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Xpert 11 Season 23: The highlight of the Summer


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When I joined xpert


It was a far simpler place.



It was all just wins and losses



But it wasn't for me.



Then came the Alliance era.



Nexus and NWO


arrived on the scene.



There were managers


training their teams for years...



... taking out other alliances...




... sharing a league with newbies


passing them by...



... with teams that were 2 skill points lower.



I mean, work it out, mate.


We're in the wrong fucking game.



The Cup changed everything.




Always remember that one day this


league will be taken over by one team.




They won't leave it to people like me


when they figure out...




... how much success there is to be


made: Not 2 titles, 20.


Recreational Titles plc.


Giving people what they want.




Titles today, change reports tomorrow.




But this is now.





So, until prohibition ends,


win while the sun shines.




I'm not an admin.




I'm a businessman whose commodity


happens to be Xpert.




Five years ago Xpert was for Swedes and losers.



It was demonized by Daily Mail


readers getting drunk in wine bars.



Now they're my biggest clients.




The cups gambit




For the rest of the summer a number of different things will take place. I will signify them on the forum and in Xpert. It may range from winning your match by the largest margin, to winning a quiz, to predicting a spotlight right or making sure your alliance is top of the table.


I will be keeping a league table of participants and the top two participants will bypass the of first round the Cup.


The first task is to score! I want you to score in your game. If you score twice or more you will gain 3 points, if you score once you will gain 1 point.


I will take everyones score down but please let me know you are interested via a post or comment on xpert post.

Edited by Haden
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As we are on a new page I don't want people to forget about the new recruitment bonus.


If you recruit someone you get put in a separate lottery at the end of the season. If you are the only recruiter you are guaranteed a VIP sub!

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Sounds very good indeed, i'm in Haden.


And to make it sweeter, here is last weeks entire Elite league write-ups/video-ups



N-Euro Elite League


Season 23 - Rounds 6 + 7


Edited by Jimbob
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You only need to quote the bit after v=


so 'naos7it_bl0'



Great song btw :p


N-Euro Middle League Round Six


***Aqui1a All Stars vs Dragooooo****


All Stars had been doing well until their loss away to Yellow Submarine last round, having drawn three games in a row before then. It seems their loss did nothing to help their form as their players just weren’t making the impact we’ve come to expect from them in this game. Dragooooo took most of the possession in the first half and had 2 attempts on goal but All Stars’ keeper at least was still fit and he saved them both. Dragooooo had 2 further chances in the second half but still couldn’t score while All Stars finally managed a chance on their own which was also saved. A draw may be better than a loss but All Stars would’ve been expecting the win today.


Final score: Aqui1a All Stars 0-0 Dragooooo


****Yellow Submarine vs Seahawks FC****


It was a slow start to the game but Seahawks were the ones setting the pace. Keeping most of the possession in the first half, Seahawks were happy to pass the ball to each other and not put too much pressure on scoring but in the 27th minute a frustrated Submarine injured a Seahawks player, forcing them to play seriously and teach them a lesson. In the 29th minute Luciano Aranha scored the first goal for Seahawks which was closely followed up by a goal from a free kick, scored by Jeremias Ríos. The second half started as the first one ended with Seahawks scoring another goal. Jeremias Ríos scored in the 47th minute, putting Seahawks up by three goals to nil. In the 54th minute Kit Cougar of Yellow Submarine found the ball after a corner and scored. Irving Beasley followed suit in the 68th minute by scoring with a header from a cross. The minutes ticked away with Seahawks slipping back into a more defensive stance but in the 94th minute Cappi Lucci managed to take a shot in the penalty area to score a last minute goal for Seahawks.


Final score: Yellow Submarine 2-4 Seahawks FC


****Rising Phoenix vs Real Peeps****


The first half was quite close with both teams managing 2 attempts on goal but it was Rising Phoenix who scored first with a goal in the 31st minute, scored by Caupolicán Candelas. The second half began with some drama as Troy McNiven of Rising Phoenix missed a penalty but Francois Auffret made up for it by scoring two minutes later. Meanwhile, Real Peeps had brought on the big guns with two substitutions, both of whom played a part in Real Peeps’ first goal of the game in the 62nd minute – Jimmy Exton scoring after a set-up by Ernst Heinzmann. Despite another substitution for Real Peeps and two injuries forcing Rising Phoenix to change two players late in the second half, Real Peeps were unable to score any further goals but at least managed to cut down Rising Phoenix’s chances of scoring too.


Final score: Rising Phoenix 2-1 Real Peeps


****AC Elites vs Leeds M.O.T****


AC Elites were trying hard in this game which took Leeds slightly by surprise. Flink Yang scored the only goal of the first half for AC Elites in the 35th minute. Leeds had a late chance but failed to score. The second half began with a more aggressive approach from Leeds M.O.T which paid off as Emilio Largo was able to score in the 57th minute. AC Elites banded together to stop any more chances and actually had 5 of their own in the second half. It was beginning to look like they would have to settle for a draw until the 81st minute when Dermott Bendle scored! The Elites fans went wild as the final whistle blew and Elites had secured their first win in 4 games.


Final score: AC Elites 2-1 Leeds M.O.T


***The Sixty-Fourthers vs Winston Gardens FC****


The Sixty-Fourthers were having a tough time in the first half with Winston Gardens playing a lot better than anticipated. Both teams made two chances in the first half but it was The Sixty-Fourthers who eventually scored first with a goal from Evstathios Panadopolos in the 30th minute. The second half was a completely different story as Winston Gardens had The Sixty-Fourthers on the ropes for the whole 45 minutes, blocking out any chances The Sixty-Fourthers may have had and creating 6 of their own. In the 65th minute, Gardens got their equaliser by way of a free kick scored by Art Wilkins. Winston Gardens continued to play their advantage and didn’t let up, allowing Maxim Herasimienia to get a goal in the 84th minute.


Final Score: The Sixty-Fourthers 1-2 Winston Gardens


Most Important Result: The Sixty-Fourthers 1-2 Winston Gardens, Winston Gardens move up into third place from sixth with this result while The Sixty-Fourthers are displaced into fourth.


Manager of the Round: Dan-Likes-Trees, Winston Gardens, both Winston Gardens and Seahawks had 4 star away wins this round but Winston Gardens had the tougher game so take the award.


Best Player: Cappi Lucci, Seahawks FC, Lucci set up two goals in this game and scored a last minute goal for himself, proving he is still a dangerous player as he begins to reach retirement age.


N-Euro Middle League Round Seven


****AC Elites vs Aqui1a All Stars****


The first half was full of action right from the start as Scott Page begins with a goal in the 8th minute, giving All Stars an early lead. Max Freund of AC Elites soon settled the score with a set piece free kick in the 13th minute. The first half was drawing to a close but not before Roupen Cherezian was able to score another goal for Aqui1a All Stars in the 37th minute, also from a set piece free kick. All Stars headed into the second half full of confidence, easily holding back AC Elites who only managed one more attempt on goal while All Stars had another 4. Yet the scores stayed the same.


Final score AC Elites 1-2 Aqui1a All Stars


**Leeds M.O.T vs The Sixty-Fourthers*


The Sixty-Fourthers have been on a bad run lately and this game was no different. An injury in the 9th minute saw Arazh Sorai replaced by Oliverio Ribeiro, leaving The Sixty-Fourthers with a slightly weakened defence. Sure enough, in the 19th minute Marvin Townshend scored the first goal of the game for Leeds M.O.T, taking a shot from right inside the penalty area. In the 26th minute Mortimer Marshall broke through to score a second goal for Leeds, who had four attempts total in the first half while The Sixty-Fourthers only managed one. The second half of the game saw Leeds go even more offensive as they made a further five attempts on goal, scoring again in the 62nd minute with a goal from Marvin Townshend. Sarkew Bakir retaliated in the 65th minute with a goal for The Sixty-Fourthers but it was too little too late.


Final score: Leeds M.O.T 3-1 The Sixty-Fourthers


*****Real Peeps vs Yellow Submarine*****


Real Peeps dominated this game, though Yellow Submarine still defended quite well. Possibly working in Real Peeps favour, Burt Lilywhite was injured in the 8th minute and Dantae Servidei was forced to come on in his place which strengthened Real Peeps’ defence as youth is replaced by experience. No goals were scored in the first half despite two chances from Real Peeps but Jimmy Exton managed an early goal in the second half, scoring in the 50th minute for Real Peeps. In the 58th minute, Rufus Smallwood of Yellow Submarine was injured and replaced with Irving Beasley which allowed Yellow Submarine to push forward as their main man was back in defence. In the 77th minute a dangerous play from Yellow Submarine resulted in Real Peeps’ keeper, Michael J Caboose being stretchered off the pitch to be replaced by Horace Biggins, again switching youth for experience and probably benefitting Real Peeps. In the 79th minute Don Martland scored the second goal for Real Peeps, making any chance of Yellow Submarine coming back even slimmer.


Final score: Real Peeps 2-0 Yellow Submarine


****Seahawks FC vs Dragooooo****


Seahawks take it easy again in the first half of this game, with Jeremias Ríos being forced to score in the 16th minute after being awarded a free kick. The rest of the first half involved a couple of playful chances from Seahawks and one dangerous shot from Dragooooo which just skimmed the crossbar. In the second half, Seahawks looked to increase their lead and Christiano Aragón was the one to do it in the 62nd minute with a shot in the penalty area. Seahawks attempted to coast through the rest of the game but Dragooooo wouldn’t let them rest and kept pushing forward. They only managed two actual attempts on goal but at the very least they made Seahawks take the game seriously. In the 89th minute their determination was rewarded as Cris Livermore scored for Dragooooo but it was too late in the game for a comeback.


Final score: Seahawks 2-1 Dragooooo


****Winston Gardens FC 1-4 Rising Phoenix****


Rising Phoenix may have been wary of Winston Gardens after witnessing them defeat The Sixty-Fourthers away from home last round but their only response was to up their game and show them how an elite league team is supposed to play. Jean-Jacques Piquet scored the first goal for Rising Phoenix in the 10th minute, followed up by two goals from Caupolicán Candelas in the 35th and 44th minutes. Rising Phoenix had 7 attempts on goal in the first half while Winston Gardens had 3. Rising Phoenix didn’t let up in the second half and Troy McNiven scored their fourth goal in the 47th minute. This was when Rising Phoenix decided they could drop their guard but Winston Gardens FC is not a team to just give up and quickly scored in the 57th minute, forcing Rising Phoenix to play out the rest of the game defensively.


Final score: Winston Gardens 1-4 Rising Phoenix


Most Important Result: Real Peeps 2-0 Yellow Submarine, this result moves Real Peeps into 5th from 8th while Yellow Submarine slip into 7th.


Manager of the Round: The Peeps, Real Peeps, Peeps and Zell had the only 5 star rated tactics this round but Real Peeps are the team that won so the award is theirs.


Best Player: Caupolicán Candelas, Rising Phoenix, Candelas scored two goals in the first half of their game against Winston Garden and set up another early in the second half, helping to put Rising Phoenix 4 goals ahead before Winston Gardens could score one for themselves.

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Manager of the Round: Dan-Likes-Trees, Winston Gardens, both Winston Gardens and Seahawks had 4 star away wins this round but Winston Gardens had the tougher game so take the award.


Champion sound.


Good writeups as ever Peepman.


I'm in for the cup gambit goalscoring. thing. Hoping it starts from todays match, 6-1 against the Submarine, showed the boy how true xperts do things...

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Eights wins the spotlight getting it exactly right he is the king of the predictions so far!


We are going to examine the title race in the top league this week. Mcoy Sons vs Inter: Who will win (or will it be a draw) and the decider question is who will be top of the league after tommorows games? (This is not just limited to Mcoy or Inter but any team that could be top.)


Eights: 4

Peeps: 2

Leeds: 1





Madpool, Elites and Bayer crash down to 4th in the table as the Midnight Riders start to build some momentum and threaten the top spots.


Interhawks: Intergalactico Stars, Seahawks FC and Crisfield Seahawks: 20

Hadens Rangers, DuDs Baggies, Rising Phoenix: 19

Real Peeps, Aqui1a All Stars, Coloccini FC - The Midnight Riders: 18

Madpool, AC Elites, Bayer Neverlusen: 17

Sliverdale Hotpot, Leeds MOT:12





Last time around in the gambit teams were asked to score 2 or more goals to get 3 points with 1 points awarded for 1 goal.


We have seen that you can all walk the walk but can you talk the talk?


The board of directors that runs the Cups Gambit has will be awarding 10 teams 2 points each for the wittiest comment after Fridays game made in the game comments section.


Additionally the overall wittiest comment will gain another 2 points making it 4 overall.


Rehearse your game comments and make Mourinho blush with your intelligent banter.


Rising Phoenix 3

Winston Gardens FC 3

Coloccini FC 3

Emo Blades 3

Hadens Rangers 3

Recall United 3

Battlestar Odwinica 3

Eights United 3

Happenstance FC 0

Intergalactico Stars 3

Madpool 3

Mcoys Sons 3

Silverdale Hotpot 3

Aqui1a All Stars 3

Dragooooo 3

AC Elites 1

Leeds M.O.T 1

Real Peeps 1

Yellow Submarine 1

Andys Allstars 1

Chartreuse Bolts F.C. 1

Fedex United 1

Bubbles FC 0

DuDs Baggies 0

Crisfield Seahawks 0

Cubic County 0

Seahawks FC 0

The Sixty-Fourthers 0

The Comerade Co-op 0

Bayer Neverlusen 0

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My new midfielder (18-5, hard working, cool, tough and good with headers) is the future of AC Elites! I'm happy with my teams progression in their second season and hope to be using them in I think 3 maybe 4 season to return to the top flight!probably more like 10 loololoololol

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Spotlight:Mcoy-Inter, yellow and red cards.


Mcoy 2-1, 3-3 yellow, 0-1 red.


Like this rounds cup gambit. Should be fun.


Spotlight: Mcoy 2-1 Intergalactico, 1 yellow each.


We are going to examine the title race in the top league this week. Mcoy Sons vs Inter: Who will win (or will it be a draw) and the decider question is who will be top of the league after tommorows games? (This is not just limited to Mcoy or Inter but any team that could be top.)

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