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Houses of Parliament Mafia - Death of the Prime Minister


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What's all the ruccus! Could hear you from the other house!


You've all seen t' the leader discussion (btw @Sheikah bang up cause we got some info out of it - info probably better than avoiding kills at this point) ideally we'd have someone else boosted but nobody has really made a case.


I'm tempted to use most votes to get some activity going but going t' leave it t'day. Tomorrow I'm gonna start looking to inactives.


Vote: No Lynch

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But Sheikah, maybe they haven't got anything to say or they don't want to tell you the information just yet and want to be precisely sure before saying anything. If there's one thing I've learned in Mafia games, it's not about who talks the most but about what they say. Also, I've not been inactive, I'm just reading over what everybody is saying.


Also, I don't wish to tell you who I have targeted just yet because that would mean I'd have to tell you my power, which I feel could potentially damage me if I told you straight away. :)

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I've no problem if people don't want to give info out, but at least post something/add to discussion to show you're alive!


I've gone through some Mafia topics and some players never say a thing, I'm more or less getting at the people who aren't really playing the game and make it hard for Town.

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There will obviously be mafia trying to appear town that will get in on the election push just to try and blend in and pass under the radar.. but everyone is still suspect until there is information on them.


Some people are less suspect than others from the things they are saying, however if i were mafia i'd be trying to come accross town so i never trust these hunches alone.

We should only be 100% on people we have confirmed info for.


Unless the mafia have any better leads from their actions last night i would imagine i have a big target on my head seeing as i'm no longer suspect. So just be aware of anyone trying to sway the town away from playing it careful with the elections when i'm gone.


I just re-read your post.. Do you mean you think there is a town and then 2 mafia parties??


Just in case.. In the 2nd paragraph i'm trying to say that if i were mafia i'd be saying similar things to the people giving the impression they're town so as i would come across as being town.

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Well, let's put it like this @DuD. You're very trusted by town right now and so would be likely to carry on staying elected. So if you indeed are town, the Mafia knowing that you're in a safe seat in a good position are probably going to murder you.


Of course, if they don't murder you then you have some questions to answer and a very good reason about what happened to you. ;)

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How can i possibly have any questions to answer? you know everything there is to know about me.


I would hope at this point i'm being protected, we have no better candidate for it if we do have a protecter.


I do have a trick up my sleeve (leader related) which will aid me. I won't say what it is as knowing won't help the town, but not knowing could hinder the mafia ;)

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Just because you have revealed everything about yourself and actions you have done appears good, doesn't mean you are town. The benefit of being the leader of the house may outweight the loss of use of a town-harming power a mafia may have, for one you most likely get a new power(going by the last completed game) and second you prevent a town from having it.


I think it's a bad choice to pick the same player over and over no matter how trust worthy they may be. Going by the last game everyone thought Cube was to be trusted and re-elected him, but he was mafia all along.


And why does my vote not count?

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How can i possibly have any questions to answer? you know everything there is to know about me.


I would hope at this point i'm being protected, we have no better candidate for it if we do have a protecter.


I do have a trick up my sleeve (leader related) which will aid me. I won't say what it is as knowing won't help the town, but not knowing could hinder the mafia ;)


I hope that's your leader advantage and not something else rather scummy. :p


I'd hope you're being protected too if you're town, but then does that protect you from being tracked so people can see who is protecting you? (never come across the situation before being new). Either way, people will want to know so you don't look suspicious.


You'd also have to tell us your message about being protected and I guess other town who may have been protected by the same individual previously could say the message matches up. I thought that the message you receive about someone performing an ability on you always stayed the same so that way other people could confirm that the event genuinely happened to them and wasn't just made up? Might be wrong on this.

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Thats my point, cube was elected because our initial pms told us to elect him so we assumed he was good. We had no info, only Yvonnes hunch which obviously turned out bad.


If i do get re-elected i'll be able to say if its the same each night, however i do not have a choice of power as you will see by my redirection switcheroo-ing each night (unless i get blocked).


I would also like to know why yours and someone else's election votes didn't count.

It is me with the double vote by the way. Vote: No-Lynch


Post directed at Tales btw


To warn you all in advance my power will be the same but will involve a little extra tonight (non-leader releated).


I'm unsure how to use it at the moment though :hmm:

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This time we don't have PMs telling us who to side with though, and Cube does a really good poker face in terms of how he types and not giving much away. I think Rummy is being genuine.


What do you mean why my election vote doesn't count? I know I can't be elected but I still though I could elect.

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Yours count I think. Mine doesn't. I think I now know why though, but I don't need to elaborate on that.


And Dud has a double vote, his normal power is going to be even stronger and he has whatever power the leader of house has...come on...

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Everything above where I put about it being directed at Tales was for Tales.


That last bits for everyone.


How do you now know why? You communicating with people outside the thread? say on the mafia forum maybe?

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My normal power would have been stronger regardless, thats down to whoever targetted me last night.

My double vote is the leader power.. count my election votes day 1 and then 2. I thought that was obvious.


It was just a question Tales?

If you wiki'd your character just now how did you not think to do the same when you were "playing" ignorant earlier on?

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Vote Standings:


Leader of the House

DuD (3) : Marcamillian, DuD

The fish (0) : Rummy

Yvonne (0) : Tales


Expulsion from the inqury

Tales (1): Rummy

Rummy (1): Tales


Ok this has got me thinking more. The double vote DuD has applies to elections too? This is almost a self-sustaining loop he has of keeping power.


There's barely enough active players in the game to vote anyone else, and it seems that neither Rummy nor Tales can cast votes (hence '0').


Seems a bit rigged to be honest!

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I will willingly vote another confirmed townie when the time arises if that is what the town wants.


Its hardly a self sustaining loop.. it requires two people to elect someone else?! and as i said unless people are voting recklessly i'll step aside.


The mafia must be loving this, as all the disscussion is over the leadership rather than trying to weed them out. Mind i suppose this weekends a write-off with the N-E meet anyway. Hopefully we will get more out of the next day phase!

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I will willingly vote another confirmed townie when the time arises if that is what the town wants.


Its hardly a self sustaining loop.. it requires two people to elect someone else?! and as i said unless people are voting recklessly i'll step aside.


The mafia must be loving this, as all the disscussion is over the leadership rather than trying to weed them out. Mind i suppose this weekends a write-off with the N-E meet anyway. Hopefully we will get more out of the next day phase!


Consider -


You give yourself 2 votes. Supposing that by some chance you are Mafia, you technically have up to 3 additional votes from other Mafiosos (assuming they can vote).


Rummy and Tales appear to be unable to cast a vote and unless they're good actors they're disagreeing with you so in the instance you are Mafia, they appear to be on the opposing faction, ie. town.


Factoring in people that are either inactive or inactive enough to keep up with the conversation to have the conviction to elect...yeah, if you're Mafia, we are dead.

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Leader of the House

DuD (7) : Marcamillian, DuD, The Peeps, Yvonne, Cube, Sheikah

Rummy (1) : Rummy

Yvonne (0) : Tales


Expulsion from the inqury

Tales (1): Rummy

Rummy (1): Tales

No Lynch (5): The Peeps, Sheikah, Marcamillian, DuD

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well you can understand people voting for DuD, he's came out with his character name and the power he's declared matches the real life MP's cabinet position (Transport Minister) which you could either see as a ballsy move which would draw the Mafia attention or he's a member of the Mafia and knows he's safe :)

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But we've already established i've not lied about anything i've said as its all been confirmed. Everyone will be able to see my involvement in the game now until i'm no longer here.


If there is a lie detecter amongst us.. I am not mafia. I am not neutral. I am town.


It seems Rummy can vote, Tales for whatever reason cannot? he doesn't want to say.


If your so paranoid Sheikah why don't you reveal your Name, Party and Power? and we all get more info to work with and you get someone new elected???


My power has been confirmed gmac. not just declared.


My move is i'm hoping for protection..

The town is leading the house.. We have the double vote.. We have the little extra i meantioned earlier that i haven't revealed.

By revealing my info the town has one less suspect to consider which boosts our odds, the only problem with this is when we have another townie confirmed because then our protecter can only save one of us. I'm hoping we can find at least 1 mafioso before this happens.

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