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Xpert 11 Season 30: The End of History, The Era of One Champion


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My midfield isn't up to scratch, I'm still building so I'm not fussed about what people have to say (or not say) about my team as it is : peace:


@Haden I will start the season on Monday, I will set it up to begin on 29th April. Is this acceptable to everyone? It would only be 4 match days that get missed although it'll feel like a long time I'm sure!


I've sent a PM to clownferret but he hasn't answered any of the mentions so I'm not sure about him. Hopefully he's in :)


Xpert Quick Beginner's Guide


I just wanted to make sure the new guys know about how important it is to keep good form for your players and get high development values. Without high development values, your players will not increase in skill.


Player Development


The first thing you should look at for your players is age against skill. The average is 18-4 (to become 19-5, 20-6 etc as a baseline). If you have players below this average, they are probably not worth keeping on to train (but arguably once they get to 9/10 skill they're decent enough to keep around if it keeps your team balanced). Focus should always be on youth.


Players also have special qualities which are explained HERE - take note of Divas as simply giving them their favourite shirt number will remove any negative effects they would otherwise have.


Development Values - Players increase their base skill at the end of each season in the change report. The size of the increase/decrease is determined by development values (DV) - which you can keep track of if you hover over the player name in your team list. A DV of 10 or higher will give your player an increase in skill but to get a visible raise (ie, to get one skill bar higher) you would be aiming for 14/15 at the very least.


DVs are worked out by your player's average form and match experience over the season. If you play stronger teams and lose, you can still get good DV for your players if you can keep their form up as your player's match experience will be better when you play high skilled teams (DV is an accountable figure but match experience is hidden and probably not worth thinking too much about). Younger players will raise easier than older players who may not raise even on 16/17 DV.




Your player's form has an influence on how well that player will play in a match. A player on 10 form will usually play TO his skill level during the game. A player on higher than 10 form will usually play above their own skill level during a game. You can see how well your players did during the game afterwards when you look at your 'last line-up'.


(you can get to your last line up by hovering over the 'squad' icon)

Every player has the potential to play 5 skill bars higher than their actual skill. Their match performance is based on form and teamwork values (as well as other minor factors such as win bonus). You also have the option to mark a playmaker. This will usually result in a performance decrease for the player you mark. It is always best to mark a midfielder. Marking the opponent's playmaker will not only affect that player but the entirety of the opponents midfield as most of the 'plays' will be going through that one player. However, if a playmaker goes unchecked, he will further boost the performance of the rest of the midfield. Sometimes it does make sense to mark the strongest midfielder/player on the opposing team if that player is like 5 skill bars higher than the rest of the midfield or something :p



Form values are not always reliable as they only show your player's last form change. The arrows indicate which way the form is trending so you can get an idea of whether a player is going to continue to drop or not. HERE is a link that goes into form and form trends a bit better. You can try to boost player's form with form training (expensive but worth it) but remember the higher your player's form, the less likely they are to raise their form by much (or at all).


I'll also give my opinion on your teams, just what I'd do if I were starting out with what you've got. Maybe it'll give you a bit of insight into how to think about team development. Hopefully some other people will comment some things too as I don't want to steer anyone wrong.


Generally I liked to go for 2 keepers, 5/6 in defence, 5/6 in midfield and 3 up front with a good balance of old and young / high and low skilled players.


First up we have @dazzybee




So starting from the top. You have 2 terrible keepers :p neither are worth keeping and I doubt you'd get any buyers in the transfer market. I'd say this is a priority for you. Depending on how you want to play it, you can go for a 30+yr 10+ skill veteran keeper for fairly cheap and either wait for a youth from the academy (no guarantee of getting a decent one in time) or try to purchase a 17/18-4 (age-skill).


Defence: definitely keep your 30-11 and 21-7. I'd say also keep your 24-8. Alongside those 3, bring two youth players in. Your 24-6 and 23-6 should be sacked. Your 24-7 might go for a low price if you're lucky. At age 24 you should be looking at 10 skill on average so he's a bit below the curve. It's worth keeping the 26-8 to keep the average age of your defence up.


Midfield: sack the 29-7 and the 23-5, keep the 29-8, 28-9, 21-7, 18-5. One more youth and you've got a solid midfield and you should be looking to replace the 29-8 over the next season or two.


Forwards: keep the 28-11 and 20-7 for sure. Bring a youth in and sack the rest.


Once again, this is just a guideline based on how I'd develop the team if I was just starting out :p


next up is @Agent Gibbs




Your defence is your weakest area I think. Your keepers are fine although a 23yr old should be 9 skill on average (one behind isn't terrible but a lot of people obviously aim for above average so even average tends to look bad!).


Keepers: It depends on money really. You need to be putting funds into defence so I think you can keep your keepers as they are for now and look to replace the 23-8 with a youth over the next season or two. If you feel you have enough or want to wait for a youth from the academy, definitely replace the 23-8 and keep the 29-10 as a reserve.


Defence: Keep the 26-8, he's your only player over 25 in defence and you'll need him to boost the average age. Defence and Goalkeeper are counted together so your 26-8 and 29-10 keeper will boost your defence's average age nicely. You want to look at purchasing another older player though, especially if you're wanting to bring in a youth keeper.

I'd say get a 30+yr old with 10+ skill, whatever you can afford. Keep the 19-5 for sure, he's fine and only keep the 19-4 if you don't think you'll have enough players in time. Definitely bring another youth in too.


Midfield: (can I just say these teams are ridiculous, when I first started I had like 2 players 7 skill or more lol) You have a crazy strong midfield for a brand new team so there's not much you actually have to do. I would keep the 30-8 and 29-9, sack/sell the 24-7 and keep the 23-8. Bring in 2 youth midfielders and phase out the 23-8 to bring in another youth in a season or two.


Forwards: keep the 33-10, keep the 21-5 with special qualities if you don't have enough money for 2 new youths. Sack the 24-5 and the other 21-5. Definitely bring in at least 1 youth player here.


Also in case you missed it, I made a shitty quick beginner's walkthrough if you wanted to take a look:


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The day they make the new interface mandatory I'll be relegated:p


Are you seriously managing five teams on top of the N-E team? I have neglected me only other team(the official one) just so I could focus on my N-E team. If I had paid more attention I could probably reached 4th division.


I tried managing a second private team, won a divison in the first season even, but Eights United took my all time and I eventually quit.


I know most people pay VIP to manage more teams, but I'm fine with managing 1 1/2 team.

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Come on Eights you must be joking! Familia are a good side but everyone knows bob were the toughest round of 16 challengers.


Oh, wait...


Anyway, congratulations on winning Wimbledon, Nikos! What a team! What a day! What a moment to be alive!


This whole universe, every last facet of being – it is yours!; that vast, terrifying depth of existence, that awesome (in every sense of the word) weight of consciousness; it belongs to you today!; every atom, every microbe, every last organism; every man, every woman, every cat, dog and ape; every politician, every football manager, every young couple gazing longingly into each other's eyes!; every carefully-crafted masterpiece, every act of charity, every tear on a young babe's cheek!; All of evolution, all of human history, leading to this day, this day, a day pregnant heavy with destiny; a day on which footballing legends, standing at the gates of Olympus, turned, like Benjamin's Angel, to face the unrelenting onslaught of History, and gazed upon that great and terrible thing; they looked upon the approaching tide of fate, and, somehow, remained calm, stoic, undeterred, utterly determined, focussed in the way only an Xpert Manager on a mid-sized Nintendo Fan Forum can be!















Thanks, as always,


Roger Federer


This needs to be seen on a new page, you should do Xpert reports :P


Epic vid Peeps! I think Nikos mentioned this once before has anyone taken Xpert 11 up with such a passion as us guys?

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Someone in the official league scribble was saying he was part of a league that literally studied every aspect of the game. They had whole teams of certain special qualities, looked at which formations had which effects etc. Sounds boring to me to go that deep into it but goes to show some people really like to get into the inner workings :p


@Tales yeah I have 6 teams in all lol. I wanted to have a match on every day of the week :p one of the leagues I was in kind of folded and when it started up again they had different bloody match days so I went for a 6th team. So far I'm handling them quite easily. If I had started them all at once I think it would've been too much but every time I've started up a new team I've already gotten established with the rest.


Now all of my teams are on the right track for development except maybe my latest one. Still need to sort out a few players there :p

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Who is responsible for the new managers by the way? I'm doing the lottery for VIP and everyone that recruits gets a pick :p


I recruited Liverpool! :)


In case anyone was wondering, the Champions League winner gets 1 million econ in prize money but no extra trophy by the looks of it. I got one for winning the Mushroom League but that seems to have been replaced by the trophy for winning the champions league - season 30, instead of adding to it.

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Best change report I have ever had truly outstanding, Somner doubled which I am really happy about only a few people didn't go up visibly I will still get whipped in the top league but have a stronger unit to play with now.


I think I am going to avoid any big changes I might see if I get any amazing youths but thinking of leaving it this season and bringing in a couple of youths next season, might be good to stabilize and really push the current crop of guys.


Tales what are you feeding some of your youths! Great progress in midfield for your team.


I brought in Agent Gibbs and Dazzy :)

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Very positive change report over here. My team is looking good.


Did we decide on a format for the new season? I'm not sure which league I'll be in as I got to the Round of 16 and then lost which means I'm one of the top 16 teams, so definitely either 1st or 2nd league. If we go 10-10-10 again who will get the 9th and 10th place?

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Spotlight Winners:


Hadens Legends (3)


Russian Revolution

Atlético Aqui1a

Eights United

AC Elites




Hadens Legends (2)

Intergalactico stars



Hadens Legends

Winston Garden Lions

Intergalactico Stars


League Winners:

Intergalactico Stars (2)

DuDs Baggies

Yellow Submarine

Eights United



6 picks:


Hadens Legends (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)


4 picks:


Intergalactico Stars (12,13,14, 16)


2 picks:


Eights United (7, 8)


1 pick:


bob (15)

Russian Revolution (10)

Atlético Aqui1a (9)

AC Elites

Winston Garden Lions (19)

DuDs Baggies

Yellow Submarine (11)


Each entrant picks a number between 1-19, winner gets free VIP


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


My change report was pretty good, my keeper double jumped but he missed a raise last season. Might sell him towards the end of the season and get someone with a few SQs!


The new season will be 9-9-9 and will start on the 29th - this is to allow for the new teams to make whatever transfers they need before the season starts. So the season starts in two weeks, or 4 match days away :p


In other news, Aqui1a has decided to stay on at Atlético Aqui1a.

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lol at having 6 picks to make it easier I pick 1,2,3,4,5,6 cmon those low numbers!


Are you hitting the trigger on the leagues later today? Will help with thread creation sry don't mean to keep going on about this :D

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12+, 13 visible, including two double jumps.


Unfortunately, my main keeper went down visibly and I didn't get that 15 skilled player I dreamt of, although they better be damn close, the 14 skilled midfielders had 15, 17 and 15 in dvs.


Still have the strongest team of all, by two whole skillbars according to the stats. My team average went from 10.5 to a record high 11.5.


It will be interesting to see the team values when they get updated

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It looks like a lot of players benefited from the bonus matches, ours included.


+11 visible increase but crucially midfielders Romero, Quim & Wilder all double jumped. I'm certain that is Quims third double jump as he's now worth 10 million. Only downside is Wacek will retire next and I'm sure it won't be long until my veteran defender and striker do so too.

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Nice, I'll take 12,13,14 and 16, thanks!


...Oh yeah and I just realised, I can't let this thread carry over to next season without having had my celebratory post as the new Champeeen!




Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :grin:

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My team are worth more than any "Elite League" team and are worth 40 mil than the next middle league team but I am put in the middle league.



Hadens Legends will dominate the middle league and come to the "top" league as unbeaten champs.

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Relegated to second, but increasing with 15 million isn't bad at all.


There's a lot of teams now that have breached 100 million, seven in all.

My team are worth more than any "Elite League" team and are worth 40 mil than the next middle league team but I am put in the middle league.



Hadens Legends will dominate the middle league and come to the "top" league as unbeaten champs.


Didn't you reach the quarterfinals?


Weird, I just checked the xpert forums a couple hours ago and in some thread they said the quarterfinalists will be put in the highest league. I don't remember the league result, but top 2 from the leagues then? Disappointing.

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