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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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No. The only reference to anything DC-wise was to Clayface. (briefly)


And he's still called Slade/looks the same.


Didn't even mention the Titans. So not sure if this is a hard reboot or not. (Won't really know until Teen Titans comes out...thought Bette Kane mentioned being a member in the past in Batwoman 1)

Edited by Paj!
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Deathstroke was really boring. The rest all told me things. I need to fly back to FP/a comic shop and buy Suicide Squad. I think Suicide Squad is what you hope Deathstroke will be, Daft.


Just read Deathstroke. Actually really enjoyed it.


When one of the douche's calls him 'Lovetap'. I genuinely lolled.



It's a bit of a strange issue. Felt more like a prologue than anything else, a statement of intent; this is Deathstroke and he fucks shit up if needs be. Second issue, I'll bite.


I don't really like the look of SS but maybe I'll pick up the first issue.

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I like that Slade is an old man. There needs to be more older protagonists (part of the reason I enjoyed MGS4 so much). I think he looks rad (the cover art is sexual frankly). Also, he does wetwork. That's his job. It's so simple, I can just sit back and enjoy. Like I said, it felt like a prologue. I want to see more so I can properly judge. I'm happy so far.


[EDIT: Also, I do like how it was pretty much a one shot. All the other DC titles have ended on cliffhangers and it's pretty tiring after a while.]


I'm not sure what Harley Quinn is even doing in SS. Will pick it up, though.

Edited by Daft
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I really enjoyed the DC books this week, only ones I ended up not getting were Deathstroke and Mr Terrific.


Resurrection Man was the surprise of the week for me, really good writing and art, plus i really like the concept as well, hadn't heard of the character before the relaunch.


Frankentein was a nice start to a team book, written by Jeff Lemire, who is also doing Animal Man, it's a completely different book to that. The whole broken family idea between his 'father' and wife was well done, and I'm looking forward to the next issue


Demon Knights - Paul Cornell steps up to the plate again and provides another great issue from this relaunch, I do like the Etrigan concept and it will be interesting to see Vandal Savage in a different role than I'm used to in the DCU


I won't bother going through the rest of the DCnU except to say I enjoyed reading them all, agree a bit with previous comments regarding Batman & Robin though, but I'm prepared to give Tomassi and Gleason time with this book as they were great on Green Lantern Corps


I don't know how many of you guys read Ed Brubaker's creator owned stuff, but if you don't read Criminal you really are missing out. This week we had the end of the current 4 issue mini and yet again Brubaker has provided a great Crime Noir story, ably assisted by the wonderful art of Sean Phillips, who goes between a gritty style for today and an Archie style for flashbacks to the characters youth.


another indie gem you may not have heard of but I'm really enjoying is Gladstone's School for World Conquerors. The basic concept is that the kids of Super-Villains go to this school to learn how to be better villains, and superhero vs villain fights are regularly televised. However unbeknownst to the kids the fights are all pre-arranged and the heroes always win due to a pact made to keep the peace. It's a fun book with interesting characters and I highly recommend it :)

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I am looking forward to catching up tonight and being able to read this thread.


Signed Stormwatch win. :p




Really liked Ultimate Spider-Man, and that it is not going too quickly, just like the last issue 1. Well...the first issue 1 I mean. I don't understand how


his clothes changed too though...at the end.


But thats fine. My main problem is having had so long to get it ready, and the fact that it is $3.99 and we only got 20 pages of story (+ the newspaper cover if you count that) seems A) A little bit of a job and B) It should have been a little expanded. But whatever.




Green Lantern was good.


Fear Itself was awesome, especially the last page - like "Wow, next issue is going to be good" seriously, that should be one hell of a fight.


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Some amazing Accuna art from Avengers- looks like a Civil War flashback rather than a massive spoiler from Avengers Annual.




Did you read the New Avengers annual yet? Theres a Civil War flashback in there as well but its got a mistake in it. One of the images is Spider-Man fighting Ms Marvel but he is in his Iron Spider costume and at that time they were both on the same side.

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I hated Frankenstein. I was dull and kind of ugly. Not going to pick that up again.


Really enjoyed Red Lanterns. Seemed almost like another one shot. Love the art. Was easy to understand (as someone who doesn't know that much about the Lanterns). Atrocitus seems to have legit motivation and it was pretty funny, too. Surprisingly good. At this rate I'll drop Green Lantern and just read this. Although as ace as Atrocitus and Dex-Starr is, if his other followers don't cut it I'll probably lose interest. Fingers crossed.

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Whew. Had a fucking huge catch up, hence why I have been avoiding this thread.


Gladstones School For Villains is on my epic wish list, but I have trade waited. May see if the issues are available on eBay now I have teh employmentz.


Uncanny X-Force being the best comic is old news, and the fact that you people (Dan) are not fully confident with proclaiming that it is easily the best comic book on the stands (without adding "arguably") is insulting to me. Sickeningly good. The artwork is absolutely stunning and Remender overtakes anyone I've ever read as "best dialogue" - previously Aaron. But Remender's is absolutely flawless, the story(ies) have EVERYTHING, action, humour and great characterization. Also despite rotating artists the (colourist or inkest/both) manage to give it an incredibly distinctive and consistent look.


Ultimate Spider-Man was really good and had the "slow burn/don't go into costume yet" approach of the original series which was very nice to see, and it was also EXCELLENT and a huge fucking relief that the dialogue was good and contained no unbearably annoying Bendis tropes. My main/only problem was (excluding the newspaper page) it was 20 pages of story - considering how big of a deal the comic is and how long they've had to do it/prepare + the fact that its a $3.99 book, it felt like it could have and should have been longer, but the characterization and introduction to his family was great, and the ending was surprising. Although I don't know how his clothes disappeared too. Hmmm.


I thought Fear Itself again was god damn awesome. Okay. Or just "great" actually. But the artwork was firing on all cylandirs, I still think the story is great and I loved the end, next issue is going to be bat shit insane - I like that it hasn't just been 7 issues straight of fighting, as often happens in these. Lurve.


I ordered Carnage from Amazon/. It was that one that was good right? And then Family Feud came after it but is not out yet.


Amazing Spider-Man got a little better, I thought the issue 2 issues ago was a bit meh, but parts 2 and 3 of Spider Island were great. Its a shame that A) The covers have been a bit meh, B) The Spider Island logo is a piece of shit and B) That the cover(s) have spoiled some of the more interesting aspects. And its a shame that Ramos' hasn't been given better things to draw, or rather more interesting things. I breathed a sigh of relief when Shocker showed up. And Carlie is fucking awesome. Fuck MJ I'm team Carlie.


The Infinite #2 was okay. If it gets delayed it will be fucking annoying though.




I love that the "DC Comics" logo is colour coded between families.


Green Lantern was okay. But I am confident it will get amazing again, just needs a few issues to readjust and start building another big storyline.


Red Lanterns was awesome, and definitely one of the better titles, although as Daft said (and a bad point in my eyes) was that it mildly felt like a One-Shot, and the prophecy/future look was boring/meant nothing and it didn't build the story much rather than just establishing itself. But it was good!


Action Comics was probably the best of all the relaunches because it was good story, good art, good establishment and good story....continuement. What were the problems that the people who disliked it (Daft/Happenstance?) had with it?


Batwing was okay/fine/good. One of the better actual endings.


Swamp Thing was very good/good. My first thing of Snyder that I have read. I really look forward to reading Batman.


Stormwatch was good too. My signed Stormwatch, that is. :p


I am way behind on Deadpool so I am going to try and read them soon because there is a good new storyline coming up soon I think.




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re: Uncanny: Only 'arguably' because Avengers Academy, Thunderbolts and Invincible are there. Beats everything else. Though Schism is a mini, it sets a pretty great precedent for Wolverine & the X-Men as a strong contender.


Spider-Island is also pretty much amazing (geddit?) It's only because the outcome of Schism interests me more that I'd pick that out of the two. As an event, it's fantastic. The main story in ASM is brilliantly written and some of the tie ins are promising. The Avengers one was piss-funny.

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Na it's just a brilliant continuation of the FI tie in. Everything about it = Stun, though it looks like


The Infinite Mansion is toast. I've heard they're relocating to the old West Coast Avengers base though which is a nice change with some cool history to it for a lot of the cast.


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