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Nintendo Ditching This Years E3 Presser


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This was being discussed in the Wii U discussion but I feel it's thread worthy.


At E3 this year, we are not planning to launch new hardware, and our main activity at E3 will be to announce and have people experience our software. Many people are certainly very interested in learning more about the Wii U titles that we are going to announce. We will use E3 as an ideal opportunity to talk in detail mainly about the Wii U titles that we are going to launch this year, and we also plan to make it possible for visitors to try the games immediately. As a brand new challenge, we are working to establish a new presentation style for E3.


First, we decided not to host a large-scale presentation targeted at everyone in the international audience where we announce new information as we did in the past.


Instead, at the E3 show this year, we are planning to host a few smaller events that are specifically focused on our software lineup for the U.S. market. There will be one closed event for American distributors, and we will hold another closed hands-on experience event, for mainly the Western gaming media. Also, I did not speak at last year’s presentation, and I am not planning to speak at these events at the E3 show this year either. Apart from these exclusive events for visitors, we are continuing to investigate ways to deliver information about our games directly to our home audience around the time of E3. We will share more information about them once they have officially been decided.


So, thoughts?


They are still going to be at E3 and they will probably host a big ND instead of the usual live affair.


I can see both negative and positive arguments for this.


Positive is that by hosting a ND instead of a live presser things should go more smoothly and with Nintendo saying they are focusing on software we should be able to skip the usual sales fluff. Also, if Reggie doesn't get to show up then this is a major win for me!


Negative is that this will probably be seen as a sign of weakness from the press, both gaming and general. Nintendo not holding a press conference when the other 2 are showing their new consoles looks as if they are backing off.


Also, as Serebii has pointed out many times before, Nintendo used E3 as a tool to get in touch with the mainstream media. Most of the mainstream coverage is from the pressers each company holds. You can bet that the Sony and Microsoft conference news will be plastered in papers and on the news, due to new consoles, but Nintendo having a ND will get over looked and lose mindshare.


Nintendo mention they want to get the audience at home involved. E3 demos on the eShop? Yes, please.


Fun times ahead.

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I've been thinking this over since I heard the news and honestly though it is a bit of a bummer coming from a Nintendo fan, but this does sound like the best route to take. Perhaps at this moment in time anyway. Maybe we can see information more tailored to those who are watching online across the world and not attending the event as apposed to previous conferences where it wasn't anything particularly important that was appended at the end.


If anything I think this shows how serious Nintendo are about turning this situation around for the Wii U, they're going to focus on the software which has been the main problem for the Wii U. However, this decision may affect the way that general consumers look at the Wii U and Nintendo as a whole and after all the 'artificial' hype coming into E3 this may backfire.

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Nintendo Directs have been amazing! so if we're getting a few smaller Direct-esque events then that will be fantastic!

It should also be able to bring in some new Nintendo Direct viewers too!


I would personally like to see one big Nintendo Direct, rather than have them spread out during the course of the week.

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Risky move.


On the one hand holding the regular Press Event this years runs the risk of getting drowned out by the other two simiply due to the reveal of new consoles, no matter how good an Event Nintendo pull off no matter what good new games they magic out of the hat for Wii U, the main stream media will only be interested in the new consoles anyway.


Nintendo probably recognised this and figured no matter what they do or say their would be little hope of getting the main stream attention away from the PS4 and 720 which will be the big news.



On the other had this will be extra fodder for the anti-Nintendo types in gaming media.... and Mr. Pratcher I'm sure will have some words about it too.... about how this is a sign that Nintendo are "on the way out" again.



Having Nintendo Directs instead and saying they will focus on software... for a Nintendo fan or those interested in what games they are hiding... this could be very good. It probably still won't set the mainstream media alight but as I said it won't be any better with a full on presser this year anyway. Admittidly I was looking forward to a live version of the ND's "oh and one more thing" at the end but I'll take it in an actual ND too :D


It might also mean that we'll get European versions of these ND's too to get info more relevent to us.



In the end it all comes down to what software they have up their sleves to show off (both 1st, 2nd and 3rd party) that will decide how good (or bad) a move this will be. Of course we won't know that till after E3


I would personally like to see one big Nintendo Direct, rather than have them spread out during the course of the week.


Maybe they have several "oh one more thing" moments planned... be hard to do that more than once in one ND.... maybe that is why they will do a few?





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Bad idea.


This is a BAD idea.


This is the worst idea I've seen from Nintendo. By all means, do the Directs as well, but by dismissing the E3 conference, they're making themselves seem insignificant to the general media and stupid people around the internet. Even EA and Ubisoft do press conferences

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Bad idea.


This is a BAD idea.


This is the worst idea I've seen from Nintendo. By all means, do the Directs as well, but by dismissing the E3 conference, they're making themselves seem insignificant to the general media and stupid people around the internet. Even EA and Ubisoft do press conferences


Exactly what I was going to say. This is basically a DISASTER. It makes the whole of E3 about Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo have become an irrelevance hidden away in a back room.


I'm genuinely starting to believe that Nintendo doesn't have a clue what it is doing anymore. They've lost the plot totally!

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I wouldn't say they've lost the plot. As I mentioned they prolly realise no matter how good a show they put on with just software in a presser they are still gonna be in the shadow of teh PS4 and 720.


It would seem even worse if they did do a presser and got completely drowned out.


Going by previous pressers and the statements on this too, Nintendo seemed to view the pressers as more a "figures" thing (which is why we as gamers have been disappointed with them last few years)


Indications from that statement are if they did a presser it would be more of the same again and we'd be all crying "Nintendo messed up E3"


At least now we know they are gonna be more focused on Software, and their announcements will be tailored with the Gamers in mind and not the mainstream media or investors.

On that alone that is a good thing for us the gamer as we should now be getting the kind of announcements we've been hoping for.


The success or failure of this move rests solely on what software they do show off.

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The success or failure of this move rests solely on what software they do show off.


Indeed. Content is key and it matters to Nintendo now more than ever to so the goods.


If they do decide to do smaller conferences throughout E3 I wonder if we will get a one for each new big game. For example, a single conference for Retros new game.


Also, @Serebii agreeing with most of Gaf?! Has hell frozen over? :D

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To be fair, logically there is reason. Their E3 presentation last year was upstaged by the vastly superior E3 Direct two days before. They are also still going to be there with press events and everything so they'll have a definite presence at E3, so a lot of people are over-reacting


Here they can focus their time better. No pointless on screen performances, no shoehorning in third party games into their personal presentation. Here they can focus on their games how they want, without the constraints of being live.


I'm not happy about this, I think it may be the worst idea since the Vitality Sensor, but they aren't ignoring E3 altogether like many are believing


At least this means we won't have Americans bloody applauding at everything. "Hi *applause*" "This is a game *applause*" "I have herpes *applause*"

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Indeed. Content is key and it matters to Nintendo now more than ever to so the goods.


If they do decide to do smaller conferences throughout E3 I wonder if we will get a one for each new big game. For example, a single conference for Retros new game.


Also, @Serebii agreeing with most of Gaf?! Has hell frozen over? :D


Or we could finally get that 3rd Party ND we've been promised :heh:


I doubt they would focus purely on a single game (depends how long each ND would be I guess)


It would prolly be an ND on 2nd Party stuff and with bout 30mins left half way into it)... "Oh and one last thing, here's what Retro are doing"



Though I wouldn't say no to a full ND focused on Monoliths Xenoblade 2 :D

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Surely what they need to do is ensure they get as much media press coverage for their new games that they are due to announce.


What is the point of doing this via Nintendo Direct when it is only nintendo fans that watch them?

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Surely what they need to do is ensure they get as much media press coverage for their new games that they are due to announce.


What is the point of doing this via Nintendo Direct when it is only nintendo fans that watch them?


I'm sure the gaming media will be paying attention too

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Indeed. Content is key and it matters to Nintendo now more than ever to so the goods.


If they do decide to do smaller conferences throughout E3 I wonder if we will get a one for each new big game. For example, a single conference for Retros new game.


Also, @Serebii agreeing with most of Gaf?! Has hell frozen over? :D

Nonsense. GAF are ignoring that Nintendo are still there with press events etc.


I'm more concerned about the fallout, as you can see on GAF.


It'd have been better to have it, the ND and more though. It's still a bad idea, but it's not a destruction of the company like some there are doing

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Yeah, but the mainstream media probably wont be, which is where E3 pressers come into play.

Yeah, but Nintendo ARE having press events there. They're just not oversized PR bullshit


Seriously, E3 conferences have turned ridiculous so I can maybe see why. They try to get trendy celebrities on to promote their products these days, especially if you're Microsoft

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Yeah, but Nintendo ARE having press events there. They're just not oversized PR bullshit


Yeah, but if you look at past E3s the mainstream press only seem to care about the big flash pressers rather than the behind the doors, smaller events.


I agree that the celebrity thing that Microsoft do is waaaay over the top BUT again this is for the mainstream press.

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Yeah, but the mainstream media probably wont be, which is where E3 pressers come into play.


But as I been saying most of the "mainstream" media will be too focused on the new console reveals. If it were just one console reveal maybe Nintendo would have a chance with a proper presser but with 2 happening? That is all the mainstream types will be focused on for the front page headlines.

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Wow! Didn't see this one coming. :o


Not sure what I make of it to be honest. :hmm: On the one hand it's disappointing, but it's not like we won't be seeing anything at all from Nintendo during E3.

Focusing on software is the most important thing for Nintendo right now anyway, so it does make sense in that respect.


And if Nintendo release the E3 demos of new Wii U/3DS games on the eShop (as some people are speculating), the fact they didn't have a press conference will be quickly forgotten. :hehe:

Especially by me if I get to play Mario Kart 8. ;)


I wonder if this will be a permanent change for Nintendo though?

Perhaps they'll only do press conferences at E3 for new hardware from now on. ::shrug:

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But as I been saying most of the "mainstream" media will be too focused on the new console reveals. If it were just one console reveal maybe Nintendo would have a chance with a proper presser but with 2 happening? That is all the mainstream types will be focused on for the front page headlines.


I totally agree.


The thing is, this will be spun as if Nintendo have just rolled over and died. I can see the mainstream reporting something like " Sony & Microsoft show new consoles. Nintendo is a no show "

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