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Lmao, you dont have to "give me anything" my good sir.


But what the above kind of highlights to me its a bit of over-reaction. X/Y is a fine example of the online features you want, but yet you lump with everything else as lacking in some way or form before actually thinking about it. Really, nothing personal, but I think this is what Serebii and others - including myself - are sort of sensitive to.


I'll happily admit when I'm wrong. I like to acknowledge it rather than not reply and hope it gets buried somewhere.


I still stand by my remarks though. The online setup for both the Wii U and Nintendos offerings has been terrible so far and leaves a lot to be desired.


You can look at this site as an example of how Nintendo has lost touch with certain things. Most of us on here joined up for our love of Nintendo and just take a look at how many members have lost interest in what Nintendo are doing. Things like the whole online issues are actually annoying fans and pushing them away.


Just the other week Flinky had enough with Nintendos efforts and got himself a PS4. You even have Zechs, who has defended the company many times before, now starting to lose patience. It's a slippery slope because once people start doing this and find that they can get their gaming fix elsewhere, where does that leave Nintendo?


I've said many times before I'm happy with my Wii U but there are times I just want to ask the question "Why?" when Nintendo decide to do certain things. It's just baffling at times and the fact you can't get answers out of them makes it even more frustrating.


Yeah, changing to 60hz for Virtual Console, the combining of accounts on 3DS/Wii U etc. all show Nintendo doesn't listen.



About time you agreed and got on board!

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I'll happily admit when I'm wrong. I like to acknowledge it rather than not reply and hope it gets buried somewhere.


I still stand by my remarks though. The online setup for both the Wii U and Nintendos offerings has been terrible so far and leaves a lot to be desired.


You can look at this site as an example of how Nintendo has lost touch with certain things. Most of us on here joined up for our love of Nintendo and just take a look at how many members have lost interest in what Nintendo are doing. Things like the whole online issues are actually annoying fans and pushing them away.


Just the other week Flinky had enough with Nintendos efforts and got himself a PS4. You even have Zechs, who has defended the company many times before, now starting to lose patience. It's a slippery slope because once people start doing this and find that they can get their gaming fix elsewhere, where does that leave Nintendo?


I've said many times before I'm happy with my Wii U but there are times I just want to ask the question "Why?" when Nintendo decide to do certain things. It's just baffling at times and the fact you can't get answers out of them makes it even more frustrating.




About time you agreed and got on board!

I was being sarcastic and providing examples of them listening recently :(

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Yeah, changing to 60hz for Virtual Console, the combining of accounts on 3DS/Wii U etc. all show Nintendo doesn't listen.


Oh wait, hang on...


But people had been asking for the 60hz thing since the moment they knew there was going to be a Virtual Console facility on the original Wii. Saying it took Nintendo 7 years to listen to their fans is hardly showering them with praise.


Same goes with the unified accounts - it's an improvement but it's still not exactly what the fans have been asking for since the announcement of such service.


That stuff has been plaguing message boards for ages. Just because it wasn't on Miiverse or Twitter, it doesn't mean Nintendo can fein ignorance on the matter and say they didn't know the fans were asking for these things.


Hoppefully, they will be become must swifter at listening to the fans, acknowledging their issues, and delivering upon what is being asked of them - that this is the sign of great things to come.


I didn't bother to set up an Nintendo ID thing on my 3DS depsite the offer of SMBDeluxe because I did not agree on what they were asking from me. With the Wii U, you're quite restricted if you don't sign up so they had me over a barrel. But that isn't the way things should be and it sure as hell is not what the fans are asking for.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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But people had been asking for the 60hz thing since the moment they knew there was going to be a Virtual Console facility on the original Wii. Saying it took Nintendo 7 years to listen to their fans is hardly showering them with praise.


Same goes with the unified accounts - it's an improvement but it's still not exactly what the fans have been asking for since the announcement of such service.


That stuff has been plaguing message boards for ages. Just because it wasn't on Miiverse or Twitter, it doesn't mean Nintendo can fein ignorance on the matter and say they didn't know the fans were asking for these things.

When have they ever said that?


They have proven that they listen to fans.

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When have they ever said that?


They have proven that they listen to fans.


They seem to be listening to them now, yes. The problem was they spent a long time not listening to them (or doing their utmost to give that impression) that a lot of those fans have left. And the accounts system is still not what the fans have asked for and it's fairly import aspect of any digital ecosystem.


If they listened to their fans, we wouldn't have to trot out the VC example because it would have been dealt with 7 years ago and we would be taking it for granted now instead of it being a sigh of relief each time it's confirmed.


I want to believe they are repositioning themselves to be more flexible and adaptable around their decision making and various other policies but Nintendo can be pretty stubborn at times.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Yes, but they are listening. It's ridiculous to use the past as evidence of them not listening today. They didn't listen in the past. They do listen now.


It's not ridiculous when they have mostly the same management in place and we still have a limited number of examples in their favour to work with.

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It's not ridiculous when they have mostly the same management in place and we still have a limited number of examples in their favour to work with.

Why does the management in place actually matter when it has been proven that they are now listening? Yes, they didn't in the past. They are now. What does it matter who is in charge?


Rome wasn't built in a day.

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Why does the management in place actually matter when it has been proven that they are now listening? Yes, they didn't in the past. They are now. What does it matter who is in charge?


Rome wasn't built in a day.


But a decent online system was built back in 2006.

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Why does the management in place actually matter when it has been proven that they are now listening? Yes, they didn't in the past. They are now. What does it matter who is in charge?


Rome wasn't built in a day.


Rome wasn't built in a day but Nintendo's online system must have been pretty close.


Management matters because we're talkling about changing the entire mindset of the companies movers and shakers - the people who made policies governing the Wii and laid out the road map for the next 4 years of Wii U. There will definitely be some "my way or the highway" types and those who like to Nintendofy things. They don't just disappear over night. It's taken in incredible amount of time to get to where we are now and who knows how long it will take to get to where they need to be.


And again, this "proven" word. For me, proven would require listening to exactly what the fans want and then deliver exactly that - not deliver it with some Nintendo spin/quirk unless it already meets all the base requirements. To that end, the amount of times they've proven they listen is still fairly limited.

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Same goes with the unified accounts - it's an improvement but it's still not exactly what the fans have been asking for since the announcement of such service.



I didn't bother to set up an Nintendo ID thing on my 3DS depsite the offer of SMBDeluxe because I did not agree on what they were asking from me. With the Wii U, you're quite restricted if you don't sign up so they had me over a barrel. But that isn't the way things should be and it sure as hell is not what the fans are asking for.


The Account System continues to be a joke. I'm not sure whether it's indolence or arrogance or both that causes them to refuse to fix it but it's not on. It must be costing them money too, I can't be the only one who boycotts/severely restricts the use of their digital products under the present system. But they either don't know it's important or don't care.

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The Account System continues to be a joke. I'm not sure whether it's indolence or arrogance or both that causes them to refuse to fix it but it's not on. It must be costing them money too, I can't be the only one who boycotts/severely restricts the use of their digital products under the present system. But they either don't know it's important or don't care.

They do need to allow you to sign into your NNID on other Wii Us, but other than that, the account system is identical to every other.

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Why does the management in place actually matter when it has been proven that they are now listening? Yes, they didn't in the past. They are now. What does it matter who is in charge?


Rome wasn't built in a day.


Do you ever stop making excuses for the Nintendo.


They do need to allow you to sign into your NNID on other Wii Us, but other than that, the account system is identical to every other.


Really. So if I lose my 3DS tomorrow I can buy a new one and download all my content already purchased?


No thought not. To try and claim the account system is similar to Live, PSN, Google, or Apple ID is simply laughable.


As for now listening to the fans. Two words - 'Region Free'.


It may only be a small percent of people that want region free hardware but Sony deliver that, MS delivered a region free XB1. Nintendo gave us a region locked 3DS and then a region locked Wii U which is nothing but pure BS. They could easily patch both if they wanted but wont.

Edited by liger05
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You can if you have a serial number :)


but anyway. No, you can't i. The same way as apple google Sony etc. but IWATA EXPLICITLY SAID THEYRE MOVING TOWARDS AN ACCOUNT SYSTEM NOT TIRD TO HARDWARE


So why keep attacking them for this? They haven't got it, they made mistakes, they've acknowledged it and said they're going to sort it. What's the point in keep banging on about it?

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You can if you have a serial number :)


but anyway. No, you can't i. The same way as apple google Sony etc. but IWATA EXPLICITLY SAID THEYRE MOVING TOWARDS AN ACCOUNT SYSTEM NOT TIRD TO HARDWARE


So why keep attacking them for this? They haven't got it, they made mistakes, they've acknowledged it and said they're going to sort it. What's the point in keep banging on about it?


In part because they've promised things in the past that they haven't delivered on? Baby, talk is cheap.


But I genuinely hope they do.

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You can if you have a serial number :)


but anyway. No, you can't i. The same way as apple google Sony etc. but IWATA EXPLICITLY SAID THEYRE MOVING TOWARDS AN ACCOUNT SYSTEM NOT TIRD TO HARDWARE


So why keep attacking them for this? They haven't got it, they made mistakes, they've acknowledged it and said they're going to sort it. What's the point in keep banging on about it?


So because Iwata mentions they are looking to change this in the future (no timeframe) that should be applauded?


If or when Nintendo implement an account system like we see elsewhere I for one wont be congratulating them on this as its a standard feature which we should already have.

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You can if you have a serial number :)


but anyway. No, you can't i. The same way as apple google Sony etc. but IWATA EXPLICITLY SAID THEYRE MOVING TOWARDS AN ACCOUNT SYSTEM NOT TIRD TO HARDWARE


So why keep attacking them for this? They haven't got it, they made mistakes, they've acknowledged it and said they're going to sort it. What's the point in keep banging on about it?


Probably because Iwata has proven in the past that, despite bring a likeable bloke, has talked promises before and not delivered. At this point it's hard to trust the guy.

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Have they ever actually lied about something though? I realise they've UNDER delivered, when have they simply not delivered? I see no reason not to believe them - 3ds getting nnid, joking money accounts, the consoles can now read each other's purchases... Next step, full accounts!


So because Iwata mentions they are looking to change this in the future (no timeframe) that should be applauded?


If or when Nintendo implement an account system like we see elsewhere I for one wont be congratulating them on this as its a standard feature which we should already have.


Nope. When did I say you should applaud them? What I'm Saying is why keep attacking them about something they've acknowledged and said they're sorting out? It's bizarre to me.

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The Account System continues to be a joke. I'm not sure whether it's indolence or arrogance or both that causes them to refuse to fix it but it's not on. It must be costing them money too, I can't be the only one who boycotts/severely restricts the use of their digital products under the present system. But they either don't know it's important or don't care.


I'm not big fan of digital versions over physical ones anyway but their current setup makes me incredibly reluctant to purchase anything expensive or in great quantity.

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Have they ever actually lied about something though? I realise they've UNDER delivered, when have they simply not delivered? I see no reason not to believe them - 3ds getting nnid, joking money accounts, the consoles can now read each other's purchases... Next step, full accounts!


There's a fine line between under delivering and lying and they flirt with it. He's said countless times that they have learned from mistakes but clearly haven't. Where's that list of Iwata quotes when I need it? :D

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Have they ever actually lied about something though? I realise they've UNDER delivered, when have they simply not delivered? I see no reason not to believe them - 3ds getting nnid, joking money accounts, the consoles can now read each other's purchases... Next step, full accounts!


Broken promises is Iwata's specialty:


“When we launched GameCube, the initial sales were good, and all the hardware we manufactured at that time were sold through. However, after this period, we could not provide the market with strong software titles in a timely fashion. As a result we could not leverage the initial launch time momentum, and sales of GameCube slowed down. To avoid repeating this with Wii, we have been intensifying the software development, both internally at Nintendo and at developers outside the company, in order to prepare aggressive software lineup for Wii at and after the launch.” says Iwata. He then says, ”We believe it is important to provide the market with strong software without a long interval in order to keep the launch time momentum.”


Source: http://www.nintendo....60607qa/02.html


Iwata promises that 3DS will avoid major droughts that plagued Wii and DS.

“It’s important that you be able to supply software with no pause,” said Iwata. “With the DS and Wii, following the titles that were released at launch, the momentum dropped when there was a gap in software releases. We’re making plans so that this type of thing won’t happen.”


Source: http://www.vg247.com...tware-with-3ds/


Iwata promises that Wii U will avoid major droughts that plagued 3DS and Wii.

“ As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch.”


“The company was unable to launch much-anticipated first-party titles for the Wii nor for the Nintendo 3DS in a timely fashion in the first half of the term. In the game platform business, creating momentum is very important, but the momentum was once lost, and it has had a large negative effect on our sales and profits.”


Source: http://www.computera...son-iwata-vows/


Iwata apologizes for Wii U drought in January and February.

“I apologize to those supporting Wii U about the lack of titles in January and February.”


Source: http://www.gamesindu...oftware-drought

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