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Fans of Scary Movie...


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Saw the trailer a week or two ago, being the Alyson Hannigan fan that I am. Just hoping she has to flex a bit more of her acting chops. As fun as the "I like to call it boning!" side to her is its just kind of bland, she can do so much more.


But yeah anyway, looks good.

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I cant see the ad as i cant be arsed sitting here forever to download it *kicks 56k modem* but Ashley said Alyson Hannigan is in it and any movie starring that sexy little fox is a must see film for me :).


And shes the star of it too. Its oozing with Alyson Hannigan goodness.

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And shes the star of it too. Its oozing with Alyson Hannigan goodness.


*drops dead*




Got to see if my mate will download the trailer for me, even if its the biggest pile of crap at least i can drool over my future wife :heh:.

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Hmm I dunno, I've seen you and I've seen Alexis and hes just so much prettier :P


Anyway this is all getting a bit out of hand (ie off topic)


Agreed, my last post was sgoing to be my last post on the topic :heh:


Anyhows I've yet to see the trailer, but im guessing shes pretty much going to be playing her amercian pie type of charcter?.

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Anyhows I've yet to see the trailer, but im guessing shes pretty much going to be playing her amercian pie type of charcter?.


I think its a bit more serious. Michelle just started as a teenager and they barely developed her, wheras this is a late twenties (at a guess) girl who is a bit more grown up.


well i loved the intro alot but the rest looks too much 'Meet the parents/Fockers' ripoff. We'll see i guess.


Well its a spoof for a reason.

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