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Angel is one of the founding members of the X-Men. His mutation has given him huge feathered wings on his back which allow him to fly and produce gusts of wind.

Warren Worthington was the heir to Worthington Books until he was outed as a mutant by a girlfriend who sold her story to a newspaper. The public outcry at the time and the boycotting by right-wing America of the company’s publications led his father to throw him out of the business and even his family.

Professor X was there to take him under his wing. Warren Worthington used what money he had left to fund Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters and he became a valued member of the team.

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Phoenix was a founding member of the X-Men. Jean Grey’s ability to read minds and move objects was first thought to be a basic form of Professor X’s mutation but it soon became clear that her mind possessed ability far superior to anything he had seen.


Jean first discovered her psychic abilities at school. She was able to hear the thoughts of others. She was discovering that her friend was actually thinking incredibly mean thoughts about her when all of a sudden, the friend was hit by a car and died.


Jean woke up a day later in hospital where she was visited by Professor X. He explained that her ability to step into the minds of others had almost killed her. Jean was worried that her anger at her friend had made her kill her but X assured her this wasn’t the case. Instead, he explained that Jean’s mind and body was disconnected. She could put her mind in others and other’s minds in her body. The death of her friend and almost killed her as she was in her body at the time. X promised to train Jean to control her powers.


With her mind and body separated, Jean had the ability to cheat death. She could give herself out of body experiences in order to not suffer the pain of physical attacks. However, everything would change when battling Magneto at the Antarctic.


The X-Men had discovered that Magneto intended to use a satellite base at South Pole to locate the Phoenix - a mystical and dark cosmic force that was theorised to be the catalyst of humanity’s sped up evolution. With the power of the Phoenix, Magneto could turn the whole world into mutants.


Magneto’s battle against the X-Men was not going well and eventually he resorted to crashing the satellite dish down on his opponents. Everyone managed to escape except Jean. She was able to remove her mind from her body to survive, but when her body was pulled from the wreckage and her mind found its way back to her body she found something in there already. The Phoenix had found its home in Jean.


Sharing the mind of both Jean and the cosmic entity, she became Phoenix, the perfect mutation. Her powers are limited only by her understanding of them. Professor X quickly trained her to keep control of the Phoenix Force but he still fears the darker side of that power might take over…




Dr. Curt Conners lost his arm when he was young and so dedicated his life to the research of reptiles - creatures which in many cases could naturally regrow limbs. He became the head scientist at the Oscorp International building in New York and studied many different species including reptiles, amphibians and arachnids.


When he agreed to be interviewed by Peter Parker, he found the young man snooping around his arachnid storage. When after the interview, one of his spiders was discovered to be missing and days later the young, atheletic Spider-man started appearing in the papers, Dr. Conner put two and two together and concluded that Peter must have been bitten by a spider. Importantly, this proved Dr. Connor’s theories that the application of animal traits to humans could be successful!


Delighted, he tried his experimental Lizard-Gene on himself and sure enough, his arm grew back. And so did his tail… and his fangs… and his snakelike tongue. That night, he transformed completely into the Lizard.


Trying to lead a duel life as both man and monster took its toll and the human Dr. Conners became violent and short tempered. He was fired from Oscorp and disappeared into the sewers. To this day, Dr. Conners he seeks revenge on Peter Parker and for a cure to his ailment, but the Lizard wishes to ‘cure’ humanity…




The SCORPION was the first in a series of Ironman-influenced suits developed by Oscorp International. Oscorp applied animal attributes and defence mechanisms to technology and this (along with the RHINO and VULTURE suits) were the end product of their research. All the suits were also fused with Gamma Radiation Cells developed by Bruce Banner.


MacDonald Gargan was a high-profile Anti-Spider-man spokesperson famous for his “NY Hates SM” campaign. He highly endorsed Norman Osborn’s plea to use the SCORPION suit to capture Spider-Man. As a publicity stunt, Gargan was given a demonstration of the suit and was offerred a chance to pilot it.


Inside the suit, Gargan quickly lost control when he discovered that Spider-man was watching from the rooftop. The SCORPION’s heightened senses allowed Gargan to track Spider-Man across New York easily. The two battled and Spider-man was seemingly defeated and thrown into New York harbour.


When the police arrived to arrest Gargan for the murder of Spider-Man, he went on a rampage and killed several of them. Norman Osborn tried to stop the madness, but SCORPION disappeared into the night. Since that night, Gargan has never taken the suit off and evaded capture from both police and Oscorp. He regularly robs banks and undertakes elaborate crimes in order to entice Spider-Man who he vowed to kill after finding out he survived.




The RHINO was the second in a series of Ironman-influenced suits developed by Oscorp International. Oscorp applied animal attributes and defence mechanisms to technology and this (along with the SCORPION and VULTURE suits) were the end product of their research. All the suits were also fused with Gamma Radiation Cells developed by Bruce Banner.


It was Bruce Banner in fact that was the reason for the RHINO’s first deployment. When Banner went missing after he set off the Gamma Bomb in the Oscorp building, they decided to build a suit that could tackle him in his new Hulk form.


With the stampeding power of a rhinoceros, the suit was piloted by Aleksei Sytsevich. The Russian immigrant was working in the docklands and was only selected because he was the only man in New York big enough to actually wear the suit.


In RHINO’s fight against the Hulk, the suit was so damaged that Aleksei couldn’t actually get out of the suit without killing himself. Furious, he broke free of Oscorp and rampaged across America in search of the Hulk.




The VULTURE was the third in a series of Ironman-influenced suits developed by Oscorp International. Oscorp applied animal attributes and defence mechanisms to technology and this (along with the SCORPION and RHINO suits) were the end product of their research. All the suits were also fused with Gamma Radiation Cells developed by Bruce Banner.


After the failures of both previous suits, Norma Osborn put out a nationwide search to find a suitable pilot for the VULTURE. Many people were tried out but none could quite get the hang of it.


The suit’s designer, Adrian Toomes, was so infuriated by seeing so many applicants crash the suit, that he submitted his own application. Despite being in his 70s, Toomes was able to fly the suit perfectly. He had secretly designed it so that it could only work with his bioprint and eventually Norman Osborn allowed him to be its pilot.


The suit was able to fly with the use of solar-powered panels and the idea was to swoop above New York and track Spider-Man’s positions. However, in order to lure Spider-Man out of the shadows, Toomes had to perform some high-profile crimes. However, Toomes was actually caught by police and imprisoned for kidnapping a school bus and talking it to the top of the Empire State Building. Even though he managed to escape his prison, Oscorp wanted nothing more to do with him or the VULTURE.


Norman Osborn was furious. SCOPRION, RHINO and VULTURE had all be a failure, and the Lizard was hiding in the sewers. His obsession with finding Spider-Man became insane and he took it upon himself to take elements from these failed experiments and construct a persona as himself - the Green Goblin.

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TO SEE ALL THESE CLOSE UP, CLICK HERE - http://marvelousmondays.tumblr.com/post/47489756252/click-to-see-panorama-life-was-good-for-tony




Life was good for Tony Stark, CEO of Stark International. A multi-millionaire playboy and owner of the world’s most successful weapons manufacturer and defence contractors, he felt invincible.

That was until the day that the Ten Rings terrorist organisation attacked the building, taking hundreds of hostages and leaving Tony himself barricaded into his office. The Mandarin, a mysterious war criminal who Tony discovered had been using his weapons for years, had infiltrated the building to force Tony to design him a suit of armour. The Mandarin needed it in order to control his ten magic rings and so Tony set about working on it at gunpoint.

What he constructed, however, was Iron Man. Putting the suit on himself, Tony attacked the Mandarin’s men and took back his building. Heralded as a hero, Tony promised to no longer use his technology for evil and set about changing Stark International’s focus. He hired Pepper Potts, who had previously been a campaigner against the business.

However, Tony was shot in the chest by his business partner, Obadiah Stane, using a devastating Shrapnel Gun. He wanted to take back the business and stop the changes Tony was making. Struggling to stay conscious, Tony used a prototype electromagnetic generator to stop the shrapnel from reaching his heart and was later discovered by Pepper Potts, barely alive.

From that day forward, Tony had to always wear the generator in his chest. He modified the suit, making it slimmer and more dangerous with every upgrade and dedicated his life to stopping those who used technology for evil, including the Mandarin and Obadiah Stane.

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Clint Barton has no superpowers but joined the SHIELD as a field agent only to be promoted to the Avengers during the Skrull Invasion. His skills with a bow made him more than a match for the likes of Thor and Iron Man and he was given the name ‘Hawkeye.’

Clint was abandoned as a baby with some carnival folk. Being deaf and mostly blind in his left eye, he had to learn to fend for himself and survive, boosting the abilities of his other senses. At the circus, he would impress by dressing as Robin Hood and firing arrows at tiny targets. The circus was actually a front for a criminal family and at the time Clint was part of it. However, in the audience of one show was sports coach Jorge Latham and Clint was quickly whisked away to train in archery full time.

At the 2012 Paralympic Games, Clint Barton won gold in the archery and broke all previous records, including all Olympic results. He was sponsored by Stark International and given a new high-tech bow, new hearing aids and a pair of shades that duplicated the sight in his working eye to give him full sight again.

He was then contacted by Black Widow, a Russian spy, who offerred to pay him to steal Stark International secrets. Instead, Clint told Tony what the Russians were up to. This all proved to be a test of Clint’s loyalties due to his criminal past, and he was invited to join SHIELD.

Out of all the Avengers, Clint Barton is probably the most human. When not saving the world, he’s pretty happy mooching around his flat, watching tv and taking his dog Arrow for walks. He is currently dating fellow Paralympian Sheila Danning.

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Doing a special week of Iron Man characters.




‘The Mandarin’ is the pseudonym of a single or several self-proclaimed ‘War Artist’. His/her ‘pieces’ could be seen as elaborate terrorist attacks but the Mandarin describes them in his/her statements as art instillations, using war as his/her medium. His/her Bible is Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.

The vast majority of the Mandarin’s victims have been willing. For example, the Ten Rings website might upload “I shall be installing my latest piece in Time Square this Friday at midnight. All those wishing to participate may attend. Please do not stop willing participants from going.” Surprisingly and upsettingly, people attend in their hundreds…

Many terrorists and artists have been linked to the Mandarin’s identity but some claim the character is portrayed by a circle of members of the Ten Rings. Nobody knows the age, gender, religion or race of the Mandarin. Even weapons genius Tony Stark was once thought to be behind the mask, until The Mandarin attacked his headquarters. The murdered members of Stark International were described by the Mandarin as “Causalities of war. Those which make weapons are as much soldiers as those who use them”. The Mandarin demanded Stark develop a suit of armour that could control the 10 Cosmos Rings, ancient artefacts carved from the same material Doom and the Fantastic Four got their powers from. Some believe they have mind controlling capabilities and are the explanation for his/her following.

“The Mandarin” as a name is purposefully controversial. The Ten Rings see him/her as an amalgam of all of America’s phobias. “I am the Red Scare. I am the Yellow Peril. I am your Islamaphobia. I am the scapegoat. I am the other, the outsider, the foreigner. The untrustworthy. I am the product of America’s fear and now I am its creator. Fear me, for terror is my paint and America is my canvas.”




Rhodney Rhodes was a Colonel in the US Army until he was discharged under Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Angry but still determined to serve his country, he decided to get a job with SHIELD.

While working there, he answered a open call for people to replace Tony Stark as Iron Man after he fell into an alcohol fuelled depression. Rhodes won the role and quickly became a great addition to the Avengers. However, Stark’s suit had not been altered at all and the computer system began to reject Rhodes, making the suit lose control.

Attacking the rest of the Avengers, Rhodes went on a rampage against his will. Tony Stark broke free of his downward spiral and used a new, untested suit to defeat Rhodes.

Thanking Rhodes for his time with the Avengers, Tony Stark developed a personalised suit for him. Renamed War Machine, the new suit sacrificed speed and agility for pure firepower and defence. He went on to become a founding member of the West Coast Avengers.




Giulietta Nefaria was the daughter of Count Nefaria, a wealthy Italian aristocrat. However, one day she was kidnapped and ransomed for the Count’s entire fortune. Despite being tortured by molten gold droplets being poured into her eye, the Count refused to give up his wealth and his daughter was sent to be killed.

However, Giulietta broke out and managed to escape the prison, killing her kidnappers in the process. When she returned home, the Count welcomed her with open arms but she didn’t accept. Instead she shot her father through the heart and vowed revenge on all those who saw money as more important than life.

Her father’s wealth was in fact what saved his life as his team of scientists managed to bring him back using the powers of several imprisoned super villains. Count Nefaria, now a powerful supervillain, became Madame Masque’s archenemies. She is therefore sometimes considered a superhero, but her vendetta against the wealthy has sometimes found her the enemy of Iron Man.

Her golden mask is her only item of real worth. Her scared face is a reminder of the cost of greed and her mask is a symbol for how those with money can always cover up the horror’s they commit. She changed her name to sever all ties with her father.

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I always forget to update this thread, sorry.




Mystique is a mutant shapeshifter and rumour has it, one of the earliest people to develop the X-Gene. Trouble is, she will never say how old she is - she could be centuries.

Throughout her long life she has been a hero and a villain but most frequently, a rogue. She has worked with both the X-Men and the Brotherhood but her allegiance is always to herself. However, her views on the issue are more similar to Magneto’s then Prof. X’s, as she doesn’t believe she needs to hide. In fact, when not on a particular mission, she is usually more than happy to exist in her true, blue form.

Several mutants are rumoured to be her offspring including Nightcrawler, but it is very hard to tell as she conceived many of these mutants while shape shifted.

Mystique really is mysterious.




The first time Pepper Potts met Tony Stark, they were both appearing on a television program as opponents. Pepper dedicated her life to a worldwide disarmament campaign and was a very vocal and famous protester of Stark International.

However, after the Mandarin’s attack on the Stark International building and Tony Stark’s determination to change the focus of the company to using technology to help, Pepper Potts was hired to help in the rebrand. She informed Tony and the company of many problems in the world which could be solved with Stark technology. It was because of her that the Rescue Suits were created, half way between a suit of armour and an ambulance. The Rescue Suits could get advanced medical technology to trapped individuals very quickly with it’s added strength, speed and defence. It proved incredibly useful during earthquakes and terrorist attacks.

However, when Pepper began to develop feelings for Tony Stark and he the same, she requested that she be given a personalised Rescue Suit that could repair his own Iron Suit. Her Rescue Suit has an added Arc Reactor to reboot Tony’s suit if it ever fails. She also had many other features personalised to help and ‘rescue’ other Avengers.

Her suit does have weapons but all are purely defensive, such as repelling force fields and cutting lasers.

It was working side by side on the field that made her and Tony fall in love.




Obadian Stane became Iron Monger in order to use the stolen Stark technology for warfare, conquest and the annihilation of Iron Man and Tony Stark.

Stane was the business partner of Tony’s father, Howard Stark who founded Stark International. However, when Howard died, Obadian took over the business until Tony was older.

After the attack on the Stark International building by the Mandarin and the Ten Rings, Tony Stark chose to dedicate the company’s resources to helping the world, rather than destroying it. Devastated by seeing the shares in the company plummet, Obadian took drastic actions and shot Tony through the heart with a Shrapnel Gun, his personal favourite weapon they’d developed. He had hoped to take over the business from Stark but he managed to survive.

Furious, Stane left the corporation stealing much of the patented technology he had helped develop in the process. He founded Stane International, and took many of Stark’s old weapons clients.

Stane eventually developed the Iron Monger suit which he sold as a much bigger and superior version of the Iron Suit. However, he also used his own personalised version of the suit to repeatedly make attempts on Tony’s life. The power at Stane’s disposal meant no army or police force dare challenge him.




When Wanda Maximoff and her brother Pietro collapsed at the door of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, they were almost dead. They had been travelling across Europe in search of others like themselves. When Pietro was asked how they crossed the Atlantic Ocean, he replied “We ran.”


After Wanda recovered, she began exploring her mutation. Professor X wasn’t able to work out what it was because to anybody it looked like nothing but magic. She was able to change the path of flying objects, fire energy out of her hands, fly and cause bad luck to those who angered her. Wanda explained that in her village, she was known as ‘The Scarlet Witch’ and that people feared her curses and hexes.


Further investigation revealed that Wanda had access to the multiverse and could alter the timelines of our current universe by looking into all the possible outcomes. Although unable to distort reality fully, she was able to bend probability in favour of certain events happening.


However, the analysis of her and Pietro’s mutations also revealed something else - they were the children of Magneto! Fathered in Europe many years ago, their mother Magda had sent them to find Magneto, assuming him to still be at the X-Mansion. When they discovered their father had defected and formed a terrorist brotherhood of mutants, their loyalties were torn.


Wanda decided to join her father much to everyone’s surprise. However, when the X-Men next battled the Brotherhood, it was revealed Wanda was using it all as a trap. She controlled the probability of their battle and caused the defeat of Magneto.


Wishing no longer to be involved in the personal battles of her family and her friend, she (along with her brother) joined the Avengers, rather than either side of the mutant conflict.

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Dr. Otto Octavian was a scientist at Oscorp, trying to alternate solutions to limb regrowth with Dr. Curt Conners. But when Conners research went down the animal route, Octavian was replaced because his robotics expertise were no longer relevant.


Determined to prove himself worthy, he continued to develop his mechanical arms controlled by a brain-computer interface. Even though there were several malfunctions, with the arms becoming self aware, he presented his invasion back to Norman Osbourne. Osbourne promised he would finance him if he could use the arms to kill Spider-man.


He reluctantly accepted, stating that the arms were not designed as weapons. However during a battle with Spider-man, the web-slinger damaged the interface. The arms took over and Otto Octavian lost his mind to them.


Furious at both Spider-man and Oscorp, Dr. Octopus seeks revenge on both and to continue his development… but is it Otto or the arms in control?

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This was last week's




Wolverine was born James Howlett and grew up in the Canadian province of Alberta at some point in the 19th Century. An angry, young child with a developing mutation, James killed their groundskeeper Logan and disappeared into the Canadian wilderness.

Now going by the name Logan, the recluse survived on bar work and back alley boxing for decades until he was discovered by the Weapon X development team - a group of scientists trying to improve Mutant’s powers. Logan went willingly, hoping to get answers to his powers but the team abused him. They fused his skeleton with adamantium and twisted his powers in order to turn him into the ultimate weapon. However, they couldn’t control this weapon. Logan escape the fascility at the same time as Prof X’s X-Men team were infiltrating it. The X-Men liberated the trapped mutants and Logan was asked to join the team.

He did reluctantly, but to this day still enjoys the reclusive life. He refuses to live in the Mansion and is only called upon for specific missions.

Wolverine’s birth mutation was the ability to regenerate his body, age slowly and produce bone-like claws out of his knuckles. The adamantium bonded with this bone and created his iconic claws.


And I'm currently drawing something I promise @ReZourceman a long time ago...

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The Venom Symbiotes was brought over by the Skrulls in their invasion of Earth but they were defeated before it could be deployed. Only one survived, latching onto Spider-man.

The web-slinger didn’t noticed any difference in himself, other than his suit changing to jet black. But slowly he became merciless, deciding to kill criminals rather than hand them in or trap them. New York once again turned on Spider-man and Eddie Brock, a Daily Bugle journalist, wrote article after article on him as part of a hate campaign.

However, when Spider-man went to hunt Eddie down after discovering she was the daughter of a criminal murdered by him, the Symbiote was detached from Spider-man by Eddie’s tazer. Spider-man was released, but the Symbiote, now powered up by a bolt of electricity, latched onto Eddie and she disappeared into the night.

She became more powerful through her anger and sadness and eventually became Venom. At this stage, the people of New York could not tell the Spider-man and Venom apart and so Spider-man hunted Venom down to clear his name.

The Symbiote would continue to find new hosts over it’s life.

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Was the first Venom 2099? Since the resemblence is noticeable.


No, the first Venom I liked was the recent Flash Thompson series, but that was more about the writing than the design (though the sane, "Special Ops" version of him was slick, too)

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  • 4 weeks later...



Loki is the half-sister of Thor. She was conceived in a magical ritual using the blood of Odin and Laufey, Lord of the Frost Giants. It was his plan to create a child which bore the courage and magic of Asgardians and the cunning and mischief of the Jötunn.

Odin had been captured in order for his blood to be shed, but Thor, Sif and the Warriors Three all invaded Jotunheim and rescued Odin and Loki.

Loki was raised as an Asgardian but she grew resentful of her new family for not completely accepting her. When she had grown up, she ran away to see Laufey who trained her in the ways of the Frost Giants and she developed the power of illusions.

Together, Loki and Laufey invaded Asgard and took the throne from Odin while Thor was stranded on Earth. However, once in control, Loki banished Laufey.

Loki was eventually defeated but continued to attack Asgard, and Thor’s second home Earth over and over again. Thor’s loyalties to his younger sister made him always forgive her and yet she could never forgive him.




The Green Goblin is not only the ultimate foe of Spider-man but also the father of his best friend, Harry Osborn. Norman is the founder of Oscorp, and after Peter Parker stole company secrets from Dr. Curt Connors, he has made it his mission to kill him.

Oscorp’s focus was adapting animal attributes into technology and weaponary. Norman had created the RHINO suit, the VULTURE suit and the SCORPION suit for the military, but also as part of his secret war against Spider-man. All were defeated by the web-slinger, and so Norman, in his frustration, took it upon himself to kill the Spider himself.

He created a GOBLIN suit - a mish-mash of the previous suits. It had the flight of the Vulture, the fighting skills of the Scorpion and the power of the Rhino.

However, the suit was not stable and the neuro-interface messed with Norman’s mind, changing him into an insane murderer. The people of New York were Spider-man’s heart, so attacking them felt, to him, like an attack on his nemesis also.

Their greatest battle, however, ended in the tragic death of Gwen Stacey, Spider-man’s girlfriend. The battle also saw Norman perish. But the Goblin survived in Harry who blamed Spider-man for the death of both his friend and father.


I also drew Wonder Woman



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I promised my Canadian friend I'd draw Alpha Flight, the Canadian Avengers. So here are parts 1 and 2... the rest will be all this week.





Gina Judd was often bullied growing up in Saskatchewan on accounts of her dwarfism. The bullying often turned violent and Gina would end up being kicked about on the ground like a hockey puck. Sometimes they even used sticks as they chanted her horrible nickname.

She managed to hide her bruises well but asked her parents if she could get pain-relief treatment, blaming her achondroplasia. Really she wanted a way to survive the next day at school.

The treatment she got was experimental and potentially harmful but it actually cured her of all her pain… all of it… in fact - she lost all sense of it completely!

What her parents thought might be yet another disadvantage in her life turned out to be a super power! She took up free running, skateboarding and other extreme sports - learning to use her now found durability to bounce off her environments. When she quickly became the greatest sports player her school had ever seen, the bullies started to disappear.

When the Alpha Flight signal was put out across Canada, Gina was first in line, hoping to rid the world of bullies of all kinds. She wore her old nickname with pride… beware because the Puck is coming!




Alpha Flight #2

Narya, a young Inuit woman, was travelling alone across the ice fields when she saw a dim light trapped in the ice. She began to dig and unwittingly released Nelvanna, an ancient magical being.

The being had no form and so lived on in Narya giving her the powers of flight. But there was more…

When she joined Alpha Flight, Shaman was able to unlock all of Nelvanna’s other powers. Being without form, Narya was given the power to change her own. Narya was able to select from a sacred pantheon on beasts - the Fox, the Eagle, the Bear, the Whale, the Owl… the list was seemingly endless.

However, there was one form she was told never to turn into - the Wendigo. This being was the embodiment of Nelvanna’s wrath and the nemesis of the Sasquatch. In the Wendigo form, Narya (now codenamed Snowbird) would be without merciless and unable to tell friend from foe.

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