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Xenoblade Chronicles Official Thread


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The more I play this game, the more I want to play this game.


The story, whilst possibly not the best and possibly open for criticism in places(if you're really picky that is), is intriguing enough to keep my interest. Add to it the immense amount of gameplay, not just in content but also in landscapes, it all comes together to craft a truly beautiful world, in real real sense of the word. This game is an entire world to experience, and I wonder if I've even seen close to half of it yet, more than 60 hours in. It's a world I keep diving into, losing much more than real-life hours to. Even at this point in my playing experience, I would chance to say this is one of the most impressive games of this generation, slightly lost in a genre more of last generation. It's a single player JRPG, when these days it's all about easily accessible multiplayer and more western games such as CoD, but I have to say; the awe, addiction and amazement that this game is managing to inspire in me possibly does truly match that of the games of my childhood, just as I played them then. This is a game purchase that I think may possibly stay with me for life.


Honestly, if you're reading this thread wondering whether this game is 'for you' just trust me...it is. Plus, for something so huge, I don't think it's even once felt anything close to a chore, a rarity in its class imo.

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Has anyone tried to fire up the New Game+ yet?


I had a go on it last night, decided to try power through the story of the game without doing any side quests (given that you carry over your levels and some items from the first play, so at level 99, not much need to do the side quests :heh:)


Anyway a few things surprised me a bit... spoilered just in case



Firstly in the prologue bit when you play as Dunban in the 1 year ago bit. It was odd seeing Dunban using the weapon he had at the end of my first play (Darkness Sickle) and refering to it as the Monado, and it had all the glow of the Monado too.... though when you fight the mechon you automatically get enchant and don't actually have monado arts.


Then when Mumkar showed up he was in his Machina/Mechon body.... Yo Dunban, nothing wrong with this picture :heh:


From that then I was expecting Fiora would be in her Machina body from the start too... though even more surprising she wasn't. It actually gives you Homs-Fiora with the stats she had in your previous game from before she was killed/taken. So she was only level 14, but she had the armour she had on when she was lost in my first game so she was back in the Bikini outfit I had her wearing before :D


Also found it odd seeing the likes of Shulk, Reyn and Dunban wearing the armours they had at the end of my first game and of course Shulk running round with the Monado III then when the attack happens "we need to get to lab to get the Monado".... YOU ALREADY HAVE IT DUMBASS, haha.


Then the cut scene after you go to the milliatry HQ and Fiora gets seperated. Reyn gets traped by a mechon and Shulk starts bashing on it with Monado III with no effect :heh:. Dunban appears with a Darkness Sickle and kills everything then when you get control back Dunbans attacks do 1 damage :heh:


I thought when you get to the scene on the bridge when Shulk is meant to get the Monado first you might get the 1st Monado back and then be able to choose between them but oddly when the scene starts. Dunban is suddenly holding Monado III and drops it allowing Shulk to pick it up.


Oh yeah I killed EVERY mechon that was on the map during the attack... I heard there was an acheivment for this? I got nothing :heh:




I played up to as far as the "event" in Colony 9 which leads to the characters moving on towards Colony 6. Didn't talk to any NPC's at all :heh: I guess playing it like this is almost the same as if the game had a movie player for the cutscenes :heh:


One thing I was thinking about though... wait I'll spoiler just in case again.


that I do wish it did have, was I know it mentions that Colony 6 and 9 are the only Homs Colonies left, would have been nice to come across the ruins of some of the others. Maybe if by some chance the game was remade on WiiU in HD they should add some extra content and new areas. You only ever really see areas on one arm and one leg of the Bionis, would be cool to get to see the others even if there were no towns just ruins of destroyed colonies :heh:


Or as Colony 9 was on the Calf, how about being able to go down to the foot and see what's there.

It's amazing in such a HUGE world that we were given, there is still much more that we didn't see.



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It's amazing in such a HUGE world that we were given, there is still much more that we didn't see.


And I suspect there are good reasons for that, too. If they added any more areas, I wouldn't be so sure that this:

Plus, for something so huge, I don't think it's even once felt anything close to a chore, a rarity in its class imo.

...would still hold.


There is no guarantee that adding another leg- and foot-area or the area that was removed from the game but is still on the disc would actually be fun. As it stands, the game flows very well despite its immense length. Simply adding areas in between without building the story around them, might turn it into a chore.


Normally I'd say that such stuff belongs into an addon that extends the story. But that doesn't seem like a good idea for Xenoblade, unless they told some kind of parallel story that's happening while Shulk & co. are adventuring on the titans.

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Has anyone tried to fire up the New Game+ yet?


I had a go on it last night, decided to try power through the story of the game without doing any side quests (given that you carry over your levels and some items from the first play, so at level 99, not much need to do the side quests :heh:)


Anyway a few things surprised me a bit... spoilered just in case



Firstly in the prologue bit when you play as Dunban in the 1 year ago bit. It was odd seeing Dunban using the weapon he had at the end of my first play (Darkness Sickle) and refering to it as the Monado, and it had all the glow of the Monado too.... though when you fight the mechon you automatically get enchant and don't actually have monado arts.


Then when Mumkar showed up he was in his Machina/Mechon body.... Yo Dunban, nothing wrong with this picture :heh:


From that then I was expecting Fiora would be in her Machina body from the start too... though even more surprising she wasn't. It actually gives you Homs-Fiora with the stats she had in your previous game from before she was killed/taken. So she was only level 14, but she had the armour she had on when she was lost in my first game so she was back in the Bikini outfit I had her wearing before :D


Also found it odd seeing the likes of Shulk, Reyn and Dunban wearing the armours they had at the end of my first game and of course Shulk running round with the Monado III then when the attack happens "we need to get to lab to get the Monado".... YOU ALREADY HAVE IT DUMBASS, haha.


Then the cut scene after you go to the milliatry HQ and Fiora gets seperated. Reyn gets traped by a mechon and Shulk starts bashing on it with Monado III with no effect :heh:. Dunban appears with a Darkness Sickle and kills everything then when you get control back Dunbans attacks do 1 damage :heh:


I thought when you get to the scene on the bridge when Shulk is meant to get the Monado first you might get the 1st Monado back and then be able to choose between them but oddly when the scene starts. Dunban is suddenly holding Monado III and drops it allowing Shulk to pick it up.


Oh yeah I killed EVERY mechon that was on the map during the attack... I heard there was an acheivment for this? I got nothing :heh:




I played up to as far as the "event" in Colony 9 which leads to the characters moving on towards Colony 6. Didn't talk to any NPC's at all :heh: I guess playing it like this is almost the same as if the game had a movie player for the cutscenes :heh:


One thing I was thinking about though... wait I'll spoiler just in case again.


that I do wish it did have, was I know it mentions that Colony 6 and 9 are the only Homs Colonies left, would have been nice to come across the ruins of some of the others. Maybe if by some chance the game was remade on WiiU in HD they should add some extra content and new areas. You only ever really see areas on one arm and one leg of the Bionis, would be cool to get to see the others even if there were no towns just ruins of destroyed colonies :heh:


Or as Colony 9 was on the Calf, how about being able to go down to the foot and see what's there.

It's amazing in such a HUGE world that we were given, there is still much more that we didn't see.



Yeah I've done this up to the exact same point. It's funny how you waste everything in one auto attack! Haha

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Well, I'm only at level 10, but finally got my hands on the Monado :)


That the first instance I get to use it is against the Mechon with a face, so took a while to get him 'tripped'



Loving the game so far, although only 4 hours into it.


just out of curiosity, when people were leaving colony 9 to 'kill all the Mechon' what level where they? I feel that being level 10 is really low for the journey ahead of me to Colony 6.


Heh, just a meme I thought of while typing this post


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The more I play this game, the more I want to play this game.


The story, whilst possibly not the best and possibly open for criticism in places(if you're really picky that is), is intriguing enough to keep my interest. Add to it the immense amount of gameplay, not just in content but also in landscapes, it all comes together to craft a truly beautiful world, in real real sense of the word. This game is an entire world to experience, and I wonder if I've even seen close to half of it yet, more than 60 hours in. It's a world I keep diving into, losing much more than real-life hours to. Even at this point in my playing experience, I would chance to say this is one of the most impressive games of this generation, slightly lost in a genre more of last generation. It's a single player JRPG, when these days it's all about easily accessible multiplayer and more western games such as CoD, but I have to say; the awe, addiction and amazement that this game is managing to inspire in me possibly does truly match that of the games of my childhood, just as I played them then. This is a game purchase that I think may possibly stay with me for life.


Honestly, if you're reading this thread wondering whether this game is 'for you' just trust me...it is. Plus, for something so huge, I don't think it's even once felt anything close to a chore, a rarity in its class imo.


This exactly. The game has brought me back to my teenage years and the release of Final Fantasy 3(6) and Chrono Trigger on the SNES (yes I am that old). I think it is only my rabid Nintendo fanboyism that is stopping this being my favourite game on the Wii.


(Only the Mario Galaxy games are better I think.)

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Heh, just a meme I thought of while typing this post



Thanked it just for that picture. I'm not usually much of a JRPG man due to the length(not sure what inspired me on that post I made last night, maybe the beer or two I'd had), but I keep comparing this in my mind to the only final fantasy I've ever really played of FFX. Something about it reminds me a lot of that, only...better. Essentially everything I mentioned in my last post. Does anyone else find themselves 'comparing' this to anything whilst they play/played?


Grrr. Levelling arts is annoying me. Trying to jump all over the map to find merchants selling them, then trying to remember which moves are actually which and not end up buying the manuals I don't bloody want! Tedious.

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Grrr. Levelling arts is annoying me. Trying to jump all over the map to find merchants selling them, then trying to remember which moves are actually which and not end up buying the manuals I don't bloody want! Tedious.


Erm, it tells you if you've learnt the book or not.

Under the avatar pics for the characters when you highlight a book to buy it'll say "Learnt" or "Not Learnt" under the pictures (or is it in the middle colum of information, one of those two)


You do know you have to actually go to your inventory and "Read" the books too after you've bought/found them?


(Just mentioning just in case as I didn't know this at first myself :heh:)


Oh and I forgot to mention before, when I started up the New Game+ yesterday I switched the voices to Japanese to try make things feel a bit different. But I think I'll actually switch back to English again, for one, I miss understanding what is said during and after fights (which is why I used the English dub in my 1st play) and two I feel some of the voices don't really fit the character.


Like Reyn's japanese voice sounds a little too old and Dunbans sound's a little too young for the characters, it's a little off putting :heh:


And I was one of the first to celebrate when they said the japanese voices were included in the European release :heh:

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Oh, yeah, I know both those things. I don't buy the manuals for arts I don't use, but I forget the names in between all the jumping about and similar naming. Turns out the one I was after was actually(after a google away) not quite available to me until I'd done a thing or two.

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Assuming you don't skip a ton of sidequests, you're going to end up with way more money than you can spend anyway, so you may as well just buy all of the art manuals. Other than Colony 6, they're the only things worth spending any money on.

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Has anyone here managed to beat all the Super Bosses?


I managed to take out one today :D


The 105 one, after crafting, stacking some Spike defence gems on the characters I used and getting some great luck with chain links :D


But I went and tried the 108 in the Marsh and I just can't hit the bastard... I'm doing the recommended, play at night with night vision gems, and even if I max nightvision at 50% with Melia she still can't hit the Spearbreak or Kick moves :heh:


I gave the 114 a go and actually managed to get more hits on it than the 108 and got some good chain links... though only managed to take off about 1/4 of it's HP before it killed me :heh:


Oh and where exactly is the 120? From the vids I seen on youtube it appears to be the 3 Sage Summit but when I go there he's not there?

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Btw this may be like a really stupid question...but what exactly does it mean some arts are only available during an aura? I thought I knew but then was not so sure.


That confused me too, but I think it's a move you can use that boosts a stat or something, like Dunbans Sirene Heart... though I never used any move that required an aura only ones that needed high tension like Riki's "Happy Happy Dance"


Anyway I had another go atthe Super Bosses today.


Finally killed the 108 :D


Took a few tries and changed the team I was using to 7th Character (main), Reyn and Riki. Took a few attempts but managed to get in a good fight with some good chain linking and party gauge building (also it helped that on my like 4th try I remembered I forgot to Skill Link in the Chain Attack Heal skill from Shulk :heh:)


So that is two of the four Super Bosses down next is the 114 and 120 :nono::nono::red::woops:


Though there is one thing that is pissing me off. I read that you can get an item from ANY of the four 100+ monsters that will be valuable enough to trade for the final "Other" collectable.


Dispite beating now 2 of those four, while both dropped gold chests NEITHER contained any new expensive item that I could trade :mad: Only stuff that I already had :mad:


What's up with that? Guess I'll just have to try the 114 and 120... need to regem the team for Spike damage though :heh:

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That confused me too, but I think it's a move you can use that boosts a stat or something, like Dunbans Sirene Heart... though I never used any move that required an aura only ones that needed high tension like Riki's "Happy Happy Dance"


Well I thought auras were like...the boost stats/moves(such as dunban's spirit breath which grants haste), though at first I wondered if it meant the aggro ring. There's a purple move really early on for Reyn that's a spinny type str/def down or something that only works during an aura, but I could never quite fathom then what an aura was exactly, I just used it if/when it was available. However now I'm totally unsure.


I have a problem! I accidently saved over a 50 hour game over a 90 hour game and i was around level 54. Any chance someone is willing to share their savegame with me :( I want to continue this game but with 40 hours lost :(


Can you take/share the saves for this game even? I'm just under 70 hours, literally just past sword valley, you'd probably want a slightly longer/better save than that though.


Also random fact, when I told my friend about this game he asked if it was about a racist sword. That's when I realised....it actually sort of is.

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Yes, you can. You can export your save file to an SD disk! I just passed Valakmountains during ski jump 2! With everything every mission passed!


Ah I wasn't sure as I'd never tried, I know you can do it for a lot of wii games but there's some where you can't. Sounds like you're happy with where you are though!

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Have to say I'm struggling to progress any further pass Galahad Fortress. My team is level 51, but I find when going against a large mob of mechs I'm totally screwed and normally end up dying.




Can't remember my party levels, but I've just passed through there iirc. What are you struggling with? I had a few sticking points in places, but eventually got through ok. I think this game does eventually give you that sort of...playable progression? Like, you can be struggling and stuff but the dying's so forgiving if you kill at least one thing each time before you die you'll slowly be levelling up? Though that makes the game sound like suck, which it very much is far from!


Do you have mob colours(like relative level) turned on? What sorts are you coming up against? Or even just the levels of stuff you're attacking and also what's your party setup?


Just thought, you could always tele back to the more recent areas and just grind up a little bit. Maybe go do some questing etc and see if it helps(the xp rewards might level you up plus you'll be questing anyhouw)

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Not having a lot of experience with JRPGS and especially not this generation, I would still say it's an absolutely bang up game and I reckon you'll love it. It's one of those games that grows constantly imo, you like it at first, but it keeps throwing stuff that makes you like it even more so the more you play it the more you love it!

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