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New 3DS Deal - Register 3 games, get one new game!


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It's a great deal to be fair.


I've so far got Luigi's Mansion 2 and Animal Crossing. Sort of tempted to give DKCR a go, never played a DK game before, but none of the others really appeal to me for the free game. I hear Fire Emblem is great though but not really into JRPGs


Seriously dude you gotta get DKCR.


I'd never played a previous one either (or the Wii version) and it's easily one of my favourite 3DS titles so far. And that's saying something as I have loved so many!


I wanted to like Fire Emblem but I hate that style of game sadly.


I got AC free with my original batch of registered games (Luigi Mansion and DKCR) but for my third game I went with Lego City Undercover for £16 (through using built up ShopTo points etc) and traded it in at weekend for same price which was lucky. Otherwise I'd be in the same boat as you! Lego City wasn't too bad to blast through though really!


I'm probably gonna go for Luigi's Mansion as my download so I can have a digital copy on my 3ds and just trade in the boxed copy. At least I can then recoup some funds - make it even cheaper!

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So, now I've played the four I was interested in (the other four weren't really in the equation)...


Luigi's Mansion 2

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


...for me, Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing were the two 10/10 ones - the two best games on the 3DS, even. I'd be perfectly happy to have Fire Emblem as my downloadable game, but I'm glad I went for Animal Crossing.

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made another account and registered 3 more games, but im not getting the code in my banner yet , it just says to click here to claim, so i do but it already says i have taken part in the promotion,


i have already selected the game i want and i had an email saying they will send it soon,


how long does it usually take to arrive, or appear in the banner



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I don't suppose anyone has a spare code that isn't Animal Crossing or Fire Emblem at all? I might have some spare old ones around I could give away! Only one game away from my freebie :(


Edit: Sorry guys, I mean Animal Crossing or Donkey Kong!!

Edited by Dyson
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I just registered for my second free game earlier tonight and picked Luigi's Mansion 2.


Now I will trade in my box copy and have sweet digital Luigi goodness! :bouncy:




Ooooh baby!!


Also, with creating a second Club Nintendo account (which I doubt I will use again unless we get another amazing promotion like this!), I used my newly found 1000 star points for these:




Sticking messages on my colleagues desks / screens in work will probably never get more amazing! :grin:

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So I've registered two games (Luigi and AC), I'm quite keen on getting DKCR3D, having never played the original. Trouble is I'm not sure whether to rush and buy it to take advantage of the 4 for 3 offer (it ends on Sunday), because none of the other 5 games appeal to me in the slightest :(

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Try the demos on the eShop if they're available. Do you like RPG/Strategy games? if so I can easily recommend Fire Emblem. Best of the lot in my opinion.


If you're still unsure then buy one of the others physically, register it, download DKCR3D and sell on the game.


Better yet. Buy Donkey Kong and sell the free download code.

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