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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Rumour: The Robins – A New Comic From Jeff Lemire?


He’s done gangbusters for DC Comics, taking C-list character Animal Man, whose return to the DC Universe from DC Vertigo had been lacklustre at best, and turned him into a surprise critical and commercial hit as part of the DC New 52.


So it’s only natural that DC might tap him for any other bright ideas.


I understand, from a well placed source, that the current tittle tattle around the Batbooks is that Jeff Lemire will write a new series entitled The Robins, starring Damien, Jason, Tim and Dick.


Batman And Robin has recently specialised in featuring as many Robins as it can – but The Robins will do all that but with a lot less Batman.


No mention of Stephanie Brown as of yet. Neither Jeff Lemire nor DC Comics returned emails sent yeaterday.






I hope this is true, id love to read a Robins book.

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Theres no way Detective Comics would be dropped. I think I read all of the first arc before I dropped single issues and thought it was ok but compared to Batman it was always going to look worse. What they need to do is just focus on the name. If they made it the book where Batman really showcased his detective skills then I think we could get some really good stories.


I hope this Robins book does turn out to be real. I dont read as much Damien as id like to as I didnt carry on with Batman & Robin, Tim Drake is my favourite DC character so more of him is always good and I think it would be an awesome way to get Stephanie back in the books.

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Thought that was really weird and out of character (and there was no reason behind it) but was kind of cool seeing him run
around without the cowl.


Might have had be cool had Hal actually known who the fuck Bruce Wayne was.


Yeah it was out of character, I was half expecting Batman to punch him but nope. I guess Bats thinks its a world ending situation and it was the best way to get a quite frankly arrogant prat Hal to focus.


I thought it was funny seeing Hal doing as Batman says and the Flash was questioning him with everything because it wasnt like GL.


I guess by the end of this story arc most of the JL will know each individuals identity.


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Yeah, good point about it being the end of the world. That was kind of lost on me since I know it isn't. :heh:


Yeah, loved the Hal bit, too.


I think Wonder Woman has been pretty lame in it. She turned up and then like a second later Aquafresh has his amazing entrance.

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Got a couple of new trades for my birthday, probably order some more in the next few days as well I think.




New edition they released of Batman No Man's Land which collects the first few of the old trades and the Mark Millar run on Marvel Knights Spider-Man which is one of my favourite Spidey stories.

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Have any of you read any of the Huntress mini series yet? I just gave the first issue a try because I heard it was set on Earth 2 so I thought it would be interesting to see how they're setting up that world for the later books but everything in that book seemed to lean towards it being set in the DCnU.

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I have not.


A few notes;


GLC is mild. I'd consider dropping it if I wasn't a total GL nut. This story could have been told in many less issues.


Batman was good, but I more liked the gimmicky of it, the Batman is lost in Labrynth, and now the reader is disorientated - done ridiculously well, I just gasped/laughed when it flipped.


What do we all think of Before Watchmen?


Superior had a great ending I think. The villain was creepy and cool.


I've decided I need to cancel a lot of books I don't care about.


Not sure about this Peter Parker 616 meets Ult Miles Morales teaser. :/

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Ewww, hate that idea even more. I can see it being somehow linked to the Spidey in space story, some alternate reality tear or whatever. Still a fucking stupid idea for so many reasons not least because - Miles has had 6 fucking issues....let him get some god damn history under his belt before you start fucking around with (potential) inter-continuuity-crossovers.

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The more people are looking at it the more it looks like it is just an Ultimate story. The symbols match up with Ultimate Peter and Miles more than 616.


I think it could actually be a good thing. Ive always loved Ultimate Peter so you wouldnt see me complaining about his return but Miles Morales has gotten so much positive press both in the comic industry and outside of it that theres no way they'd take the book from him. I could see Peter not wanting to go back to being a super hero and becoming a mentor to Miles or probably even more likely would be seeing as his identity is now public knowledge they'd have this cross over and then he'd move to Paris to be with Aunt May and Gwen.

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Ordered some books books last night- The Dark Angel Saga (I and II, II being a pre-order at a good price with amazon fyi) but managed to order them to my parents' address by mistake. Cock. Changed one back to my flat but the others were with indies so the address is stuck. Not a massive issue but...feeeh.


Also went to my local library, which you should all really look in to joining. I had Irredeemable Ant Man and Akira vol. 1 on reservation and picked up the Avengers 'Infinity' trade and Alias vol. 1 while I was passing through.

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