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Final Fantasy XI Mafia


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Seems a bit dishonest that ese didn't tell Yvonne that it would also roleblock...


So who the fuck controlled me?



I'll find you, and I'll kill you. Bloody rapists.


That was me (I can charm and investigate). Seemed the day before you were going down the wrong path by saying you suspected Yvonne, and I knew you were trusted with a useful power to back me up.


In actual fact, I had no idea if DuD made the kill or not, but it was bloody good backup for my post and I had your vote. :p

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You voted DuD when there was literally no chance he would walk. Your defence of DuD I found really fishy, given there was no reason at that point to defend him.


You also were one of the last to reveal, your power sounds contrived and you apparently defended yourself instead of a cop. Saying you targeted yourself a lot is also a good way of avoiding 'what did you find out' questions or 'I felt no effect' remarks.


Seems pretty clear to me. Will wait to see what others have to say.


Would it have been less suspicious if I did not vote for DuD? Even if I voted when I got back from work, I would have been the last person to vote for him.


I must have missed half the game because there are still plenty of people that have not revealed.


Who did you target night 1? Remember that targeting yourself is a good way to claim not getting information ;p.


I jumped on the Jimbob lynch immediately, is this suspicious?


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I targeted Rummy last night, got no result because he's dead.


If he was the giant turtle in writeup he was targeted by 3 people.


Does anyone have any info on the 2 figures?


For the record I was ready to vote for DuD but wanted more info from the day and couldn't get back online. It was my evidence aling with Shiekah's that pushed the lynch.

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Would it have been less suspicious if I did not vote for DuD? Even if I voted when I got back from work, I would have been the last person to vote for him.


I must have missed half the game because there are still plenty of people that have not revealed.


Who did you target night 1? Remember that targeting yourself is a good way to claim not getting information ;p.


I jumped on the Jimbob lynch immediately, is this suspicious?



You seriously going to pull up my story? Night 1 I was redirected by DuD as confirmed by the writeup (and DuD's lynch detail which proved he used spike flail) to Dedede, which again is confirmed as his shadow absorbed my attack.


Night 2 I charmed Moogle and got DuD's alignment. Proven by Moogle and DuD's alignment reveal.


Night 3 I was made invisible. Confirmed by Yvonne the user of the ability and a host of others.



Contrast this to your claims...


No one so far has claimed that you were protected. None of your targets are really validated - only after Peeps said he targeted you did you admit to targeting Yvonne. Your targets and role conveniently means you can get by without having to prove anything.



Anyway, regarding your questions. Voting Jimbob was the only choice and this argument falls to pieces when you consider DuD did exactly the same thing as you, voting Jimbob, even going so far as to say he was the lynch instigator! So how can you use the fact you voted Jimbob as a defense? Absolutely ridiculous!

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Of course I am not bringing you into question. I tire of your inquisition.


The last paragraph of that post is ridiculous!!



Who did you target night 1? Remember that targeting yourself is a good way to claim not getting information ;p.


You're reminding me of a Phoenix Wright Villain, that point when they finally flip because there's nowhere to turn so their words lose coherence.

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As said, one was probably me.


Sorry, must of missed that. The flavour sounds a bit more like it's one character that can split/duplicate itself.


Well we both targeted Rummy, whoever else did is the killer. Target and power reveals will get to the bottom of this.


Does anyone fancy doing one of those summary posts?

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I was suspicious of ReZ after his vote on Jimbob... it seemed like he was jumping on just to appear town. He targeted Yvonne in the next phase and after Yvonne said nothing happened to him I assumed it was a protection... but Yvonne then said he actually stopped an attack?


I think I'm willing to Vote: ReZ on this. We should try to compile everyone's target from that night in case ReZ does flip town.

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Yup. Plus after (let's face it) I mostly rallied the Jimbob lynch and he flipped Mafia, he 'protects' Yvonne. Then after I'm a confirmed cop he protects himself.


We already have a white mage and Yvonne protects against bad stuff.


Lynch this suckaaa.

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Fuck it, you haven't been wrong yet (well except for Rummy).


Vote: ReZ


Hey I said I'd be looking at him...and he coulda joined the Mafia. :p


Well, that was a short game!


Vote : ReZ


Well played Sheikah.


Oh over? Heh well done, considering the massive splurge of info in the N1 writeup you Mafia soldiered on still!

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My real power is I change people's alignments on investigation.


Hey I said I'd be looking at him...and he coulda joined the Mafia. :p




Oh over? Heh well done, considering the massive splurge of info in the N1 writeup you Mafia soldiered on still!


Yeah......my face when that write up happened, I actually knew we had lost at that moment.


will exlaim all fuckin decisiobs when not on this fucking shit shit shit browser.


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