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General Gaming Sales/Charts Discussion

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I remember early last year when the worrying low sales of the wii u waswas brought up and they were dismissed as if it was all fine and things would just sort themselves out. I got banned from a Google + wii u group simply because I was mentioning the poor sales results.


I think Nintendo need to come up with the lowest cost exit strategy and start preparing for the next console.


The wii u is a lost cause now.

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I'm expecting the revised figure to be 5 mil and Iwata using the same old apologies as usual.


If they dealt with business in a more western manner, Iwata would have been crucified long ago.


This current gen race is really fucking interesting, I'm absolutely loving it.

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The Wii U was kind of confusing from the start. I mean, they concentrate on multiplayer gaming, but you can only have one GamePad per console. So you either have to get a Pro Controller, or a Wii Remote, (though remember it has to be a Wii Remote Plus or have a Wii Motion Plus attachment!), maybe a nunchuk as well, don't forget the Wii Fit board, oh man, you can use the Wii Classic Controller/Pro if you can't get hold of a Pro Controller.


The Wii U is a new console though! Just remember to buy all these Wii branded controllers with it! Get a basic pack? Shit man, all them controllers you got? Better go get yourself a sensor bar! But where from!? Just look online, type in WII SENSOR BAR FOR WII and use it on your Wii U!


What new titles are for this Wii add on then? NO, its a new console! On this new console you can enjoy... WII SPORTS HD. NEW SUPER MARIO BROS U. WII FIT U. WII PARTY U.






Did you know it's in HD though? HD! HD. I bet you haven't experienced stuff in HD before!





I do love my Wii U but I can see why people don't bother.

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The Wii U was kind of confusing from the start. I mean, they concentrate on multiplayer gaming, but you can only have one GamePad per console. So you either have to get a Pro Controller, or a Wii Remote, (though remember it has to be a Wii Remote Plus or have a Wii Motion Plus attachment!), maybe a nunchuk as well, don't forget the Wii Fit board, oh man, you can use the Wii Classic Controller/Pro if you can't get hold of a Pro Controller.


The Wii U is a new console though! Just remember to buy all these Wii branded controllers with it! Get a basic pack? Shit man, all them controllers you got? Better go get yourself a sensor bar! But where from!? Just look online, type in WII SENSOR BAR FOR WII and use it on your Wii U!


What new titles are for this Wii add on then? NO, its a new console! On this new console you can enjoy... WII SPORTS HD. NEW SUPER MARIO BROS U. WII FIT U. WII PARTY U.






Did you know it's in HD though? HD! HD. I bet you haven't experienced stuff in HD before!





I do love my Wii U but I can see why people don't bother.


That's a very good post and shows exactly where Nintendo have gone wrong with the Wii U.


Look @ the new Mario and sonic Olympics game. You can't play it unless you have controllers from a console that was released years ago. Makes no sense that a game released on a new console requires controllers from a previous one.


Seems like Nintendo's whole strategy was to bank on the Wii gamers to rush out and buy Wii U consoles. This never happened so they now they are in a right mess.

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Post taken from GAF regading French sales


Philippe Lavoué (Deputy General Manager of Nintendo France) revealed some sales data for the Wii U and 3DS in an interview yesterday.


Source: http://www.jdli.com/super-mario-3d-w...art-508-1.html


Google Translate Source: http://translate.google.de/translate...art-508-1.html




Wii U LTD is now at 175.000 units as of the middle of November.


Here's the current, known hardware breakdown:



Month Wii U


Nov 12 +

Dec 12 110.507


Jan 13 +

Feb 13 +

Mar 13 +

Apr 13 +

May 13 36.685

Jun 13 3.242

Jul 13 +

Aug 13 +

Sep 13 +

Oct 13 +

Nov 13 25.566 *mid of November

Dec 13



Total 175.000




The 3DS LTD is now at 2.150.000 units.


2DS represents 30% of the current 3DS sales.


Overall, the 3DS has a market share of 50% across all systems currently.


3DS Software Sales incraesed from 850.000 (last year) to 1.700.000 (this year), if you compare the same timeframe.


Pokemon X / Y sold 220.000 units in the first 3 weeks.





The LTD of the Original Wii is now at 6.000.000 units.




Other tidbits (Google Translate gibberish):


"Philippe Lavoué 175 000 copies of the console were sold in France at this stage and we are seeing a positive trend in sales since the launch of Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker, which, like Ocarina of Time 3DS in its time, had favored Sales of consoles."


"Moreover, levels of booking games Professeurr Layton and the Legacy Aslantes or Legend of Zelda: A Link Between the Past

comes out on November 22 clearly indicate that the dynamics will continue this season. We expect the 3DS family to a record high this year-end, it should establish itself as the number one console on the market."


"The situation on Wii U began to change this summer with the outputs of games like Pikmin 3, Legend of Zelda Wind Waker and the trend will continue with Wii Party U, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, Super Mario 3D World November 29 and next year via Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong Country, Bayonetta 2 ... Third-party publishers are also there with Just Dance 2014, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag and Call of Duty Ghosts at the end of the year."


The French Wii U sales are awful. Since launch its sold 65k in 11 months.


3DS however just keeps on trucking!!

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To be fair, the controllers are packaged as Wii U in stores now.


I mentioned this in the Wii U discussion thread. So they added a U on the packaging. Nothing about the peripheral has changed. I was in HMV and they were charging €45 for a nunchuk. This hasn't changed since day 1 and is 7 year old technology. No Wii remotes, fat load a nunchuk is on its own. Who knows what they'd charge for a remote if they were in stock. I know this is HMV but I didn't see Gamestop nor Smyths stocking any nunchuks.


Edit: Just did an online search in both Smyths and Gamestop - out of stock. Maybe that's why HMV are charging so much, they're the only shop selling them. Gamestop aren't selling remotes either. That's not good.

Edited by Wii
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That's a very good post and shows exactly where Nintendo have gone wrong with the Wii U.


Look @ the new Mario and sonic Olympics game. You can't play it unless you have controllers from a console that was released years ago. Makes no sense that a game released on a new console requires controllers from a previous one.


Seems like Nintendo's whole strategy was to bank on the Wii gamers to rush out and buy Wii U consoles. This never happened so they now they are in a right mess.


of course they were, if half the people who bought a Wii go on to buy a Wii U then it will be a major success. Sony and Microsoft have exactly the same strategy. With regards to the controllers I'm sure Nintendo expect everybody who bought Wii U had a Wii and therefore already have these required.

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of course they were, if half the people who bought a Wii go on to buy a Wii U then it will be a major success. Sony and Microsoft have exactly the same strategy. With regards to the controllers I'm sure Nintendo expect everybody who bought Wii U had a Wii and therefore already have these required.


Yet if one buys a PS4 or XB1 having a PS3/360 controller to play certain games isnt a requirement. Also I think its quite clear especially from Sony that banking on PS3 owners isnt the aim. They have been aggressive from the off trying to tap into gamers as a whole and not PS3 owners. Sony learnt a big lesson from the PS3 where they were arrogant and more or less expected that large PS2 install base to buy the PS3 which didnt happen.


Nintendo banking on Wii owners buying the Wii U was flawed simply because those same people had a platform that Nintendo let die a slow death 2 years earlier.


For Nintendo to just assume wii owners have wii motion+ controllers or still own there wii equipment would be silly.

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A lot of people gathered around the Wii U demo unit today in Liverpool Game. Isn't too reflective of potential sales, but the next-gen consoles selling out has at least shifted families looking for an alternative.

Indeed. Think it's on the general populace's brains now. Keep seeing Mario 3D World adverts during shows like The Simpsons. Could it finally be happening?

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Popped in Toys R Us yesterday and they had not 1 but 2 Wii U demo units and 2 people in Nintendo T-shirts stood next to them with 3DS XLs.


They had only just opened so I'd imagine they will have made a few parents aware of what the Wii U is by the end of the day.

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Indeed. Think it's on the general populace's brains now. Keep seeing Mario 3D World adverts during shows like The Simpsons. Could it finally be happening?


It could be a reasonable boost in sales, but I'm not sure if it would sell enough to steal the thunder from the other consoles once the stock issues are taken care of.

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It could be a reasonable boost in sales, but I'm not sure if it would sell enough to steal the thunder from the other consoles once the stock issues are taken care of.

Never going to happen. All Wii U needs is moderate sales and to be profitable, then people will shut the hell up...which is REALLY necessary around the Internet.

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I think Nintendo need to come up with the lowest cost exit strategy and start preparing for the next console.


The wii u is a lost cause now.


Starting work on a next console would be unwise. Sega abandoning the Saturn is probably the main reasoning for the Dreamcast bombing. Consumers were pissed because they had just bought a console and weren't going to get any games for it, developers had just begun to learn how to develop games for the current consoles and had lost money because of the low install base and suddenly Sega had made any possibilities of making profits off of future games for the format impossible.


I think that Nintendo just need to sit their ass down and realise that they need to spend money to earn money. They need to do more than to promise that there won't be a software drought next year, because they denied there would be drought this year. They need to sweep the world for talented indie developers in dire need of money and make them second party. If they have to buy fifty indie studios to find one Rare, they should do it. If they have to throw a hundred million at a famous company that's on the verge of bancrupcy, so that they can get an exclusive AAA title that will fill a gap in their library, they should do that. Nintendo COULD have bouht out Bizarre Creations and had them make a Gran Turismo-competitor. Why didn't they?

And if Nintendo want people to buy their consoles for the Nintendo experience, then deliver the fucking Nintendo experience, because they failed on the Wii.


Nintendo could do the following to make everyone happy: support the Wii U for the time being and wait a couple of years, then release a portable version of the Wii U under a different name (Nintendo DSU, perhaps). Then they market it as a new, portable system that you can take home, hook up with your TV and is compatible with the Wii U tablet. The system will also be compatible with all digital Wii U purchases, and all Nintendo DSU digital purchases will be Wii U compatible (because hardware wise, both systems will be identical). Perhaps there should even be a service to turn your disc games into digital games that work with the DSU. Developers don't need new devkits, nor reworking current projects to develop for the new system, Wii U owners continue to receive new games and gamers will have the convenience of just having to buy one console for both home and portable gaming.

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Never going to happen. All Wii U needs is moderate sales and to be profitable, then people will shut the hell up...which is REALLY necessary around the Internet.


I really dont understand why you keep saying moderate sales and a profitable console is all that's necessary. That may be all which is required to you personally but please dont speak for everyone else and secondly dont assume that's all what is necessary for Nintendo and its shareholders.


Iwata's forecasts from day 1 suggest moderate sales is not what they are looking for and not what they expect or have you forgot about those. How about the 9 mil sold before financial year end?


Look at the 3DS which you could say is in a very healthy position yet the company still expect to shift 18 million units by year end. Its not just about being profitable, its about growth as well.

Edited by liger05
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I really dont understand why you keep saying moderate sales and a profitable console is all that's necessary. That may be all which is required to you personally but please dont speak for everyone else and secondly dont assume that's all what is necessary for Nintendo and its shareholders.


Iwata's forecasts from day 1 suggest moderate sales is not what they are looking for and not what they expect or have you forgot about those. How about the 9 mil sold before financial year end?


Look at the 3DS which you could say is in a very healthy position yet the company still expect to shift 18 million units by year end. Its not just about being profitable, its about growth as well.


Yeah this is very important to remember. Before the Wii went on sale, Iwata said that if the Wii didn't out sell the Gamecube then he would see it as a failure. That was about the Wii, so I can't imagine Nintendo will be pleased with the Wii U's current sales in the slightest.

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moderate sales = bombing!!


Nintendo and its shareholders wont be happy with that at all.


No. No to little sales is bombing. Moderate sales is acceptable. I never said Nintendo would be happy with it, and many of their shareholders won't be happy until Nintendo goes mobile because "that's where the money is".

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No. No to little sales is bombing. Moderate sales is acceptable. I never said Nintendo would be happy with it, and many of their shareholders won't be happy until Nintendo goes mobile because "that's where the money is".


Well whether Nintendo is happy with the sales is the most important thing. They are the ones that know what sales constitute a profitable and worthwhile platform. Not forgetting retailers expect to sell a certain amount of consoles and games as well but none of these seems to matter as moderate sales will be just fine.


Yeah this is very important to remember. Before the Wii went on sale, Iwata said that if the Wii didn't out sell the Gamecube then he would see it as a failure. That was about the Wii, so I can't imagine Nintendo will be pleased with the Wii U's current sales in the slightest.


Yep there is no doubt Nintendo expect the Wii U to easily outsell the Gamecube. The Wii no but there is no way they launched the Wii U and thought 'if we sell 20 mil LTD then its a success'. No way at all!! Regardless if the console is profitable they would see that as a complete disaster.

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Never going to happen. All Wii U needs is moderate sales and to be profitable, then people will shut the hell up...which is REALLY necessary around the Internet.


Hahahaha you get far too upset about the Wii U man. The internet will never shut up for a good few years, heck, the PS3 no games thing took a hell of a long time to stop even after it got a steady stream of titles.


Plus, Nintendo's aim is not moderate sales, the natural purpose of a company is to grow and not doing so is counter intuitive.

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Hahahaha you get far too upset about the Wii U man. The internet will never shut up for a good few years, heck, the PS3 no games thing took a hell of a long time to stop even after it got a steady stream of titles.


Plus, Nintendo's aim is not moderate sales, the natural purpose of a company is to grow and not doing so is counter intuitive.

I know it's not Nintendo's aim, but it's as good as they will get

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