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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Just read Action Comics #1, I didnt really like it. Im sure knowing my dislike of some Grant Morisson books you guys wont be shocked by that but I honestly did try and go into the DCnU with an open mind which is why I tried it to begin with. I also thought the art was a bit iffy. I usually like Rags Morales work but a few faces didnt look right, sizes of items changed from panel to panel and at least once a moving object looked very static, taking me out of the scene.


I'll probably read the rest of the arc but judging just from this issue I dont think i'll carry on after that.

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Im not sure on the timeline actually. Its 6 months after Superman has appeared in Metropolis but Justice League was set 5 years ago and he was in his proper suit in that, while here he is in the stupid t-shirt and jeans. Yet all the stuff weve heard had superheroes only being public knowledge for 5 years (Batman having been around for 6)


Nah it doesnt seem to be Morisson weird, just not to my tastes and I dont like the way they have Superman talking either.

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I bet it's good.


On that note I'm rereading Final Crisis for the first time since my first reading. Yesssss. I love so much. It is everything.



I can't bear to think about the self-assembling hyperstory/infinite book of all books ever - it's too much. Such a great way to encapsulate this paper universe though. And I'm still so stunned by the idea/notion/concept of the Monitors being infected by exposure to narrative structure, gaining emotions/lives/endings/beginnings/motives without previously having any. Come on awareness of fictionality.


It's so clear Morrison loves DC and all it represents.

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Just finished JLI #1. Seems like its going to be a pretty good book, some moments that made me laugh and the whole thing has an almost silver age feel without going too far into yet the cheesiness that era could have. I never read JLI when it was in its prime so im looking forward to carrying on with this.

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Read Justice League International #1. Ironically probably the most obtusely American thing I've read. The dialogue was clunky and bad, relying on cliché and stereotype. The whole thing felt flat. The first few pages had me genuinely saying "What the fuck is this?", just because it felt the most ill-contrived and uninspiring thing. It felt like it was being aimed at 14/15 year olds. And I hate having Batman in it, makes him feel cheaper than need be.

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Just read Action Comics #1, I didnt really like it. Im sure knowing my dislike of some Grant Morisson books you guys wont be shocked by that but I honestly did try and go into the DCnU with an open mind which is why I tried it to begin with. I also thought the art was a bit iffy. I usually like Rags Morales work but a few faces didnt look right, sizes of items changed from panel to panel and at least once a moving object looked very static, taking me out of the scene.


I'll probably read the rest of the arc but judging just from this issue I dont think i'll carry on after that.


Agreed. It's actually rubbish. Just felt cluttered and forced. 'I'm you worst nightmare.' Srsly? Read like socialist teenage fanfic.


I thought some of the art was great but some was really not. 'Iffy' is spot on. Superman seemed to change physique every panel.


Nah it doesnt seem to be Morisson weird, just not to my tastes and I dont like the way they have Superman talking either.


Yeah, 'Because that ain't Superman.' LOLWUT?!! I half expected someone to shout out 'OWWWH NO SHE DID'UNT!!' *snaps fingers*

Edited by Daft
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Ah good, im not the only one then. Look out for the shot where (I think) Lex Luthor is drinking from a can, one shot in his hands its fine but the next panel he is taking a drink and the can is way too small.



Anyhoo I finished reading Batgirl #1. Seemed ok but im probably still too bitter over losing the previous Batgirl to be properly objective. For a lot of the book I kept waiting for a mention of Stephanie but none came. Obviously we dont know yet but im assuming she was just never Batgirl in the DCnU.


As for actually seeing Barbara back as Batgirl, it was good but despite knowing she was still in the wheelchair for 3 years in this universe, it didnt feel like the Oracle personality or experiences were there.

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Yeah, I thought Lex looked a bit weird. Reminded me of Popeye.


Forgot to say I checked out the shop Gosh moved to. It's amazing. A really nice open space. Gosh was a pretty cool place when it was by the British Museum but the new place is way nicer. There were loads of people in there, too. Probably helps you can actually fit people in there now.


Also picked up,



Swamp Thing

Animal Man


Because I heard good things and also OMAC... I literally have no idea why.

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Disposable Heroes are so fucking slow. A week since Justice League came out, I still don't have it. And I'm sure I'll probs be back at uni by the time today's arrive. I might just buy stuff in person to avoid this shiteous delay, no matter the price.


Detective Comics

Blah. Was kinda off-put by the 'early years' feel of it all, like he didn't really know the Joker properly. I thought everything in the past was meant to have happened? Maybe it was just weirdly written. The art was potentially good, but usually wonky. Intrigued/grossed out by the last page. Not one to buy though. I hate the stupid lines on Batman's costume attached to his Bat symbol.

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Yeah, not really sure what's going on with DH. Mine came yesterday. Not sure if it's because of the relaunch or because they're still finalising the website but it's turd. Not bothered normally but it's been frustrating this month. Would still pick them over a comic book store simply because they are bagged and boarded. Also I'm usually not bothered about receiving them late.

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Justice League International




As chair said, flat, unimpressive, undynamic...stereotyped and obvious. Batman is shoehorned in out of character, feeble attempts at interesting characterisation and establishing team dynamics come off as jarring and out of place (Rocket Red talking about August General In Iron to Booster felt like they'd skipped a panel out or something, and Godiva's retort to Fire was like '...'). There was no flow. Not one for me. Every team book of 'disparate' heroes coming together should take notes from Uncanny X-Force. The characterisation will come and grow organically if you let it.






I know very little about the Stormwatch/Wildstorm/those old characters. Never read The Authority either, though I really should. It was like..written exclusively by stunners. Anyway.

I enjoyed this. You don't need to pander to an audience, even if they haven't met the characters before, as Cornell demonstrates. There's no exposition, we discern what's going on/who everyone is as the story goes on. This first issue only has one character I knew properly (J'onn) and two I'd heard of completely reimagined, yet I'm so drawn in. Tonnes of characters were introduced, as well as multiple plot threads.

The writing was smart, unpatronising and interesting. Will be back for issue 2.

Makes JLI look so ridiculous in comparison...

Edited by Paj!
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Read Stormwatch. I enjoyed. Felt like so many why-would-we-explain?? things going on at once. I love communicating with cities as a power. Feels so Morrison-esque.




Men Of War is good/well written, but I hate that genre of thing, so I'm over it.




Men Of War is good/well written, but I hate that genre of thing, so I'm over it.




Animal Man. Yes.




The art. Yes.




Animal Man. Yes.




The art. Yes.

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Aaaaah! How could you not want to stay with Men of War? All these superheroes with these powers are so naturalised it's so refreshing to get the POV of someone normal. I really enjoyed the resentment towards superheroes. So often we get the whole 'troubled loner' thing from superheroes. It's nice getting the other side; the underminer of 'man' and people trying to be heroes. (Basically what Action Comics' Lex failed miserably to get across. Honestly, I might have been more believable and sincere if Lex's little speech hadn't come from a multi-billionaire megalomaniac. Lex gave this speech and all I could think was that the ultra rich of this world are just as much a parasite as any Superman. OMG, Action Comics was SOOOO pathetic. Honestly, you've got your leftist leanings, 'defend the poor' but COME ON!!, that shit is so superficial AND puerile when you have the power to shatter worlds. What about the structural violence?)


I read OMAC. WTF did I just read?! I thought it was pretty funny. Don't think I'll pick it up regularly, though. 'Office Management Amidst Chaos' is definitely the best issue title out of the 52. :heh:


Animal Man. Yeah. Awesome. Looked amazing. Buddy Baker is an interesting character. Well written. I really appreciated the interview on the first page. Art is good and all (stunning in this case) but I need words (OMAC was pretty much berift of words, but it suited that so I'm cool but reading that and then Animal Man made me really aware for the two extremes). Maybe the best comic of the week?


It was until Swamp Thing rocked up. The art. Unnf. Yes. Loved it. I know nothing about Swamp Thing but at the end I needed to know more. Another piece of wonder from Scott Snyder.

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Green Arrow was so bland. It was just Batman, but poorly written, and without any darkness or atmosphere. What diffrentiates this comic from anything else? Kinda crap. Unmemorable, uninteresting...Green Arrow was mildly interesting before because he actually had political thoughts and leanings, this was just a Batman rip-off. He has his own Oracle, his own Lucius Fox, runs a company but is always away... blah. Over it. Don't read it.


Hawk and Dove I actually enjoyed! It's nothing exceptional, but it wasn't bad, at least. Leifeld's art didn't interfere. Not my fave aesthetically, but not offputting this time. Story was pretty standard and the characterisations nothing to write home about, but had me engaged. I'll be back to read more. (Maybe just the first few issues)


Swamp Thing was stünning. It's just so obvious when things are good throughout this event - this series is taking it's time establishing things, slowly leaking out origin details, etc. It doesn't have to be laid out for the reader, give us some credit to be able to discern things ourselves...if you leave mystery and ambiguity intact, it leaves the audience/readers wanting more. What is there to come back to in Green Arrow? Oh, some shitly designed villains no one knows burst in to free the other shitly designed villains from jail...so what?


Anyway. Yeah Swamp Thing was really good. With lovely Paquette art.

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