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Was the Wii a fluke?


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I mean, how can the next Zelda ever truly be regarded as the best Zelda if it follows the same cookie cutter formula? If you have to travel through dungeons collecting small keys, then the boss key, then defeat the boss, then get heart container, then repeat 6 or 7 more times, all the while grabbing the master sword, the bow, the boomerang, etc - it's hardly going to enthrall people. It's safe territory that guarantees them cash, because people will enjoy it, but we've seen and done it all before.


One thing I'll say in favour of Twilight Princess - they did try to mix it up with the items. Tried to put in new and fresh stuff....but then completely under-utilised them or for the most part made them main quest only. Again more linearity. One of my favourite 'dungeons' of Twilight Princess and probably Zelda was the Snow Mansion place that you get the Ball+Chain dealie. A dungeon disguised as a house, with such a big fuck off item of raw power and destruction...so good. Then so wasted afterwards.


It lost so much of what I feel Zelda is - the charm, character and effort put into the world for....well, for no real reason except to craft the world itself. Twilight princess lacked a decent soul, it lacked awesome things like:


-The guy who'll run away from you in Kakariko village in LttP because 'you' are the villain.

-A bat! So evil, he'll curse you something terrible! Muahahaha!

-The woman there that is actually a cucco(or vice versa)

-The sick girl who gives you a bug net because she can't use it anymore

-The brothers who've had an argument and sealed off the house

-The quiet man who sits in the desert

-A skull kid in the forest with an ocarina

-A pale man that appears around town and in the woods

-A family cursed by unexplained golden spiders, whose screams of pain are almost haunting

-An old blind lady

-A lady that loves cuccos

-A carpenter who barely acknowledges his son

-The ghost of a dancer, out on a rock trying to perfect his final dance

-A cursed man who looks like a child and can never be with his one true love

-A girl without parents, scared of the dark and the evils it brings

-A lonely Inn Keeper, waiting for the day he'll return

-A loyal soldier, so long forgotten, nobody even knows he's there

-A kid, clad in green, carrying burdens much larger than he ever should



I'd imagine most people here will easily know the characters on this list. I didn't even think too hard, they just sprung to mind amongst a whole host of others. I can think of some from TP and SS, but absolutely nowhere near as many. Why are all these characters, these people, so memorable to me when the new ones aren't? I think that, itself, is a major aspect of the Zelda difference.

Edited by Rummy
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For me, the main attraction of Zelda is the dungeons, well designed and a joy to play. I don't mind them doing dungeons when the dungeons are done so well, they eclipse anything in most other action/adventure games. Sure I miss the open world exploration of some of the earlier Zelda games but Skyward Sword totally made up for that by changing the gameplay completely with the astounding motion controls! Zelda felt fresh thanks to this, even if it followed the same usual structure!


It's not like they don't change gameplay aspects at all.

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For me, the main attraction of Zelda is the dungeons, well designed and a joy to play. I don't mind them doing dungeons when the dungeons are done so well, they eclipse anything in most other action/adventure games. Sure I miss the open world exploration of some of the earlier Zelda games but Skyward Sword totally made up for that by changing the gameplay completely with the astounding motion controls! Zelda felt fresh thanks to this, even if it followed the same usual structure!


It's not like they don't change gameplay aspects at all.


Thats one of the reason why I loved Skyward Sword so much...


Every one of those areas were like a dungeon in itself. Every time you had to revisit a particular area there were something new.


Dungeons are what makes a Zelda game and then that feeling when you get that light bulb moment when figuring something out is amazing.

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I feel somewhat uneasy about the Wii being called a 'gimmick' because that seems really unfair to me :hmm:


The Wii was a breath of fresh air with a great new controller, challenging gamers and developers to try something different. It was exciting :hehe: Unfortunately, not everyone embraced the potential and failed to take advantage of the possibilities to innovate.


The introduction of Wii Motion Plus was basically the arrival of the device that many thought they were getting originally when the Wii came out, but by that time a lot of gamers seemed to have given up on the Wii, for whatever reason, and an upgraded controller that not everyone had meant developers couldn't embrace it fully.


Maybe Pachter's call for a Wii HD back in 2010 wouldn't have been a bad call after all. All it needed was the power of the Wii U and to come with Wii Motion plus as standard, fully compatible with all existing Wii software. They could probably have got that out on the shelves for £199 and lowered the price of the original Wii..


This. All they had to do with the Wii U was evolve the Wii. A powerful £200 console that was just a tad more powerful than the Wii U currently is with an improved Wii mote would have been an easy sell.

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This. All they had to do with the Wii U was evolve the Wii. A powerful £200 console that was just a tad more powerful than the Wii U currently is with an improved Wii mote would have been an easy sell.


would it really though. While I dont doubt it would have sold better then the Wii U, it would have got nowhere near the Wii in popularity.


Lets be honest here. Lots of people bought Wii's, got there Wii Sports and Wii Fit fix and then let that machine collect dust.


Them same people moved on to smartphones and tablets.


some people are gonna be in for a shock when they see Wii U fit not do much for the Wii U!!

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would it really though. While I dont doubt it would have sold better then the Wii U, it would have got nowhere near the Wii in popularity.


Lets be honest here. Lots of people bought Wii's, got there Wii Sports and Wii Fit fix and then let that machine collect dust.


Them same people moved on to smartphones and tablets.


some people are gonna be in for a shock when they see Wii U fit not do much for the Wii U!!


It would never outsell the Wii but it would be a powerful console that was cheap and with a controller that 3rd parties knew how to use and that there would be demand for.


Oh, Wii U :( I love thee but you're like a girlfriend who is just shit in bed.

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