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Sonic 4: Episode 2


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lol this was me on Wednesday :heh: just in case anyone doesn't know if you're retrying any Special Stage, you're near the end of it and you 'know' that you haven't got enough rings you can pause the game and select 'retry' which at least eliminates having to redo a whole level just to get a chance at maybe beating the stage. :)
I did this a lot in the first game while trying to get the achievements. Sometimes managing to pause it just before hitting the Goal bumpers :heh:
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I just need to get the achievement for beating all the bosses as super sonic... harder than I first thought!


Oh there's an achievement for that? So that explains the copious amounts of rings in boss stages! I was so confused seeing how many rings there were whilst watching a play through.

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Oh there's an achievement for that? So that explains the copious amounts of rings in boss stages! I was so confused seeing how many rings there were whilst watching a play through.


Yeah, at first I thought it would be easy...


But then I came to notice that some of the bosses require you to use a combo move with tails which cancels out super sonic and you can only change back if you have 50 rings or move...


I think I have to do the third boss and the final boss, not looking trying to trying the final one!


EDIT: Well I am surprised. Only took me a few trys for the final boss! That's the last achievement unlocked now + unlocked the avatar awards... 100%! :yay:

Edited by Mike1988uk
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That's the last achievement unlocked now + unlocked the avatar awards... 100%! :yay:


Welcome to the club! :D


The modern Robotnik - Eggman w/e - costume is pretty cool, I changed my avatar to look like him for a laugh :p must say I'm a little disappointed though as I was expecting the unlockable costume to be a Metal Sonic one, especially as you can buy the helmet for msp but oh well, it's still awesome. :)

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Welcome to the club! :D


The modern Robotnik - Eggman w/e - costume is pretty cool, I changed my avatar to look like him for a laugh :p must say I'm a little disappointed though as I was expecting the unlockable costume to be a Metal Sonic one, especially as you can buy the helmet for msp but oh well, it's still awesome. :)


Ha, awesome!


Yeah I know what you mean, we already had the classic robotnik suit from Generations so something based on a different character would have been better. Plus we got the blue sonic one from ep 1 (I never did unlock the head), and the super sonic suit from generations (was it a pre-order bonus? can't quite remember).


So basically one based on tails or metal sonic would have been super cool.

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So basically one based on tails or metal sonic would have been super cool.


Exactly... Tails is already available... for msp, as is Metal Sonic except only the helmet, which makes me think they must be saving the rest of the costume as an unlockable for another game which is ok I guess but also a shame as it would have fitted in much better with this.

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I downloaded this on Friday from Steam. Unfortunately, I have Episode 1 on my Wii so no Episode Metal for me. Might have been better waiting for the inevitable double pack sale item but I'm not that bothered really.


Certainly enjoy the better physics on display. They didn't ruin Ep1 for me but they certainly always required me to think differently about how I played the game. I'm liking some of the tracks


I just need to get the last Chaos Emerald though I've not even tried the special stage yet but after reading the comments here, I'm not exactly looking forward to it.


I think it's a step up from Episode 1 in every regard. Graphically it looks pretty nice in motion (things don't stand up too well to close scrutiny though) and I'm liking some of the tracks - especially the music for Metal Sonic as Debug posted. In terms of negatives, there is a little too much water action for my tastes and I'm not overly keen on how they've done the tag moves. My first run though, I kept forgetting. Trying to do the last boss (any boss?) without using Tails was proving a nightmare and then I remembered and beat it straight away.

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My first run though, I kept forgetting. Trying to do the last boss (any boss?) without using Tails was proving a nightmare and then I remembered and beat it straight away.


I had the same problem! I was like how the fuck do I get up there! (numpty)


So my thoughts on the game...


At first I was disappointed, the first two acts were quite underwhelming. I loved Ep 1 but then loved Generations even more so I think I was expecting something better than that. It doesn't feel an improvement over generations but it is a slight improvement over ep 1, it feels slightly better to control. I also agree that there was quite a few underwater sections which have never been my favorite in a sonic game.


I liked how the levels took ideas from two levels from the old games and merged them, for example Ice Cap Zone mixed in with Carnival Night etc. Special stages were cool as well. Some of the music was good but some of the boss music really grated on me after awhile.


In the end and overall I really enjoyed it, better than episode 1 imo.


I really hope they do an episode three but that does seem a bit unlikely at the moment. It could have knuckles specific levels like how Sonic & Knuckles did it where the levels were built slightly different and have the special stages from S3 & S&K which are my favorite special stages!

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I had the same problem! I was like how the fuck do I get up there! (numpty)


So my thoughts on the game...


At first I was disappointed, the first two acts were quite underwhelming. I loved Ep 1 but then loved Generations even more so I think I was expecting something better than that. It doesn't feel an improvement over generations but it is a slight improvement over ep 1, it feels slightly better to control. I also agree that there was quite a few underwater sections which have never been my favorite in a sonic game.


I liked how the levels took ideas from two levels from the old games and merged them, for example Ice Cap Zone mixed in with Carnival Night etc. Special stages were cool as well. Some of the music was good but some of the boss music really grated on me after awhile.


In the end and overall I really enjoyed it, better than episode 1 imo.


I really hope they do an episode three but that does seem a bit unlikely at the moment. It could have knuckles specific levels like how Sonic & Knuckles did it where the levels were built slightly different and have the special stages from S3 & S&K which are my favorite special stages!


I wasn't overly impressed with the first two sections but the more I play them, the more they've grown on me. Whilst it's nice they've incorporated ideas from previous games, it does feel like they've relied on them a touch too much at times instead of fostering new ideas - the DS games had a new "gimmicks" for every level. It's not a problem because they levels are fun (most of them anyway) but it does feel like a missed opportunity - even more so when they said this is likely to be the last Episode after originally suggesting 3 or 4. To not do Episode 3 and introduce Knuckles just feels wrong now.


I'm kinda torn as to whether the physics are better than Generations HD. The initial jump feels nice but he has no ability to really bounce off enemies like the old games and Generations and it feels weird - it forces you to rely on the homing attack and sometimes, it's not the best approach - trying to deal with the gun totting Chickens got me thinking this.


I think they nerfed the Spindash a bit too much but then I only ever used it when I had to before so it's no different in that sense to me.

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I have to say I am so disappointed with this game.


I was really happy when they unveiled that Tails was joining you in this episode. However I don't think it was fun using him in this game. It was funny in 2+3 because you could use him not because you had to and certainly having big screens to signpost when to use him is not needed at all let me work when to it and experiment.


The selection of levels wasn't great I much preferred episodes 1 even though I think the art direction is much better here. The music as well is hideous Oil Ocean has to have the worst music I have ever heard I actually muted I couldn't stand it! After Generations superb multiple reworkings/remixes of each stages music I cannot believe this is what were given. I think one thing they did well was the story telling so to speak. When you go up into space the facial animations for Sonic and Tails are so cute and funny. Finally the bosses were awful...the only thing that slightly redeemed them is how each one set up looking like it was going to be a boss from a previous game only to be something different.

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As the next sonic game after generations it is disappointing.


But if you look at it as the next game after ep 1 then it's good, if that makes any sense at all!


I'm still not sure it is though....physics wise and graphically (from an art style view) I definitely think its better but other than that it isn't.


Take the flying level...the best bits are where you aren't controlling. They totally wrecked what was a short nice level from Sonic 2 and made it boring and repetitive... There were so many identical boring sections I began to wonder if I was missing something that I needed to do to progress but no it was just the same shit over and over again.

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I'm still not sure it is though....physics wise and graphically (from an art style view) I definitely think its better but other than that it isn't.


Take the flying level...the best bits are where you aren't controlling. They totally wrecked what was a short nice level from Sonic 2 and made it boring and repetitive... There were so many identical boring sections I began to wonder if I was missing something that I needed to do to progress but no it was just the same shit over and over again.


Yeah I will agree that the sky level was way 2 long and repetitive, it would have been so much better if it was shorter and not dragging out each section in that level.

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