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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Official Thread: A Brotherhood Reunited


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Gogmazios... holy poop he was Godzilla-esque!


A fairly simple enough battle in reality but it rang with that epic feeling throughout!


The battle went smoothly for two reasons.


1. The random we had must have had a mounting setup to deck him that many times in one fight. Had he not been doing that we would have had to battle him on his terms.


2. Thank lostmario for getting far enough into the single player campaign to unlock the super ballistas and demolisher.


Without these things the battle is a LOT tougher and longer. Bringing the super ballistas and demolisher can knock around 10 mins off the fight.

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The battle went smoothly for two reasons.


1. The random we had must have had a mounting setup to deck him that many times in one fight. Had he not been doing that we would have had to battle him on his terms.


2. Thank lostmario for getting far enough into the single player campaign to unlock the super ballistas and demolisher.


Without these things the battle is a LOT tougher and longer. Bringing the super ballistas and demolisher can knock around 10 mins off the fight.


1. The random did, I remember checking out his set-up and he had Mounting Pro as one of his skills.


2. Cheers @lostmario for that, I know how much of a chore the single player is.


Still, I'd rather battle him for another 10 mins than do the single player, haha. Although I did a little single player last night and unlocked the super BBQ, I'll be using that now thankfully so I'll not be as bored steak farming. Still, I can't be bothered carrying on any further, it's such a pain to play.


Also, cheers for the hunts last night you two.

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I take it Gogmazios is exclusive to the online mode? Doesn't seem to be on the caravan quest list. :hmm:


Anyway, since doing the "final" caravan quest I've hunted Molten Tigrex, Savage Deviljho and Gold Rathian, all of which were incredibly epic battles. :awesome:

Have hit a brick wall in the form of the latest urgent quest though, against Fatalis. :shakehead

What a bastard that thing is. :heh:


Are the 10 star caravan quests the equivalent of G Rank, or are they just slightly tougher high rank monsters?


@kav82, I'm amazed by how much you dislike the single player, it's almost as if you're talking about a completely different game! :hehe:

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Got to be honest i'm loving single player, even hunter ranks on Single Player are fun (mainly due to the challenge)

I'm going to hit hunter rank 2 soon only my urgent quest to do...I've sunk 80 hours in and i'm only HR1 and CR3...am i going to slow? because i'm loving the game

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...kav82 I'm amazed by how much you dislike the single player, it's almost as if you're talking about a completely different game! :hehe:


For me it's the teamwork that makes these games. Even on the "dull" hunts like the Mohrans, if the team is working in sync it feels epic. There's nothing quite like trapping, bombing, flash/sonic-bombing, stunning, paralysing, sleeping, healing, all as one whilst in a group.


That there's no voice chat hurts it a lot it must say, the game should've had it as standard, work-arounds are a pain in the ass and have left me without it. :(


Then again, I'm always playing with randoms anyhow and it's an utterly horrific time trying to find a decent group... but when you do, oh boy!



...but doing all that on your own..? It just feels run of the mill and mundane. Yet when it's a group hunting in unison, that really feels great! I'm all about the teamwork and team spirit.

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I take it Gogmazios is exclusive to the online mode? Doesn't seem to be on the caravan quest list. :hmm:


Anyway, since doing the "final" caravan quest I've hunted Molten Tigrex, Savage Deviljho and Gold Rathian, all of which were incredibly epic battles. :awesome:

Have hit a brick wall in the form of the latest urgent quest though, against Fatalis. :shakehead

What a bastard that thing is. :heh:


Are the 10 star caravan quests the equivalent of G Rank, or are they just slightly tougher high rank monsters?


@kav82, I'm amazed by how much you dislike the single player, it's almost as if you're talking about a completely different game! :hehe:


Yup, he's exclusive.


Some of the 10* stuff is G rank level.


As for the single player, I too find it boring. They've done their best to flesh it out but it ain't what MH is all about. I personally wouldn't mind if they ditched that mode altogether.

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For me it's the teamwork that makes these games. Even on the "dull" hunts like the Mohrans, if the team is working in sync it feels epic. There's nothing quite like trapping, bombing, flash/sonic-bombing, stunning, paralysing, sleeping, healing, all as one whilst in a group.


That there's no voice chat hurts it a lot it must say, the game should've had it as standard, work-arounds are a pain in the ass and have left me without it. :(


Then again, I'm always playing with randoms anyhow and it's an utterly horrific time trying to find a decent group... but when you do, oh boy!



...but doing all that on your own..? It just feels run of the mill and mundane. Yet when it's a group hunting in unison, that really feels great! I'm all about the teamwork and team spirit.

I get what you're saying, but the core gameplay/objective is identical. ::shrug: I could understand thinking the early offline quests were mundane, but the tougher monsters? No way! :o Ain't nothin' mundane about taking on those things by yourself, unless of course you're like some MH Pro that's insanely good at the game. But if that's the case, then surely the challenge is lessened even further when playing with others.


Anyway, it's all good as long as you enjoy a certain aspect of the game. :)

In fact that's one of the things I think MH does particularly well, working on different levels so that players can enjoy the game in a variety of ways.


You can either hardcore it up and go for the best gear/toughest monsters, or go all casual and faff about with some cats. :laughing:

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For me it's the teamwork that makes these games. Even on the "dull" hunts like the Mohrans, if the team is working in sync it feels epic. There's nothing quite like trapping, bombing, flash/sonic-bombing, stunning, paralysing, sleeping, healing, all as one whilst in a group.


That there's no voice chat hurts it a lot it must say, the game should've had it as standard, work-arounds are a pain in the ass and have left me without it. :(


Then again, I'm always playing with randoms anyhow and it's an utterly horrific time trying to find a decent group... but when you do, oh boy!



...but doing all that on your own..? It just feels run of the mill and mundane. Yet when it's a group hunting in unison, that really feels great! I'm all about the teamwork and team spirit.


Pretty much this.


The co-op gameplay is why MH is so big in the first place. You had the online mode in the original mode and then the local modes in the PSP versions. The community aspect is why the game skyrocketed the PSP in Japan and continues to be a beast over there. Had it been a single player game then I doubt it would be half as popular.

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Pretty much this.


The co-op gameplay is why MH is so big in the first place. You had the online mode in the original mode and then the local modes in the PSP versions. The community aspect is why the game skyrocketed the PSP in Japan and continues to be a beast over there. Had it been a single player game then I doubt it would be half as popular.

Don't think anyone would want the game to be single player only, I certainly wouldn't. :blank: But I can definitely see an appeal to the single player aspect of the game, so I also wouldn't want them to ditch that entirely either.
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Don't think anyone would want the game to be single player only, I certainly wouldn't. :blank: But I can definitely see an appeal to the single player aspect of the game, so I also wouldn't want them to ditch that entirely either.


You love your cats/Cha-Chas too much. :D


Speaking of them, what armour and weapons are your cats rocking?

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I get what you're saying, but the core gameplay/objective is identical. ::shrug: I could understand thinking the early offline quests were mundane, but the tougher monsters? No way! :o Ain't nothin' mundane about taking on those things by yourself, unless of course you're like some MH Pro that's insanely good at the game. But if that's the case, then surely the challenge is lessened even further when playing with others.


Anyway, it's all good as long as you enjoy a certain aspect of the game. :)

In fact that's one of the things I think MH does particularly well, working on different levels so that players can enjoy the game in a variety of ways.


You can either hardcore it up and go for the best gear/toughest monsters, or go all casual and faff about with some cats. :laughing:


It is the same mechanics and objective, yes, but the feeling you get whilst playing it isn't. It's all about those feels man!


You can put down a pitfall, get in some good hits, flash the monster as it flies up out of the trap, get in more good hits and stun it, chop it's tail off etc... but doing that just on your own doesn't leave me with that much of a sense of accomplishment. That I'm doing it alone, planning it and in charge of how the hunt goes, the accomplishment is expected so it doesn't leave me feeling great or anything, just that it went to plan.


Now if someone else has laid down the trap, I then flash the monster, someone else stuns it and another cuts off it's tail..?

That feeling of camaraderie and accomplishment through teamwork is far greater than doing it on your own! That's where these games do it for me.



...Jesus I miss hunting with you guys :(

Edited by Kav
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You love your cats/Cha-Chas too much. :D


Speaking of them, what armour and weapons are your cats rocking?

Hehe! They've got better gear than me! :heh:

My main Palico has a high rank Seregios weapon (think his attack is 450ish) and his usual companion has the hammer from the latest DLC quests (the one with 35% affinity! :awesome:) and they're both wearing that giant Felyne mask. :)

Also both at Lv. 30, which I think is the max, but not sure. The level has turned red though, so I'm guessing it is.


It's so damn funny watching them take on giant monsters together, that attack when they grab on to a monster's face and start punching the crap out of it gets me every time. :laughing:

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Hehe! They've got better gear than me! :heh:

My main Palico has a high rank Seregios weapon (think his attack is 450ish) and his usual companion has the hammer from the latest DLC quests (the one with 35% affinity! :awesome:) and they're both wearing that giant Felyne mask. :)

Also both at Lv. 30, which I think is the max, but not sure. The level has turned red though, so I'm guessing it is.


It's so damn funny watching them take on giant monsters together, that attack when they grab on to a monster's face and start punching the crap out of it gets me every time. :laughing:


You ever seen them use a tank?


Myself and lostmario have quested so many times that our cats work as a team now. During one quest, they dug into the ground and popped out riding a tank! We couldn't stop laughing as they rode into battle. :D

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You ever seen them use a tank?


Myself and lostmario have quested so many times that our cats work as a team now. During one quest, they dug into the ground and popped out riding a tank! We couldn't stop laughing as they rode into battle. :D

The Meownzer tank! Yep, that's another great team attack. :D

There's actually a surprising amount of depth to the Palico system in this game, lots of interesting combinations you can do when setting 1st Stringers. :awesome:

I've got 5 of each of the different palico types too (the island is pretty packed :hehe:) so can set up all of the 5 star Forte Skills. :yay:

Edited by RedShell
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If they ever ditched single player, I would have to seriously consider ditching Monster Hunter.


Some of us don't have constant access to online, you know? Without the single player, I would not be rocking high-rank gear by now.

Yeah, got my Tetsucabra set. Over 300 defense is quite nice for starting high rank, going for Gypceros S next for coverage against lightning, poison immunity, marathon runner and Critical Eye. Quite decent for a SnS, considering I can gem on Speed Sharpener and Talisman Auto Guard/Negate heat.


I'll probably be online later today, farming some event quests at Low rank, working my way to HR4 then hopefully getting the Master Sword and Link's clothes.

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Cracking session on this yesterday with lostmario. We went back to the HR quests that we passed on by and blitzed through a bunch of them. I think we got through about 15 but what was really great was that it was just one quest after another, no messing about or faffing around with weapons, we just put the quest up, ate and then headed on off into battle. Brilliant.


Lostmario finally gemmed Statue+2 into his armour ( been telling him to do that ) and now his paralysis weapon is a beast. Dude was stunning monsters 3 times in the space of 5 mins. This, along with my poison, was bringing beasties down stupidly fast. :D

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I, shock horror, decided to play more single player during the football match last night (terrible match). I opened up 9 Star hunts and got to the point where there's the Kushala Daora cutscene... @lostmario, how much longer need I play to unlock the things that help with the Gogmazios fight?

If I'm going to play on the single player I think it'll be whilst I'm watching something.

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Got my hunter rank 2 last night, that spider boss was a pain in the ass! i forgot to bring a full stock of Mega Potions which did not help at all, plus i'd switched to a Long Sword from my Ludroth Great Sword, which seemed to damage it less, despite the speed allowing for what i thought would be a higher damage per second

Got down to the wire, 3 min left, used my last potion and stupidly got trapped in a bit of web, got long jawed and poisoned and died with less than 30 seconds on the clock, and what it appears was a 1 or 2 hit away from death spider


Switched weapons stocked up on items and killed it in 10 min....


went to the third location in single player and fought Bahumat (for got his name, gambala mabala or some shit) fun little fight on the boat that....Can't wait to get the vex mythoclast on Destiny, because i might be done with destiny completely then and can focus on this game!


Wonder when the next console version of this will come out? tempted to go back to TRI and see if i'd like it again, but my backlog will not allow it YET

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I, shock horror, decided to play more single player during the football match last night (terrible match). I opened up 9 Star hunts and got to the point where there's the Kushala Daora cutscene... @lostmario, how much longer need I play to unlock the things that help with the Gogmazios fight?

If I'm going to play on the single player I think it'll be whilst I'm watching something.


I think you're nearly there. Once you get those and 2 Wystones then you are good to go.

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I think you're nearly there. Once you get those and 2 Wystones then you are good to go.


2 Wystones... noted.


What I'm not noting is any of the text in the game. I'm not reading any of it at all so I have no idea what people are saying... I simply cannot be arsed sitting there reading it all, not a chance, far too much text... most of which is blabbering drivel too not actually related to the tasks.


How long will it be before I get the Wystones, and do you know what I need to do to get them?

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How long will it be before I get the Wystones, and do you know what I need to do to get them?
They get introduced on the 9 star urgent quest against Apex Seregios if I recall correctly.

And then upgraded to Lv 2 after completing one of the 10 star quests, I think. :blank: I got the Lv 2 versions recently but can't remember which quest it was. :hmm:

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2 Wystones... noted.


What I'm not noting is any of the text in the game. I'm not reading any of it at all so I have no idea what people are saying... I simply cannot be arsed sitting there reading it all, not a chance, far too much text... most of which is blabbering drivel too not actually related to the tasks.


How long will it be before I get the Wystones, and do you know what I need to do to get them?


You need both off and online stuff.



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Cheers @Hero\-of\-Time.


Why'd they have to make this game so much of a chore though. I'm glad on games like CoD you don't need to complete the campaign in order to unlock important stuff in multiplayer.

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