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DIY Mafia, by Cave Jonnas


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So Rummy is the one who roleblocked me. Both herojan and Rummy are roleblockers?


You seem to have changed your story. However, Diageo is correct, I *was* re-directed to you.


I'll roll with heroic's motions and Vote:Jimbob too, this game is running far more stale than I expected of it tbh.

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You seem to have changed your story. However, Diageo is correct, I *was* re-directed to you.


I'll roll with heroic's motions and Vote:Jimbob too, this game is running far more stale than I expected of it tbh.


In what way did I change my story?


Yvonne, I am not Terry Pratchett.


Vote: Jimbob I agree with Heroicjanitor's theory.

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Well I'm gonna Vote: Jimbob


He has done the exact same amount as Animal in this thread and is still seen as active, possibly in a mafia thread. Want to tell us what you did @Jimbob ?




I targeted gmac. Also I forgot about your info! Should have been in possible.


I'm waiting to hear on Jimbob.


So, running on the motions that are crap to say the least. I've been extremely busy in work, it's only now that it's quietend off. So voting someone off just because they are busy is not justifiable in my eyes.


And because i've been busy, i've missed sending in targets. If you don't want to believe me, ask Jonnas because i've told him i've been busy and havn't had as much time as i'd have liked to play.


I did send a target in last night, and my target was Peeps.


I will defend myself high and hell water, but if this lynch is purely on my inactivity due to the workload i've had the past few weeks, i don't know what to say if thats the case.

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@Jimbob, I don't think we can ask Jonnas if you've been sending targets or not, it's kinda against the rules.


I am generally against inactivity lynches, especially when we've just had a modkill for inactivity as it is easy for mafia to jump on it and appear innocent.


Still, I want to know more about you. What have your other targets been, and what is your character?

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Ok so did YOU roleblock me, Jimbob?


I'm not a roleblocker, i'm a protector and i protected you last night.


@mr\-paul. Peeps is my first target, i failed to send in targets for the past 2 nights. And i understand you can't ask Jonnas, just realised that now.

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Oh, I see Diageo said I hurt somebody. I'd assume it's a byproduct of my Kung Fu, which I assure is neither fiendish nor treacherous. Black Dynamite Panther Fist! Why don't you leave me alone when I tell you it's fine/try to get you to leave me alone? Why do you want to push it so much when I've already put more of my own information out there than you have? Clearly I'm not the killer, so it's cool.


As for what happened last night, I specifically hoped I wouldn't experience any Kung Fu trechery, and at first I thought I hadn't...but then it turned out that I had! The info's out there, I don't see why you're pushing on Black Dynamite so hard. If I could, I'd deliver you a royal pimp-smacking, but that just ain't my style.


Surely you realise that "Oh, I won't tell you what my hurting people is about, but it's fine, so don't worry! Please focus on someone else!" is a horrible defence? :heh:


I want to push it because someone hurting people and not wanting to talk about is kind of suspicious. But more importantly, a couple of contradictions have arisen, and we need to clear up this mess, and to do that we need information, yours especially. Again, I still don't suspect you, but if you keep this vital information to yourself, I will start to.


I need to confirm this: Am I correct in assuming that you are the roleblocker who knocks people unconscious with a backhand whack? Because if so, there's a few contradictions:


First of all, the write-up indicates you targetted @heroicjanitor last night, yet he was successful.


Second of all, @Diageo redirected you on night 2 to @The Peeps, yet he claims to have been successful that night and says instead that he was roleblocked by the backhead-whacker last night. But now


I also wouldn't mind having cleared up the numerous times you've been redirected.




Then, a question for Diageo: What exactly happened on night 1 with you and EEVILMURRAY?




@Jimbob: We don't suspect you because you have been inactive - we all know real life gets in the way. We suspect you because Animal was just modkilled for inactivity, yet you weren't despite both of you having been inactive. Now, the GM's ways can be mysterious, but it could also be you have been more active after all - or someone has been active for you - suggesting mafia activity.


Also, your claim to have protected The Peeps last night is another contradiction to add to the pile, because he claims to have been roleblocked last night.

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Well I'd tend to leave Rummy alone for now since he didn't do anything bad to me / I want to guess what his power is :p

Back to this then


Definitely not



The Peeps




Probably not







Biggest suspects




If we assume Jimbob wasn't modkilled because he protected someone last night (Hard to substantiate, makes me question it) then Jayseven is probably killing. Not 100%, few people in the probably not section getting by pretty easily but worth a punt.


ChangeVote: Jayseven


You should have been roleblocked on night two.


Why should he have been blocked night 2?

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I have 2 powers, but i couldn't add to my post due to the editing ban. 1st power is protector, 2nd is blocker. I've come clean with my role and character, i'm not hiding anything. Thats how i play.


And Animal was lynched because of inactivity. I have been slightly more active than him in this game, having looked through the thread. I'm more active now, i have more time to play with.

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