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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Ms Marvel Becomes Captain Marvel:




X-Treme X-Men Info:


X-Treme will spin off from Pak's Astonishing run, following the alternate versions of Wolverine and Nightcrawler -- Howlett and Kid Nightcrawler. In addition, these two will be teaming up with a mutant from the regular Marvel Universe... none other than Dazzler.



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I more interested in the Captain Marvel stuff myself. Marvel has needed a strong female for a while and I always thought that if given the right push Ms Marvel could be Marvel's Wonder Woman. I just hope that her hair is in a pony tail and not short, not a fan of short hair on women.

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yeah can't say that the new X-treme X-Men book interests me that much, especially when there's so much good new creator owned stuff coming out that my money will be going to :)


oh, I decided that I'm going to San Diego!

£1200 for flights and 5 nights in a motel about 6 miles from the convention centre!


woop, cannot wait!

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so has anyone else read Saga yet?


really strong first issue in my opinion, double sized so gives a lot of initial character background and sets up a couple of arcs of stories, art is great from Fiona Staples as well


I'll also keep going on about the Unwritten as well, 35 issues in and a storyline that started in the first issue has been concluded, it's a fantastic book imo

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Uncanny X-Force finally arrived- probably the best drama in comics in years I reckon. The running story and character arcs that started in #1 right through to the end of the Dark Angel Saga has been brilliant, weighty stuff and the use of pretty old and obscure continuity has been really effective. #


Feels like it ended on a pretty significant thematic shift though. Looking forward to seeing where that goes but it's almost a shame to see this story end.

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I'm like 9 months out of comics, but have read some selects tpbs in the library.


Reread (forgot I'd read it all before actually, not that memorable a story) Bendis' heroic age Avengers. Eh.


Read Young Avengers Ultimate Collection 1. Meh. What was the fuss about?


Reading Neil Gaiman's Eternals and very much enjoying it.

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Wow. That is going to sell for some serious moolah.


I have Saga now (one issue...havn't picked up yet, but went to a different comic shop this weekend). Havn't read it yet. I read Supercrooks. The front cover, logo and trade dress/design is one of the absolutely shittiest things ever. Even the front cover is shit, it looks amateur. Completely and utterly amateur, I fucking hate how Millar/his creators don't seem to give a shit about the design.


- Kick-Ass is good, because its definitive and was the first.

- Nemesis is boring, its just Kick-Ass in white.

- Supercrooks is fucking terrible. Looks like a 10 year old did it in paint.

- Jupiters Children is even worse. Looks like a 5 year old did it in wordpad.

- The Secret Service has an okay font, but is too similar to Kick-Ass.


Anyway, on the inside the artwork was gorgeous, the story was slick, but it was criminally (lol) short, and didn't give us nearly enough info on the characters. Could have done with being double sized or extra pages. Its definitely got an air of promising to it though.

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I am so fucking done with Marvel. Seriously considering cutting back TONNES and tonnes of their comics so I can concentrate on Image, and the few DC titles I get. I don't give a shit about their money making stories, stupid advert banners, inflated prices and constant artist shifts.

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All I see is Spider-Man fighting his own shadow. *Is excited by the concept*


I really dislike crossovers, though. The final Peter Parker Ultimate Spider-Man storyline was completely ruined by forced references to off-screen happenings.

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