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Xpert 11 Season 30: The End of History, The Era of One Champion


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Xpert 11 Season 30: The End of History, The Era of One Champion



(Mafia games pound against the defences of the ever decreasing xpert numbers)

I didn't think it would end this way with the teams leaving.

End? Xpert doesn't end here, death of teams are just another path one we all must take. The leagues roll back and the trophies turn to silver then you see it.

What see what?

The Champions League, the most glorious competition a team can ever compete in.

Well that isn't so bad.

No no it isn't.




Previous Champions


Eights United 29

Yellow Submarine 28

Yellow Submarine 27

Eights United 26

Eights United 25

Intergalactico Stars 24

Intergalactico Stars 23

Silverdale Hotpot 22

Haden United 21

Essex Elites 20

Essex Elites 19

Mcoys Sons 18

Essex Elites 17

Dysonian Wanderers 16

Haden United 15

Dysonian Wanderers 14

Essex Elites 13

Roostophe Rovers 12

Haden United 11

Roostophe Rovers 10

Oddy 5-9

Haden United 4

Bayern Bru 3

Oddy 2

Happenstance FC 1


Cup Winners


Inter, Inter, Silverdale, Eights, Eights, Yellow Submarine, DuDs Baggies, AC Elites, Hadens Rangers



The History of Xpert 11


Season 1-4 the Genesis of NE Xpert




Season 1


This was how it began, Season 1 was started in the summer of 2007 when Odwin created a thread (in Gen Chit Chat no less!) inviting us to play a game “kind of like Championship Manager” Happenstance won the first ever league. It would be his teams only victory but gave him a legendary status among NE xpert managers that would never be forgotten.



Anyone out there reading this that wants in? It's a laugh.



Well thats it, Happenstance FC has won the league!!!!

Season 2

The banter had already began, this season saw Oddy win his first of what would be many league titles as historic sides managed by Roostophe, Charlie, Dyson and Haden began to get to grips with the game.



And if it helps, I am the current winner of the league



Only because the league selection was random and you were put in the top league ahead of the better players.


Club Profile: The 64s


Gaggle: Just applied. Sixty-Fourthers, ready to go and super psyked!


The oldest of our current teams that still play, the 64s have always been characterised by a youth policy and adherence to non risky formations. They finished 2nd twice in the top league and are two time Middle League winners. They are at the moment on a bit of a slump in the Lower League, the reasons for this is clear in their team sheet. The manager has chosen to rely on youth, a midfield that is full of players who can apply pressure for an entire game. This is combined with Jonkster and and Sarsari at the back of the pitch in defence who are the clubs best players.


It would be fair to say the oldest NE club will be huge outsiders to win the Champions League, even escaping their group will be hard. But maybe their youths will find success in the runners up cup?

Odds: 80-1


Season 3


By this stage Oddy was already turning into a dominant force and seemed to have the league sewn up. However a shock 1-0 loss to Haden combined with Charlie's team having a great end of season run saw a dramatic league title go down to the final game of the season where Gaggle had to beat Oddy to give Charlie a chance of winning his first championship.


Gaggle: Oh my god, I managed to beat Oddy. Also Moria actually struggled to beat Threezok. If only I had done better against Cube, I could be holding the trophy now. Still, I think I can tick this one off as a truly excellent season. Excellent work lads. Excellent work.


Odwin: (crying emoticon)That is all I have to say.


Season 4


The last in our series of the early days of Xpert and the last winner before Oddy's domination. This season Haden United won the first of their four league titles. In the end United gained the title with two games to go in a season where everything went right for them. One team who were trying to get promoted to the top leaguewere not so fortunate and there story saw the most famous breakdown of a manager in Xpert history.


Roostophe: (smiley emoticon) Is all I need to say. Especially as I have Striderton next.


MoogleViper: I might get his password off of him and set his tactics.


Roostophe: Even if you did, he'd still lose. The players' forms must be rock-bottom!


Rock-Bottom! Rock-Bottom!


MoogleViper: Yeah I know. But it would be cool if I could beat you.


Dyson: That is THE funniest thing I've ever seen happen in X11. Seriously, Villan losing to the team that hasn't won a game all season and Cube beating the champions, it doesn't get much better.


Roostophe: Thank you so fucking much you great **** Moogle. Having a fucking shit day to find you're all ripping the piss out of me just because Moogle decided to be an absolute **** for no fucking reason!


Tell me, Moogle, why the fuck did you decide to be more of a fucking shithead than you already are? This is just fucking bollocks! I don't even know if I'll carry on next season, if I have to do this shit again!



Season 5-9 Odwination




Season 5


After four seasons it was clear Odwin had a much better grip of Xpert youth policy than any of us and his team began a 5 season winning spree this season. In other news the top league expanded to 11 and the NE cup which was introduced in Season 4 finished this season with Dyson beating Shorty to become the two time champion.


Dyson: Makes me the sole winner of the N-E Cup


Oddy: Conspire all you like against me! The end of this season will be like a walk in the park. You guys are all ... errrr ... what's the right term ... douche bags.


Rez: Right whats a football?




Season 6-7


Oddly I could not find a thread for Xpert 11 Season 6-7. Needless to say Oddy pwned us all despite myself, Dyson and others dirty tricking him his superior defence and free kick maestros tore our teams apart. The other notable thing that happened in this season was MadDog and Jimbob joined us in Season 7 with teams that are still active today!


Club Profile: Madpool


Madpool may well be the best club to have never won the big one. They have come 2nd four times and for a majority of their time in NE have been a mainstay of the elite scene in top club football. Their manager enjoys boosting the midfield and dominating in both possession and chances, the origins of 4-5-1 being the perfect away formation could well be traced back to this team.


While they have fallen from favour recently sinking into the middle league they have a team that is now a mix of veterans and youths that looks more set for the future. Hales and Gerrard are still the key players in the team but the midfield looks good for the future with Leiva and Coutinho breaking out as future stars.


The team is in the midst of a transition but other teams would be unwise to underestimate them. Depending on their group may make it to the knock outs.

Odds: 20-1


Club Profile: Recall United


Recall United have had a long history in xpert 11, their peak came in Season 19 when they won the Middle League and gained promotion to the Elite League. After relegation they have entered a steady decline with sporadic suggestions of a recovery. However the club is under good management and they have taken on board youths in all areas and the fruits of previous youths are starting to appear. Celbridge is a dominant captain for the team keeping them steady at the back, Montana and McAteer give some dynamism in midfield while the forwards and goalies still need some time to develop.


This side will face a challenge making it to the knockout stages but should aim to cause some upsets and not be intimidated by any other side.

Odds: 60/1


Season 8


Season 8 saw the league grow again and really begin to get popular as more and more NE posters began to get involved. However by this point Oddy was in complete control and despite the best efforts of all involved he won with ease this season. We were joined by Silverdale at the end of this season, little did we know at the time we had a future league winner in our midst.



Cube: Darn. My 38 year old midfielder is leaving at the end of the season.


Oh great. Even more injuries to my defence.


Oddy: People don't leave O3, there's no reason to.


Rez: *Cracks knuckles*


Y'all bitches familiar with a winning streak? Cos this here beezner is on one. Awwww yeeeeaaahhhh.


Team Profile Silverdale Salmon:


Silverdale have been a great side in xpert 11 and constitute the first of the big four teams that dominate the modern game. Their rise to prominence was quick as they entered the top league in Season 14, they yo yod a few times but always bounced back and won their only title in Season 22 and they also have a cup victory to their name. The team they have now is a behemoth with no weaknesses. They have a multi talented goalie in Housham a defence that is both quick and good in the air and Orellana is becoming a deadly midfielder, the attack finishes things off with the legends of Calderwood and Scrimshaw providing a duo that any team would rather not face. They are quite a balanced side but it has to be said they are not the most reliable team, they go form title contenders to mid league side season to season. In this new format they have to hit the ground running and live up to their considerable pedigree. Anything less than the semi finals will be a disappointment, could this be their season to take the throne?


Odds: 5/1


Season 9:


Season 9 saw the final chapter in the domination of both Oddy as a manager and it would turn out Oddy as an admin. We now had three leagues with nine teams in each league and teams were starting to mature and become much more powerful. Teams now started to use the transfer market with each other as more took advantage of VIP perks. The rivalry between Dyson and Roostophe that would soon become dominant in the shaping of the league began this season.




Charlie: 6-1 against Domstercool. I'm happy with that. Didn't even play Brusling!


Roostophe: Beat Dyson 6-2 I will gloat tommorow.


Oddy: Next season I'd tip 64thers for the title. Personally I'd get rid of some of your younger players and buy in some great older players. Your players all seem to be young 20s or young 30s. Not many mid 20s, etc. What is your plan Gaggle?



Season 10-16: The era of the attack.




Season 10:

Dyson took over as admin this season and Oddy started a new team that would never quite make it back to the top of NE. No a new era had started four teams with different philosophies came to the fore in these seasons. The first of which was the dangerous attacking Roostophe Rovers who was managed by a manager who was as temperamental as his team were successful.


Ashley (on xpert 11): Yeah sounds like shit to me personally but thanks for the explanation.


Roostophe: Who the frig dirty tricked my team? Did they do it TWICE?


Ah, what the fuck does it matter?





MadDog: One of my strikers is now 8 skilled!


Tales: How do I start a new team?


Team Profile: Eights United


This team are the current gold standard in NE. They have been in the top 3 in the last 7 seasons, the top 2 in the last 5 seasons and have won 3 titles since Season 25 including last season at a canter. They are worth the most amount of money and have the most powerful team what makes their achievement more remarkable is this was not done in an era of the rest of the managers not knowing what the game was about, Eights have come in and for the last 9 seasons at least have been a major player in this game.


Looking at their team you can see why, a defence that cancels out headed goals as an option of attack, a midfield that ranges from 31 year old goal scorer Granas to 18 year old future prospect Mache. Finally in attack Capwell can be at times both provider and scorer. Eights United were one of the first teams who made 3-5-2 away from home a viable and devastating tactic forcing teams to play open football if they wanted to or not. The only thing going against them is they have a bullseye on them, every team would love to be the one to knock them out of the cup. If they win the CL they will go down in history as the best team that has ever played in this league.


Odds: 3/1




Season 11


The top league at this point was filled with veteran teams, Dyson, Happenstance, Roostophe, Secret United, Haden but also some new teams such as MadDog United and Tin Can Club. This was a really close season that saw Haden and Charlie duke it out for the title, in a home match Haden United squeezed past Secret United to pick up a crucial victory that saw them win their second championship. Also of note was the amazing 5-5 draw between Madpool and Happenstance that saw Madpool heroically go down.




Ell: Joint second is better than letting the dirty Secret United win!


DuD: Cube was staying up untill the last kick of the game season. I don't know why i had 1 chance all game, i went with a 3-4-3..? Was soo happy to equalise though, then looked at the league to find out it didn't actually matter (for me).




Happenstance: Crazy last day! Amazed the results went my way and I finished second!


Charlie: Son of a! Did not see that happening!!!!! Argh!


Season 12


Season 12 saw a very handsome new admin installed under the name of Haden who had brought in reports for all three leagues (where did I get the time) and now took over good ship Xpert. This season saw Odwin back in the top league, Rez was also there along with the usual suspects. Rovers were back in fine form this season and sealed their title with a 2-1 victory against Essex Elites with Mazzoleni being the hero assisting and scoring. However this would be Rovers last title and soon the team he beat to win the title would become the dominant force in xpert 11.


Oddy: Haden relegated me. :(


Dyson: League 1 champion. Feels good man. Villan gonna get fucked up next season.



The days of a 9-1 thrashing are long in the memory, my good hoovering man.


Stick to simply hoping to stay up is my advice to you.


Ell: Great season guys, I'm slowly but surely catching up with the main peeps and creating a formidable team whilst in the top league. For the people being promoted to the top league, stop saying you're going to get relegated straight away. I've survived and so have others!


Season 13


Season 13 had a lot of drama as Charlie, Ell and Dyson duked it out for the title. Things got rather nasty as Dyson and Ell traded dirty tricks while Charlie somehow stayed in contention while being on holiday. In the end the Elites won their first title by 3 points and put every other team on notice.


Tales: 11 points difference between me and Recall now. A win against Jaffa or Martinist Men, or have Recall draw or lose one of his next four matches, and my promotion is secured.


Ell: YES!


Haden did not beat me, nor Roosters, nor Secret United this season! HA!


Ell: Dyson you sicken me.


Don't ruin the last game with dirty trix! Fight me like a man!


Charlie: Congrats Ell. Definitely a great season from you.


I'm quite proud of my 2nd place too.


Ell: Huzzah!


A comfortable lead at the top in the end by 3 points


This is awesome! I've finally won the biggest achievement in Xpert Eleven!


Now to fend off relegation next season


UPDATE: Essex Elites have now had their victory parade already with captain Alfie Hooke catching a beer from one of the supporters


Team Profile: The Familia


The Familia entered at the end of Season 13, they are a team who have always been around the mid to top level without ever making a huge impact on xpert history. Their high point came in Season 23 when they won the Middle League. However they have always found the top league very hard going bar a good season in season 27 where they came 6th.


The team has usually been hard hitting and played a quite straight forward style which means it has somewhat reliably beaten lesser teams but never been tactically astute enough to cause many upsets.

Entering the champions league they will need to try and diversify their tactics, they have two fantastic strikers and a very solid back four so they can get results if needed. Knockout stages are possible and would be a good achievement.

Odds: 28/1


Ell Xpert Memory: Unexpected Glory


Winning my first title having just been promoted for Essex Elites


Season 14

An interesting season for the outsider as Dyson, Haden and newcomer DuD battled it out for the title right to the end. In the end both DuD and Haden were unable to stop the behemoth that was Dyson winning their first ever top league title after being a dominant attacking side for so long. However for many DuD was the manager of the season debuting in the top league and coming so close to winning it!


MadDog: I'd give DuD manager of the season. First season in the top flight, and you come so close to winning it


Jimbob: 2-0 win for Recall, and the title and promotion. All in the same day, could it be a better day for the boys of Recall United.



That was just unfair. I tempted the players with 500 000 econs, my homefield, majority posession and he wins with a penalty in the last 11 minutes.


Happenstance: Not looking forward to next season. Happenstance FC, the first ever N-Europe X Eleven champions, in the bottom league!


Dyson: My god. FINALLY. After... 2 or 3 years of playing the game I finally managed to work my way to the top of the top, stay there and trounce the competition. It's been a long time coming. Now I've got to try and defend it (better than Essex Elites did anyway )


Bring on Season 15!


Team Profile: Interglactico Stars


The third of the current big four teams to be profiled are Inter. Inter proved early on that they were quick risers gaining promotion incredibly rapidly and after gaining promotion in Season 21 they never looked back. Some say their breakout moment was leading the NWO against the evil Nexus which led to their best period was of course when they achieved the double in Season 23-24 they are also two time cup winners.


They must still be considered one of the best teams in xpert even if recent form has been lacking by their own high standards with two 5th placed finishes in recent seasons. However looking at their team and trying to find a weakness is an impossible act they have strength in every position. Ramos is a world class defender, Grey a midfielder of talent and Kirk an ice cool clinical finisher and all of them are 27 or under. This Champions League has come at a perfect time for Inter, they have now not won a title for a few seasons and people are forgetting their success. To strike back now in a knockout format that rewards pure tactics rather than strategic vision is just what Inter who are famed for fantastic tactics need. Watch this team very closely it could be their year.




Season 15


This era was drawing to a conclusion but Haden United still had a point to prove and another league title to win. BSO were lurking in the background, Dyson and Rovers still had teams in their prime, Madpool and Mcoy were becoming forces to be reckoned with but with a combination of youth and veterans that came to define Hadens team Haden United won another title.



Ell: Its a shame Gaggle hasn't kept up with his reports I would have gotten loads of awards by beating Bayern!


Tales: If interested, I can do awards for next season for the loser league, maybe with a line or two, but I'm not doing summaries for the matches.


Dyson: Loser league? Freudian slip?


Tales: Oh, it was not a slip.


Team Profile: Leeds M.O.T


Leeds are an interesting team, one that shot to greatness fast almost to fast and then faded only recently coming back into the limelight. They were promoted very rapidly to the top league and went up and down before descending all the way back down to the lower league amidst reports their manager had quit. Luckily these reports were false and they have spent a couple of good seasons in the Middle League. They have a small squad but it has some real talents, Jarvie has been brought in to bolster midfield while Olaberriaga is a fantastic defender still in his prime. They need to avoid injuries but this is a side that could make a surprising impact. Watch for them to get past the group stages and then maybe cause a shock.




Team Profile: Russian Revolution


This team has a long history in Xpert 11 with their peak being winning the lower league and middle league titles on the trot in Season 21 and 22. Since then they have had a staggered decline but they look to be back to their best after a Russian investment in their team. They won the lower league title this season with ease and now have a good combination of veteran talent and youths ready to fight for revolution. The attitude has changed as has the results. It will be hard for them to get out of their group but after such a good season last time around momentum is on their side!


Odds: 45/1


Season 16


The last season from our current era ends with Dysons second and last league title and brings to an end the era of Rovers and Dyson's dominance of the top league. Odwin still looking for a league win that would never come with his new team battled Dyson to the very end but the attack and midfield of Dyson were quite simply irresistible. They were glorious champions but at the heart of this team was a weakness, their defence was both small and obscenely old and would be the Achilles heel that would ensure Dyson would never win the league again and mean this era was truly over.


Dyson: And what a way to win the league! A 4-0 victory, but it was close, so props to Oddy for taking it right to the end.


Odwin: That game was insane. The xperteleven is insane.

Ah well, a second place finish for the poorest and weakest team is pretty good.


Just checked some league stats. Dyson's team today had the highest match rating of any team ever (can't check against O3 records though ).

But next season his defense is screwed!


Season 17-21 The Elite Club




Season 17

This season kicked off Essex Elites rise to prominence, they had already won the league but this marked the start of something a bit more special as they became the undisputed number one club in xpert. Through brute force of fantastically trained players they demolished all that was in front of them to take the Season 17 title.



Tales: Down 2-0 to win it 2-3 away


Myself, Rising Phoenix and Intergalactico Stars all have 31 points and will be fighting for just two promotion spots in the final round. Me and Rising Phoenix will battle it out on my home field.


The Peeps: I'm not into football in the slightest but I get bored while waiting for mafia's to start


Mcoy: Mcoy and Haden live to fight another season in the top league.


Mcoy would also like to take this time to host a party for all players who will be in the top league next season (that's right even the NWO are invited)


Mcoy would like to celebrate the demotion of Silverdale, Bayern Bru and Happenstance. Mcoy hopes we'll have some better competition with the new promotions.


Team Profile: Lylat Wanderers

The Wanderers have had a steady build in their xpert history. Rising from the lower divisions they made it to the Elite League in season 24 and after going down a couple of seasons later won the Middle League in style. They are hovering around as a lower tier Elite league level side but are focusing on the future.


This has clearly paid off as their team really looks quite strong now, defensively you have three players coming into their prime as well as Dowell in attack and Caboose in goal. Indiveri has brought intelligence and stamina to an attack that used to be quite weak. In midfield they are strong in the air but could still get overrun by the top tier sides. However this side should be making the knockout stages and from there would love to get to the last 8 or at a stretch the semis.


Odds: 18/1




Season 18

This season saw a brief restbite from the tyrannical Ell as Mcoy Sons got a win that was popular with just about everyone he was the oldschool equivalent of Roger Federer. Mcoy had a well rounded team and played positive football at all times, his Prs made him a bit of a legend and he will go down as a real character from this era. This season also saw the height of the NWO vs Nexus war, as teams sided with either the New World Order or the Nexus. In the end the forces of Inter, Seahawks and Silverdale beat down Haden, Mcoy and the Familia in a final battle for supremacy. This was a great victory for Inter and Madpool especially but as you can see Mcoy and Haden also benefited in form from the hyper competition that this era created.


MadDog: Well done Mcoy! Well deserved.


Was hoping for a final day decider.


Tales: Congrats Mcoy! I picked you to win


Ell: Well done Mcoy!



Congrats Mcoy! So glad for you, I picked Elites but wanted you to get your first title!



Mcoy wans't expecting a title shot at the end of the first half of the season. Mcoy's players just seem to have played insane the rest of the season and somehow turned it around.


Mcoy Is just glad he's won the title once in his xpert carrer (although Mcoy thinks Dyson may have gone easy that game by developing his youth that game :P)


More importantly Mcoy can continue his partnership with Haden after the threats that were made mid season

Team Profile: Athletico Aqulia


Aqulia have seen a steady path to progression since their entry into NE xpert. They have often been hovering around relegation zones only to bounce back up straight away and then be promoted to a new league soon after. However their time as a background side is coming to an end and within a season or two they will surely be looking to be among the top 5 sides in the top league.


Aqulia has a fantastic team, Rafalski is a youth wonder as is Kuchta while the players who make up the core of the team are comparable to the best in any other. His team are full of high intensity players who are good in the air. The CL format will be great for this side and the semis will be a goal that they could achieve given a kind draw. Don't count this side out of great things.


Odds: 10/1


Nikos Xpert Memory: NWO vs Nexus


"For me it has to be the nWo Vs Nexus rivalry! It got loads of managers involved, intense feuds were created, those with VIP changed their kits to the respective team shirts, great banter was had and results mattered, not just for one's own benefit but for the benefit of their team and overall bragging rights.


I don't think I ever told anyone this but towards the end of Mcoys xpert career, he PMd me saying he wanted to shake things up and was going to jump ships from Nexus to nWo when the time was right to get back at Haden who had screwed him over...I can't remember for definite but I don't think that ever happened in the end as he quit the game before he had the chance to ever do so!


I think even the Alliance idea which is in operation now stemmed from this event although it's never had quite the same feel/appeal to it or been as exciting since. Still, it's good that the Alliance winners get a lotto number for the VIP draw at the end of the season so it still has some appeal.


Here's to season 30 and the start of another great shake up in N-Euro xpert history


Season 19


This was an interesting season, the title race went down to the wire between Ell and Moria the two old rivals slogging away until it was the Elites who came away with the title yet again. After the Nexus NWO war the concept of the alliances was born and the following results showed what an exciting first alliance competition we had! Oh and Happenstance turned heel.


Peeps Xpert Memory: Ally or Die


Season 19: Ally or Die! introduced a great new concept from Haden - alliances. My first alliance was with MadDog and ReZourceman as The Chartreuse Trio. We led for most of the season only to be pipped at the post by The Hurricanes (Ell, Jayseven and HeroJan) in the final round.




The Hurricanes: 11 Elites, 3 J7, 8 Bubbles 22 points

Chartreuse Trio: 7 MadDog,4 Rez, 10 Peeps 21 points

New Nexus: 6 Haden, 6 Rising Phoenix, 9 All Stars, 21points

The Cavaliers: 5 Silverdale Hotpot, 10 Recall United, 5 ZimmerFrame FC, 20 points


Happenstance: Hey Nikos, quit fucking spamming the forum with adverts for the league!


Dyson: ReZ and Nikos.


I will personally see you both burn for predicting my relegation.


Peeps: I think you will destroy me lol


MadDog: That's what she said


Team Profile: DuDs Baggies


You may have seen DuD mentioned before in this write up, they came back with a new team in this season after sadly having to leave us for a while. With his new team DuD has shown everyone who wasn't around for his first run what a great manager he is. He recently won the cup and after yo yoing between the top and middle league he secured a place in the top league with a fantastic 3rd place finish.


This could be the side in my eyes that disrupt the Elite Four that have formed in the top league. They have a well rounded growing side that is both fast and good in the air, their strike force is also multi talented and therefore hard to play against. Most of all this is a side who have got some great recent results against the big teams and finished above two of them last season. They will want to make the semis at least and I would not be surprised to see them in the mix right at the end.


Odds: 7/1


Team Profile: Dragooooo


Dragooooo are a team that shot up very quickly winning the lower league and making it to the top league in good time. However soon their manager seemed to lose his love for the game this was reflected in the sides performances. However last season bucked the trend as they earned a good 3rd place in the Middle League. Rumours still persist that this may be the last season we see this side so we need to make the most of them while they are still here!


They have always been very good in midfield, with Wielink entering his final season he leaves behind a legacy of brilliant veteran players and some very promising youth. The defence isn't the strongest but has some intelligent players while the attacking line up is often rotated to give their three strikers training time. Dragooooo are a side that are hard to play against with the manager being very secretive nowdays, they are a side who should make it to the knockout stages and hopefully the last eight beyond that will be up to a manager who nowdays we know so little about.


Odds: 23/1


Season 20


The Elites and Brammer made it four title wins this season as Essex Elites won Season 20 in what was to be their final victory as a club. It was a close run thing with Madpool closing in on the Elites right until the last game, however a loss to Silverdale helped the Elites win. In a sign of things to come in the run in the Elites lost to a team called Eights United...


Ell:Unlucky @dan\-likes\-trees

Yellow Submarine - @Zell

Edited by Haden
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Great post Haden! I spent the last 20 minutes reading the whole lot. I'm now super-hyped for the Champions League! COME ON YOU YELLOWS!!


Took me about an hour!


Seminal piece of writing Haden. A vital and necessary history lesson for any N-Europe manager.


Extremely excited, Winston have been poor in the cups the last few years but hopefully the two legs will benefit us.


Clear eyes


Full Hearts





Edited by dan-likes-trees
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Epic post @Haden, LOL at Season 4! :p




Greetings to all Xpert managers old and new! It is my honour to say that...FINALLY, The Inter View has come back to N-Europe! THE most electrifying man in Xpert Eleven hosting THE most electrifying segment in all of N-Europe!



Last time we got a great insight into different managers' opinions, philosophies, ambitions, feuds and achievements! To kick us off for the new season we have none other than the admin extraordinaire, The Peeps of Lylat Wanderers himself.


Welcome The Peeps, it's good to have you back on the show again! Well this season is certainly a season of shake ups with the changing of league formats to a Champions League styley for one time only to commemorate the existence the N-Europe leagues for 30 seasons now. Neither you or I have been here for it's entirety but it only seems appropriate to start with the following question:-


Question 1) What would you like to say to commemorate this momentous occasion?


The N-Euro Championship is in season 30 but this will only be my 13th season. I think this shake-up is just what the league needs for all of the teams to remain interested. I hope everyone has a good time this season and I want to see rivalries being formed! Finally, thank you to the admins that have run this league before I took over (especially haden) for keeping the league running this long and I hope to carry it on for another 30 seasons!


Question 2) How do you see the Champions League format panning out? Who would say are the ones to watch and do you think we could have any shocks on the cards?


I think the groups have worked out quite evenly. The Special Group is probably the toughest but in each group I think there are at least 2 teams certain to qualify with 3 or 4 teams that could snatch up the remaining spots. Each group unfortunately also has their certain losers but someone has to come last :p I think I have a good chance at 3rd or 4th in my own group... I'm not sure if we'll see any shocks in the group stages but the Star league is certainly the league I'm not so sure about making a prediction for!


Question 3) Last time we spoke, you were in the Middle League looking to push for promotion, having recently experienced a squad shake up. You achieved that impressively by finishing 1st, claiming your second ever trophy and have spent the subsequent two seasons battling in the Elite League. How would you sum up your progress in that time? Has your squad developed as you'd have hoped since then and how far do you see them going in the Champions League?


I was very happy to finish first in the middle league as it means I now have first place trophies for the lower two leagues with only the elite league left to claim (of course this might mess up if we don't revert back to three leagues!) but I think that is still a long way off for my team. Since then I've struggled in the elite league but it's because I realised the team I won the middle league with would never have reached the top of the elite league so further restructuring had to be done.


I was happy with the team I have now but I have been blessed with an amazing youth system and recently had to sign up (yet another) a 17-5 in midfield. The team has amazing prospects for the future if I can develop them well enough but the average age is far too low and the overall skill is not good enough for the top flight. In a few seasons we will be ready again. I'm grateful for this change of format as we'll most likely be placed in the middle league for season 31 without actually having to be officially relegated haha!


For the Champions League I think we will qualify for the knockouts and depending on who we face, we could get to the quarter finals if we're lucky.


Any final words...


None given.


Thanks Peeps! The Star League will indeed be an interesting one to monitor and a difficult one to call but it all depends on which Madpool turn up and whether the Russian billionaires get their cheque book out again as to who might steal that final promotion spot!


The Inter View list:-



Yellow Subs






Well the hours tick ever closer to tomorrows kick-off and the adrenaline will no doubt be starting to pump for players and managers alike. I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone good luck (apart from maybe those crossing the path of the mighty Inter of course :p)! Anyone else who wishes to be added to the Inter View list, let yourself be known but for now all that remains to be said is...



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Thanks for the praise guys the post took a long time trawling through the archives but it was worth it in the end!


Nice opening win now have a huge couple of games against Winston and eights that will shape my place in the group.


Nice to see the interview back! Anyone else doing reports at all? Am thinking of doing either my group or brief overview.

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I'll attempt to do a spotlight for every Friday match day....


The spotlight for round 2's games is on the Special League and the match against Hadens Legends and the newly re-named Winston Gardens Lions. Please predict the outcome and the midfield ratings of each team.

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Mixed emotions at the club today after new owner Assem Allam has had his bid to rename the club to Winston Garden Lions accepted - matching his Hull City Tigers franchise.




Good to see the fans getting behind the team regardless of the club politics.


Big game on Friday, Bob's on the right track with that scoreline prediction.


@Nikos9 - sign me up for an inter-view!


@Haden - I might do some form of match reports if you'd like to share them - probably in the form of the '5 talking points from the week's action' guise that I described before.

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Mixed emotions at the club today after new owner Assem Allam has had his bid to rename the club to Winston Garden Lions accepted - matching his Hull City Tigers franchise.




Good to see the fans getting behind the team regardless of the club politics.


Big game on Friday, Bob's on the right track with that scoreline prediction.


@Nikos9 - sign me up for an inter-view!


@Haden - I might do some form of match reports if you'd like to share them - probably in the form of the '5 talking points from the week's action' guise that I described before.


5 talking points sounds great did you want to split the four leagues so we talk about 2 each?


I am winning 2-1 with mid fields at 10-11 mine and Winston's.


Take it to the bank baby!


I am on a huge unbeaten streak ATM including playing away to yellow and eights the last team that beat me was, oh shit...

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5 talking points sounds great did you want to split the four leagues so we talk about 2 each?


I am winning 2-1 with mid fields at 10-11 mine and Winston's.


Take it to the bank baby!


I am on a huge unbeaten streak ATM including playing away to yellow and eights the last team that beat me was, oh shit...


That could work for me yeah - shall we swap leagues each week? Cos I'd imagine we'd both fancy writing Special League.




Haden 1 - 2 Winston

Midfield ratings 13 - 9

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That could work for me yeah - shall we swap leagues each week? Cos I'd imagine we'd both fancy writing Special League.




Haden 1 - 2 Winston

Midfield ratings 13 - 9


Yeh sounds good what leagues you starting with?


I see what you did with your MF rating trying to trick me into thinking you aren't playing with 5 Midfielders, mind games!

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