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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Online Meet Up Thread


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I'll be back! Probably!


(also soz for that wario match, i was just trying to stunt jump the bumpers and get back on my bike :p)


Pfft, no need to apologise, RedShell and I aren't what you would call "For Glory" types. =P


Currently three in the room! Could potentially be laggy, but if anyone wants to try, hop on in!


EDIT: Why do all of my custom stages have glitches. =I

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Songbird stage is nice, why do I recognise it from somewhere? Not sure why the cannon liked to shoot me through the floor though (wasn't taking that very seriously, more just checking out the level). I'll hang for another 10-15 minutes I reckon then shamefully go watch Made in Chelsea. It's been fun though, you guys are goood! Enjoyable matches and few amusing moments so all good :)


Can you share stages easily on this btw? I really like the smash logo stage that you've made with the lava and the cannons!

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(i also don't mean to keep killing you when you're taunting but i couldn't resist that accidental shield break)


Who is on? I'm here for some smash!


Dammit Peepsworth! I'm about to leave! I might come back at 11, if anyone's still here then. Or I could swap my Smash to this other TV....(gamepad...pfft!)


EDIT: I'm doing that, I'll be back in 5-10.

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Songbird stage is nice, why do I recognise it from somewhere? Not sure why the cannon liked to shoot me through the floor though (wasn't taking that very seriously, more just checking out the level).

Can you share stages easily on this btw? I really like the smash logo stage that you've made with the lava and the cannons!

It's the bird from Ine's Whistle!


You can't share levels with friends yet, but there will be a future update (no date for it yet though) that allows you to share custom stages, screenshots and replays! That Smash logo level is RedShell's creation by the way.

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It's the bird from Ine's Whistle!


You can't share levels with friends yet, but there will be a future update (no date for it yet though) that allows you to share custom stages, screenshots and replays! That Smash logo level is RedShell's creation by the way.


I totally thought as much but then I wondered if it was one of your own! Lovely to see, just sorry about the glitch :p


Look what you reduced me to Smash!



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I totally thought as much but then I wondered if it was one of your own! Lovely to see, just sorry about the glitch :p


Look what you reduced me to Smash!



Ha, I haven't done any drawing since this signature of mine. And I still couldn't create something as good as Ine's works. You'll never get me to admit that I'm kinda sorta maybe okay at aaaaaarrrrrrt!


Anyway, super weak finish? That was a great way to finish (i.e. with me dying stupidly)! I always prefer to end my matches on a fun note. =P


Good games to @\-Dem0\-'s brother! I hope you all keep on coming back regularly! And Peeps, you were getting KO punches like crazy! You connected more times with that tonight than I have for my whole time playing the 3DS and Wii U games, haha.


By the way if either Rummy or The Peeps saved the replay of the Luigi's Mansion match, hang on to it! I forgot to save that one, so I'll have to wait for that sharing update if I wanna use it in the future.


EDIT: Also, guys! Tonight we have accomplished a great thing, the accolade of receiving a "...last page" link onto this thread. That's quite a rarity for online meet up threads these day, so well done everyone, and keep Smashing. =P

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Ahhh, I don't have the mansion unfortunately! I was a bit distracted in that match - I was Yoshi iirc?


As for finishes I know what you mean, me and my Bros like the same but we tend to avoid finishing on arguably OP items, final smashes, or really really stupid/silly deaths. You might have clocked me trying to get a 9 finished at one point(and you did a fantastic one later), trying to get that Warlock Punch on yourself and Peeps etc - I love a fun/rare KO!

Tbh for yours it was quite a silly one imo because it was a bit of circumstance when I think tbh you've got me outskilled, but I'd take it arguably with my mates. I had some great matches tonight guys, really what I needed actually so good funs all round!


I'm sadly out for a standard affair on Thursday but little plans rest of the week atm, def let me know if you guys might be on in the evenings coming and I'll see if I make an appearance. Getting used to the pro pad but can't wait to get my hands on a GC pad, feel I'll be playing at my true reps with that(which is still below you guys, but that's what's gonna make it awesome!)

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But they do it so well! I'll look forward to future smashing with you guys, as said I'm usually around evenings so hit me up witha mention or if you see me online...erm, well, you can't message me so I don't really know what to do there. Silly little Wii U. Just do mentions here and if I see it I'll jump on, even if just for a few :)


I was a bit lucky with those KO's :) the best one was landing it on two of you playing as Fox at the same time!


I don't think I did save that Luigi's Mansion one unfortunately


I was quite suitably impressed with the double-KO punch! I've not randomed into Mac very much but you use him quite well - it's seeing people like that that makes me almost wanna go back into maining characters for a bit and then switching up.

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Nah man don't feel bad for it, just feel bad for yourself when you're getting your arse kicked by people who don't even know who they're playing as :p


Ofc, semi-jokes in that. I honestly find playing as random helps me really better myself all round - I get used to all the characters but in turn I sort of know what my opponents might try to throw at me(or throw me at even!) having been in that character's shoes. There's flaws to everyone as well, or at least weak points, and if you keep on as the same person you might not learn enough to avoid them.


I played a bit online tonight with a mate of mine, if you guys ever see me playing with mates do feel free to jump in. I'll usually be hosting for that very purpose, and it's always good to get a bit of Smash variety. I might end up out tomorrow now so maybe not back around til Friday, otherwise you won't see me until next Tuesday/week.

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Current status on aaaall these replays. Been watching, recording and deleting replays passively over the past three days, oldest replays first. Been through about 110 so far! But with that said, I've still got around 70 to go…


I could use a break, so I’ll be opening a room at around 8PM as usual! Just… maybe do me a favour, and make sure the matches are really boring so I don’t have more replays to go through later. =P

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I'll (hopefully) be around at about 9:30pm for matches tonight, depending on when I get back home! Quick mention to @Mr\-Paul because they've been searching for matches (In your case DuD, send a friend request my way before you play, because you'll need to if you'll want to join a room I make. Glad you finally got your hands on the game by the way).


EDIT: or past 10PM. So much for hope. =P

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