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The Jelly Bean Mafia


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It was a punt based on the questions you were asking and the stance you took, and the guy spearheading it I could trust pretty well. If we wrongly lynched you, we wouldn't have lost the game.


Anyway, I don't see why you would use a clear bean on me. Paul has pretty much admitted it was a poor choice and mostly based on him not having read much and being late at the time. The point of the clear bean for a townie would be to use it on someone you don't trust and anticipate what they might do next. Or maybe even discover a rainbow bean. Or maybe to catch them out later if they lie about what they did (ie. they don't have a bean capable of doing what they say they can).


As someone who was being declared by someone to be town, this surely makes me a worse choice for the clear bean than others.


Oh and if we start assuming the Mafia are in fact appearing town, the Dedede lynch could be false, and you yourself could be Mafia.


Regarding Dedede, of course I will vote for him but there's still several people to declare what they did yet. I also find it a bit odd that you accuse someone who is declaring they found you to be town. XD


Apologies I was using Tapatalk and added subsequent posts but for some reason they got edited in and not merged. On the website now.

Edited by Sheikah
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How do you not see something I've plainly explained from an alternative(not even mr-paul's) point of view. There WAS cause to not trust you, given the hard push on a lynch on Day 2. That IS a reason not to trust someone, whether you buy it or not. However mr-paul isn't even arguing that, so it's irrelevant. I probably WOULD have done the same with the same bean, because I didn't trust you myself. Being declared as town =/= being town; so your argument falls on both that point, the fact mr-paul wasn't tactical but random, and the fact that you're not doing exactly what you apparently felt I was doing yesterday that indicated me as mafia - withholding information. He's not even asking a big question, merely number of beans that you have - you already risk it being revealed by his question to the GM too...so why fight it so hard?


However, there's little point to distract from the game by arguing amongst ourselves(though I'm sure you'll insist to reply and do so) when there's an apparent lead on mafia, and other more important discussions to have. Let's just assume you're town for now, that's ok, that's safe. You don't need to defend yourself. We also don't need to identify a suitable candidate for a lynch today, as we've been given one in Jon Dedede. We should still discuss, but it's important not to lose sight of this apparent solid lead.

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Oh and if we start assuming the Mafia are in fact appearing town, the Dedede lynch could be false, and you yourself could be Mafia.


Regarding Dedede, of course I will vote for him but there's still several people to declare what they did yet. I also find it a bit odd that you accuse someone who is declaring they found you to be town. XD


Apologies I was using Tapatalk and added subsequent posts but for some reason they got edited in and not merged. On the website now.


'the mafia' =/= 'a mafia'

I'm not accusing you, did I accuse you? Did I legitimately vote for you? No, I am supposing and discussing...JUST LIKE I DID YESTERDAY. Mr-paul is right to call you a hypocrite, you called me out on trying to stifle information - you're doing exactly that. You're entirely open to scrutiny(as am I) despite your previous investigation apparently confirming you as town - because we know it's a possibly for people to appear to be from opposite sides to what they really are. Single investigation = not necessarily 100% accurate. Yes, this means I COULD be mafia(I obviously know I'm not) - thats why I will reveal my other information in order to help people make up their minds. Your in the same boat, but you're not revealing something I see as quite an insignificant question - it leads one to wonder why you're so adamant not to?

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Being declared as town makes you more trustworthy than others, whether you're actually town or not.


If you start assuming that people are actually Mafia and appear town then anyone can be Mafia and the brown beans are useless.


It does, but not 100%. It's purely foolish to assume that, and a very big trap to fall into.


Again, 'the mafia' =/= 'a mafia'. It's not unusual for ONE person in a team to appear to as the other under investigation(and it can go both ways) so I'm taking yours with a pinch of salt.


People are absolutely free, and encouraged, to do the same of mine. Don't judge someone on an alignment investigation alone in any mafia - it's a foolish thing to do and often been an undoing downfall of the losing team.


Because I don't answer people that I think are the Mafia (Paul). His question is also very easy to deduce.


Well, you think me town, maybe you'll answer these.


1.What have you got to hide from the town that you felt should have so much information yesterday?


2.What exactly will mafia be able to do with this information?


3.Is it not important for us at town, to know fully how the clear bean works? As in, whether it reveals beans before use or after? Tbh, I'd highly suspect it's after, as you eat then use the power.


4.How can you not see the hypocrisy of this?

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You and drahkon had more beans than any last night(including a rarer one), and you're still alive. So, either you're less of a target OR you're indeed more of a target as you seem to imply. If the latter is the case; why are you alive? It logically concludes because you're mafia.


You see the complexity of this situation, no?


Ah man, not Diageo. Well, Rummy is indeed town. I investigated him also.


I should add this post is 10 minutes after Cube's. It could be absolute bullshit - there's no verification for it so far other than your word.


Tell me, am I more of a target for the Mafia with more beans or less beans to choose from?


Now, I've answered your questions. Please answer my 4. After all, you know that I'm town, and you've only said you don't answer questions asked by those you believe to be mafia.

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I ate a Blue Bean last night, my target was Rummy last night. And with that.


Vote: Rummy


He says he targetted Rez, he was swapped to Sheikah. Based on my information, he didn't target no-one last night.


You'll also see that I did not succeed, if you re-read the post.

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@Jimbob - please see bolded parts.


I ate my second green bean last night, and with it I tried to protect ReZ. However it appears I was re-directed to Sheikah along the way instead, but even then I wasn't allowed to protect him! So I presume I was re-directed then roleblocked last night.
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Regarding the not answering Mr Paul thing. It may seem like I am being obtuse but his question really will be very easy to deduce based on the rules of the game and the info he got back.


He should definitely know the answer to his question based on the number of beans he found me to have. And I want people to work things out and not pick targets at random! Fume...

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Indeed so, but it suggests to me that you sent a target in and failed to reach either target. My information says otherwise, you didn't send in a target.


I can thoroughly confirm this as bullshit. Would I make the first post of the day risking such?


Would I honestly be able to be corroborated by Esequiel...after my FIRST post of the day?


I promised my first post of the day yesterday, I made it, I stuck to it. Clearly I'm being shifty.


Add on top of this(not arguing it exclusively) that I've investigated as town.


But you're welcome to your vote and suspicion. If the bean works by PM snooping, I can think the only exception is my eat/night action was sent in one as I already knew what the green bean does - that's a resolution only by the GM though.


Vote however you wish.

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I'll be voting for Jon unless any more information turns up soon, and @Jimbob, two people confirm Rummy to be town, as well as someone else confirming his story.


Your bean must have given who he finally ended up targeting (nobody, as he was stopped), rather than his initial target.

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