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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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I read Wonder Woman! I need to write a couple of blog posts today to update but I absolutely loved it. Totally nailed the horror behind greek myth, the petty, selfish gods and then gave it a smart modern twist. Yes. Come on! I'm left wondering (lol) how she'll fit in to the JL books though seeing how violent her own title is. Hmmm!

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I don't really get the issue with the violence (obviously there is one because it's definitely not the first time I've heard someone point that out). There's an exploding baby in Demon Knights and in Wonder Woman there's limbs and heads flying everywhere. It's just so stylised I can't even raise an eyebrow at it being an issue.


Anyways, I read Batman. Unnff. Greg Capullo. Unnnnnffff. Scott Snyder. Unnnff. It felt like a relatively meaty read. I love it when Bruce gets a good chunk, it's always nice to counter his Batman. Only really weird thing for me is how young Bruce looked. LOVE


Also read, DC Universe Presents DEADMAN. It was good. Nothing stunning, but interesting. I'll definitely keep up with it.


Birds of Prey. Surprisingly enjoyable. Black Canary, not sold on or bothered about. Starling (Ev Crawford), I fucking looooved. Almost tempted to keep up with this because of her but probably won't. But she is so awesome.


Also, Suicide Squad was awesome.

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Brilliant #1 - A tiny bit disappointing. Bagley is good obviously, but the colours let it down a tiny bit. Bit bland and there is a black character who in some panels is zoomed in on his face and the colouring makes him look white so its not clear who he is. Speaking of not clear, there are a couple of bits that just....aren't clear whats happening. I had to re-read the ending four times and I'm still not 100% sure I got it. In fact I didn't get it.


Its the car being on top of....wherever they are....but/....I don't....get it still.



Still hopefully promising. Shame its bi-monthly.


New Avengers #16.1 - Hmmm/. Getting slightly burnt out on this New Avengers roster. It continues to get on my whick a little bit about how they are all able to be together. Artwork was a bit poor, and the story of how Osborn gets out is unbelievably bad. You'd only know its Bendis if you saw his name on the cover.


Ultimates #2 - Very Hickmany, but with a great ending that looks like it will have reasonably large impact on the Ultimate Universe.

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Superman #1 - Didnt really like this one. It felt a bit old fashioned, too much exposition and writing on the page and the art felt almost cluttered, sometimes becoming too small so that more could be fit on the page. The villian as well was completely boring, we didnt really get to see much of what makes Superman different to the Action Comics one or the old DCU one. I just hope it gets better because it was a book I was looking forward to.


Flash #1 - Art by Manapul was good but I dont know if theyve changed the colourist since last time, didnt seem as good here. Still though I always like the way he conveys the Flash's speed. Story seems ok, interesting enough to keep me wanting to come back.


Aquaman #1 - Thought this was pretty awesome. Not a lot happened but it addressed Aquaman's status in the human world which made me laugh a few times. Also introduced a new villian who look like they could be pretty good.


Green Lantern New Guardians #1 - I enjoyed this probably just because Kyle Rayner is my favourite Lantern, otherwise it didnt seem to have a lot happen. It was mostly setup for the entire book though so i'll stick with it to see where it goes.


Kick Ass 2 #4 - Interesting developments but I cant help having the feeling that too much of this book is just trying to top the shock value of the original instead of just telling a good story.


Ultimate Spider-Man #2 - Enjoying this book. Its definitely a slow burn into him becoming Spider-Man but the characters seem interesting and the new powers should mix things up a bit. Nice cameos as well. Also Sara Pichelli's art is really great, perfect for a book like this. Just like Bagley's was originally.


Ultimates #2 - I dont think this is up to the quality of the Ultimate books that have come before it (the first ones anyway). By the time I read this id forgotten who the bad guys were and didnt realise again until I read a review which said it. Its also feeling a bit too much of a Thor book, id rather be reading about the rest of the team as well instead of them just being in a panel or two.


Amazing Spider-Man #670 - The story still seems ok but I think its being dragged out a bit, im starting to stop caring about whats going on with Spider Island.


Brilliant - I got bored about half way through this. Bendis just doesnt change his style enough from book to book, they all end up reading the same. I doubt i'll read the next issue.

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As much as I love Kick-Ass I agree a bit.


Again, Flash I essentially agree. The highlight was the panel layout - some really great stuff, and very inventive but the story was "meh" really...really. In fact if I am being perfectly honest I really have been underwhelmed by 90% of the DC relaunch stuff. However...


Aquaman was fucking sweet. Definitely the best I have read....probably joint with Batman. The artwork - fucking stunning, including the excellent excellent colouring, it was funny and it was awesome with actual villains/cliffhangers/to set it apart from the other DC books. Epic win.




Somehow my comic guy got me an Animal Man #1 first print. So I am still yet to read that and like Wonder Woman/



Avengers Academy was really good as usual. Had a quick peek in Secret Avengers...was thrilled to see Kev Walker as the artist! :D

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Teen Titans #1 - Seems to be off to a pretty good start. Tim Drake being one of my favourite DC characters I was a bit worried he would have changed a lot but he still seems to be the impressive detective he was before and the new costume may even grow on me. I look forward to reading more of this book though, the story seems interesting and I want to see what Teen Titans history is supposed to be seeing as the Red Hood book seemed to hint that the original team did exist.



Ok then, now that ive read all the DC #1s that I was planning on I can probably list the ones I plan to stick with:



Wonder Woman

Superman (For a while at least)

The Flash

Teen Titans


Green Lantern New Guardians

Green Lantern (For this first arc at least)

Justice League

Justice League International





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Brilliant was excellent, you bloody heathens. Reminds me of The Social Network actually; Bendis' dialogue feels more natural in a dorm than in Avengers Tower just like it fits a high school in Ultimate Spider-Man because that's how young people actually talk. Really cool concept anyway. I liked it.

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You didn't like Spider-man Hap? I thought maybe the Jonah and Richards bit was a tad ham fisted. The plot may be massive, but I thought it was really enjoyable. The ramifications from the ending will also be huge. I think its shaped up really nicely so far.


Whats your favourite spidey story Hap?

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Brilliant was excellent, you bloody heathens. Reminds me of The Social Network actually; Bendis' dialogue feels more natural in a dorm than in Avengers Tower just like it fits a high school in Ultimate Spider-Man because that's how young people actually talk. Really cool concept anyway. I liked it.




Can you clarify the ending for me anyway.

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You didn't like Spider-man Hap? I thought maybe the Jonah and Richards bit was a tad ham fisted. The plot may be massive, but I thought it was really enjoyable. The ramifications from the ending will also be huge. I think its shaped up really nicely so far.


Whats your favourite spidey story Hap?


Of all time? And are we just counting this as 616 or Ultimate as well?

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I think I have at one point but I dont remember it all that well. Ive got issues 1-500 on a load of cds in one of those packs so ive read quite a bit.


Id say my favourite storylines have been:


Spider-Man Blue

Death of Gwen Stacy

Amazing Spider-Man #248 The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man

Coming Home (First Morlun battle)

Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1

Marvel Knights Spider-Man (First 3 volumes where Aunt May has been kidnapped)


Probably quite a few more but those are the ones that spring to mind. Really not sure which id have as my absolute favourite though.

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I think I have at one point but I dont remember it all that well. Ive got issues 1-500 on a load of cds in one of those packs so ive read quite a bit.


Id say my favourite storylines have been:


Spider-Man Blue

Death of Gwen Stacy

Amazing Spider-Man #248 The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man

Coming Home (First Morlun battle)

Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1

Marvel Knights Spider-Man (First 3 volumes where Aunt May has been kidnapped)


Probably quite a few more but those are the ones that spring to mind. Really not sure which id have as my absolute favourite though.


Whats blue like? I read the coming home volume, it was reeeeally good, loved the ending, have you read the Grim Hunt volume? Its at the end of Brand New Day spidey section and while I know you don't like that part, its still fantastic (has Ana in it who I think you like?)


How much are those discs?

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Blue is one of my favourite comic stories, not just Spider-Man ones. I just really liked the flashbacks to when Gwen was still alive, it showing how strong Pete and MJ were and how much he still missed Gwen. Yeah I read Grim Hunt, hated the art though so it put me off it. Ive only properly liked a few arcs since BND, those were New Ways to Die, American Son and Big Time. A lot of it though has been to do with the art, as most know I prefer more common comic art styles and they went very gritty and lost a lot of detail for a lot of the arcs which put me right off.


Im not sure where sell the disk collection anymore. This is an updated version of it at Amazon but its not in stock:



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