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But he has been presented with those answers already. People in Japan are buying it in anticipation (there will literally no other way to play most non Nintendo games over there other than PC). As well as that people will be playing Plus content in the meantime and/or their upgraded copies of FFXIV.

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But he has been presented with those answers already. People in Japan are buying it in anticipation (there will literally no other way to play most non Nintendo games over there other than PC). As well as that people will be playing Plus content in the meantime and/or their upgraded copies of FFXIV.


The problem is, I've not seen where he was presented those answers so I had no idea man haha.


Buying in anticipation will forever make no sense to me, but I completely forgot about PS Plus and had no idea whatsoever about the free upgrades of FFXIV versions, my bad!

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EDIT: I'm pretty sure Yo-Kai watch is going to be released here, just noticed the title is translated when I see the recent activity for my Japanese 3DS on my EU 3DS


Doesn't mean anything. Pokémon Tretta Lab Main System is translated like that, and there's no chance in hell that's coming here.

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The problem is, I've not seen where he was presented those answers so I had no idea man haha.


Buying in anticipation will forever make no sense to me, but I completely forgot about PS Plus and had no idea whatsoever about the free upgrades of FFXIV versions, my bad!


I don't get it at all. Even if I was buying a console in anticipation, I would still pick up something to play, I would just get carried away in the moment. I've always bought 2-3 games with the purchase of a console and assumed that everybody would do similar, but to not buy any game is wrong. Does Knack come bundled with the PS4? That would make a bit more sense.

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I don't get it at all. Even if I was buying a console in anticipation, I would still pick up something to play, I would just get carried away in the moment. I've always bought 2-3 games with the purchase of a console and assumed that everybody would do similar, but to not buy any game is wrong. Does Knack come bundled with the PS4? That would make a bit more sense.


It's not in stock any more on Amazon Japan, but I have no way of ascertaining whether or not physical retailers still have it bundled.


But to be fair, the others have a point with the fact you've got to consider the PS Plus membership, which is actually more compelling of a reason now that the Japanese have hid their money due to the sales tax increase.


Doesn't mean anything. Pokémon Tretta Lab Main System is translated like that, and there's no chance in hell that's coming here.


Oh really? Thanks for the heads up. Pretty much every game I've seen pop up in English has eventually received a localisation.

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Buying in anticipation will forever make no sense to me


By that do you mean you don't ascribe to the same line of thinking, or that you actually don't understand it?


If it's the latter, it makes perfect sense to me. Why wait for some new piece of tech that you can fiddle around with and download titles for if you're only going to buy it within a year anyway? If the cost will be the same, which it likely will, then it makes no difference.

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The former, though there is one aspect that doesn't make sense to me in that the console could potentially come bundled with a game later on or potentiality (though unlikely) have a mild drop in price at a retailer sale.


I could definitely agree with buying it in advance before the first of April though, that sales tax increase has really had an effect on consumers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nintendo reports FY14 financial results


Nintendo’s latest financial results are in. The company has reported its financial results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2014.


First, let’s talk about system sales. Global sales of 3DS hardware and software sales hit 12.24 million and 67.89 million respectively during the fiscal year, Nintendo says. Wii U hardware and software sales came in at 2.72 million and 18.86 million units respectively.


In total (life-to-date), 3DS hardware sales stand at 43.33 million sold while Wii U stands at 6.18 million. Nintendo is forecasting an additional 12 million 3DS units (67 million for software) and 3.6 million Wii U units (20 million for software) for the coming year.


Net sales decreased from 635.422 billion yen to 571.726 yen compared to the previous fiscal year. Nintendo experienced a gross profit of 163.2 billion yen. Additionally, the company has reported an operating loss of 46.4 billion yen and a net loss of 23.2 billion yen.


Lots of additional financial data can be found here. You can also find an outlook for the next fiscal year covering Wii U/3DS after the break.


For “Nintendo 3DS,” its consolidated global hardware sales reached 43 million units, which represent a sufficient installed base upon which to expand software sales. In terms of software, “Mario Golf: World Tour” was released in May globally. Also, “Tomodachi Life,” a title that sold 1.85 million units on a cumulative basis in the Japanese market, in which players can enjoy watching over the carefree daily lives of the virtual characters (Miis) of themselves and those close to them, will be released in the United States and Europe in June. Also, “Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS” will be released globally in the upcoming summer. By continuing to provide key titles throughout the next fiscal year, too, Nintendo will strive to generate robust profits from the “Nintendo 3DS” platform business.


Regarding “Wii U,” which still faces a challenging sales situation, Nintendo will focus on efforts that seek to stimulate the platform. By providing software that takes advantage of the “Wii U GamePad,” utilizing its built-in functionality as an NFC reader/writer, and adding “Nintendo DS” Virtual Console titles to the “Wii U” software lineup, Nintendo will seek to enrich the value of the “Wii U GamePad,” the most important differentiator of “Wii U,” and as a result expand the sales of the “Wii U” platform. In terms of compatible software, by positioning “Mario Kart 8,” scheduled to be released globally in May, and “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U,” scheduled to be released this winter, as two main drivers, both of which are titles that a wide range of consumers can enjoy either alone or with other players, Nintendo will seek to supply high quality games on a continuous basis. Moreover, Nintendo will also strive to proactively pursue its digital distribution business

through the “Nintendo eShop.”


Based on these efforts, we project for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 net sales of 590.0 billion yen, an operating income of 40.0 billion yen, an ordinary income of 35.0 billion yen and a net income of 20.0 billion yen. Unit sales of the major products used for the forecast are listed on page 15 under the heading of “(5) Consolidated sales units, number of new titles, and sales units forecast” in the “Others” section. Exchange rate assumptions for the major currencies used for the forecasts are 100 yen per U.S. dollar and 140 yen per euro.



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Regarding “Wii U,” which still faces a challenging sales situation, Nintendo will focus on efforts that seek to stimulate the platform. By providing software that takes advantage of the “Wii U GamePad,” utilizing its built-in functionality as an NFC reader/writer, and adding “Nintendo DS” Virtual Console titles to the “Wii U” software lineup, Nintendo will seek to enrich the value of the “Wii U GamePad,” the most important differentiator of “Wii U,” and as a result expand the sales of the “Wii U” platform.


How many times do we keep hearing this?


Key information:


Operating loss 46.4bn Yen, Net loss 23.2bn Yen.


Wii U at 6.17m shipped, forecast of 3.6m for the coming year. Q4 shipment of 0.31m. 2013/14 shipment, 2.72m vs 2.8m forecast


- Software at 32.28m, forecast of 20m for the coming year. 2013/14 software shipment, 18.86m vs 19m forecast


3DS at 43.33m shipped, forecast of 12m for the coming year. Q4 shipment of 0.59m. 2013/14 shipment, 12.24m vs 13.5m forecast


- Software at 162.92m, forecast of 67m for the coming year. 2013/14 software shipment, 67.89m vs 66m forecast


Cash and equivalents down from $4.7bn to $3.4bn, a drop of $1.3bn over the year.


Wii U forecast of 3.6 mil shipped for this year is brutally low. They are not expecting the console to sell at all.


Also the 3DS Q4 shipment of 0.59m seems really low which I guess means they overshipped in Q3.


Hopefully E3 will see some big 3DS announcements as that 12 mil forecast for the year is very high considering it did 12 mil last year with all the big hitters.

Edited by liger05
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Well that is a mismanaged and unmitigated disaster.


CEO and president Satoru Iwata maintained until January that the company would make ¥100 billion profit in 2013, before backtracking dramatically and predicting a ¥35 billion loss on poor Wii U sales. As it turned out, Iwata underestimated the loss by more than ¥11 billion.


This man is ruining Nintendo.


And yeah, @liger05, that number is surprisingly low.





The Wii U had a decent launch. It's the after launch that is the issue.


You can bet that the PS4 and Xbox One launch months won't be as good as the Wii U's, especially if they're the same month. Combined they'll likely beat it. Separately, not going to happen.


Just going to leave this here.

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There's surely potential given its already super low sales - it's just doing the right thing to sell it. Interesting to see a very clear attach rate of 6:1(actually coming close to 7). What'd be interesting for me is to know LTD software sales for an LTD attach - I also wonder does pack-in count towards that figure?

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Well that is a mismanaged and unmitigated disaster.




This man is ruining Nintendo.


And yeah, @liger05, that number is surprisingly low.







Just going to leave this here.

Xbox One hasn't beaten it, and software wise, both PS4 and Xbox One are in dire droughts.


What people are missing here is context. The reason for the massively high net loss and operating loss is due to the one-time injection of 25bn yen into R&D and Marketing in Q4 of the fiscal year. We knew this ahead of time. If it wasn't for that, the company would have been back in Net Profit for the second year in a row, and the operating income would have had improvement.


And, the loss in their cash reserves is almost entirely down to the buyback of Yamauchi family shares, which was necessary.


Spout doom and crap all you want, but use your heads and include the context.

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Xbox One hasn't beaten it, and software wise, both PS4 and Xbox One are in dire droughts.


What people are missing here is context. The reason for the massively high net loss and operating loss is due to the one-time injection of 25bn yen into R&D and Marketing in Q4 of the fiscal year. We knew this ahead of time. If it wasn't for that, the company would have been back in Net Profit for the second year in a row, and the operating income would have had improvement.


And, the loss in their cash reserves is almost entirely down to the buyback of Yamauchi family shares, which was necessary.


Spout doom and crap all you want, but use your heads and include the context.


So same time next year then we will see profit? I'll hold you to that.


Also PS4 and X1 comparisons...you know these have been out since late last year, right?

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So same time next year then we will see profit? I'll hold you to that.


Also PS4 and X1 comparisons...you know these have been out since late last year, right?

How does that change my point?


And yes, we'll see a net profit next year. It's all but certain.

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Xbox One hasn't beaten it, and software wise, both PS4 and Xbox One are in dire droughts.


What people are missing here is context. The reason for the massively high net loss and operating loss is due to the one-time injection of 25bn yen into R&D and Marketing in Q4 of the fiscal year. We knew this ahead of time. If it wasn't for that, the company would have been back in Net Profit for the second year in a row, and the operating income would have had improvement.


And, the loss in their cash reserves is almost entirely down to the buyback of Yamauchi family shares, which was necessary.


Spout doom and crap all you want, but use your heads and include the context.


That doesnt explain the awful Wii U sales and a forecast of just 3.6 mil for this year. The console wont even hit GC numbers in its lifetime.


The fact the forecast is so low tells me 1. Dont expect many huge annoucements for the Wii U and 2. Nintendo now accept that that its now just about riding out the generation the most cost effective way possible as the Wii U is toast.

Edited by liger05
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It doesn't just change your point, it eliminates it. Seriously, what kind of consolation is it that the PS4 and X1 also have 'droughts' so the the Wii U by comparison isn't that bad? There is no comparison...because the latter two consoles have hardly been out that long. It takes time for software to release.


If anything your point makes the Wii U appear worse. It is bested by new consoles with 'droughts'.

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It doesn't just change your point, it eliminates it. Seriously, what kind of consolation is it that the PS4 and X1 also have 'droughts' so the the Wii U by comparison isn't that bad? There is no comparison...because the latter two consoles have hardly been out that long. It takes time for software to release.

What the hell are you on about? Daft brought up an old post of mine, and part of it was wrong, while others were true and I was making that clear.




I also like how you say "It takes time for software to release." yet, if I'm not mistaken, you were trashing Nintendo for having similar droughts last year. Hypocrisy, thy name is Sheikah.

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What the hell are you on about? Daft brought up an old post of mine, and part of it was wrong, while others were true and I was making that clear.




I also like how you say "It takes time for software to release." yet, if I'm not mistaken, you were trashing Nintendo for having similar droughts last year. Hypocrisy, thy name is Sheikah.


So is this where you now imply 'decent launch' means software as opposed to the sales of the systems? That's looking like your get out of jail free card now.


You are mistaken btw. Any 'trash talk' from me is regarding Nintendo's inability to mix up their output as well as their seriously lacklustre hardware and network features.

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So is this where you now imply 'decent launch' means software as opposed to the sales of the systems? That's looking like your get out of jail free card now.


You are mistaken btw. Any 'trash talk' from me is regarding Nintendo's inability to mix up their output as well as their seriously lacklustre hardware and network features.

Decent launch refers to both hardware and software...


Stop trying to twist my words.

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What the hell are you on about? Daft brought up an old post of mine, and part of it was wrong, while others were true and I was making that clear...


You were actually entirely wrong Serebii. You said that the launch months of each console wouldn't be as good as WiiU. Whereas the WiiU has sold more currently than the XBO, the XBO sold more throughout it's launch months than the WiiU did throughout it's launch months.

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I would be shocked if there is no 3DS revision on the way as I just dont see the software to shift 12 mil units. Of course they could price drop the 3DS but yeah I think a revision is on the way.

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You were actually entirely wrong Serebii. You said that the launch months of each console wouldn't be as good as WiiU. Whereas the WiiU has sold more currently than the XBO, the XBO sold more throughout it's launch months than the WiiU did throughout it's launch months.




Not only that, but if he's going to down the 'software was better' route, it really wasn't. In the same time period that the PS4 has been out, the Wii U's best new game offerings were Nintendoland and NSMBU. And maybe ZombiU. Hardly amazing, really.

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While it's about time Nintendo posted a realistic sales forecast for Wii U, 3.6 million suggests to me that we're not getting any blockbusters in the next year and that they don't expect Smash Bros. and MK8 to majorly drive sales. It really does look like it'll do worse than Gamecube, way worse. How much longer can they continue to struggle with Wii U? Christmas 2015 would be optimistic.

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