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X-Men Mafia II Game Thread


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I'm getting really pissed off now! All this "usual ese" and everything is so annoying. I I've not made a single claim against anyone all I have done is ask 2 people who they targetted. The fact that rummy still will not say who he targetted is what's confusing me.


I know Danny was your target and if you were not roleblocked there is no reason to not say who you ended up at!


Annnnnnnd chill. Rightio back to work :)

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I wondered about the 2 days thing ... 2 days have passed (we're at day 3 currently), but it seems more to suggest something will happen in 2 days from now. What, I have no idea. I'm also wondering if it's linked to the strange drawings - my guess is that it's just some narrative about the game actually being the imagination of a child, St Elsewhere style, but I'm unsure if it has any practical implications on the game itself.

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I'm getting really pissed off now! All this "usual ese" and everything is so annoying. I I've not made a single claim against anyone all I have done is ask 2 people who they targetted. The fact that rummy still will not say who he targetted is what's confusing me.


I know Danny was your target and if you were not roleblocked there is no reason to not say who you ended up at!


Annnnnnnd chill. Rightio back to work :)


I've addressed the point at least three times, and refuse to do so again. Your inability to read is not my problem.


And you certainly are being your usual self :p, you also still offer no explanation for how you can reverse track danny and find out that I didn't end up at him.

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Would be nice if all these people could like...talk a little more. Though I did see Peeps recently. ReZ made one post alluding something to chair, and I haven't really seen him since. Not seen chair either.


Regarding inactivity, I should point out that at the moment, with me having moved out and living by myself for the first time ever and starting uni soon and just generally experiencing a lot of changes in my life, the amount of attention I can give the mafia games is somewhat reduced. I shall of course still participate actively, but I just have a lot of other stuff on my mind, meaning I can't dedicate as much time and effort to them as I have done in the past.

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Maybe the armour is used by magneto as a protection? If Magneto is an evil character here then it may be reasonable to suggest that he is targetting other mafia such as their killer to ensure they are able to carry out their attack unhindered -- from physical attacks, one would presume.


Perhaps the armour means magneto can control that person as well, but it is tricky to say.


(Been quiet because I don't have much to go on at all. I may have forgotten to send in a target for night 2 too :P)

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My pm said you targetted Danny.... Or at least you tried to.


That's pajs words not mine. I don't know why it said that bit it did!


Your target was Danny though? Which'd make you a reverse tracker. Which'd make no sense cos how do you reverse track to find someone didn't make it to your target...


I think I trust Danny for now, more so that Ese, but tbh I don't think either is solid enough to warrant a lynch.

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Your target was Danny though? Which'd make you a reverse tracker. Which'd make no sense cos how do you reverse track to find someone didn't make it to your target...


I think I trust Danny for now, more so that Ese, but tbh I don't think either is solid enough to warrant a lynch.


Thanks. :) The thing with Ese's reverse tracking is that it doesn't make sense for him to lie about it or make such a mistake. His results seem genuine enough (if we take invisible redirectors into consideration), the only problem is the redirection, but is it impossible that Paj made it so that since redirections are apparently invisible to the targetted players, (reverse) trackers and are able to detect them?

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To go along with what Jay said, it's possible the armour is someone's power to protect that person from redirection or whatever. If the armour is placed on someone to control them into killing, it would be useful for it to also protect that person. Can any comic buffs think of anything similar in X-Men?

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The logical woman walked towards the diminutive figure to use her power beneficially, but her power wouldn’t work as she got close.










“Oh enough of that ‘Spiral†shit already!â€

The crystalline man surfs down the halls at breakneck speed, as his target does the same, blades swirling. Upon impact his opponent would surely shatter him completely, but they don’t get a chance, before a blast of ice renders them motionless. The crystalline man laughs and slides away.




In the nearby mess hall, there was a melee of sorts, though much of the combat was taking place on the astral plane. A girl is tricked into thinking her target is the woman using stolen mental abilities. A man circles overhead. Said mental abilities overpower an Asian woman in the room, whose own targets are no longer her own. The woman passing by is suddenly possessed, and changes her own course, green energy circling her as she runs. However, she trips over the diminutive figure clutching her dress, and when she tries to strike, she finds she can no longer call upon her abilities.




The Asian woman is observed by a leather-clad woman, who leaves, satisfied. Walking back to her quarters, she bumps into a different Asian woman.

“Shit!†shouts the leather-clad woman, leaping out of the way before the Asian woman, suddenly armoured, strikes with a focused fist. “You tried this before, sweetie – you failed! Tell whoever’s in charge you won’t have any luck getting rid of me!†laughed the leather-clad woman. She ran through the hallways, pushing others out of the way, as her attacker gave swift chase.


The leather-clad woman really didn’t know how she was going to get out of this a second time. She could talk all she liked, but without a plan…


“AGH!†came a cry from behind her. She turned and saw that her attacker had slipped on a patch of ice.

“Seriously? Again?†she smirked. “Well that’s lucky..or..unlucky…depends on how you look at it.â€, and with that she made her escape through the laundry chute. Her attacker, in a furious rage, lifted herself from the floor and sent out a vicious psychic attack. However, having lost precisely where her prey was after slipping, the attack landed on the nearest person. Bad luck. His crystalline head exploded, and thousands of sparkling shards of ice rained down on his killer. His killer now looked different and once more wondered why she keeps finding herself in horrific situations with no memory of how she got there.




Chairdriver is dead. He was a founding X-Man, Iceman.







The ship's instruments are struggling to work properly. They keep overheating.




Known to be aboard (15?)




The Peeps













Out the airlock (3?)






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The Asian woman is observed by a leather-clad woman, who leaves, satisfied. Walking back to her quarters, she bumps into a different Asian woman.

“Shit!” shouts the leather-clad woman, leaping out of the way before the Asian woman, suddenly armoured, strikes with a focused fist.


Just to clarify, is this the second Asian lass that she bumped into, or the one she was observing suddenly appeared?



Eitherway, a lot of girl on girl action.

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