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Nintendo Conducts Virtual Console Survey! Pics & Games mentioned!


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Revolution Virtual Console survey by marketing company for Nintendo!


Games that MIGHT make the final cut:



• Balloon Fight

• Baseball

• Donkey Kong

• Donkey Kong Jr.

• Dr. Mario

• Duck Hunt

• Excitebike

• Hogan's Alley

• Ice Climber

• Ice Hockey

• Kid Icarus

• Kirby

• Kung Fu

• Mario Bros.

• Mario Open Golf

• Metroid

• Pinball

• Pro Wrestling

• Punch Out

• RC Pro AM

• Soccer

• Super Mario Bros.

• Super Mario Bros. 2

• Super Mario Bros. 3

• Tennis

• Tetris

• Urban Champion

• Volleyball

• Wario's Woods

• Yoshi's Cookies

• Zelda

• Zelda (Adventure of Link)



• Battle Clash

• Donkey Kong Country

• Donkey Kong Country 2

• Earthbound

• F-Zero

• Illusion of Gaia

• Killer Instinct

• Kirby's Avalanche

• Kirby Dream Course

• Kirby Super Star

• Kirby 3

• Pilot Wings

• Sim City

• Star Fox

• Stunt Race FX

• Super Mario Kart

• Super Mario RPG

• Super Mario World

• Super Metroid

• Super Play Action Football

• Super Scope 6

• Super Soccer

• Super Tennis

• Tetris Attack

• Tetris 2

• Uniracers

• Vegas Stakes

• Wario's Woods

• Yoshi's Hunting

• Yoshi's Island

• Zelda



• 1080

• Blast Corps

• Bomberman 64

• Cruisin' USA

• Goldeneye

• Mario Golf 64

• Mario Party 3

• Mario Tennis 64

• Ogre Battle 64

• Paper Mario

• Pilot Wings 64

• Pokemon Snap

• Sin & Punishment

• Star Fox 64

• Super Mario 64

• Wave Race

• Yoshi's Story

• Zelda

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"Game purchase. You may be able to buy retro games and save them to the Nintendo Revolution's memory, so they are always available.


Yes please!


Game subscription. By paying a monthly subscription fee, you will be able to add a certain number of games to your personal game library each month. You will be able to play all of the games in your library, including those that you added in previous months, as long as you continue your subscription. Note that one subscription option would allow for 'unlimited' access to the Virtual Console library. This means you could play any Virtual Console game as long as you maintained your subscription. "


Dear god no.....

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Goldeneye :yay:

To bad no PD..

PD > GE.


Technically, yes but PD failed to evoke the same feelings and fun that goldeneye managed to.


Sin and punishment, cant wait to play that game.


Its intersting that blast corps and killer instincts are on the list. Id be so happy if nintendo owned those IPs. I t would have been so funny (and so damn sensible) if nintendo had bought/kept Rares IPs before send them to MS

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As well as buying the downloads I wonder if we can use existing stars from the gamecube to purchase these games or maybe you'll get stars with the games for 1st party revolution games. Collect enough stars and get a free download. Hopefully they'll expand this to third parties. Played alot of those games though I'd definitely be interested in Sin & Punishment and Super Mario RPG!

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That list of games SUCKS!


Where's Diddy Kong Racing and MarioKart 64? Killer Instict, but no Killer Instict Gold? GoldenEye, but no Perfect Dark? Blast Corps, but no Battletoads for either NES or SNES? Punch Out!, but no Super Punch Out?! And what the hell is "Zelda"? Do you mean OOT, A Link to the Past, Majora's Mask.....etc? Which one?!


This is either completely fake, or insane. Nintendo can kiss there advantage good bye if they don't even have the essentials covered. I mean, I would of been less dissapointed if it had every Nintendo game ever made for those systems and NO rare games at all. But if Rare is willing to comply, then why not EVERYGAME by both companies?!

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My one concern with the virtual console thing is what happens when we buy them? Do they save themselves to a memory card so we can load them from that whenever, or will we always have to go to that part of the wi-fi and load the game from there (With just a save being recorded to a memory card each time) the second seems most probable though I'm sure Nintendo will tell us soon enough, I really think a hard-drive should have been included as an optional extra though - It would make things so much easier.


That list looks about right, although there are a few noteable exceptions - To be honest though I'm more bothered about the games I haven't had the chance to play - Super Mario RPG, Sin and Punishment, Earthbound and Yoshi's story. I'm sure thats not the final list though, nintendo wouldn't leave off Mario Kart 64 and I expect other companies (Capcom, Square, Sega etc.) to add games to that list when they decide what they want put on.

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On a sidenote Pit-Jr it seems you didn't really understand what says there, if you pay a monthly fee you get all the games you want (limited number per month), so you don't need to buy them individually. Makes sense to me and it's actually a good sign. I'm afraid that since this is going to be a free service some things might not be very complete when compared to XBOX live, but this shows that Nintendo is actually planning payments for some things in order to keep some balance.

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Make fun of my bitching all you want, but my point still stands. There are OBVIOUS games that have been left out, and no survey in the world should have to tell you that.


I guess my concern isn't for the list, rather its for Nintendo's pre-metitative ignorance. Why would they omit such obvious additions. It worries me....

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It does say that these are the titles that will probably be available at launch - there's nothing stopping Nintendo adding new games to the list over time, is there. Come on, do you really think that Mario Kart 64 would be completely ignored?


Anyway, it's nice to have some details abot how the system might end up working. I hope it doesn't end up looking like those ugly screenshots, though. Hope we get our own European version, too, with 'catalogue' spelt correctly and the UK SNES (rather than the purple US one) being pictured.

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It's fake...gosh...dont believe everything you read.... Some people amaze me...... What is the point of even showing screenshots? How is that related in anyway to the selection of games which they will offer? Those fake and rubbish screenshots are there to trick you into believing the crappy survey is real and from Nintendo.

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its nice though, to think of the virtual console, and put some thought into the games we may buy.


possible suggestion to the R-E people... maybe you guys could link our forum accounts to an all inclusive game database, which includes all games on the virtual console.


Then we could all have a top 5 option in our accounts (optional) and we could have an automatic top 10 recommended games as recommended by R-E users.


would also make your top 50 feature (or top 100 perhaps...) that much easier.

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Maybe they left some games out, because there gonna make them better in some way? Thats what i've been hearing anyway. Or maybe they don't want the whole list up at once?


Think about this as well, if all the best games were available from the start, a user would just download all his favourite games in the first month, and next month the user might not want to bother paying for the next month, because he/she has the games they want. By adding a couple of classic games each month or two, Nintendo will make more money off it.

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Game subscription. By paying a monthly subscription fee, you will be able to add a certain number of games to your personal game library each month. You will be able to play all of the games in your library, including those that you added in previous months, as long as you continue your subscription. Note that one subscription option would allow for 'unlimited' access to the Virtual Console library. This means you could play any Virtual Console game as long as you maintained your subscription.

That sucks. You pay a subscription and then you can't keep the games when you decide to quit. Like paying for a newspaper one year, decide that it's biassed towards Playstation, unsubscribe to it and then having to send back every paper you got that year.

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