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The Sun's Derek Brown '3DS is essential hardware - best console, full-stop'.

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Positive coverage from The Sun seems a rarity these days, especially after vilifying Nintendo for the past few years.




If computer games weren’t giving children dementia, the Nintendo 3DS was making them physically sick – something that retailers immediately refuted. The Sun even had to deny deliberately attacking Nintendo at one point.


Whilst initially discussing the worrying situation that the Wii U finds itself in, the writer, Derek Brown, reveals that the 3DS has become his favourite gaming console. “I don’t mean favourite handheld console, I mean favourite console full stop,” he clarifies.


He further comments that “it is now emerging as an essential piece of gaming hardware,” having initally struggled at retail following launch. Praising Fire Emblem: Awakening as his game of the year, Luigi’s Mansion 2 as being excellent, and further budget releases like Fallblox, VVVVVV and HarmoKnight, he deems the Nintendo 3DS library as worthy of attention.


Positive press indeed, and Nintendo will surely be pleased to see their immediate change of heart. Now to do the same with Wii U…


Source: http://www.nintendo-insider.com/2013/05/14/the-sun-proclaim-nintendo-3ds-as-the-best-console-ever/

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In his defence, I'd say the DS is one of the best consoles ever made, and it plays DS games....
Hmm that's true, but I don't he's intelligent/clued in enough to realise his statement could mean that :p


I mean, you could say that in 3 years time maybe... but to say it's better than the likes of the N64 or whatever already! lol

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I for one certainly think that it's a statement that shouldn't be dismissed. It's probably a bit too early to say it, yes.


But you only have to look at how old the console is (just a little over 2 years) and it already has so many fantastic games for it. And lets not forget those that are on the way.


Nintendo are only just scratching the surface with the 3DS so far and the amount of budget eShop titles that are coming thick and fast which are also of fantastic quality is definitely note worthy. Add to that the virtual console which should grow and grow with classic GB games (plus the possibility of Mega Drive ones as per Sonic 1 coming to Japan's 3DS eShop) and you have one console which any gamer could be more than happy with.


The fact Nintendo are also giving you games to play on it for free with bonus offers (buy and register an XL for a free game and now buy and register 3 get a 4th free) shows that they are not only being generous, but they are creating a desirable overall package in this piece of hardware. It's probably difficult for anyone who doesn't own one to not want one.


The original DS series is my favourite console(s) ever made and I honestly think that if the 3DS carries on as it's going, it could take the crown for me.

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The 3DS is certainly one of my favourite systems. To me, a great system is not just about the games - it's about how the inherent strengths of the machine enable great games.


The N64 hosted a handful of masterpieces - I'm thinking Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask in particular - but to me it was not the most enjoyable console to own. Even though the concept of the hardware led directly to games featuring large, explorable worlds (a good thing), I still think there were a lot of drawbacks - mainly the blurry graphics. I just couldn't get away from that, personally. Thankfully, OOT and MM proved masterpieces could be crafted with the utmost care and a heavy dose of genius, but I think those games were the exception rather than the rule.


My favourite home console is without doubt the GameCube. It had a perfect controller (Nintendo's best to date) and the excellent graphics/processing power of the machine meant that most games you put in had a hgh chance of being decent. Add to that the true, brilliant classics like Wind Waker, Metroid Prime and (in my opinion) Super Mario Sunshine, and it's a hard system to beat.


Which brings me to the 3DS. I do think it could be my favourite system overall. Ever since I loaded up Pilotwings Resort, I was wowed at the high-polygon environments compared to the DS (nice-textured polygons too). Thanks to the decent PPI of the original model, Nintendo games had also never looked so sharp. Like the GameCube, it feels like the hardware is built so that everything has a chance of being good.


Then there are the eShop games, the internet features and all the fun I had StreetPassing. This is all part of the overall system, and something which older consoles couldn't offer. I spend ages just fiddling about with the photos and in-built software.


Whilst I understood its critics' reasoning that they weren't going to buy the 3DS for ports and remakes, I enjoyed those ports and remakes very much, personally. Ocarina of Time looks a lot nicer than the N64 version and is just a darn good title for the handheld to have. And maybe it's just me, but I downloaded Lylat Wars from the Wii Virtual Console and never got into it... then bought the 3DS remake and loved it.


But as I say, I do understand that the 3DS was never going to reach full popularity until it had more brand new games. Step forward Super Mario 3D Land, New Super Mario Bros 2 (much more fun than it sounds) and Fire Emblem: Awakening, which I consider the best game on the handheld. The only question for me is whether the 3DS will host games truly as good as Wind Waker, Metroid Fusion etc. At the moment, I don't see it. I think Nintendo is going in a slightly different direction for now, but there's no doubt about it - the potential is there.

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