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Hyrule Warriors


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Today's haul:


Ancient Spinner

Darunia's Bracelet

Redead Bandage x10

Swords of Demise x6 slots

Mirror of Twilight x6 slots - 5 star


Yowzah. I haven't even used Twili Midna yet because I was fearful about low level weapon, and now I have 5 star Level 3 just given to me

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It's great, isn't it? :D


I've started playing this some more thanks to the Amiibo stuff. This was what Iwata and Miyamoto were on about during the last investor meeting, getting people to revisit their games thanks to good DLC and little unlockables likes this.


I started playing Adventure mode again and I've hit a mission that requires the use of Fi. It's took some getting used to her moves and I spent the last hour just levelling her up. I could do with some better weaponry for her though as her attack is pretty weak.


I'm pretty sure @Serebii hit this point as well. I think I remember you on about it in the Gaf topic.

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It's great, isn't it? :D


I've started playing this some more thanks to the Amiibo stuff. This was what Iwata and Miyamoto were on about during the last investor meeting, getting people to revisit their games thanks to good DLC and little unlockables likes this.


I started playing Adventure mode again and I've hit a mission that requires the use of Fi. It's took some getting used to her moves and I spent the last hour just levelling her up. I could do with some better weaponry for her though as her attack is pretty weak.


I'm pretty sure @Serebii hit this point as well. I think I remember you on about it in the Gaf topic.



I'm the same with Midna, and the second stage of the TP DLC requires her. I'm boned lol

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Today's haul:


Ancient Spinner

Darunia's Bracelet

Redead Bandage x10

Swords of Demise x6 slots

Mirror of Twilight x6 slots - 5 star


Yowzah. I haven't even used Twili Midna yet because I was fearful about low level weapon, and now I have 5 star Level 3 just given to me

Guess what I got from my Mario amiibo today? Go on, guess. :heh:


This is their way of getting me to buy more amiibo, isn't it? :laughing:

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Does the DLC automatically? Or was that just the update?


Just went to the eShop and it says purchased but none of my dlc is on the game.


I had to open and close the game a few times for it all to download. The same happened with Mario Kart. Nintendo could do with making these kind of actions a lot smoother in the future.

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I actually got something other than 1 Rupee off my amiibo today! :yay: Still wasn't anything great though... just x10 some kind of material. :zzz:


In other slightly more exciting news, I finally managed to complete all of the weapon rewards on the first adventure mode map. :awesome:

And it only took around 100 hours. :heh:

Now I face the tedious task of defeating 25,000 enemies with the Master Sword to unlock it's super special skill. :shakehead


Better be worth it. :heh:

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Not sure why it says complete, when I still have Skulltulas to find (not to mention quite a few heart containers) but yeah, progress at last. :heh:

About 8,000 kills to go with the Master Sword before I unlock the skill. :bouncy:


Ridiculous amount of content in this game. How's everyone else doing?

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I'm stuck on a mission at the bottom left of the map, second to the right. After levelling up Fi I now have to level up Zelda for this mission!


Shame the levels weren't shared across all characters. It feels a bit cheap and an artificial way of lengthening the game having to level them up individually, especially when certain ones are needed for certain missions.

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Not sure why it says complete, when I still have Skulltulas to find (not to mention quite a few heart containers) but yeah, progress at last. :heh:

About 8,000 kills to go with the Master Sword before I unlock the skill. :bouncy:


Ridiculous amount of content in this game. How's everyone else doing?


You've only completed the weapon quests.

If you press Y, it shows you what Heart Containers you're missing, the "COMPLETE!" will disappear when you do that. So there's actually 3 "COMPLETE!" on each map.


As for my progress...


Normal Map - All weapons get, 2 skulltulas to go (1 involving a Gold cuccoo... The summoning gate is not a good weapon for not getting hit by Gold Cuccoos... How am I meant to beat it and get 1,200 kills before I lose 4 hearts? It's nuts!), and the only Hearts I'm missing are from those BS "Get x kills in 10 minutes" quests, not bothering with those until I've nothing left to do.


Master Quest Map - All weapons get, 5 skulltulas left, Too many hearts left to count.


Twilight map - I've gotten a few hearts and Skulltulas, but no weapons, not really enough progress to matter. Waiting until I've made more progress on Master Quest first.


Every character is at least Lv 65 (Yes, even Twili Midna, she is by far the best character in the game! Absolutely wrecks everything with that Strong Attack once you fill the bar of awesome), Link is the highest at Lv 88. (And yes, I've unlocked the Master Sword skill, but haven't got the equivalent for anyone else yet, Ganny is the closest to doing that, around 15,000 to go)


This game is too damn good!

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I'm stuck on a mission at the bottom left of the map, second to the right. After levelling up Fi I now have to level up Zelda for this mission!


Shame the levels weren't shared across all characters. It feels a bit cheap and an artificial way of lengthening the game having to level them up individually, especially when certain ones are needed for certain missions.


I disagree, encouraging the use of different characters/weapons makes the game more interesting and sometimes forces you to think outside the box and learn the nuances of each character.


You will never get Agitha's Level 3 weapon unless you learn how to actually properly play as her. She is a far more technical character than the others. Head on assaults will get you destroyed, but do it right, and she's one of the most powerful characters in the game.


But good luck with that quest. The Wind Waker is not one of Zelda's best weapons, If I remember right, the Allied Base will fall pretty quickly if you ignore it, so you might want to clear some threats around there first. Keep an eye on those Bombchu as well!

(I think the combo "YYX" is a fantastic combo for it's versatility, learn how and when to use it.)


Second stage of the Twilight Princess DLC. Jesus christ that was hard. Maybe because Midna was only Level 47 and I don't have her Level 2 yet, but good god...


Guess they expect you to be ~100


Not really... It's more like they expect you to have Level 3 weapons for everyone. You'd be amazed at how much difference a Level 3 weapon can make. You should make getting those your priority.

Edited by Glen-i
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I disagree, encouraging the use of different characters/weapons makes the game more interesting and sometimes forces you to think outside the box and learn the nuances of each character.


You will never get Agitha's Level 3 weapon unless you learn how to actually properly play as her. She is a far more technical character than the others. Head on assaults will get you destroyed, but do it right, and she's one of the most powerful characters in the game.


But good luck with that quest. The Wind Waker is not one of Zelda's best weapons, If I remember right, the Allied Base will fall pretty quickly if you ignore it, so you might want to clear some threats around there first. Keep an eye on those Bombchu as well!

(I think the combo "YYX" is a fantastic combo for it's versatility, learn how and when to use it.)




Not really... It's more like they expect you to have Level 3 weapons for everyone. You'd be amazed at how much difference a Level 3 weapon can make. You should make getting those your priority.

I can't seem to A Rank the level for Midna Level 2, let alone Level 3.

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I can't seem to A Rank the level for Midna Level 2, let alone Level 3.


That's the one with the Fortifier and Rally troops making life hard, right?


When they appear you need to take them out ASAP, you'll never finish in time if the Fortifier troops fortify a keep and the Rally troop will make your Allied base fall faster than a Pidgey getting hit by Smack Down.


Once those are out of the way, it's just a case of getting to 1,200 kills quickly. ("YYYYX" is a great move for Midna, especially if you manage to grab a bigger enemy, it'll do loads of damage and fill up your darkness bar, it's also good for just clearing mooks, abuse it to the max!)


And remember, when your magic is full, you can use "R" than "A" to instantly expose an enemy's weak point. Useful for fighting other playable characters and giant bosses. I like pressing "R" getting a few cheap quick hits in, then finishing off with "A" and wailing on the weak point.

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I'm stuck on a mission at the bottom left of the map, second to the right. After levelling up Fi I now have to level up Zelda for this mission!


Shame the levels weren't shared across all characters. It feels a bit cheap and an artificial way of lengthening the game having to level them up individually, especially when certain ones are needed for certain missions.

Yeah, it can be quite annoying at times. :hmm:

I just made as much use of the Training Dojo as possible, leveling most of the characters up to Lv.30-50 instantly.


You've only completed the weapon quests.
I like how you say only, to something that took absolutely ages to do. :laughing:


This game is too damn good!
It is indeed. :)

I remember not being particularly hyped when the game was first revealed, but it has turned out to be an incredibly enjoyable experience. And with the generous DLC, it just keeps on giving. icon14.gif

If Tingle makes it as a playable character, I shall consider this game perfect. ;)

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Yeah, it can be quite annoying at times. :hmm:

I just made as much use of the Training Dojo as possible, leveling most of the characters up to Lv.30-50 instantly.


Yeah, I have no issue with having to use different characters but when you can't progress any further due to having to use a character that is still at level 1, I just find the whole thing cheap. You are essentially forced to either grind levels or grind rupees.


I was playing it last night, grinding away with a couple of characters and just shook my head and knocked the game off. I figured I have other games that could be played, rather than sitting and killing countless enemies over and over in order to get some good drops or gain a couple of levels.

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I was playing it last night, grinding away with a couple of characters and just shook my head and knocked the game off. I figured I have other games that could be played, rather than sitting and killing countless enemies over and over in order to get some good drops or gain a couple of levels.
Same thing happened to me a few times.

It's best to just make sure you're always using a weapon that has the Rupees+ skill on it, try to forget about the grind and just play any stages that you haven't cleared yet. ::shrug:

To level up any characters that were too high to level up in the dojo, but too low to complete their specific stage, I'd use the first stage on the reward map (the one where you have to choose an ally).

That's a pretty good stage to grind for EXP. You just need to spend a few minutes defeating random goons, then choose Midna as your ally. By the time you do that, the rest of the "allies" will have pretty much no health left, meaning you can take them out super quick (sometimes with a single attack! :heh:) and they each give a decent chunk of EXP. :awesome:


By the way, have you been making use of the badges in the Bazaar? I was kind of ignoring them (other than for Link) as you also need to craft the same badges for every single character, but it turns out they can make all the difference for some of the crappier characters. :o

A few times when I couldn't beat a character specific stage, I made some of the badges for them and would complete the stage on the following attempt!

Maxing out the speed up weak point gauge, and capturing keeps badges is pretty much essential.

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I like how you say only, to something that took absolutely ages to do. :laughing:


Didn't even register that I typed only. It's impressive, even more so, because I've gone through the same pain.


I'll never forget that damn Ruto Level 3 mission... Gold Cuccoos, Gold Cuccoos everywhere!


Chances are good for Tingle though. The Majora's Mask pack promises 2 new characters.


My two guesses would be...


Tingle with all sorts of mad attacks.


I'd also like Kafei. Random choice, I know. But he was one of the few characters who never appeared in Ocarina of Time. Plus, he's pretty much the "Link" of Termina.

I'm thinking he could attack with a variety of masks. Not the transformation masks, per se. (We already have Darunia and Ruto covering most of that)

I'm talking about those mostly optional masks. Blast Mask, Bunny Hood, etc.

His special could even utilise the Giant's Mask!

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