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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

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I'm I right in saying your controls, guns, game etc improve as the level / time played goes up? Thought I remember reading that a while a go. So far it's absolutely embarrassing how badly I'm playing. I don't think it's all down to my poor form though; I seem to get doubled up or threewayed A LOT. If there's one thing I think the majority of the maps are missing, it's more nooks and hidey holes (I'm being sarcastic.) What's this 'get out me road' spawn about? There's always someone tripping under your feet it seems. I've noticed I rarely see anyone with a decent KDR unless they camp, stick to an area, or use shotters. It seems like dual stick users also get somekind of 'just aim in the general area mate, that'll do' tax relief.


I don't know, these new fandanggled HD consoles don't come without their issues. Bring back SD shooters!


Now I know what people meant on MW3 when i used to hear comments about how they much prefer it on he Wii over there 360, and they weren't just talking about he WiiMote.

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I'm I right in saying your controls, guns, game etc improve as the level / time played goes up? Thought I remember reading that a while a go. So far it's absolutely embarrassing how badly I'm playing. I don't think it's all down to my poor form though; I seem to get doubled up or threewayed A LOT. If there's one thing I think the majority of the maps are missing, it's more nooks and hidey holes (I'm being sarcastic.) What's this 'get out me road' spawn about? There's always someone tripping under your feet it seems. I've noticed I rarely see anyone with a decent KDR unless they camp, stick to an area, or use shotters. It seems like dual stick users also get somekind of 'just aim in the general area mate, that'll do' tax relief.


I don't know, these new fandanggled HD consoles don't come without their issues. Bring back SD shooters!


Now I know what people meant on MW3 when i used to hear comments about how they much prefer it on he Wii over there 360, and they weren't just talking about he WiiMote.


Join the "this game is broken" club.

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Join the "this game is broken" club.


It looks that way. I did just have a game on that WWII like map and went 32-3, Jesus I thought, I'll add that to the showreel thing... errrm, it isn't in my recent games!!!!! Does that happenen often?


To top it off it's hard locked on me 3 times this morning, just to twist the knife like.


To trade in or not to trade in, that is the question.

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I finished the Campaigne last night.


Turned out better than I thought it would, I think from the Pakistan flood level is when I started to enjoy it more with each level.

The Strike Force levels I just ignored the whole RTS element and just played as normal. Every now and then holding the command button to tell all units to move forward.


I think the story felt a little all over the place at the start which was off putting. It tosses a lot of info at you.... and I guess not fully remembering what happened in BO1 didn't help much for some of those early "past" levels with trying to figure out where the story was going/coming from.


I did feel somethings were left very much unresolved. There were moments when it seemed like Masons brainwashing would take centre stage again there was a little bit of it in teh Afgan level then nothing and later he died :heh:

Had thought maybe Menendez had brainwashed Section as a kid and it would play out in a "like father like son" type thing or something. Esepcially when you capture Menendez and Section questions him and later he gets out of the cuffs. Thought it was too obvious Salazar let him out so was thinking maybe Section did it without knowing and Salazar being in the room was just Section imagining as part of teh brainwashing...sadly it was the more obvious situation of Salazar being a dick :p


Also I got the "bad" ending too, haha. Though I thought the choices I was making would be the more "cannon" type choices to make and be the "Good" ending...guess not.

I'm actually thinking of doing it again to make different choices and see what ending I get.


Also the bonus scene after the credits was bloody AWESOME :D

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If this patch doesn't fix or improve this game, it's getting traded. My form isn't great at the minute, but when you're in a game, lose, and look at the score table at the end to see EVERY player on your team with a very low kill count and very high death rate, and the reverse on the other team, you know something's up.


I only EVER seem to have a decent game on free-for-all, I'm guessing because there's only one host involved on that mode. It's just shame it takes x3 as long to level up on there than it would on something like domination.


*#$@! this game. Lego City, hurry the f up.

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If this patch doesn't fix or improve this game, it's getting traded. My form isn't great at the minute, but when you're in a game, lose, and look at the score table at the end to see EVERY player on your team with a very low kill count and very high death rate, and the reverse on the other team, you know something's up.


I only EVER seem to have a decent game on free-for-all, I'm guessing because there's only one host involved on that mode. It's just shame it takes x3 as long to level up on there than it would on something like domination.


*#$@! this game. Lego City, hurry the f up.


Welcome to my world! Can you imagine a team with me, Kav and Lostmario losing on Black Ops? It would have been unthinkable. Now it's a 50/50 chance! Even with all three of us on a team it's still a lottery. It all depends on whether the lag compensation goes in your favour!

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Double XP weekend runs from the 25th to the 28th! I'll be doing some heavy gaming Friday and Saturday to level up!


AAAAAARRRRGGHHHH!!! Damn my girlfriend for having her birthday this weekend and with it being her last weekend in the country! I'm going tomiss out on another double XP weekend thanks to her! Haha

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AAAAAARRRRGGHHHH!!! Damn my girlfriend for having her birthday this weekend and with it being her last weekend in the country! I'm going tomiss out on another double XP weekend thanks to her! Haha


You don't need it. You were 4th prestige last time I was on and I havent played in weeks. :D

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You don't need it. You were 4th prestige last time I was on and I havent played in weeks. :D


Only just about to hit 7th prestige, not been gaming weekends as I've been with her seeing as she's buggering off back to Mexico on the 31st Jan.

I'd be 10th prestige by now of not!

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Look right, something's not right with this game compared to mw3 on the wii. Are the wii mote control settings gimped or something. I've tried setting it up as close to the wii settings as I can, but some of the options are missing or have changed. I don't know if its just me being a bitch or what the f it is, but my kdr is just abouts breaking even and I just can't find the settings that suit me like they did on the wii. Was mw3 on the wii built with the remote in mind and this is just the Xbox game with wiimote support shoehorned in? Is anyone else finding it difficult to transition?


I'm just raging and raging so much that this game is no fun, no fun at all. On mw3 there only about 2 maps I didn't like, here there's only about 2 maps I do like. The only thing that keeps me coming back is that something will click and i'll 'get it' suddenly.

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Look right, something's not right with this game compared to mw3 on the wii. Are the wii mote control settings gimped or something. I've tried setting it up as close to the wii settings as I can, but some of the options are missing or have changed. I don't know if its just me being a bitch or what the f it is, but my kdr is just abouts breaking even and I just can't find the settings that suit me like they did on the wii. Was mw3 on the wii built with the remote in mind and this is just the Xbox game with wiimote support shoehorned in? Is anyone else finding it difficult to transition?


I'm just raging and raging so much that this game is no fun, no fun at all. On mw3 there only about 2 maps I didn't like, here there's only about 2 maps I do like. The only thing that keeps me coming back is that something will click and i'll 'get it' suddenly.


Watch the video I posted earlier in this thread and then go and read about lag compensation. It's not the controls, it's the fact the game is broken is several ways.


You're having exactly the same experience as the rest of us - some of us use the Wii Remote, some use the gamepad and other use the CCP. They all perform the same.

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Watch the video I posted earlier in this thread and then go and read about lag compensation. It's not the controls, it's the fact the game is broken is several ways.


You're having exactly the same experience as the rest of us - some of us use the Wii Remote, some use the gamepad and other use the CCP. They all perform the same.


Maybe I'm just pissed off and paranoid but it feels like more than just that.

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Maybe I'm just pissed off and paranoid but it feels like more than just that.


There insanely huge amount of aim assist for dual analogue too. When aiming from the hip you don't have to be anywhere near as precise as you do with the Wiimote.


It's an unbelievably broken game... but it's CoD... and I love it... no matter how angry it makes me!

It's like a really fit bird that treats you badly! Haha

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this game is just awesome just got it, im a fan of firstperson shooters, but this is addictive lol, and the gamepad is just great with this


which controller is for you guys the most favorite for this game? i use the gamepad.


I can't use the gamepad or the Pro Controller for this due to the clickable sticks, so I'm currently using the Classic Controller Pro.

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Patch incoming!!!




Hello Wii U Black Ops 2 Community!




Just a quick update on our next patch. We have received the necessary approvals from Nintendo, but due to their Emergency Network Maintenance scheduled for tonight, we have decided to hold off on taking it live until that maintenance window is complete and we have had a chance to test our update with theirs.


I will let you know when I have more information. Details of the patch contents will be published here when the patch is set to go live.




This is what was included in the latest 360 patch, to give you an idea of what we'll be getting.


Game Update Notes: Jan. 26, 2012




New Features & Feature Improvements


Added support for Live Streaming in all Public Match playlists.


Added League Best from Season 1 to Player Card.


If you played in multiple series and/or multiple teams then your highest division and rank will be displayed. The League Best will span all seasons. If you finish with a higher division rank in Season 2 then your new League Best will be displayed after Season 2.


Added a Cumulative Daily Pool instead of a Weekly Pool in League Play. 200 Rank Points are added to a player’s pool every day. Points that are not used are rolled into the next day.


Added 2 new pages to the Combat Record (the Combat Summary and Medals).


Implemented sorting of Medals in the After Action Report.


Lowered HUD threshold for the "low health" overlay to increase player’s awareness of low health.


Added a “Go to Top” button for the League Leaderboard.




Issues Addressed


Matchmaking modified to never return games outside of player’s own continent, unless the Connection Type in Search Preferences is set to “Any”.


Addressed an issue where the UAV would not trigger if called in while aiming down sight.


Addressed an issue where the Master Demolition challenge did not unlock when the requirements were complete.


Addressed issue with the headshot sound not playing in final Killcams and Theater Demos.


Fixed an issue in League Play where “Career Wins” for a Series were not displayed during placement in the Lobby Career Overview.


Updated the After Action Report in League Play so that bonus points are not summed with the ladder points in points earned for the match.


Removed the ability to make dual wield attachment combos in Elite Create a Class and addressed an issue where these classes were appearing as missing in game.


Corrected mode description message displayed on YouTube when Live Streaming Public Match Core game modes.


Stocks on SMGs no longer allow a player to move faster while ADS than when moving normally.


Shotgun crosshairs will no longer turn red if an enemy is out of the shotgun’s maximum damage range.


Fixed an issue where bullets would not fire straight immediately after aiming down the sight while moving at the same time.


Improved turret tracking to eliminate false positives when checking line of sight.


Turrets now have smoother tracking when targeting players.


Improved bot pathing on multiple maps.


Current League Info is now getting updated properly in the Player Identity.


Manual sorting on League Teams removed as the results are now returned correctly.


Improved the Scoreboard to make friend Playercard information more accessible.


Addressed multiple UI issues.


Players can no longer earn credit towards a Prestige Equipment challenge through “friendly” flashbangs, concussions, and shock charges.


Fixed Select Fire weapons reverting back to their default fire method when using certain Scorestreaks and not calling them in.


Addressed an exploit where the game allowed access to the Custom Games Settings while believing the game was Public Matchmaking, allowing XP.


Fixed UI errors when linking Live Stream.


Score and points are no longer awarded if a player destroys their own turret in Hardcore FFA.


Improved image alignment when Stereoscopic 3D is enabled.


Addressed an issue where players were able to plant numerous Assault Shields.


Addressed an issue where the Stealth Helicopter was able to drop below the map in Drone.


Players are no longer able to get infinite Black Hats by immediately using another Black Hat.


Addressed an issue where it was possible for a player to equip two Assault Shields at the same time.


Players Spectating a One in the Chamber game no longer earn Survivor Bonus Points.


A player can no longer earn Medals for multi-kills if they continue to kill quickly after dying and re-spawning.


Various minor map fixes were made across multiple maps.




Gameplay Balancing






Death Machine: 3 hit kill range increased.


Dragonfire: health increased, gun spread reduced.


AGR: ground speed increased, reduced machine gun close range damage.


Warthog: reduced missile delay.


Lodestar: reduced missile speed and AOE radius.


Swarm: drone re-spawn delay increased.






Hard Wired: Players with hard wired are now completely unaffected by EMP grenades.






Trophy System: increased range.






All + Silencers: reduced range.




Assault Rifles:


All: reduced idle sway.


M27: reduced amount of bullets to headshot kill at all ranges, increased 4-hit kill range.


Type25: reduced amount of bullets to headshot kill at all ranges, slightly reduced maximum hip fire spread.


SCAR: reduced amount of bullets to headshot kill at all ranges, slightly reduced maximum hip fire spread.


SIG556: penetration increased from medium to large, increased maximum number of bullets to kill at long distance and reduced burst delay.


TAR21: increased 3-hit kill range.


SMR: slight increase to damage so that 2 hit kills can still happen with minor penetration, headshot multiplier increased at long distance.


FAL OSW + Select Fire: increased recoil.


FAL OSW: increased hip spread.






All: ADS in and out time reduced.






SRM1216: slightly increased short range damage.






Executioner: increased medium range damage.




Game Update Notes: Dec. 22, 2012




New Features & Feature Improvements


Added a number of security system enhancements.




Game Update Notes: Dec. 8, 2012




New Features & Feature Improvements


Added support for the Kinect camera to Live Streaming.


Improved audio/rumble responsiveness when hitting enemies with gunfire.


Improved overall communication of Double XP when enabled.


AAR better communicates how much XP was earned in each match.


Added the ability to "View League Teams" from any player's Playercard.


Added the ability to “View Playercard” from League solo leaderboards.


Added a number of security system enhancements.


Added Hardcore Kill Confirmed playlist to the Hardcore category






Issues Addressed


Game now resets the Care Package for a non-owner if the owner re-rolls the package using the Engineer perk.


Players with Black Hat PDA can no longer hack a Care Package faster than the owner can capture it.


Addressed an exploit where modified console hackers could maliciously spread infected films to other users.


Added a fail-safe to prevent spawn trapping in CTF.


Increased sight checks on turrets to improve spawning algorithms.


Fixed a number of new UI error messages reported by users.


Addressed a number of issues that would cause friendly/enemy color indicators on equipment and scorestreaks to display as the wrong team.


Improved overall Theater and Live Streaming stability.


Improved film rendering stability and made progression bar more accurate while rendering a film.


Addressed issues which prevented some master challenges from being completed.


Precision challenge “Wet Work” will now unlock with 10 kills.


The wins challenge will now account for all FFA modes when ending a match with a tie (if you are in the top 3).


Players that help with the “Synchronized Attack” challenge now get credit for it.


Players will not be able to manually take control of their AGR if they die at the exact moment that their AGR deploys.


Emblem Editor no longer closes the current emblem when discarding changes.


Players using Ghost will no longer be invisible at all times in Custom Games with the mini-map option set to “constant”.


Players using Ghost and a Suppressor attachment will no longer appear on the enemy’s minimap while shooting and moving while a UAV is up.


The median for the K/D graph in the AAR is set to 1.0 instead of 0.0.


Players can no longer get on top of the shrubs in Nuketown 2025.


Thermal vision overlay no longer appears using the VTOL glitch.


Kills from the explosion on the explosive crossbow bolt now count towards challenges.


Counter UAV no longer remains for the rest of the game after a host migration.


Clan tag is no longer locked immediately after prestige.


Offline profiles can no longer be exploited to join online games when an online profile is also signed in.


Multi-team games no longer count as a tie if an entire team quits.


Fixed an area in Express where K9 Unit dogs could get stuck.


EMP grenades no longer affect the CODcaster HUD.


Party Privacy count no longer affects how many bots will spawn in Combat Training.


Shadows seen through sniper scopes now render more correctly.


Players can no longer stand on invisible collision in Carrier.


“Drop Shot” medal is no longer awarded after standing back up.


Players can now copy a custom class to the extra prestige slot.






Gameplay Balancing




The following is a list of numerous gameplay balancing tweaks that were made after thorough review of statistical data from player usage of weapons, equipment, perks and scorestreaks since launch.






UAV: cost increased from 350 to 425.


Lightning Strike: added 750ms delay








Bouncing Betty: increased the grace period between trigger and activation by 200ms.


Sensor Grenade: increased the range (now 1000 units), frequency (now 800ms between pings), and amount of time (now 6s) that players appear after explosion.


Concussion Grenade: decreased movement penalty and turn speed penalty when hit.






Submachine Guns:


All: increased hip fire recoil.


All: increased max hip fire spread from 4.75 to 5.


All: reduced bullet penetration.


MSMC: increased recoil slightly.


PDW-57: increased recoil slightly.




Assault Rifles:


All: reduced idle sway for more reliable long-range aiming.


XM8: reduced lethal range of 3-hit kills from 250 to 50 inches.


XM8 + Select Fire: increased recoil.


FAL OSW + Select Fire: increased recoil.


SWAT-556 + Select Fire: increased recoil.


MTAR: Made auto aim values consistent with all other assault rifles.




Sniper Rifles:


All: increased hip fire spread.


All + Laser Sight: increased hip fire spread.


XPR-50: increased recoil slightly.






R870: reduced one-hit kill range by 45 inches.






B23R: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1.


KAP-40: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1.

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Apparently live now and contains something in the menu advertising the Revolution map packs! Activision sayings it's a mistake and not confirmation the Wii U is getting them.


Well, more importantly than any of the fixes and tweaks from the 360 are what tweaks and fixes have been done to improve Wii Remote controls and also to fix the broken camera and lag compensation.


For me, they could have just removed the stupid shotguns entirely! They're so powerful and once you mix that with lag and camera problems it's a game ruining combination.


Still, I shall go on tonight and test it - for what it's worth.

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Just had a quick look - Miiverse has seen some minor GUI updates too by the looks. One cool thing is the Home button works in the online menu now... just posted one of my screen shots, feels like a thoughtful update.


I still think the DLC should be free on the Wii U at this time just to try and encourage user growth, plus with only 3000 players online at one time, MAX, I guess that's the only way it will work at this time.

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Well, more importantly than any of the fixes and tweaks from the 360 are what tweaks and fixes have been done to improve Wii Remote controls and also to fix the broken camera and lag compensation.


For me, they could have just removed the stupid shotguns entirely! They're so powerful and once you mix that with lag and camera problems it's a game ruining combination.


Still, I shall go on tonight and test it - for what it's worth.


The Wiimote controls, camera and lag-compensation are definitely the things they should be fixing.


The shotguns are ok, the only shotgun that needs fixing is the R870 and they seem to have done that. Reduced range by 45 inches is reasonable enough I think, although I'd have possibly also adjusted the hip-fire spread of it slightly.

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