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So, apparantly the next big DLC has been leaked


Approx £35




12 Story missions

4 Strikes

6 new Multiplayer maps

A new Raid

New sub Classes for all characters


So, um yeah



In my opinion, this is making the Arkham Knight DLC seem value for money.


Also, anyone up for something tonight. Raids, Nightfall, Iron Banner etc.

Edited by Jimbob
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So, apparantly the next big DLC has been leaked


Approx £35




12 Story missions

4 Strikes

6 new Multiplayer maps


So, um yeah



In my opinion, this is making the Arkham Knight DLC seem value for money.


Also, anyone up for something tonight. Raids, Nightfall, Iron Banner etc.


A new Raid

New sub Classes for all characters

that warm fuzzy feeling of being shafted



if that cost covers that expansion and the 4th i'd consider it, but my decision will depend heavily on if all you guys get it too, its been a great multiplayer/social experience

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Vanilla players will probably get access to the new subclasses anyway, so I wouldn't count it as part of the expansion. Like how Trials is open to pretty much everyone except when it's on one of the two HoW's maps.

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Original post edited, with the additional "warm, fuzzy feeling". To me, it doesn't sound too much at all for the price being offered. As Daft said, them extra classes could come out for those whom have not got the DLC pack as a "freebie". Which would make the pack lesser value for money.


@DriftKaiser, aww shucks. I'm up for the Nightfall and/or Raiding afterwards this evening.

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I have my PC for multiplayer, that's the only reason. Why spend money if there are no advantages, right?


Who is doing PC multiplayer with you? On this forum at least, there is next to no PC online gaming community. Fair enough if you have a large circle of friends all gaming every day on PC, but at least with PSN there are usually at least 5-8 of us online in the evenings on any given day.


Also owning your games is totally a mental thing. So long as you keep up your subscription it makes no difference at the end of the day.

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Sorry guys, after several complaints from the Wii fans, it's been determined that this game is too grey and call of duty for this forum, so we've had to close the thread.



#jk #bantz #lockeditbyaccident


Whatever, you just wanted to make sure everyone watched your gif when they came in to see why it was locked.

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Who is doing PC multiplayer with you? On this forum at least, there is next to no PC online gaming community. Fair enough if you have a large circle of friends all gaming every day on PC, but at least with PSN there are usually at least 5-8 of us online in the evenings on any given day.


Also owning your games is totally a mental thing. So long as you keep up your subscription it makes no difference at the end of the day.


Would like to add that the community on here is fantastic. Despite me not playing Destiny for over 6 months the players that were already in established groups are more than willing to include you.

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Who is doing PC multiplayer with you? On this forum at least, there is next to no PC online gaming community. Fair enough if you have a large circle of friends all gaming every day on PC, but at least with PSN there are usually at least 5-8 of us online in the evenings on any given day.


Also owning your games is totally a mental thing. So long as you keep up your subscription it makes no difference at the end of the day.


To be quite honest, when it comes to multiplayer I'm not really fond of the community aspects of it in most games. I preffer randoms to friends, but to be fair, I'm more into fighters (mainly USFIV/Smash Bros atm) than anything else, with the occasional FPS and MOBA scattered throughout. Which are genres that don't really need communication to work. I'm a bit of an anti-social gamer (a stark contrast to "real life" me), I perceive it as "me time" and really preffer to play by myself whenever possible. If I have friends over, I'll be alot happier if we end up playing a board game together rather than a video game. I guess it's just a matter of personal preference.


Of course, when something requires cooperation and good teamwork to be properly enjoyed (like Monster Hunter) I'm all for playing within a community. That seems to be the case with Destiny, right?

I'll probably get it when I do buy a PS4, since Bloodborne will be the very first game I'll purchase and it requires online, I might as well try all other online titles I'm curious about then.


As for the subscription, I really don't like it on principle, even though I completely recognize it's just a matter of perspective. Having to pay for online on the 360 drove me crazy... after 2 years I just decided to switch to ps3 for all online stuff and never look back. It bothers me to be paying for a service I can get elsewhere for free, especially since the advantages of + mean very little for me. I had plus around 18 months and even though I "purchased" everything, if I ended up playing 4 games out of all the ones I got, that'd be a generous estimate. And I do mean playing... as in, the vast majority of stuff I got I never even tried or installed, ever. I really don't tend to waste time on games that I do not have an interest in beforehand, regardless of how good they may be.


Also, I pretty much switched to PC as my main rig a couple years back and intend to stay that way. It's just too cheap and convenient. My WiiU is an exclusive-only machine, same for the 3DS and same for the PS4 whenever I do get it. The Vita is the only console I use to play stuff I can get on PC, but that's because of it's godly dpad and it's indie library. I think the Vita may just be my favourite portable ever, despite it's poor library (I mean, sure... you have P4G, Virtue's Last Reward, Danganronpa and Freedom Wars, but there could be so much more! And before someone kills me for it, yes, Celceta, Gravity Rush, Tearaway and Oreshika are good too. Fuck Golden Abyss and Kz Mercenary, though).

PSX stuff, PSP stuff, indies... all of them with me at all times on dat OLED is just pure love. Fucking love my Vita.

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I can appreciate your opinion on PS+, even though I've had a subscription for years. Personally I don't think the games are worth it any more and wouldn't be paying for it if I didn't "have to" for Destiny and Bloodborne. I'm really annoyed that they made it "pay to play" after their stance on PS3 which their fans always lauded over compared to Xbox Live Gold, then sheepishly ignored when things changed. In an ideal world there'd be plenty of PC gamers on here, fewer console exclusives, and I could move to Steam Big Picture with a Steam controller.

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@Map @Blade and myself all had a go at PoE last night... tried the level 35.


Here's what we managed. Might have got the modifiers wrong on some (or all) below but it's a rough guess of what we faced. Maybe Map and Blade can correct or add to them!


Round 1: Hive (Modifier(s): Brawler... can't remember other)

3x waves of enemies... nothing too testing


Round 2: Cabal (Modifier(s): Arc burn and Exposure (??))

1st wave: kill shit

2nd wave: dismantle mines

3rd wave: dismantle mines


Round 3: Vex (Modifier(s): trickle I think... can't remember other)

1st wave: kill shit

2nd wave: destroy mines

3rd wave: destroy mines


Round 4: Fallen (Modifier(s): Special weapons cause greater damage)

1st wave: Dismantle mines (??)

2nd wave: kill level 35 target

3rd wave: kill level 36 target


Round 5: Fallen Servitor Boss (Modifier: Small Arms cause greater damage... can't remember other one but might have been Exposure)


Final Round: Skolas (Solar Burn)



We must've spent about 3 hours on it until we basically had to quit after getting to Skolas. It was so infuriating! Mainly because we spent 3 hours for basically nothing... no reward. Bungie seriously need to come up with a solution to checkpoint it in some way...


The Cabal round was a bit of a pain when the Psions used their shockwave. Basically insta-kill if it connected due to the Arc Burn. I had to go stealth for the mines and got lucky a few times but also got hammered on a few others! Bit shitty that the shockwave goes straight through the Titan Bubble though... although I understand it shouldn't provide complete immunity from damage.


The first Fallen round was annoying, but we managed to get it done with 2x 4th Horseman shotguns on the two VIP targets. Rockets didn't really have the desired effect as the checkpointing wasn't favourable no matter where we stood. No point in chasing either as you get overrun with ads. Stealth shotgunning was fun and took the VIPs down quite quickly... even the 36 went without much of an issue.


The Giant Servitor was a pain but only because of the volume of smaller servitors that constantly fired on us. Basically the best method we discovered was to use Hawkmoon due to the Small Arms modifier. That seemed to provide the bigger damage scores than say Fatebringer.


I think we got our tactics slighty wrong on Skolas, but to be fair, we didn't have enough time. 3 Gjallarhorns with Heavy Ammo synths at the ready... but he teleported into our bubble. We didn't use anything that stun-locked him, which perhaps was the problem. Best we did was getting him down to about 60% health.


All-in-all, still frustrating!


However, the determined part of me wants to give this another go, but not on a worknight!!

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Poe today anyone?
I'm up for it this evening, @DriftKaiser you free?
Might have got the modifiers wrong on some (or all) below but it's a rough guess of what we faced. Maybe Map and Blade can correct or add to them!


Not to make you waste all your effort like, but here's all the info :)

Edited by Shorty
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Anyone up for Crota on Hard tomorrow night? I still would like the Crux.


So... @Deathjam ... @DriftKaiser and I did Skolas. I called in this random I met ages ago and he is such a pro and he had an amazing tactic that made the whole thing ridiculously easy when we actually got into the groove.


Got and Elder Cypher, too. Picked the Queenbreak Bow sniper thing.


Guess that's karma for teasing me with those Platinum screenshots. ;)


Could do it again easily, if you wanted tbh.

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