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3DS train journey


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I'm going on a fairly long journey next week.. I haven't touched my 3ds in a long while now.. but I feel I need a game to kill a few hours. It's only 5 hours, but then back again, so just wondering what games you guys have that you think would be good for the job...

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Fantasy Life. Then say goodbye to your real life. 40+ hours and counting. There's frequent save points and the main bulk of the game is divided up by "challenges", designed for long AND pick up and play short bursts. 12 different classes, each one with a gazillion challenges, loads of main story quests, gazillions side quests. It's basically designed as a a "play how you want, play as little or as much as you want" type of game. I GUARANTEE there is a play style in there that you will enjoy.

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I have loads of suggestions!! :D


But could do with knowing what games you have got first before I suggest ones you've maybe already got! :heh:


One game I think would be great to get lost in on a train journey would be Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies.

If you've played previous games in the series then you'll know what to expect, but I really enjoyed the cases in this one.

Was a bit of a return to form! Definitely recommend that if you enjoy the series. Even if you don't though, you can just dive straight into it and get lots of enjoyment out of it. Train journeys tend to be boring, so you're full attention can go on the game (which is sometimes required when cross examining witnesses etc).


Another suggestion would be Kirby. I haven't personally played it, but really want to. A lot of the guys on here have got it and they spoke really highly of it. If you're a fan of platformers (which I'm guessing you are as a Nintendo gamer :heh: ) then I don't think there's been a better one this year.


All my other suggestions are older games as I think the 3DS has had a bit of a slow year software wise, unlike previous years.

But here is a list of must haves for me anyway. If you don't have one of these, look into them!


Luigi's Mansion 2

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Mario Golf

Resident Evil Revelations



Loads more. But I loved that little selection above!


Let us know what you decide! : peace:

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How I've enjoyed my 3DS the most as a travelling device, is a combination of downloadable games + whatever cartridge I'm playing at the time. One holiday I really enjoyed Heroes of Ruin (simple, relaxing and quite easy) but it's just a coincidence that's what I had at the time.


Mostly, though, I've enjoyed fiddling about with the NES 3D Classics, the Sega 3D Classics and Zen Pinball.

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Seconding MMX's suggestion - I haven't touched my 3DS for time(due to my often mentioned dodgy L button :p) but I cracked into Fantasy life on Monday, clocked like 17 hours on it already. Such an addictive little game yet I can't really say why. Check some reviews first to possibly see what you're in for, I found them all a bit 'hmm' yet they gave good end scores, I can see why playing it now!


Only downside is it will most likely/certainly end up consuming far more than 5 hours of your life, so you're really gonna be investing beyond that train journey :p

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Only downside is it will most likely/certainly end up consuming far more than 5 hours of your life, so you're really gonna be investing beyond that train journey :p


I may consider it for the journey back then - I'm going up to stay with a friend so I don't want to spend the whole time on my 3ds!

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I may consider it for the journey back then - I'm going up to stay with a friend so I don't want to spend the whole time on my 3ds!


Ahh...I'm sure if you HAVE* to do things you can put it down, it's just very easy not to when you're not up to much. Fairly easy/regular save points plus the sleep function, there aren't many 'omg I can't stop here moments damn damn damn' more just like 'damn damn damn I don't want to stop here ughhh! *folds 3ds* ' :p


*I don't have to go to work. I have not been to work much this week(not helped by being ill Monday).

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There's tons of great choices to pick from...


Smash is a good solid choice of course, as is Super Mario 3D Land, or Zelda A Link Between Worlds or Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, or Theatrhythm Curtain Call...


Really just about any major game would do the job nicely :)

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