week any of you would like to set sail?

I'd say potentially tomorrow night (my usual SoT team mate has first dibs on that but waiting to hear) or perhaps Friday night?

Had a good couple of play sessions on this last few days (including starting my 4 days off work today with a...6 hour session 🙈) and now that things are working, I really like the Seasons/ Renown system. Feels like you get rewarded for taking the game on, you literally do get rewarded! And it also encourages you to perhaps think outside the box, do things differently or, like today where I befriended a group of three Portuguese players; drink grog in the tavern til your sick, play sea shanties for 10 minutes just because, help each other out and share all your spoils too! 

When you come up against toxic players it can really put a dampner on things, but sometimes, just sometimes, your faith in humanity (or perhaps the Seas, at least) is restored somewhat! 

I'd be up for doing Tall Tales as there's Renown and achievement objectives I need still for those, or whatever any one else fancies if we can get together ☠️

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18 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

I'd say potentially tomorrow night (my usual SoT team mate has first dibs on that but waiting to hear) or perhaps Friday night?

Let me know when you know. Anytime from 5PM is good for me. I'm happy to do whatever.

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50 minutes ago, Cube said:

9PM Friday sounds good.

How much have you played so far of it? We could do some tall tales, but it might be more fun to do some more "traditional" voyages like the X marks the spot or even the Gold Hoarders Vault quest if you're still getting used to the game?

I'm happy to do whatever and pass on any knowledge I can! ☠️

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@Cube and @Kaepora_Gaebora, I should be able to join for a bit on Friday night. :)

21 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

I really like the Seasons/ Renown system. Feels like you get rewarded for taking the game on, you literally do get rewarded! And it also encourages you to perhaps think outside the box, do things differently or, like today where I befriended a group of three Portuguese players; drink grog in the tavern til your sick, play sea shanties for 10 minutes just because, help each other out and share all your spoils too! 

Yeah, it's great. Before this update it was possible to have a really unlucky/unproductive session and it'd feel pretty bad. But now, even if you have a similar session at least you'll have made some form of progress and possibly earned some rewards too. :cool: It's also got me trying different stuff and learning some new tricks.

BTW, is it just me, or have they buffed the skeletons in the latest version? I seem to remember them being a right pushover before, but now they appear to be much more of a threat. That, or I've just gotten rusty. :hehe: And man, I really hate those damn explosive barrel ones! :shakehead

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24 minutes ago, RedShell said:

@Cube and @Kaepora_Gaebora, I should be able to join for a bit on Friday night. :)

Yeah, it's great. Before this update it was possible to have a really unlucky/unproductive session and it'd feel pretty bad. But now, even if you have a similar session at least you'll have made some form of progress and possibly earned some rewards too. :cool: It's also got me trying different stuff and learning some new tricks.

BTW, is it just me, or have they buffed the skeletons in the latest version? I seem to remember them being a right pushover before, but now they appear to be much more of a threat. That, or I've just gotten rusty. :hehe: And man, I really hate those damn explosive barrel ones! :shakehead

That'd be great! My Xbox ID is "Stankind" and the avatar is an animated Banjo pic 👍

Yeah, now I've reached level 75 on Gold, Merchant and Souls grinding on Hunters, Reapers and trying to do the emissary levels is tough so it's nice to feel like you're getting something even if its not quite what you want. Think I'm up to level 40 already, seems fairly easy to level up with a few decent sessions.

Yeah I think they have, apparently the Flameheart battle has been souped up too, made it rock hard compared to before! Trying to solo Athena voyages yesterday with the amount of skeletons they spawn (and gunpowder ones to boot) was not fun 😡

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Aaaaaaand I’m completely addicted to this again! :D Once you really get into the game it becomes unbelievably difficult to stop playing it.

Had a fantastic session yesterday. Sunk a ghost ship, hunted a couple of those mega shark things, cashed in loads of treasures and successfully defended my sloop from a persistent (not to mention incredibly annoying) invader. So satisfying when you send a player like that flying into the sea! :laughing: Not bad for a solo pirate. :cool: 

Think I’m on level 38 of the season rewards now. I like how it gives you a few ancient coins in each tier, especially as I never seem to encounter those ancient skeletons anymore. :hmm: Still don’t have quite enough for a cat though... :hehe:

Controversial opinion here, but I actually think this is one of the best games Rare have ever produced! :o Well, ok... post-Nintendo Rare. :heh: It’s without question one of my favourites anyway. 

Looking forward to some N-E pirate shenanigans tomorrow evening! Would be nice if we could get 4 players for it, @S.C.G you up for joining? :) 

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Be lovely to have Sam involved tomorrow night, if not, and no other N-E'ers are able too, my real life friend might be about to make it up to a 4, although based on my limited experience in a Galleon a Brig would definitely be easier...🙈☠️

Just had a 'perfect' Athena run where I did the quests and traded everything in and got my emmisary flag up to 5 stars, then did the 5 star quests and got all that traded in as well, very satisfying feeling 💪

I'd agree with you @RedShell, I find it incredible still that what is a completely different set of people have managed to retain a "Rare" quality to the game, whilst still making it feel fresh. Some of the technical bugs do annoy me and pull me out of the experience somewhat, but it when it works it's a phenomenal achievement of a game, the world they've created and the lore that's now hidden in there, it's such a wonderful and rich environment, easy to get completely lost in it all! (As I have done for the past...7 months?! 🙈🤷‍♂️)

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