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England Riots


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Innova Park, Enfield Lock is on fire.


Sky news is saying it is starting in Liverpool but people are saying it is Woolwich in this video.


Edit: Nevermind :blank:



Hackney: 250 - 300 people gathered in Pembury Estate, setting alight cars and throwing petrol bombs. Businesses in Mare Street were looted and officers contained the situation. Three officers injured but their condition is not believed to be serious.

Newham: Looting in Stratford High Street.

Lewisham: Roaming groups of youths were involved in disorder.

Bethnal Green: More than 100 people looted a Tesco supermarket. Two officers were injured.

Croydon: Fires burning at a number of premises, including a very large blaze at a sofa factory.

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I've heard it's been all over southeast today, though personally I've been totally unaffected so far. Also just passing through my local shopping centre on my way home it seems all is well excepting a slight increased police presence, some lights on in shops, and also noticing a couple more fire engines than expected.


Apparently there WAS something in woolwich though, and I noted a couple of buses passing me that'd normally be on that route(and no where near where I was). What's rather annoying for me about everything is trying to find/get accurate information that isn't just people talking about people talking about talking about what their mate Dave told them.

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1.23am: Alex Hudson, a BBC journalist who was beaten up this evening and had his phone stolen as he reported on the riots in east London, tells me that as he finally made his way home a group were on their way to Hackney police station, planning to set it alight.


1.28am: Merseyside police are advising people to steer clear of Liverpool centre.


When is this going to be stopped?

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When Goafer is appointed PM ;)


I'd make a great PM.


Me: "Recession? PRINT MORE MONEY!"

Lackey 1: "Er...sire? It's not quite...."

Me: "Execute him. With fire if possible"

Lackey 2: "But your majesty, that might be expensive. Have you seen the price of petrol?"

Me: "You want to be next? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!"

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It will be critically interesting to see what transpires after these events. Massive unemployment. Loads of people will stay off work to help rebuild. Could stimulate economic hardship enough to form a basis for wider social change (eg: the revolution is COMING. &&ShakesTambourineForEffect&&)

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Before, my talk of force was slightly tongue in cheek (although I still felt it necessary), but now it really does need to stop. It's getting stupid. Roll in the Army. Their force (as well as other skills such as threat identification) is needed IMO.


Utter vermin. I now find it impossible to feel any sympathy for them at all.

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