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The Cell Games 1: DIH Mafia


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@Jon Dedede thanks for targets. I don't see you targeting Dohnut in the N1 writeup though, are you depicted in the N1 writeup at all? Could you reveal your character or power?


I may move my vote back but I am collection information and theories first

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Cell had been busy throughout the day, chasing down someone he had decided to call "Creamy" due to the noise it kept making. As such he wasn't paying enough attention to see if a Majoritah had been reached or not. Having chased Creamy enough for the day he returned to business and checked the votes.


Peeps – (4) mr-paul, DuD, Jonnas, Jimbob

Jon Dedede – (2) Yvonne, Magnus Peterson



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Very interesting! So DuD you said you had the option to subtract a vote...and now we have a +1 on this guy. I'm not a double voter. Magnus, are you?


Failing that, we should assume there is a bit more going on.


Also mr-paul is right - if Magnus & I were on The Peeps earlier, it would be 6 votes, which is today's majority. Now there's a mystery third vote too...Something very odd is happening with voting powers which I find worrisome.


@mr\-paul do you have any more info about vote oddness?

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heh, OK. So I just want to confirm, earlier, where we were both also on the The Peeps train, which totaled six people, that was not majority? And can I confirm today's majority is six?


That's exactly what I'm thinking Jonnas. In which case we kill them both.


vote The Peeps

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Peeps, you've read what mr-paul is claiming his vote power does right?


He says it gives people the choice to have a vote remove power or a vote add power, for one day.


He targeted you N1 and DuD N2


On D2, we needed to lay down an extra vote to kill Cube, a mafia. That implies that you did that.

Today, we would have lynched you already, but apparently we needed to lay down an extra vote to do it, which implies DuD did it.


This makes you both look very suspicious.



Big writing day for me, so I wont be checking as much. A lynch is better than no lynch. Some theories would be good too.

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Majority was definitely six, and there were six people voting for Peeps after Jimbob voted.


I am very curious as to what has happened here.

heh, OK. So I just want to confirm, earlier, where we were both also on the The Peeps train, which totaled six people, that was not majority? And can I confirm today's majority is six?
Considering the majority is 6, and Yvonne+Magnus were definitely voting for Peeps just now, then the majority should've been reached, mr-paul is right.
Today, we would have lynched you already, but apparently we needed to lay down an extra vote to do it, which implies DuD did it.

I shall step in here.



Technically Majoritah had been reached. However since I work until 10pm the only thing I could do is briefly glance during eating breaks and slight glances when I was supposed to be working. When I returned from work to have a proper look, votes had been altered and Majoritah was not in place. Plus the active discussion you were all having was most enjoyable. As such I did nothing.




Peeps – (4) mr-paul, Yvonne, Jonnas, Jimbob

Jon Dedede – (1) Magnus Peterson




Daytime shall probably be extended until very late Saturday night/earlyish Sunday morning as I shall be most busy today. If you wish for Majoritah, less fapping with the votes until I return. :wink:

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