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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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So today I picked up,


Swamp Thing #2 - Unnnff, the Mucha inspired cover continues.


Men of War #2 - Was going to drop it but the cover is stunning.


Detective Comics #2 - Was going to drop this too but decided to give it another issue. Also the cover is pretty cool. (You might notice a theme emerging here.)


Action Comics #2 - Going to give this a full arc.


Red Lanterns #2 - Was on the fence but I get a good vibe from this.


Stormwatch #2 - Because Hell Yeah.


Animal Man #2 - Because unnnff.


Not sure which one to read first. Hmmm...




So just read Action Comics #2. The writing was much better. On the flip side the art is much worse, as in I think Morales is only really good at action scenes. His Lex Luther looks SO FUCKING WEIRD. I hate.


There's also a crap-ton of extra stuff at the back like Rez said. Morrison explains how he made Lex crap. By giving him the 'worst' aspects of humanity (egotistical, envious, etc) the reader can sympathies with him...apparently. Basically he's admitted to making him utterly one dimensional. How on Earth he thinks anyone could sympathise with a character with such extreme traits is beyond me. That's like me empathizing with David Cameron.


Srsly, it makes NO SENSE. Why does no one else see how piss poor Lex is?!




So not only is Lex visually appalling in this, he's ill thought out, too.


Anyway, better than #1 in most respects.

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Seen that image before. Weird how RED the bat family is this time. Not sure I like it, but I'm over it. Nightwing just feels like he may as well be blue to balance out the colours more.


(Technically the Birds of Prey and Catwoman could be included too, if we were basing things on what titles fall under what umbrella. However loose the connection.)


Read Detective Comics 2. Eh.


Invincible was good, obviously. Bit slow.


Schism 5 was good/ended things well.

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Schism was weird. After an excellent build up the way they


dispatched the sentinel seemed way too easy. I was hoping that it'd actually destroy Utopia to be honest as I really don't like that place at all. Or force Wolverine to blow it sky high.



It felt like the last issue suffered from poor pacing to be honest, they seemed in a rush to get to the final schism itself. That said, I thought the actual argument was well done and the build up was excellent and in character. Felt like a genuine personal conflict.

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I loved everything I picked up this week, bar Detective Comics. I think the only Batman book I'm going to pick up is the main one. Although I'm still on the fence with Batman and Robin.


Men of War had Circa from Wonder Woman in it. Which was weird and awesome. I really wish they'd drop the second comic at the back.


Swamp Thing #2 was easily my best book of the week. Animal Man #2 just behind it.


So Animal Man was the best comic of the week...that double page spread was amazing.


6 weeks in and only one justice league issue? Whats going on DCnU?


Justice League's first issue was only pushed up to coincide with Flashpoint #5. It's normal place is in the 3rd week.

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DC wins September sales:


Units	$	Comparison	Title
1	2	100.00	BATMAN #1
2	1	96.99	ACTION COMICS #1
3	3	75.19	GREEN LANTERN #1
4	5	68.60	FLASH #1
5	4	62.83	SUPERMAN #1 [*]
6	7	54.87	DETECTIVE COMICS #1 [*]
7	8	52.22	BATMAN THE DARK KNIGHT #1 [*]
8	6	49.37	FEAR ITSELF #6
10	11	45.24	BATMAN AND ROBIN #1 [*]
12	12	43.25	BATGIRL #1 [*]
13	45	40.45	WONDER WOMAN #1
14	13	39.68	GREEN LANTERN CORPS #1 [*]
15	49	39.10	TEEN TITANS #1
16	16	38.36	AQUAMAN #1 [*]
17	51	38.33	BATWOMAN #1
18	10	38.18	AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #669
19	21	35.32	RED LANTERNS #1 [*]
20	24	33.36	JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #1 [*]

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Glad I gave Batman & Robin another issue. I like where it is going.


Suicide Squad #2 was slightly disappointing. Was it just me or was Harley Quinn drawn really weirdly half the time? I'm definitely sticking with it because next issue sounds like it'll be fun.

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Okay, I'll give it a go. Any recommendations? If I'm going to get into Marvel then I don't want any back dated stuff, just current stuff. (I'll pick up older stuff when I'm more familiar.)


I don't know what I'd like from Marvel so it's a bit tricky finding a starting point.

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Id say a good place to start would be the new Ultimate Spider-Man series. Its only on issue 3, its a very good read and its a brand new character so you'd know as much as everyone else already. While im mentioning the Ultimate Marvel Universe, try and pick up The Ultimates Vol.1 as its just an excellent book and would probably sell you on the entire Ultimate U.


As for normal Marvel U, id say you could either wait for the Fear Itself event to end and we could tell you what books seem to have good jumping on points or try reading Avengers #1 and New Avengers #1 as theyre only about 17 issues in so far from their relaunch.

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So plot for 7.2 (thors fear itself aftermath issue)


As he walks the nine steps, poison seeps through his body, his friends and family appear at each step to wish him good bye. Odin appears with loki on his penultimate step and as he takes his last step donald blake appears saying they can go on this final adventure together. Thor begins to take another step thinking he's beaten the poison. He collapases dead before it touches the ground.






Scarlet Spider anyone?

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Good news:


Fans wondering if or when the original Captain Marvel, a.k.a. Shazam!, would make an appearance in DC’s New 52 can wonder no more. DC Comics announced today at the New York Comic Con that writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank will team up on a back-up feature, The Curse of Shazam, that will run in issues of Justice League starting with #5.


Bad news:


It was strongly hinted at in Action Comics #2.


But from the Superman panel at the New York Comic Con, panellists confirmed it.


In the DC relaunched universe, Krypto, now Jor-El’s dog, did not make it to Earth alive.


Weep, dog lovers, weep.


What wrong having a superdog.? :sad:

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I found Krypto and Superboy were a great match up. But that wouldn't work with the new Superboy so I'm not really bothered. Batman has his dog and that's all that matters. Ace.


Batwoman #2 is amazing (apart from the sudden ending followed by a billion pages of adverts). The series is amazing. Just utterly drool worthy. Anyone not reading it should be ashamed of themselves.

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