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what games will you be downloading?

Atomic Boo

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I doubt Nintendo wants to have the games they're asking a fee for to be shared over the Internet so I think they will do their best to block transferring the games to PCs :(


Security is quite simple; each Revolution will have a unique ID, considering it will be an online device, this will probably be its MAC address in the network hardware. You'll probably have an online account which keeps track of your purchases, so you can download the games again if you have to buy a new Revolution, for whatever reason. When you download the game to your Revolution, it is encoded to only work on the machine that has that particular MAC address, so you can take the file and put it wherever you want but it will only work on that particular piece of hardware.


Yes, this will probably be cracked eventually, though you'd most likely need to have a chip fitted, but it will be enough to deter it happening en masse.

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Coz Pokemon Snap was a game I hired alot when I was little but never bought and I never finished it and it's haunting me. Not only that but sometimes I need a break from the epic RPG's and intensity of action games to just chill and take some pics (I enjoy the quirky gimmicky games)


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for me all the zeldas,especially Link to the Past,i never completed it and its a great game,then Super Metroid I always use to play but then i had a break from it and couldnt remember what to do :P also the first starfox for SNES I havnt played it before ,smash brothers for N64 i bought it and loved then i sold it and now i regret it

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probably the rare and expensive ones at first or any ones that have been updated and improved like say what square's doing with ff3 etc.


prob get super mario RPG first-been dieing to play it for years!

then maybe goldeneye if it incorporates the revolution controller. dunno about the rest yet hmmmmm?!

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Well, I have many games in my wishlist.

To begin with, I'm gonna download Pokemon N64 Games. (Especially Pikachu Genki Dechou - Hey you Pikachu! *hopes for a microphone on Revo* Then, I would like to download all Zelda, I always wanted to play the whole seiries but want to play them actually (I mean not on PC). Then again I'll have the GameBoy seiries which is not able to be downloaded ftom REVO *sighs* or is it? I would also like to play the Castlevania seiries which I've heard they are really cool. (I was kinda young or even not have been bornt when Castlevania started). Then, I'll be downloading some "fun" games if you now what I mean.

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yeah great game and i still have it. but i think you should be able to play every level without having to complete it 3 different ways. obviously that would coincide a bit with the 'storyline' but i reckon lots of people must have missed the best levels of the game.

the aqua boat level is crap though

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Guest Gaminger

Hmmmm which games...


I Think:


Super Mario Kart

The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda: Adventure of Link

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


Super Metroid

Paper Mario

Mario Party 2 (I've only played 1 and 3)

F-Zero 64 (Don't know the real name)

Hey you Pikachu (...well i don't know much about this game but when i first heard about it it seemed interessting to me, thought it should be played with a microfon...don't know if it goes on Revolution).


I Think this are all


Some i've already played but i like to have on my Revolution sure will be:


Chrono Trigger

Super Smash Bros

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Banjo Kazooie

Banjo Tooie

Mario Kart 64

Super Mario 64

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