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LEGO Mafia #1: City


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Are we voting for Rez because he's sending in night actions but not talking in the thread? That's pretty scummy.


It's also worth asking @Cube his rules on killing off in actives. Rez hasn't posted for DAYS - surely he should be the prime candidate for a mod-kill? I'm just thinking that it's reached the point of ridiculousness now, and we could lynch someone else if Rez was mod-killed for inactivity. Or at least pursue other lines of enquiry. If Rez is mafia, we could get rid of two in one day!


I'll wait for Cube's response before my vote - there's no point ending the day early (Yvonne's voting shortly and we're 2 from majority) if he's probably going to be mod-killed anyway. If Cube says no I'll vote, if Cube says yes we can look at other players without losing out (Rez will die either way and we'll get longer to chat)


EDIT: My first sentence was mainly a question about whether we're ONLY voting for that reason (it's still a good reason) or whether there is also something else. Worded badly, sorry.

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Gimme some credit DuD, scum or town I wouldn't pull anything as stupid as that.


Also if we have a 2nd confirmed scum it may be better to go for them instead because if ReZ & co are the last two members, they wont be able to send any night targets after the lynch :)


But yeah, if there aren't any developments between now and when I get home, my vote's going back on.

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So it's okay to completely fail to post in the thread for days on end? That kind of sucks :(


Well, I'll happily go for Rez if nothing else happens today but there are a few people that we still need to hear more from I think. Also worth noting the votes from yesterday, and the votes from today. Whatever Rez's alignment, it will tell us something I'm sure. I have to say that if Rez is town I have strong suspicions about Animal, but if he's mafia then I totally revoke that. Need to wait and see what the outcome of this lynch is. I'll also vote later on.

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Can we have a time for end of day @Cube.. We don't want yvonne or sheikah accidently on purpose missing the chance to vote on ReZ.


I think a no vote on their part will speak volumes!


I don't like this post. I will probably change vote before day end but your persistent 'join us or die' attitude is not how I would expect town to behave.


Also @Nintendohnut a number of people agreed that in the interest of fairness you should reveal your role. So are you going to reveal or remain suspicious?


Would also like to point out still to everyone that Tales was NOT a vig if we are to trust his explanation (his ability shuffles). So for all know a vig could still be out there.

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No I'm not - people asked for my target, so I gave it. I only gave it because other people wanted it. You didn't reveal the information I wanted you to - someone else did. You specifically said you didn't agree to the deal I offered you. That's your fault, not mine. In fact, considering you knew someone else knew the information you had (your target) it's really hard to work out why you didn't take my deal. Like, the information I wanted came out anyway without you telling me. If you'd just revealed it when I asked, you would already know my role! That's kind of funny, when you think about it. As the saying goes 'you cut off your nose to spite your face'.


My questions haven't been answered by @DuD so I'm not going to vote yet - when Yvonne votes we're one from majority so I don't want to end the day without an answer. That said I don't think DuD would be so foolish as to push hard for someone to by lynched if he knew they were town. As a mafia member if he came out and urged a lot of people to vote for someone who then turned out to be a townie he'd be top of suspicions list, drawing unwanted attention. Then again, we're back to the whole 'yeah but that's what he wants you to think' argument, so I suppose it can go either way ::shrug:

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No I'm not - people asked for my target, so I gave it. I only gave it because other people wanted it. You didn't reveal the information I wanted you to - someone else did. You specifically said you didn't agree to the deal I offered you. That's your fault, not mine. In fact, considering you knew someone else knew the information you had (your target) it's really hard to work out why you didn't take my deal.


I can't help but snigger at how blissfully ignorant you have been if you have come to any conclusions based on what I told DuD.


Anyway, your response is full of crap and unhelpful as usual. It's a shame Tales isn't a permanent Vig as he could finish what he started.

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I'm an investigator, tried targeting DuD on night one but I was protected by Danny which stopped me from doing my night action


Targeted Diageo on night 2 and didn't have any details on him but found out he wore black armour and a mask (confirmed by him turning out to be Darth Vader)


Targeted Rummy on night 3 and have found out he was my colleague in the police department Nick Brick


I am Laura Brick, a police officer

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Thankfully you won't need to snigger. You didn't tell DuD anything. Someone else revealed the information I wanted (your target for last night) because they were your target. If you remember, that is the information I was asking for you earlier in exchange for everything about myself. I haven't come to any conclusions based on that information, it's just helped me out. And because you didn't agree to our deal about my information for your information, I don't have to reveal my role.


Trust me, if I was a vigilante or mafia, Sheikah, you'd be dead by now. I'd have killed you just to have a quiet day :p Nothing personal at all, but if I was part of the mafia or a vigilante you'd be attracting way too much attention towards me. You'd be long gone!


I'm an investigator, tried targeting DuD on night one but I was protected by Danny which stopped me from doing my night action


Targeted Diageo on night 2 and didn't have any details on him but found out he wore black armour and a mask (confirmed by him turning out to be Darth Vader)


Targeted Rummy on night 3 and have found out he was my colleague in the police department Nick Brick


I am Laura Brick, a police officer


So you aren't specifically an alignment investigator, character investigator or role investigator - you just get random information each night?

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Thankfully you won't need to snigger. You didn't tell DuD anything. Someone else revealed the information I wanted (your target for last night) because they were your target. If you remember, that is the information I was asking for you earlier in exchange for everything about myself. I haven't come to any conclusions based on that information, it's just helped me out. And because you didn't agree to our deal about my information for your information, I don't have to reveal my role.


Though, you haven't now given everything about yourself. Regardless of whether it was just between you and Sheikah and what you wanted from him, the information is out there, you have it, and I feel it's fair to hold up your end(and I think others do too) and do the reveal.

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I did reveal information. People asked that I reveal something (not everything), and I did - my target for last night. Some people asked for that, so I revealed it. I'm not revealing the rest about my character as it's not necessary. I asked Sheikah to make a deal, fair and square. Sheikah refused to take me up on my deal. That is not my fault.


As far as I'm concerned, both Sheikah and myself are keeping something to ourselves. He is withholding his character, I am withholding my role.


Rummy - can you confirm that what gmac is saying is true (your name)? If so it proves he's telling the truth. Either that or that you're both in the same group and he's come out with this information to protect himself. I mean, if you two are working together (just hypothetically, I'm not accusing you) he's revealed something we already know (Diageo's appearance) and your character.


Actually, forget it. If he'd be wrong you would've said so. And if you're working together you'd obviously say nothing. It won't prove anything either way! For the record, I don't think you ARE working together or anything, I was just thinking aloud and talked myself into realising there was no point asking you :)


Oh goddam I love these games. You just don't trust ANYONE! Hasn't been a game like this for a long while that I can remember.

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Regardless of whether he took the deal or not, you got his info and I believe the rest of the town would like yours, I believe it's fair. I'm not going to go on a crusade about it if nobody else wants to hear it, but I find it mildly dishonourable not to reveal just because the source wasn't Sheikah himself, you wanted the info and promised info in return, you got the info, the means shouldn't matter.

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If he'd wanted to take the deal, I offered it fair and square. If he had taken it, I would have revealed it. He didn't. So I am not going to reveal the information. Look at it from my perspective:


- I wanted information from Sheikah.

- He wouldn't give it to me without offering something in return

- I offered him an exchange of information, in which he revealed one small fact and I revealed everything. It was a fair deal.

- He refused to take the deal.

- Someone else revealed the information I had asked for.

- I revealed part of the information I offered in return, as he did not fulfil his part of the deal.


If I reveal all my information, where does that leave me? Sheikah has given me nothing and I have given him everything.


SECOND POST: It's strange, I've seen DuD viewing the thread since I asked my question to him in my original post. Please respond, DuD, and I will likely vote.


I also really don't want to get stuck in another argument about this. We'll end up going around and around in circles again. I'm not really sure why you want to know my power, Rummy. It doesn't really make any difference to you.


As I said, please investigate me or Sheikah tonight to clear this up. If you can do that we'll all be able to just move on from this ridiculous argument.


And, if possible, can redirectors (if any are townies) please NOT redirect Rummy or others to someone else? Or can any remaining protectors please help us out and protect him?

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It's not a case of ME wanting to know your power, as I said, it just seems a bit dodgy, saying you'll put something out there if you get some information, you got it, and then don't. I already said, you got the info, the means shouldn't matter.

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Thankfully you won't need to snigger.


Too late, I'm laughing at you being misled.



Trust me, if I was a vigilante or mafia, Sheikah, you'd be dead by now.

Except, you wouldn't. As soon as you started singling me out I launched an aggressive campaign that strongly indicated that if there was a neutral it was you. So unless you were a numpty you wouldn't kill anyone or else you'd face lynch yourself.


No one else has come forward to say they've suffered your power so that adds to my suspicion.


I'd have killed you just to have a quiet day :p

Well that's one way of putting it; being lynched and dead means you'd be pretty quiet.

Edited by Sheikah
Automerged Doublepost
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I know that ReZ was active last night.

No posts in the game forum and night time activity more than likely means he is away and hours mafia team mates are using his power for them.


I have also deduced that he is a redirector and cannot see any town gain from what I believe he did last night.


I'd rather not say what power allowed me to come to this conclusion though.


^hours = his^ stupid phone!


This is such an obvious lynch that i'll vote against myself tomorrow of I'm wrong!! Yet you sheikah have a vote on dohnut that will achieve nothing as no-one else is with you.

You are 100% without doubt therefore splitting the vote! A mafia tactic to try somewhat to appear proactive yet still hinder the lynch!!


You then post this...


I don't like this post. I will probably change vote before day end but your persistent 'join us or die' attitude is not how I would expect town to behave.

It very much is a join us or die post, because anyone not behind such an obvious lynch is mafia!!


SECOND POST: It's strange, I've seen DuD viewing the thread since I asked my question to him in my original post. Please respond, DuD, and I will likely vote.

Sorry Dohnut I can't seem to find your question. can you re-post it please.

I've been hanging some curtains, so it must have been bex on my phone that you saw?


I thought my original quote included me saying who ReZ redirected. I'm sure I've already posted this info anyway.


ReZ redirected Rummy.. Our alignment investigator!

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I would've killed you just to avoid this questioning. And if I was mafia it wouldn't have looked that weird - would've made me look slightly suspicious but I would've just argued 'oh yeah good one mafia trying to make me look guilty' (lol). If I was neutral you would've already outed me as a killer so I was never going to win anyway. Might as well take you with me if I'm not going to win :p


I still maintain that nobody actually needs to know my power. People are now only asking for this 'honour' ridiculousness - I repeat, had Sheikah accepted my offer/deal, the information would be out already. He had the opportunity to get the information and he turned it down. I'm not going to reward that by simply giving up the information I was bargaining with in the first place.


@DuD - you've not only answered my question, you've also given a valid reason for 'viewing' the thread (when you probably weren't). I read through the thread at work today and didn't have much time. I missed the part where you said Rez was a redirector. And if he's redirecting our investigator he's clearly mafia.


Vote: Rezourceman


To be honest, even if he isn't evil he doesn't deserve to be playing - he's not posted for days.

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Haha well now Sheikah will just vote for Rez simply because you said that.


Of course, if Rez turns out to be good we're in a whole different situation. We need to look at voting patterns during the next day phase, after we know Rez's alignment. I'm a little concerned that he's actually good at this point - it seemed pretty easy to reach majority (me and Yvonne were both happy to vote but were waiting on a couple of things)...

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I didn't notice an updated night pm from cube.

My original PM gave me one candidate for the redirector (ReZ), my update gave me 3.

I have reason to believe one is 100% town, which left 2.. Gmac and ReZ.

I think gmac is a power investigator off first impressions, I said it ages ago and gmac has since outed himself with a similar sounding role (although he could be mafia latching onto the scaperoute I shouldn't have posted?!)


I think ReZ's night activity tips it though. He must be Mafia!

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