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The Mass Effect Mafia (Game Thread)


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This is what i've got as a list of claimed targets:


DuD - Mr-P

Jon Dedede - Reflect

Cube - Yvonne & Rummy

The Peeps - Rummy

Ganepark32 - ???

Magnus Peterson - ???

Yvonne - DeDeDe

Mr-Paul - ??? I sort of know what went on here. Enough to know he couldn't have killed last night.


Magnus and Ganepark it would be a great help if you could just give your targets please.

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In fact i'll Vote: Ganepark too.


The lynch on Aqui1a, his weak attempts at questioning my power yesterday. His more than likely RB on Mr-P yesterday and using me as a scapegoat. And pressure for his last nights target.


Balls in your court.

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I... think so! I'm still confused as I'm ever so sleepy and will be off to bed shortly.

I too would like to hear who Magnus Peterson and Ganepark claim to have targeted. No-one has claimed to have been roleblocked, so could we guess that ganepark may have been the killer?

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@Mr\-Paul I couldn't find Yvonne, so I had no information that I could pass onto Rummy.


As for Kasumi, she has a damn good cloaking device and is great at hiding and getting by unnoticed.


I'll put an honorary vote on Ganepark - I won't actually vote as at this stage the double vote is very powerful and, as he will certainly by lynched as he's likely the killer, it will be best for it to happen when the town wants it to happen.

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I had targeted Mr-Paul. All I got was a lack of Yvonne.::shrug:


@The Peeps. Being that I am deeply suspicious of Yvonne and Dud, their interest in Ganepark worries me. I don't have any confidence in Ganepark, myself; he has been very quiet and it's hard to know what he's been up to. Still, their ease with this worries me. Although, it is all down to me being suspicious of them so I don't expect this to be considered an 'argument'. I just thought I would offer my thoughts.


I also have another suspicion, though. Much more suspicious than the last!


Ganepark is mafia, but due to real-life requirements the mafia have agreed to sacrifice him to make Yvonne and Dud look clean. Paranoid, you may say? Yes. In this game, however, everything is possible.


We should destroy Yvonne, he is trouble.

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So your point is..

If I lynch Ganepark and hes town, I'm mafia.


If I lynch Ganepark and he's mafia, I'm mafia.


and you back it up with nothing. Can you let me know who I am allowed to vote for?



You blindly followed Sheikah's lies (yes he turned out town, but there was ample evidence that he was lying) - dodgy as

then when Sheikah turns out town, you say you believe DeDeDe was telling the truth (with no basis for this belief) AND that you also still believe Sheikah (claimed yvonne targetted me supposedly making me untargetable) was telling the truth when they've gave conflicting statements. - impossible


Also with the (weak I'll admit, Yvonne isn't exactly trustworthy) accusation hanging over DeDeDe, its interesting that he's avoided the thread completely since.


I think Mafia is Ganepark, Magnus and 2 others. if Magnus is mafia DeDeDe will be too.

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Like Magnus, I get slightly worried about Yvonne voting for Ganepark, but really, I think they're just trying to distance themselves from each other. I don't think Magnus is mafia, personally. Anyway, discussion has slowed down a lot, was expecting a lot of arguments to read through when I got back from work, but I guess the main defendants are being quiet.

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As far as my previous post goes, I'll willingly put my first issue with Magnus down to bad play.


The second part though I want an answer to. with reasoning..

Do you believe DeDeDe or do you believe Sheikah? because believing both is impossible.


I'm fed up of people fence sitting.. have some conviction and make a decision.

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I also feel Yvonne's info on Dedede is just an attempt to distance themselves from each other. I may be wrong though.

I think while Sheikah had good intentions, it has added an air of confusion to everything. Saying that, I still think Yvonne is a better lynch candidate than Sheikah or Aqui1a were.


We must also remember, Sheikah was a town tracker. I think another town tracker is unlikely.

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right now there are two more people claiming tracker in the mix. Do you think there could be two mafia trackers? Also with this many people who end up apparently untargetable, it makes some sense to have a glut of trackers around.

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Change Vote: Ganepark32


The town roleblocker is dead, considering how many players were in this game there's not likely to be 2. Rummy targeted Sheikah and got nothing. Mr Paul was roleblocked when Ganepark32 said he conveniently targeted DuD when he was GM Jailkept. Ganepark32 lied about his target.


Jimbob has sent me a message saying untargetable actually means everything except info gathering is blocked from getting to me. This is different from what I was told at the start and judging from Sheikah posts I assume he thought the same. As tracking is info gathering I assume I could actually target Sheikah night 2, I'm still waiting for Jimbob to answer my question about this.


Yvonne is lying about my targets, apparently now I can target 3 people which is complete rubbish.

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