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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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It'll blow your face off with it's restraint.


It's actually brilliant.


The whole thing is that he's really normal/this was a character no one had an opinion on before. / Morrison had never done 'his view on a DC hero' before now. So it's all gradual and stuff. Issue 5 is where you realise. You realise what is to come.



And everything you see has bearing later on.


#5 is the most stunning thing. Highlighting the absurdity of violence in the entertainment world. Had a prostitute and a unstereotypical gay man as the protagonists. So much imagery. Wile E dying on a cross, challenging God. Vultures eating his innards, Prometheus style. Just feels so stunning.

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So having read Action Comics I really don't get why people (well Dan and Daft, haven't seen if anyone else hated it) are so up in arms about 'rats' and 'I'm your worst nightmare'.


I mean, he's starting out, completely unsure how to act, and presumably having no precedent (if in this universe there aren't (m)any Superhumans before Supes) for how to be a superhero. It sounds like someone trying to be overconfident and 'heroic', like something you'd see in a classic movie, or an old comic. Additionally, it reminds us that he's this young guy from the backend of nowhere who has been raised very simply...that's what his use of 'rats' reminded me of.


I don't really understand how else it could be taken. Seemed obvious to me. It didn't take me out the comic either.


I'm over the art. It was better than generic, and it was handled fine, but I just kept thinking how gorgeous it would've been with like...anyone else on it. Mainly Frank Quitely. *sigh*


But yeah, it was fine. I like how Superman feels so far. Not amazing at life, just really great/strong/fast. I want to be his Landlady's friend.


Also, some people are saying the '3' friends who visited are meant to be the 3 from Stormwatch, but if they were, it's an editorial mishap as this takes place five years ago and Supes is in his normal costume in Stormwatch.




I really enjoyed Batgirl. Felt so solid, and the character came off the pages, and felt realistic (her reactions to things). I'm potentially stunned by The Mirror. I need to wait and see how he/it develops through the arc though. I hope/like to believe Simone was influenced/turned to Maya Deren's films for inspiration.she clearly didn't. I would've. Anyway, yeah, really liked it.




Animal Man is my favourite thing so far. YESSS. So glad. The art was bloody fantastic...I wish more comics were ALLOWED to have this calibre of artist on board. Ugh. I saw some oaf on CBR boards compare it to a 3-year old's scribble. SRSLY. The art was stunning. Loved the writing, loved the opening..yes. I'm sore beween my legs in anticipation.

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A good review even though I don't read an DC comics. I'm glad the article wasn't overexploited with "Cunt" everywhere.


I do need to write a review in Paj! mode. I just wrote a Batgirl one in 'professional' mode...time for a Paj mode one I think. But that's hard to review a single issue in...


I think I'll review an entire characters comics history in Paj! mode. I'll review Batman's 70+ year history. Yes.

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I read Stormwatch. Need moar. Did a little n00b review of it.


Read Detective Comics. The art was sometimes awesome, sometimes meh, sometimes awful. The last page was rank, though. Kudos. The writing wasn't great.


I'll review that and Batgirl soon. Probably Batgirl later today.

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I do need to write a review in Paj! mode. I just wrote a Batgirl one in 'professional' mode...time for a Paj mode one I think. But that's hard to review a single issue in...


I think I'll review an entire characters comics history in Paj! mode. I'll review Batman's 70+ year history. Yes.


The review was very succinct and professional with a little bit of casual attitude I thought which made it more enjoyable to read. I think I'll avoid your "Paj! mode" review though :p

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So I've been in a massive Wonder Woman mood, and have been reading what many deem her essential stories.


So I read the first 10 issues of George Perez's Wonder Woman post-crisis reboot (her origin basically) from the late 80's. That was good. Less painfully dated than I expected. A solid origin story, and I LOVED that she couldn't speak english, instead speaking in a Ancient Greek/Greek hybrid. It made me look up how that might sound, so I could properly imagine her voice.



Then I skipped right to Phil Jimenez's early 2000's run as artist and writer as I knew bits he introduced from reading the Ultimate WW Guide I had when I was younger, and I heard it was a definitive run. That was good too, though I skimmed a few issues about dinosaurs, to get to the good bits with cool baddies.


silly bitch


Just finished Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia (my favourite new word), a one-off, fairly short graphic novel by Greg Rucka. It's excellent, and succinct. Whiel J.G Jones' art was good on Final Crisis, here I would've preferred a more stunning artist. It's fine though. But considering J.G Jones is a stunning painter (my av and sig), he should've painted it all rather than drawn.


Gonna read Justice League: A League Of One next, but I might buy that.


There's something about Wonder Woman...people (the average comic reader, and by that I'm talking about e'erone in this thread) don't give her a chance really. And she is notoriously hard to write. Hmm. I'm gonna give Rucka's full run a go next.


I need to channel my feelings into something creative.




So tomorrow is the next batch of nuDC titles. What'll people be picking up/reading from this lot?

Batman & Robin 1

Batwoman 1

Deathstroke 1

Demon Knights 1

Frankenstein: Agent of Shade 1

Green Lantern 1

Grifter 1

Legion Lost 1

Mister Terrific 1

Red Lanterns 1

Resurrection Man 1

Suicide Squad 1

Superboy 1


Only certain buy is Batwoman. I'm interested in Batman and Robin, Demon Knights, Ressurection Man and Suicide Squad too. (Though appaz Squad is crap)


I'll try out GL though I still give so little of a shit.

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I've ordered,


Batman & Robin

Green Lantern





But might pop into Gosh and also pick up,



Red Lanterns (Just for the lulz)


Any that I've missed that have the potential to be good? After Animal Man and Swamp Thing being amazing I'm tempted buy the equally lame sounding Ressurection Man...but also not, because I have no idea what it is.


The preview of Legion Lost seemed kind of maybe possibly interesting but I have no idea who or what they are so I'll pass.


On the fence with Frankenstein.


Deathstroke sounds like someone who belongs in the Marvel-verse.


Dunno, really.

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Batwoman WILL be stunning, even if just to look at.


I have my eye on Resurrection Man for that reason you mentioned Daft. I knew of him before nuDc, but no idea his powers/story. Whereas Swamp Thing is quite famously amazing (from when Alan Moore wrote him onwards anyway) and Animal Man too.

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Yeah, not sure why I didn't order Batwoman straight off. Maybe it was before I saw her in Batman Inc. That kind of sold me on her as not just another Bat[iNSERT NOUN].


I knew that Swamp Thing was a big thing but I was pretty cynical (big surprise). The Mucha cover sold it. It's stunning. I kind of hope all the covers are like that. Although that'd be pretty restrictive, I guess. I appreciated the slower pace, too.


Unnnfff, just look at this redone one from The Source.






I read up a little about the Deathstroke relaunch. Looks like it might be quite fun/ultra-violent. Basically when I saw it was in The Edge line of DC comics I though I'm having that. Although OMAC was an Edge comic and yeah, no...Campy, yes.

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I'm writing/drawing a comic (I decided this a long time ago). Everytime I draw these days I hate, except with I'm doodling without pretension/intention and take ages over it. So my style will just be that.


I invented a stable of my own characters with Chair, but am choosing just one of them as the focus, strangely the only one I hadn't defined, power-wise, or given a personality.

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