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Hana Samurai: Art of the Sword


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We don't seem to have a thread for this. ::shrug:



Japanese site


Sakura Samurai is an eShop title, revealed at E3 earlier this year as far as I remember, where you are tasked with saving a princess. You have to read enemies attacks, dodge and counter attack with your weapon - the Sakura Sword. You can also buy frogs to (1:02) "throw at your enemies to give them the willies." :laughing:

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IGN have their review up.


Moving beyond the visuals, though, this Sword begins to get duller. Akane's quest to save her missing brother is broken down into two types of gameplay, neither of which is all that deep or interesting.


The first style of play is seen in the game's fighting sequences, where Akane wields her sword against onslaughts of look-alike monks and ninja warriors trying to strike her down. Battling these baddies is a bit like playing an old-school brawler (complete with a flashing "Go!" arrow telling you when to move on), but it's just too repetitive to be much fun. You'll dash across the screen with a running slash, turn around, dash the other way . . . rinse and repeat.


The second type of stage is a bit more compelling, as it features a kind of fast-reaction auto-run design -- kind of like WiiWare's Bit.Trip Runner. Akane takes off at a constant sprint to avoid an ambush, and you've got to swing her sword with proper timing to deflect incoming arrows, dodge out of the way of falling boulders and slice through enemy archers all on the run. These sequences fall short too, though, in the fact that they don't take advantage of the game's last design element: upgrades.


Modojo also have a review up but theres nothing on Nintendo Life as yet. Modojo echo what IGN say - good use of 3D but repetitive gameplay.

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  • 7 months later...

Hana Samurai GET! :)


Just beat the first boss, it's actually a lot tougher than I was expecting it to be! :o You really do need to be very precise with your timing, and the enemies often trick you by feinting or charging. :D

I can already tell that the battle mechanics are awesome though, it's simplistic (just like Punch-Out!!) but also very satisfying.

It's great when you perform a perfectly timed dodge and can double your attack as a reward. And it's annoying when you mistime a dodge and get hit, losing your accumulated precision points. :hehe:

This risk/reward balance to the game play is spot-on. icon14.gif

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I just downloaded this and played for about an hour, and I'm so glad I used my remaining eshop money to buy this game instead of pokémon dream radar. It's a really nice game, the visuals are charming, and the gameplay is fantastic! The whole system is just so rewarding when you play the game in a correct way. I find it very challenging, and I can't really put it down haha.

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I find it very challenging, and I can't really put it down haha.
Yep, same here. :grin:

I defeated the 2nd boss last night, took me a few attempts though. In fact, I had to return to the town and buy the invincibility cloak in order to beat him. :blush:


Anyway, I'm 3 hours into this and on to the 3rd (and what appears to be the final) area now. (But I also spent quite a while replaying stages, playing the mini-games and trying the unlockable challenge stages) So yeah, doesn't look like this game is going to be huge in terms of game-play time. :hmm:

@f00had asked me yesterday to post how long the game takes to complete, well I'm not done yet, but I can't see it taking more than 4-5 hours to get through the main game.

Short but sweet. ;)



Have beaten the final boss (the 3rd area was indeed the last one), was a very tough battle! Took me several attempts to get his attack patterns sussed, as there are quite a few of them, and they get incredibly random/fast once his life is at the halfway point! :o

Final playtime was just over 5 hours, and my overall death count was 11.

Beating the game unlocks...

...Expert Mode. Which is essentially the same game as before, apart from now you'll only ever have 3 petals on you life bar, and (as if that wasn't going to make it difficult enough

:heh:) the enemies attack power has been doubled.

So basically, once you clear the first area you're into 1 hit kill territory! Yeah, you'll need to play perfectly in order to complete the game. :eek:

Pretty sure I'm not going to be able to do that. Will give it a go, but it's going to be seriously tough, especially on the later stages.


I imagine completing that mode will double the playtime to 10 hours, probably more. So in that sense Hana Samurai isn't too bad as far as value is concerned. Still, it would have been nice if there was a little bit more content.

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Ok, just beat the first area. Great stuff, loving it so far :D


The game really does emphasise and reward precision in your fighting! Samurai Punchout isn't far from the truth (though it's more of a combination between Punchout and Zelda style combat than anything else)


I can see it getting a bit repetitive, but the game's length seems to be cognisant to the game's design, so I reckon it'll work out nicely (short and sweet :) ) The mini games in town are a nice change of pace as well and also make the world feel that extra bit more alive.


It's challenging and charming. I love all the little visual flourishes the game has (especially in the intro!), the S3D effects are great, the characters are all distinctive and have a nice charm about them. Not as abstract as Okami, but it shares some similar flourishes.


Worth the wait! :D

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Yeah, when the boss of the first area pointed his sword at the screen I was like "whoa!" :o

That be some of the most in your face 3D on the 3DS. :laughing:


It also makes distances and enemy strike timing much easier too :D


(To tell the truth that was always a problem with the Punchout games for me - especially Bald Bull! Would love to see them get the 3D Classics treatment!)

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