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Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia


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Hang on a second! I protected Sprout last night. I was the one who shouted "Hold it!" when I saw someone approach the Judge's stand. They ran away, but I took at the look at the papers and found that they contained evidence that Sprout had been forging evidence. Obviously this was an attempt by the mafia to incriminate our good detective, so I shredded the papers.

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You can go back and verify that I asked about any activity surrounding Dazz during break 4, since I protected him and there was no arrest.


I must say heroicjanitor coming out as a protector surprises me as well, but I not sure what to think yet. I'm still suspicious of Zell due to Sprout's theory and us having the same power, plus he could be the one who tried to frame Sprout, but so could Cube and Dazz.

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He does have EddieColeslaw to back him up, pals..

Dannyboy does benefit an alignment investigator, as mentioned a few Day phases ago. Take from that what you will.
People, Dannyboy is telling the truth about his power, stop voting for him and press the ones who have given no info instead!


There's also this from last session:




What a vague and boring answer. We don't have people coming out with information and you're repeatedly targeting investigators, which is dangerous. You could be changing their results for all we know.


Vote Dannyboy


I don't trust him or what he says about his power.

Nice jumping the gun, there, Diageo. I'm a protector, which explains why I've targetted known investigators and have been reluctant to reveal my power. At this point, however, I don't think we stand to gain much from keeping powers secret. I had hoped that more people would come forward first, hence my reluctance, but apparently not.


@Zell. You know the drill. Reveal your target for the last break, pal.

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Hang on a second!


You call yourself Phoenix Wright and use phrases like that? :p


Yeah we should be able to eliminate the possibilities now. Sorry for jumping to conclusions, just realised that Cube's new character doesn't speak German, so it was someone else Cube heard? Cube are you sure it wasn't Danny who shouted?


Eddie and Zell have some 'splaining to do.

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You call yourself Phoenix Wright and use phrases like that? :p


Yeah we should be able to eliminate the possibilities now. Sorry for jumping to conclusions, just realised that Cube's new character doesn't speak German, so it was someone else Cube heard? Cube are you sure it wasn't Danny who shouted?


Eddie and Zell have some 'splaining to do.


Yeah, I know, missed opportunity, but the pressure made me a bit anxious to get the post ... well, posted! :p


No worries, I admit it all seemed to point to me for a moment, but I hope we can figure this out properly. It's a shame the day's so short, especially since I won't be home tomorrow from noon till some point in the evening. :/

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Yes, I shredded the paper, because it was forged evidence, i.e. what the mafia has been doing. The paper was shredded and there was no arrest made on false evidence - I fail to see how that paints me, the paper-shredder, in anything but a positive light.


Also, why is Cube more trustworthy than me? We know less about him and his actions, and what he has given us is very vague, plus he only voted for Diageo after majority had been reached, whereas as I pushed for the lynch. I'd say Cube is actually quite suspicious when it comes down to it.

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He probably didn't realise it would be incriminating since he did show some surprise, but I don't think it was a mafia mistake. EEVILMURRAY first revealed it during session 5, saying he heard "Diageo get his shit ruined" and "cracks". After Cube replaced EEVILMURRAY, he put the pieces together and associated the "crack" sound with a whip. I don't think the mafia would have done that, personally, pal. Besides, with that sort of power, I don't see why he'd use it to target Diageo if he too was mafia. Diageo would have known that he was whipped, after all, like everyone else that has been whipped did.


However, there is the chance he hasn't quite pieced things together correctly this time, so it would be nice to hear a little more detail if possible (but @Cube, don't quote the exact PM! Supergrunch got silenced for it, pal!)


(Perhaps it's noteworthy to point out that heroicjanitor's "Moment mal!" is also on Jonnas' photobucket.)

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Hm, those are all valid points. I'm back to being undecided about Cube.


Withdraw Vote


Something fisht is going on, but I'm not really sure who to expect. Sprout, how did your theory incriminate Zell again? I just recalled that we had two innocent double voters, so multiple instances of the same power doesn't hold as much weight in this game as it normally does. Three protectors still seem like too much, though, but neither Tales nor heroicjanitor strike me as suspicious at present.


Man, I wasn't focused when I wrote that post. The first sentence of the second paragraph is supposed to say: "Something fishy is going on, but I'm not really sure who to suspect."

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Well aside from the theory that Rummy was a roleblocker that used handcuffs and Zell is also a roleblocker, there's the following, pal:


  • Zell claims to roleblock by hitting people over the head. No argument there, he does do that. But in Break 2, which he claims he targeted mr-paul, mr-paul claims to have been tied up (and hand-cuffed), not hit over the head.
  • His targets have been a bit shady. his targets include mr-paul, Yvonne (known tracker) and Dazz (an investigator of sorts).
  • Conveniently, on the break that I was tied up (unlike mr-paul, I was rolelocked and silenced), he claims that he didn't target anybody.

We're still waiting for him to reveal his target for last break by the way, pal.

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We need to clear this up - @Cube, what exactly did your PM say?


It said what I said earlier. I heard you walking, then I heard someone (the PM doesn't state who) shout "Hold it", then I hear the sound of a chase, someone reading some papers and finally shredding.


I'm curious as to why you singled me out when mine, Eenuh's, Sprout's and heroic's stories seemed to fit. Plus your first post today proved that my information was correct.

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I know for a fact that Dannyboy protected Sprout last night, and what he says about the documents is true. I'm genuinely tied up with an assignment right now, but if people still don't believe me, I can come out with all info and targets after 11pm.


re: "drawing attention away from Diageo". I was trying to draw attention away from Dannyboy to stop people from voting for him, as Sprout quoted just now. I didn't say anything good or in defense of Diageo. My intuition was acting up about heroic and Zell - mind you, we still don't know whether or not either of them are innocent, so I don't think it makes sense to accuse me of accusing them.


So basically, use what I posted to figure out the stuff about all of the protector claims while I do my assignment!!

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