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Beyond: Two Souls


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Havn't read a review of this, but what is supposed to be so bad and obviously so good about it?! I mean the writing seems atrocious from the clips I've seen. But anything else? I loved Heavy Rain!


Probably something something not a game something something shoddy story.


The same criticisms were made when Heavy Rain was released.


Shopto have started the order process.

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Anyone else buying this? I played the demo over the weekend and loved it to bits. I was always getting it anyway as Heavy Rain was one of my favourite experiences this generation, so more of the same kind of gameplay/storytelling will be a treat.


The reviews are starting to pop up and wouldn't be surprised to see scores ranging from 4/10 to 9/10.

It didn't look any interesting from the one trailer I saw. I'll wait for some opinions here and maybe buy it on a whim on Friday as I will have to wait a while in the mall anyway.

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Finished the game just now. Lovely game. Should try and get all the endings sometime and maybe the platinum too.


How many chapters are there?


I finally fired it up today and enjoyed what I played. The only thing that annoys me is that fact the story keeps jumping back and forth. I hate it when games or films do that.


So, what did you guys do at the party scene? I did what needed to be done. :D

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FREAKING AWESOME EXPERIENCE. I couldn't stop playing this today and have just finished it for the first time. Mr. Cage, you've done it again!


This game has everything, horror, sci-fi, drama, romance, action, stealth. The story was a little slow at first but once things started to piece together I was hooked.


Graphically I'm amazed at what has been pulled off here with 7 year old hardware. Some of the facial expressions are simply amazing, especially Ryans.


It's hard to say if its better that Heavy Rain. They are both similar but different at the same time and I love them both equally.


So, @Tales, what ending did you get?

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FREAKING AWESOME EXPERIENCE. I couldn't stop playing this today and have just finished it for the first time. Mr. Cage, you've done it again!


This game has everything, horror, sci-fi, drama, romance, action, stealth. The story was a little slow at first but once things started to piece together I was hooked.


Graphically I'm amazed at what has been pulled off here with 7 year old hardware. Some of the facial expressions are simply amazing, especially Ryans.


It's hard to say if its better that Heavy Rain. They are both similar but different at the same time and I love them both equally.


So, @Tales, what ending did you get?

I saved everyone but Paul(completly forgot about him, was too stressed about that enormous demon), chose life after some consideration and thought she was better off alone after everything that had happpened. I kinda regret that last part, even though it worked out, I wish she had a human partner after all. Last thing I saw was her in some motel I think, all alone, when Aiden suddenly shows up, writing on the dust on the tv "I'm still here". Looking forward to see the other endings, maybe this weeked, when the community over at ps3trophies works out a list for the evil Aiden trophy that I can use in my next playthrough.


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I chose life as well. I also chose to go with Ryan. He was a bit of a douche at the start but he came around towards the end. I figured they had been through too much together for them to throw it all away.


I also chose to remain silent so Ryan lost his eye.


Man, the twist of who Aiden was blew my mind. I was getting a little choked up over it all.


As far as I know the list is out now for the evil trophy. It's just six events that need doing. Feels good being finally able to look at what the trophies are.:)


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Yeah, that twist with Aiden, wow.


I was actually prepared to let Ryan die, but I reacted instinctively when the button prompt appeared so I accidently saved him...


I don't know, they've spent 89 pages discussing it, that's like 88 more pages than any other thread there :p



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Finished my second playthrough. Got both Evil Aiden and the Duo trophies. Very happy about the last one since so many have messed up and I thought I had done the same when the second controller turned off during Homeless and I didn't notice it until the next chapter. Next I will get the remaining endings on this playthrough, including playing from the third to last chapter to make a minor different choice just to be ultra safe. Then it's the third playthrough and its endings, I could start from Homeless but there were several trophies(and one collectible that contradicted another trophy) that directly contradicted the Evil Aiden requirements, so I might as well start from the beginning.

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Finished this earlier, really enjoyed it. Still having mixed feelings, but it was worth it for the journey alone.


That twist with Aiden was pretty predictable. I saw it coming, and guessed it pretty early on. Still didn't ruin the drama of the situation, of course.


After much thought, I actually went with death in the end. It actually made more sense, after everything that happened, although it was a bit sad. I saved everyone, so managed to see how all their fates played out, with Jodie's spirit watching over everyone. I must try for the other endings now.


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Shopto were selling it for £29.99 via ebay yesterday. No idea if it's still that price though.


I'll wait another month or so and it'll be down to the usual £17.99. I have way too many PC games that I've been saving for Extra Life, Vita and 3/DS games and a couple of PS3 ones ive picked up to fill in gaps in my collection so I can wait.

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