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Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia


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October 14, 1:10 PM

District Court

Courtroom No.2




"I confess. I have been collaborating with The Mafia."


Broadcast Yourself


"Hm? This was unexpected! Why would you tell us now?"


"I will answer all questions at a proper time. Please arrest and remove me from this trial."


The other players saw something wrong, however...


"Ms. Skye, what was that folder you were reading just now?"




"F-Folder? I don't know what you are talking about..."


"Ms.Skye, please don't withhold evid-"




"I swear on my sister's life I'm telling the truth!"




(They threatened...?)




"...Seriously, Lana? Please be honest, once in your life. Just tell us!"


"...Ema, I need to go. We'll talk later."


Yvonne has been arrested. However, he was Innocent.




^It uncovers a bit more info on things I quote. I want to see if there's anything more we can learn from this event.

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I think it was just a way of getting rid of him from the courtroom, nothing more to it.


I do believe you're right.


Who did you target last night Dannyboy?


I targetted mr-paul.




^It uncovers a bit more info on things I quote. I want to see if there's anything more we can learn from this event.


Ooh, that's a brilliant power!

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To be honest, I am completely and utterly lost right now. We have insufficient (i.e. no) information about peoples' powers from arrests/injuries/being sent out of court. People are asking about who targeted them during the night, but no answers are being given. I feel like the best thing to do would be to press the people we find suspicious.


Since Sprout was tied up and silenced yesterday, I wonder who's silenced today?


Dannyboy does benefit an alignment investigator, as mentioned a few Day phases ago. Take from that what you will.

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I think if we're going to start getting anywhere we need to know more about people.


Let's have something about your power or results please people.


I can quote people to uncover more information - So far I've not had anything to lead with, just confirmation on things.


I'd really like everyone to contribute with this, I don't see how holding everything back will benefit the town.

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I have nothing again, I don't get any replies when I target people and the write-up is bare so I rely on discussion. Discuss!


The one I consider the most untrustworthy is Dazz though. Vote: Dazz I think he is doing something to our alignment investigators. It seems like he is always targeting known good guys.

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Pals! I wasn’t allowed to post last session! A man tied me up and locked me in the broom cupboard!


Nintendohnut may no longer be in the game… but he did leave us this contradiction, pals! Since I was attacked and tied up, I never reached my target. I didn't get a text message from him like other members have claimed to have received, either! What this contradiction means though, I’m not quite sure, pals…


This is very interesting. Apparently, Nintendohnut redirected you and he got your information (is this how his power works?) but it was you who did the investigating for him, right? But you were tied up and didn't do anything. So we have a contradiction. I don't see why either of you would lie (since you're both good).


I'm utterly confused by this, but it's making me doubt Nintendohnut's result on Dannyboy.

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I think if we're going to start getting anywhere we need to know more about people.


Let's have something about your power or results please people.


I can quote people to uncover more information - So far I've not had anything to lead with, just confirmation on things.


I'd really like everyone to contribute with this, I don't see how holding everything back will benefit the town.


@Diageo ^^ can we have something from you please?

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lol well then would you mind repeating yourself for me?


My result from that write-up indicate Yvonne may have been on to something but I'd take it with a pinch of salt. Suggests to me that Yvonne's suspicions may have been a bit too close for comfort for the mafia. It's likely that one person Yvonne mentioned as mafia actually IS mafia... but no way of knowing who and can't even say for certain I'm correct.

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Well the ones I can remember off hand is that Yvonne followed people secretly during breaks, jayseven had a vice and was mysterious, Dazz was always wrong and more worried about presentation than substance, Tales has a whip to keep others at bay and The Peeps does nothing during breaks and is quick to conclusions during the day.

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