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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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I'm probably the only person reading them but Adventure Time did a choose your own issue recently (akin to those 'choose your own adventure' books from childhood). It was totally math.




They also did an amazingly self referential issue a while ago. Meta.


I've been meaning to pick it up and end some of my comic orders at my local comic shop, i'm just "reading" or rather not reading but buying too many comics

I was buying the pre-watchmen comics and just got bored of them, and now i'm doing the same with Batman of the Future Unlimited, i think i have 4 comics i haven't read now.


I've missed about 2 issues of AvX consequences now, since they seem to disappear from my local store, Is it worth resorting to ebay or digital to catch up? is it as good as AVX?

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I really enjoyed AvX Consequences. It was a good epilogue to AvX and lead into All New X-Men.


Has anyone been reading Justice League Dark since Lemire took over? I've got to say it's been really bloody excellent. Definitely vying with All New X-Men for my favourite team book (I'm not including JL because they don't really act like a team). Kind of surprising because I usually fucking hate magic in comic books.


Jeff Lemire is easily one of my favourite comic book writers (I'd say on par with Snyder). I can't wait for his run on Green Arrow. From everything I've read about it, he's going to knock it out of the park.


Off topic, I love Mera. I actually think she should get her own solo book.




Seriously, she is wonderful.

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Can't remember if I posted here saying I'm working my way back in or not - but I am.


Read JL, start of the Atlantis storyline, need to continue it in Aquaman. Could be interesting.


On board with the new volume of Avengers - how interesting! LOVELY art, intriguing writing and set-up, and what a strange new roster!

All-New X-Men was a "..." concept but I actually mostly like Bendis and Immonen and this is great fun and a nice change of pace for the X-Men. Looking forward to the new Uncanny.


Bought myself my first new trades in...ages! Uncanny X-Force Dark Angel Saga (1 and 2) cause I love that and never finished it, and the first volume of Mark Waid's acclaimed new Daredevil series.

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Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers are interesting. I love his actual design. New Avengers was SLIGHTLY meh, but focused heavily on Black Panther...its about the Illuminati. Avengers is fairly cool though, I'm definitely interested.


I still haven't actually picked up in a couple months though, no car, so I rely on delivery which isn't always possible. So I haven't read JL or Aquaman yet :(, only read Invincible, and stuff that I ain't buying.

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You're going to love JL/Aquaman cross over, they carry straight on from each other, too. I actually prefer Pelletier on Aquaman and definitely much prefer Reis on JL. Nothing could be better right now.


Anyone check out The Flash #15? Manapul's 9-page ending spread is absolutely gorgeous. I don't know how he does it, The Flash is definitely the best looking comic out there in my eyes. Don't think I've ever seen so much story told through the art, probably more so than the words.

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Read Aquaman 15 - I mean it's a fairly simple story so far...meh. Fine. The disaster of it all seems a bit..downplayed. Especially when I've recently been reading/skimming a lot of Cataclysm/Aftershock/No Man's Land from the 90's (where Gotham was hit by an earthquake). HUGE OPUS full of filler, but cool how it had actual ramifications for so long. They focused a lot on the fallout, for a long time. If this flood thing is just forgotten about easily it'll seem a bit...blah. I'm all for shorter, punchy stories, but if you're gonna have tsunamis have several prominent cities in the US and hundreds (thousands more like) die, I hope it gets given the right treatment. So far all a bit *shrug*.

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that was indeed awesome, love how it spells out DC Comics proudly presented the Flash on pages 7-9 :)


and can I just once again mention how awesome the latest Hawkeye book has been, best thing Marvel are putting out in my opinion along with Daredevil



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I read two comics over Christmas and experiences were mixed.




Adventure Time Vol. 1. Bought for my daughter, but I read it and enjoyed it. Not fantastic, or super gripping, but reasonably amusing. Not as good as the show.





Arkham Asylum. I asked for this as a present as it seemed to pop up on top comic lists all over the place. Loved by many. Not for me. I found it difficult to read because of the art, and the story didn't interest me. Guess I'm a heathen. ::shrug:


I was also given Watchmen and I'm looking forward to that, but not got round to it yet.

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I love Arkham Asylum's art but apart from one bit with the joker - which sated me - I think the writing is Grant Morrison's usual pretentious crap (and I don't throw the term 'pretentious' around lightly).


Hope you enjoy Watchmen. It's not a light read which I didn't realise when I was reading it and often forget when I'm recommending it.



On a whim I picked up Repossessed.




Not sure what it's about exactly but I already love the art.



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I think Arkham Asylum is much more of a clear-cut story from Morrison than usual. It's the art that gives it the atmosphere/weirdness. Would it have HALF the impact without Dave McKean? No. But it's a stunning thing. I really like what Morrison says about Joker in that...among other little tidbits about Batman enemies. Stuff like AA is much more common now. You have to remember the time in which it came out (not that should sway people to 'liking it' all of a sudden or anything). Comics still looked very different, old-school colouring and pencils, with very dated writing. AA has been v. influential on the Batman aesthetic we have now.

I mainly like it for the art though lololololol


I love Morrison but don't worship all his stuff as I used to. Haven't really read any of Action Comics cause I've been out of comics so long. Animal Man and New X-Men still stand out for me as my faves from him. Both great. And lacking in the 'pretension' (I know what you mean by that).




Just started reading Mark Waid's acclaimed Daredevil (my first trade purchase in like...over a year!) and also bought (digitally) the rest of Uncanny X-Force I never finished.

Other random thoughts:

Superior Spider-Man was fine.

Caught up on the majority of Death Of The Family. People seem to hate this and I didn't, I guess cause I read it all at once, not spread out for months and over many titles. And yeah, a lot of it is stupid. Why did it need to seep into so many of the satellite titles in the same way ("Agh! Joker is here and he's poisoned me! Oh he's escaped. Wow, he's scary."). WTF was Catwoman btw, I heard it's gone shit, but wha-.

I loved the art for that Batman and Robin DOFT tie-in issue with jsut Damien in the zoo with Joker. Who was that? Stungorge.


For some reason I'm still putting off reading Wonder Woman, I think cause I couldn't *locate* issue 8. I can't wait though. (except I clearly can)


Oh yeah, I liked the recent arc of Detective Comics, that was really good. Like, solid. And I love Ivy and Clayface. And Emperor Penguin ooooooh.


Gonna go read Red She-Hulk cause she is my best character.

Edited by Paj!
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I read the first issue of Injustice. Don't think I've ever seen the fan hit the shit so quickly (arguably Earth 2 opened with shit flying but it started mid-battle, injustice goes from optimistic joy to WTF in ten pages.)


Also read Superior Spider-man and while I LOVE the Doc Oc in Peter's body situation I thought the script was often bad. Also hated that Peter isn't gone gone dead gone, he's in Doc Oc's mind. I did enjoy it, though. There were some great bits.


Finally, Batman #16 was SUPERB. The Joker is genuinely repulsive. I have no idea how they keep up this kind of quality issue after issue. Snyder and Capullo are absolutely stunning together. The ultimate team.

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